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Gender and the Media

Code: 105797 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2503878 Sociocultural Gender Studies OB 2 1


Neus Molina Alfonso

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:

Other comments on languages

Catalan and Spanish use in the class indiscriminately


There are no special requirements in this course

Objectives and Contextualisation

The media is a key tool in transforming imaginaries and creating new social consciousness, but they are also a key tool in perpetuating sexist and discriminatory discourses. In order for the media to contribute to transforming society into a world that respects equality, diversity and non-discrimination, it is necessary to deconstruct current discourses and create new ones from feminisms.

Learning to decipher the implicit and explicit messages transmitted by the media, both traditional and through networks, is essential to be able to build new non-sexist or discriminatory imaginaries with a large part of the population.

It is necessary to recognize the absences and presences in the diversity of social reality to contribute to transforming sexist beliefs that we consider legitimate and that do nothing but perpetuate the roles of heteropatriarchal power and keep in otherness all those people who do not define themselves from the male subject located at the center of the discourses.

We want to promote a feminist critical look that allows us to decipher the messages that reproduce sexist stereotypes and roles and build new informative models that value social diversity.


The calendar detailed with the content of the different sessions will be presented on the day of presentacion of the subject. 


  • Analyse the main discursive phenomena related to the construction and expression of gender identities, taking into account the linguistic, social and pragmatic variation. 
  • Express correctly and in a non-sexist or homophobic manner both orally and in writing.
  • Formulate, argue and discuss your own and others' ideas in a respectful, critical and reasoned way.
  • Propose integrative speeches and communicative practices from the standpoint of gender equity in audiovisual media and in educational environments.
  • Students can apply the knowledge to their own work or vocation in a professional manner and have the powers generally demonstrated by preparing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of study.
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze oral interactions and written discourse with a gender perspective.
  2. Detect discriminatory stereotypes based on gender or sexual orientation in all types of communication products.
  3. Prepare an organized and correct speech, orally and in writing, in the corresponding language.
  4. Propose mechanisms to promote non-sexist uses of language.
  5. Question gender roles based on linguistic uses.
  6. Students can apply the knowledge to their own work or vocation in a professional manner and have the powers generally demonstrated by preparing and defending arguments and solving problems within their area of study.
  7. Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  8. Use non-sexist resources and alternatives in work spaces, education and coexistence.
  9. Use the specific technical vocabulary and own interpretation of the required disciplines.



1. General introduction to communication, journalistic genres

2. Women in the media: attendances and absences (number of students, positions ...)

3. What do we mean by feminist journalism?

4. Symbolic violence in the media

5. Where are the gender diversities in the media?

6. Non-sexist and inclusive language

7. The sexist representation of sexual violence: from victim to survivor

8. ¿Sex work or prostitution? How do we call myself and how do we talk about it?

9The trans question and the queer theory. An open discussion

10. Romantic love and its representation in the media

11. Feminicide: State crime

12. Feminicides in media discourses. Revictimation, Victimian violence, gas light and learned defense

13. Inter-sectionality, diversity and class in mass media

14. Cyberfeminism and activism in networks

15.Gender in Media Reception Studies

16. Recommendations for non-sexist information


The methodology of the subject is as follows:

1) Theoretical explanation of the basic and fundamental concepts of the subject.

2) They will be in charge of practical exercises, in group and individual, that will have to defend and argue in the classroom

3) They will be in charge of analysis and reflection on different topics worked on in the classroom

4) In different sessions, debates will be opened on the exercises carried out and it will be necessary to demonstrate the oral argumentative capacity of the topic.

In order to be able to carry out the exercises and debates in the classroom, it will be necessary to have read the recommended bibliography and to demonstrate the critical and analytical capacity made from the previous readings.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Theorical concepts explanations 45 1.8 2, 5
Type: Supervised      
Oral exposition in class (individual or in groups) of the exercises exposed in theoretical sessions 30 1.2 1, 3, 7, 8
Type: Autonomous      
Reading and researching information about the subjects of the programme 75 3 2, 4, 7, 6, 9


The evaluation system is as follows:

A) Writing of three texts analyzing the media treatment of three journalism pieces. 2,000 characters each text. It accounts for 30% of the final note.

B) Writes an argumentative text about one of the topics included in the program. 4,000 characters. It accounts for 45% of the final note.

C) Oral exposition in class of some of the exercises in charge and participation in the debates. It accounts for 25% of the final note.

In the case of second tuition, the student will be able to perform a single synthesis test consisting of an exam. The assignment grade will correspond to the summary assessment grade. 

Re-evaluation activities:

In the event that the practices have not been performed or failed, or the argumentative text has not been delivered or failed, the student will have two weeks to prepare the recovery work that is entrusted to him.

If the recovery is failed, a final examination of the issues set out in the programme will be required.

In case the tests cannot be done presentially, it will adapt its format (by keeping the weighting) to the possibilities offered by the UAB virtual tools. The duties, activities and participation in class will be performed through forums, wikis and/or exercise discussions through Teams, etc. The teacher will ensure that the student can access it or will provide him with alternative means, which are within his or her grasp.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Oral exposition in class about some analytical reports about media content 25 0 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 7
Writes an argumentative text (4,000 characters). It accounts for 45% of the final mark. 45 0 0 2, 3, 4, 5, 9
Writing of three texts analyzing the media treatment of three journalism pieces. (2.000 characters each text). It accounts for 30% of the final mark. 30 0 0 1, 3, 4, 6, 5, 9, 8


BENGOECHEA, Mercedes (2006) «Rompo tus miembros uno a uno» (Pablo Neruda). De la reificación a la destrucción en la iconografía literaria de la amada. Universidad de Alcalá

BEARD, Mary (2017) La veu i el poder de les dones. Dues conferències. Editorial ARCADIA.

BERNAL-TRIVIÑO, Ana. (2019) Hacia una comunicación feminista. Como informar e informarse sobre violencia machista, Barcelona, UOC

BODELÓN GONZÁLEZ, Encarna i ARCE BECERRA,Paula(2018) La reglamentación de la prostitución en los ayuntamientos: una técnica de ficticia seguridad ciudadana.

 Revista Crítica Penal y Poder número 15

BRAH, Avtar i Phoenix, Ann (2004) ¿No soy una mujer? Revisando la interseccionalidad publicat a Journal of International Women Studies

BUTLER, Judit (2007) El género en disputa. El feminismo y la subversión de la identidad. Barcelona, Paidós

CASTELLÓ BELDA, Remei i GIMENO BERBEGAL, Anna (2018) Manual d’estil per al tractament de la violència masclista i el llenguatge inclusiu en els mitjans de comunicació. Unió de Periodistes Valencians i Ajuntament de Castelló

CONSELL DE L’AUDIOVISUAL DE CATALUNYA. Recomanacions per als mitjans de comunicació (Com informar sobre les violències masclistes; el tractament de la comunitat mitjana; el tractament de les persones LGTBI i per una publicitat igualitària.  https://www.cac.cat/acords-recerca/recomanacions-als-mitjans

ESTEBAN, Mari Luz (2011) Crítica del pensamiento amoroso. Ed. Bellaterra

FAUSTO-STERLING, Anne (1998) Los cinco sexos a “Transexualidad, transgenerismo y cultura” José AntonioNieto (comp.) Editores: Talasa

FERNÁNDEZ, June (2016) 10 ingobernables. Historias de transgresión y rebeldía. Libros del K.O.

FERNÁNDEZ- FERNÁNDEZ, Daniel (2012) La Patologización del Deseo: apuntes críticos en torno a la coerción de la identidad y del placer. Psicología política. Volum 12

Fòrum d’entitats de persones usuàries de l’audiovisual (2013) Superar els estereotips en els mitjans de comunicació audiovisual

GALLEGO AYALA, Juana (2014) De reinas a ciudadanas. Medios de comunicación, ¿motor o rémora para la igualdad?  Barcelona. UOC

GALLEGO AYALA, Juana (2018) "Retos académicos y profesionales para una comunicación con perspectiva de género" en Género y Comunicación, Ameco, Madrid, pp. 27-55.

GÁMEZ, M. José y MASEDA, Rebeca (2018) Violence against Women in Spanish Culture. From Vulnerability to Accountability

GARCÍA, Violeta i MUNTANÉ, Isabel (2018) “Dones valentes. Guia per informar sobre les agressions sexuals” http://www.mastergenerecomunicacio.org/category/noticies/

GAYLE, Rubin (1986) “El trafico de mujeres. Notas sobre la economia política del sexo” Revista Nueva Antropologia. UNAM. México

HERRERA, Coral (2015) La construcción socio-cultural del amor romántico. Madrid: Fundamentos.

HEALY, Bernadine (1991) The Yentl Syndrome. The new England Journal of Medicine https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199107253250408

hooks, bell (1981) Ain't I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism, Boston: South End Press

hooks, bell (2000) Claridad: dar palabras al amor publicat a “All about Love” The Women’s Press, Londres

LAGARDE Y DE LOS RÍOS, Marcela (1996) ‘La perspectiva de género’, en Género y feminismo. Desarrollo humano y democracia, Ed. horas y HORAS

LAGARDE Y DE LOS RÍOS, Marcela (2012) El feminismo en mi vida. Hitos, claves y utopías. México DF: Inmujeres


LAGARDE Y DE LOS RÍOS, Marcela (2005)  El feminicidio, delito contra la humanidad en “Feminicidio, justicia y derecho” Congreso de la Unión, Cámara de Diputados. México

LLEDÓ CUNILL, Eulàlia Cambio lingüístico y prensa. Problemas, recursos y perspectivas. Editorial LAERTES

LLEDÓ CUNILL, Eulàlia (2005). L’espai de dones als diccionaris: silencis i presències. Eumo editorial

RADFORD, Jill i RUSELL, Diana (2006) Feminicido. La política del asesinato de las mujeres. UNAM. México

SOTO RODRÍGUEZ,  Mario Andrés (2014) La patologización de la transexualidad: contemplando posibilidades de resistir desde algunas construcciones identitarias de género no hegemónicas. Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe. Volum 11

TALPADE MOHANTY, Chandra (1988) Bajo los ojos de occidente. Academia feminista y discursos coloniales. Feminist Review, número 30

TASA-VINYALS, Elisabet, MORA-GIRAL, Marisol i RAICH-ESCURSELL, Rosa Maria (2015) Sesgo de género en medicina: concepto y estado de la cuestión. Cuadernos de Medicina psicosomática Número 113

VALLS-LLOBET, Carme (2019) La invisibilidad de las mujeres en la ciencia médica. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOaHzeZRFyw&feature=emb_logo

VALLS-LLOBET, Carme (2006) Mujeres invisibles. DEBOLSILLO

VALLS-LLOBET, Carme (2009) Mujeres, salud y poder. Cátedra editorial

VELÁZQUEZ VARGAS, Hena Carolina (coord.) (2011) Hacia la construcción de un periodismo no sexista. CIMAC y UNESCO

VVAA Recomanacions per El tractament de la prostitució i el tràfic d'éssers humans amb finalitat d'explotació sexuals als mitjans de comunicació. https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/dones/ca/el-tractament-de-la-prostitucio-i-el-trafic-dessers-humans-amb-finalitat-dexplotacio-sexuals-als

VVAA (2014) Indicadores de Género para Medios de Comunicación. Marco de indicadores para evaluar la sensibilidad en materia de genero en las operaciones y contenidos mediáticos. UNESCO

VV.AA. (2004). Otras inapropiables. Feminismos desde las fronteras. Madrid: Editorial Traficantes de Sueños: http://www.traficantes.net/libros/otras-inapropiables

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YELA, Carlos.(2003): La otra cara del amor: mitos, paradojas y problemas. Encuentros en Psicología Social, 1(2), 263-267.





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