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National and International Work Experience

Code: 103775 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year Semester
2502904 Hotel Management OT 4 2


Gemma Sagué Pla

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:

Other comments on languages

Some sessions will be given in English according to the profiles of the attendees or professionals attending the session. Spanish can be occasionally used as a second language, in case of foreign students attending specific understanding needs.

External teachers

Es comptarà amb la col·laboració d'altres professionals de la indústria per inspirar als alumnes en la definició del seu objectiu professional.


An optional subject in the framework of the coaching support offered throughout the grade to facilitate the design of the student's career objective. The Pràctiques Externes subject must be passed to request enrollment.



Objectives and Contextualisation

  1. To approach the student to the real labour market situation of the sector.

  2. To broaden and apply the theoretical knowledge on the various topics covered during the degree.

  3. To get the experience and the knowledge from a real professional environment.

  4. To facilitate the development of professional skills including team playing, managing emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, creativity and innovation, verbal and writing communication, etc.

  5. To cover all the requirements of the practical program set within the degree.


  • Apply knowledge in practice
  • Be able to search efficiently for the necessary information.
  • Be able to self-evaluate knowledge acquired.
  • Combine knowledge and skills to carry out the functions of work in hotel and catering companies with professional criteria.
  • Demonstrate a business vision, identify clients' needs and progress towards possible changes in environment.
  • Demonstrate an orientation and culture of customer service.
  • Demonstrate ethical behaviour is social relations and the ability to adapt to different intercultural situations.
  • Demonstrate leadership abilities in the management of human resources in hotel and catering companies.
  • Demonstrate responsible behaviour towards the environmental, social and cultural surroundings.
  • Develop a capacity for independent learning.
  • Manage and organise time.
  • Manage communication techniques at all levels.
  • Plan and manage activities based on quality and sustainability.
  • Plan, organise and coordinate work teams creating synergies and knowing how to put yourself in the place of others when negotiating and managing conflicts.
  • Take decision in situations of uncertainty, solve problems and be able to evaluate and forecast the consequences of them in the short-, medium- and long term, especially the most immediate ones.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply knowledge in practice.
  2. Be able to search efficiently for the necessary information.
  3. Be able to self-evaluate knowledge acquired.
  4. Combine knowledge and skills to carry out the workplace functions in the hotel and catering sector in a professional manner.
  5. Demonstrate a business vision, identify clients' needs and progress towards possible changes in environment.
  6. Demonstrate an orientation and culture of customer service.
  7. Demonstrate ethical behaviour is social relations and the ability to adapt to different intercultural situations.
  8. Demonstrate leadership abilities in the management of human resources in hotel and catering companies.
  9. Demonstrate responsible behaviour towards the environmental, social and cultural surroundings.
  10. Develop a capacity for independent learning.
  11. Manage and organise time.
  12. Manage communication techniques at all levels.
  13. Plan and manage activities based on quality and sustainability.
  14. Plan, organise and coordinate work teams creating synergies and knowing how to put yourself in the place of others when negotiating and managing conflicts.
  15. Take decision in situations of uncertainty, solve problems and be able to evaluate and forecast the consequences of them in the short-, medium- and long term, especially the most immediate ones.


The practical training consists of 250 hours internship in a company within the hospitality industry either from a national or internatrional scope. The content of this subject includes the internship period (250h), the completion of the memorandum report and the attendance to the workshop, other events and activities organized during the year (50h) with the aim to assess the student on his/her career objectives.

It pursues the student to get to know the organization, operations, and management basics within the hospitality and catering industry. All areas of the business are considered: from guest services, management of departaments back of the house. and/or the operations and/or promotion of a specific product. If needed, the EUTDH will offer a wide range of partner companies that cooperate with us for the students to achieve their goals. To this extend, we highlight the Workshop-Trobada Empreses-Escola that takes place in February every year, amongst the activities and events that the student must attend in order to pass the subject.

As we do in the previous academic course (Pràctiques Externes), with a view to promoting our students' development of their manageurial skills, we also encourage them to act as consultants and develop an intrapreneurship project in any of the organizations where they perform their internship. In case of interest to further develop as consultants in the field, we foster internal synergies with other subjects so that the student has the appropriate resources within the academic program to develop his/her project management skills (i.e: Bachelor's Degree Final Project, Business Start-Up and Innovation, Management of Operations, Quality and Environment, Hotel Management, etc.).


The course will be taught using three different teaching methodologies:

a)    Learning by doing – practical training at a professional environment, duly monitored and tutored by an expert on the professional field.

b)    Self-assessment and self-analysis tasks encouraged and supported by the University tutor/s (in case of synergies with other subjects) during the development period of the internship or consulting / intrapreneurship project.

c)    Autonomous or group work after being in contact with industry professionals to better understand the business operations and the professional profiles that better match each role and type of company.

Additionally, the student will have to adapt to the company culture and values, its internal regulations, policies and procedures as well as to consider the tutor instructions and the EUTDH main rules. 

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Authorized secondment in the company: to join a company or business operating at the tourism sector and learn from doing. 250 10 1, 8, 6, 9, 7, 5, 10, 12, 11, 4, 13, 14, 15, 3, 2
Type: Supervised      
Calendar of varied activities and orientation, coaching and assessment in-class sessions to design the student's professional objective and to support the job search. 10 0.4 10, 12, 4, 3, 2
Tutor sessions 10 0.4 12, 11, 4, 15
Type: Autonomous      
Internship Memorandum report 10 0.4 1, 6, 9, 7, 5, 10, 12, 11, 4, 13, 3, 2


The assessment will include:

a)    The company tutor assessment of the student’s performance which will include a validation of specific skills required in the workplace (i.e: time management, communication, emotional intelligence, assertiveness, team work, conflict resolution, work under pressure, creativity, proactivity, etc.).

b)    The Internship Memorandum elaborated by the student or the project presentation graded by the commissioner -50%- and the University tutor -50%- (only in case of consulting or intrapreneurship project development internships).  This is important to note here that in some cases the consultancy project may be linked to other subjects related to entrepreneurship where the student is enrolled in. In that later case, the project should normally be assessed and tutored by a University professor during the development period.

c)    The ongoing assessment and evaluation of the student performance considers the attendance to classroom sessions and workshops, such as the opening session of the subject, group dynamics and tasks, inspirational and coaching sessions with the academic tutor and any other events organized by the EUTDH (i.e. Workshop-Trobada Empreses-Escola).

Continuous assessment based on the monitoring of the internship stay by the EUTDH tutor together with the company tutor.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Attendance and participation 10% 10 0.4 9, 7, 10, 12, 11, 13, 14, 2
Company tutor evaluation 40% 5 0.2 1, 8, 6, 9, 7, 5, 10, 12, 11, 4, 13, 14, 15, 3, 2
Memorandum report or Intra-empreneurship project 50% 5 0.2 1, 6, 9, 7, 5, 10, 12, 11, 4, 13, 15, 3, 2


  • Wattkinson, M. (Feb. 2013): The ten principles behind customer experiences (Anglès). 
  • Kinni, T. (Versió revisada 2011, Panorama): Disney y el arte del servicio al cliente.
  • Curtin, S. (Jul. 2012): Delight Your Customers: 7 Simple Ways to Raise Your Customer Service from Ordinary to Extraordinary (Anglès)
  • Michelli J. (Jul. 2008): The New Gold Standard: 5 Leadership Principles for Creating a Legendary Customer Experience Courtesy of the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company (Anglès)

Additional learning materials in digital formal, as well as links to websites, will be provided via the Virtual



There will be no specific programs required to follow the subject, other than the usual programs necessary to follow the courses throughout the Degree: Moodle and Microsoft Office Package.