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Initiation to interpreting

Code: 101438 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500249 Translation and Interpreting OB 3 0


Teresa Perramon Llado

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Maria Guiomar Stampa Garcia-Ormaechea
Aitor Martínez Bastidas
Maria Elizabeth Pearce
Anna Suades Vall
Laia Llinàs Bertran
Susagna Guardiola Criach
Maria Pilar Garca Crecente
Teresa Perramon Llado


To take this subject, students must be able to:

-          Demonstrate advanced grammar knowledge to translate and interpret in the A language.

-          Understand a range of complex texts with variation problems in their A language.

Understand diverse types of oral texts on general topics and familiar subject areas.
 [MCER C1.3.]

Produce oral texts on general topics and familiar subject areas.
[MECR  C1.1]

Language levels required-A language Catalan/Spanish: native. 

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the different types of interpreting and their practice, as well as to strategies and skills specific to interpreting, working in their mother tongue.

Furthermore, this course is intended to give students guidance in developing their skills and interest in carrying out studies specialising in interpreting.

On successfully completing this subject, students will be able to:

 -        Demonstrate knowledge of the types and contexts of interpreting.

-          Demonstrate knowledge of the practical and professional aspects of interpreting.

-          Apply basic skills and strategies of oral expression in their mother tongue as a foundation for interpreting.


  • Applying topic-based knowledge in order to interpret.
  • Mastering the main methodological principles of translation. 
  • Mastering the methodological principles of interpretation.
  • Mastering the professional aspects of interpretation.
  • Producing oral texts in a foreign language in order to interpret.
  • Producing oral texts in language A in order to interpret.
  • Solving problems related to consecutive interpretation.
  • Understanding oral texts in language A in order to interpret.
  • Using documentation resources in order to interpret.
  • Using technological resources in order to interpret.
  • Using terminological resources in order to interpret.
  • Working effectively in teams.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Applying lexical, morphosyntactic, textual, rhetorical and linguistic variation related knowledge: Applying phonological, lexical, morphosyntactic, textual, rhetorical and linguistic variation related knowledge.
  2. Applying technological resources of collection, preparation and analysis of information in order to interpret: Applying technological resources of collection, preparation and analysis of information in order to interpret.
  3. Applying the documentation resources in order to solve interpretation problems: Applying the documentation resources in order to solve interpretation problems.
  4. Formulating the appropriate informative needs in order to interpret: Formulating the appropriate informative needs in order to interpret.
  5. Identifying and applying the methodological and formal standards of the terminological work in order to interpret: Using the generic (search engines, document management tools) and specific tools (term bases management) of the terminological work in order to interpret.
  6. Identifying the interpretation as an act of communication that is addressed to a recipient: Identifying the interpretation as an act of communication that is addressed to a recipient.
  7. Identifying the need to mobilise topic-based knowledge in order to interpret: Identifying the need to mobilise topic-based knowledge in order to interpret.
  8. Identifying the specific translation problems of consecutive interpretation: Identifying the specific translation problems of consecutive interpretation.
  9. Identifying the textual and dynamic nature of the translation equivalence: Identifying the textual and dynamic nature of the translation equivalence.
  10. Implementing strategies in order to produce verbal texts from different fields and with specific communicative purposes: Implementing strategies in order to produce verbal texts from different fields with specific communicative purposes.
  11. Implementing strategies to acquire topic-based knowledge in order to interpret: Implementing strategies to acquire topic-based knowledge in order to interpret.
  12. Producing verbal texts from different fields and with specific communicative purposes: Producing verbal texts from different fields and with specific communicative purposes.
  13. Producing verbal texts that are appropriate to their context and possess linguistic correctness: Producing verbal texts that are appropriate to their context and possess linguistic correctness.
  14. Students must demonstrate they know the different interpretation methods: Students must demonstrate they know the different interpretation methods.
  15. Students must demonstrate they know the functioning of the interpretation labour market: Students must demonstrate they know the functioning of the interpretation labour market.
  16. Students must demonstrate they know the phases of the translation process: Students must demonstrate they know the phases of the translation process.
  17. Successfully interrogating the documentation sources in order to interpret: Successfully interrogating the documentation sources in order to interpret.
  18. Using the appropriate strategies and techniques in order to solve problems related to consecutive interpretation: Using the appropriate strategies and techniques in order to solve problems related to consecutive interpretation.
  19. Working effectively in teams: Working effectively in teams.


  • Introduction to interpreting. Distinctive and specific features of interpreting
  • Professional profiles (official in an international body, freelance interpreter), types of interpreting (both-ways or liaison, consecutive, simultaneous and whispering), and job skills
  • Spontaneous and non-spontaneous speech in the following fields:
    • Current affairs (social, political, economic and cultural)
    • Judicial area
    • Politics
    • Formal/ceremony
    • Science and technology
  • Methodological principles of interpreting:
    • Analytical, selective and  focused listening
    • Mind maps
    • Short term memory
    • Analysis and structure of speech
    • Consistency of speech
    • Context and anticipation
    • Reformulation
    • Synthesis
    • Introduction to note-taking
    • Unpredictability
  • Public speaking: speaking and communication techniques
  • Linguistic accuracy of speech:
           - Voice: control, diction, intonation (rhythm and fluency), register.
           - Stress management.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         - Proper use of the booth and the recording system 


This course will be taught using the following training activities:

  • Cooperative learning methods
  • Problem-solving
  • Exercises
  • Task assignment
  • Case study
  • Individual and group presentations.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Exercises for analysing semantic relationships between clauses in oral speech 10 0.4
Learning the basics of note-taking and building a customised system 10 0.4 8, 18
Memory exercises 10 0.4 10
Mind maps and structure of speech 5 0.2 4
Presentation of the interpreter's profession 3.5 0.14 15, 14
Rewording/reformulation exercises 10 0.4 10, 13
Supervised analytical listening exercises 4 0.16
Type: Supervised      
Critical reading 10 0.4 3, 7, 17
Developing a glossary 5 0.2 5
Documentation searches 10 0.4 2, 5
Preparation of speeches in A language 10 0.4 10, 6, 13
Selection of ideas from the documents found 7.5 0.3 4
Use of rhetorical procedures 5 0.2 11, 10, 7
Type: Autonomous      
Information searches 15 0.6 4, 6, 17
Note-taking practice 15 0.6 8, 18
Preparation of speeches 15 0.6 10, 6, 13



Assessment is continuous. Students must provide evidence of their progress by completing various tasks and tests. Tasks and tests deadlines will be indicated in the course schedule on the first day of class. The information on assessment activities and their weighting is a guide. The subject's lecturer will provide full information when teaching begins.


When publishing final marks prior to recording them on students' transcripts, the lecturer will provide written notification of a date and time for reviewing assessment activities. Students must arrange reviews in agreement with the lecturer.

Missed/failed assessment activities

Students may retake assessment activities they have failed or compensate for any they have missed, provided that those they have actually performed account for a minimum of 66.6% (two thirds) of the subject's final mark and that they have a weighted average mark of at least 3.5.

The lecturer will inform students of the procedure involved, in writing, when publishing final marks prior to recording them on transcripts. The lecturer may set one assignment per failed or missed assessment activity or a single assignment to cover a number of such activities. Under no circumstances may an assessment activity worth 100% of the final mark be retaken or compensated for.


In case of retaking, maximum grade will be 5 (Pass).


Classification as "not assessable"

In the event of the assessment activities a student has performed accounting for just 25% or less of the subject's final mark, their work will be classified as "not assessable" on their transcript.

Misconduct in assessment activities

Students who engage in misconduct (plagiarism, copying, personation, etc.) in an assessment activity will receive a mark of “0” for the activity in question. In the case of misconduct in more than one assessment activity, the student involved will be given a final mark of “0” for the subject. Assessment activities in which irregularities have occurred (e.g. plagiarism, copying, impersonation) are excluded from recovery.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Final interpreting test 40 1 0.04 1, 3, 2, 11, 10, 15, 14, 16, 4, 9, 8, 5, 6, 7, 17, 13, 12, 18
Log book project 15 1 0.04 1, 3, 2, 11, 10, 15, 14, 16, 4, 9, 8, 5, 6, 7, 17, 13, 12, 18
Oral presentation-Debate 30 1 0.04 1, 3, 2, 11, 10, 15, 14, 16, 4, 9, 8, 5, 6, 7, 17, 13, 12, 19, 18
Written documentation-Debate 15 2 0.08 1, 3, 2, 11, 10, 15, 14, 16, 4, 9, 8, 5, 6, 7, 17, 13, 12, 18




Baigorri, J. (dir), Alonso, I., Canas, R. et alia, Materiales didácticos para interpretación en el ámbito social (alemán, francés, inglés e italiano). DVD + cuadernillo de presentación. 2011.

[Location at UAB:: https://cataleg.uab.cat/iii/encore/record/C__Rb2035090?lang=cat]


Briz, Antonio (coord.): Saber hablar. Madrid, Instituto Cervantes, Aguilar,2008

[Location at UAB: https://cataleg.uab.cat/iii/encore/record/C__Rb1742985?lang=cat]


Collados Ais, Ángela (ed): Manual de interpretación bilateral. Granada, Ed. Comares, 2001.


Gillies, Andrew: Note-Taking for Consecutive Interpreting. Manchester, UK & Northampton MA, St. Jerome Publishing, 2005

[Electronic resource at UAB: https://cataleg.uab.cat/iii/encore/record/C__Rb1979589?lang=cat]


Jiménez Ivars, Amparo: “La traducción a la vista. Un análisis descriptivo” (tesi doctoral), Castelló, Universitat Jaume 1, 1999

[Available online: https://www.tdx.cat/bitstream/handle/10803/10564/jimenez-tdx.pdf?sequence=1&origin=publication_detail]


Jiménez Ivars, Amparo: Primeros pasos hacia la interpretación inglés-español. Edelsa, 2012.

[Location at UAB: https://cataleg.uab.cat/iii/encore/record/C__Rb1949067?lang=cat]


Jones, Roderick: Conference interpreting explained. Translation Theories Explained. Manchester, St. Jerome Publishing,1998

[Location at UAB: https://cataleg.uab.cat/iii/encore/record/C__Rb1411017?lang=cat]


Phelan, Mary: The Interpreter’s Resource. Clevedon; Buffalo; Toronto; Sydney: Multilingual Matters, 2001

[Electronic resource at UAB: https://cataleg.uab.cat/iii/encore/record/C__Rb1802278?lang=cat]


Pöchhacker, Franz: Introducing Interpreting Studies. Londres; Nova York, 2004

[Relectronic resource at UAB: https://cataleg.uab.cat/iii/encore/record/C__Rb2064794?lang=cat]


Pöchhacker, Franz i Schlesinger, Miriam (ed). Doing Justice to Court Interpreting. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2010

[Location at UAB: https://cataleg.uab.cat/iii/encore/record/C__Rb1821227?lang=cat]


Rozan, Jean-François: La prise de notes en interprétation consécutive. Ginebra, Université de Genève,1979

[Available online: https://kupdf.net/download/j-f-rozan-la-prise-de-notes-en-interpretation-consecutive_59c126d508bbc51717686fd4_pdf]


Seleskovitch, Daniça: Langages, langues et mémoire: étudedela prise de notes en interprétation consécutive. Paris, Lettres Modernes: Minard, 1975

[Location at UAB: https://cataleg.uab.cat/iii/encore/record/C__Rb1949062?lang=cat]


Ugarte i Ballester, Xus: La pràctica de la interpretació anglès-català. Vic, EUMO Editorial, 2010

[Location at UAB: https://cataleg.uab.cat/iii/encore/record/C__Rb1801789?lang=cat]


Valero Garcés, Carmen: Investigación y práctica en traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos: desafios y alianzas (DVD). Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, 2008

[Location at UAB: https://cataleg.uab.cat/iii/encore/record/C__Rb1797585?lang=cat]


Other resources

 “Advice for students wishing to become conference interpreters” http://www.aiic.net/ViewPage.cfm/article25

 Red Comunica – Observatorio permanente sobre traducción e interpretación en los servicios públicos en España: http://red-comunica.blogspot.com/

 Grup de Recerca Miras: Mediació i Interpretació, Recerca en l´Àmbit Social – Departament de Traducció i d´Interpretació UAB: https://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/miras/


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