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Introduction to Archaeology

Code: 100720 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500241 Archaeology FB 1 1
2503702 Ancient Studies FB 1 1


Francesc Xavier Busquets Costa

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Francesc Xavier Busquets Costa
Esther Rodrigo Requena


No prerequisites are required to enroll

Objectives and Contextualisation

The objectives of the first year (with 60 compulsory basic education credits) are to provide the student with basic training in archeology, history and other social disciplines, and familiarize themselves with historical-archaeological matters that will be developed in later courses. Thus, half of the credits correspond to the subject History, which is composed of the subject Introduction to Archeology, and a subject for each one of the great historical periods (Prehistory, Ancient History, Medieval History, and Modern History i Contemporaria). The remaining 30 credits correspond to subjects of a social nature that must complement the archeology's literary education such as art, philosophy, anthropology and language. Therefore, while from the subject History begins to the student in the two big blocks of knowledge that compose the degree - those of historical type and those of methodological type -, it is exclusively Introduction to the Archeology that has the responsibility Provide solid foundations on which methodological knowledge must be built throughout the degree. With this objective and with which to provide a panoramic view of the discipline, it is composed of brushstrokes of very diverse subjects and contains excavation practices.
Specifically, the training objectives of the subject are: 
1) To provide students with a panoramic view of archeology and the process that involves an archaeological research project.
In this sense, mainly, it is intended that the student: 
- Become familiar with the concept of scientific archeology and with the information that can contribute to the analysis and interpretation of the archaeological remains
- reflect on the social importance of archaeological heritage.
- acquire notions about the main methods of archaeological research
2) Thatthe student knows and applies the essential methodology to develop a bibliographic research work (eg bibliographic research, structure, formal aspects, etc.).
3) That the student acquires essential practical knowledge of excavation. 
4) That the student acquires first knowledge about different deposits of Catalonia.


  • Contextualizing and analysing historical processes.
  • Students must be capable of collecting and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make statements that reflect social, scientific or ethic relevant issues.
  • Students must have and understand knowledge of an area of study built on the basis of general secondary education, and while it relies on some advanced textbooks it also includes some aspects coming from the forefront of its field of study.
    Ancient Studies
  • Apply the main methods, techniques and instruments of historical analysis.
  • Demonstrate the basic skills needed to participate in an archaeological excavation and be able to interpret its findings.
  • Students must have and understand knowledge of an area of study built on the basis of general secondary education, and while it relies on some advanced textbooks it also includes some aspects coming from the forefront of its field of study.
  • Understand and interpret the evolution of ancient societies in the Mediterranean – from Egyptian civilisation to the disbanding of Western imperial Rome – through analysis of the political, historical, social, economic and linguistic factors.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Identifying the context of the historical processes.
  2. Identifying the specific methods of history and their relationship with the analysis of particular facts.
  3. Interpret material sources and the archaeological register.
  4. Interpreting material sources and the archaeological record.
  5. Mastering the Universal Ancient History.
  6. Mastering the general diachronic structure of the past.
  7. Mastering the processes of change produced in Prehistory.
  8. Organise and plan the search for historical and archaeological information.
  9. Using computing resources of the area of study of history.


Programming of the subject - Introduction to archeology
September-December 2020-January 2021 
Presentation of the subject
The Concept of archeology and its evolution throughout history
The current concept of archeology
Evolution of the current concept of archeology
New schools of archaeological thinking
The detection of an archaeological site: documentation and prospection
Occasional finds
Bibliographic documentation
Aerial recognition and remote sensing
Superficial prospection of a territory
Geophysical survey and other prospecting methods
Prospection project - student work
Preparation of the work and preparation of the presentation
The archaeological excavation
The archeological excavation as a method to reconstruct the history of the deposits
Methods of archaeological excavation
Basic principles of archaeological stratigraphy
Individualization and excavation of stratigraphic units
The documentation of the excavation: recording of the site and databases
The reconstruction and dating of the stratigraphic sequence
                                          i. The concept of relative and absolute chronology
                                        ii. Thestratigraphic relationships and the Harris method
                                        iii. Ceramics and other dating elements as a fossil director of stratigraphy
Scientific methods of absolute dating
Types of materials
Methods based on annual cycles: dendrochronology, varves
Radioactive systems:
                                          i. The Carbon 14
                                         ii. The Thermoluminescence
Relative calibrated methods: archeomagnetism or rehydroxylation
Material culture -
Type of material - preservation conditions
Samples of soils, paleofaunes and paleobotany 
The Interpretation of Archaeological Evidence
The diet Alimentaria
The religious sphere, ritual, ideology ...
Teaching and dissemination of heritage
Archeology in Catalonia today: legislation and the world of work
Legislation and the world of work 
Underwater archeology
Historical introduction
Types of underwater deposits
Information that subaquatic archeology can provide
Documentation and prospecting
Underwater excavation tasks
Conservation of materials 
The conservation ofarchaeological sites and the social importance of archeology
Public archeology








Actividades en el aula:

- clase magistral

- ejercicios prácticos: de introducción y / o revisión de las unidades docentes y de aplicación de los conceptos teóricos a la práctica.

- lectura de artículos de prensa con el subsiguiente debate

- vídeos

- 2 trabajos en grupo sobre casos de estudio y exposiciones orales de estos trabajos. 

34h 30’

- Utilitzar els principals mètodes o tècniques en la investigació arqueològica

- Adquirir habilitats per al treball en equip

- Adquirir habilitats per debatre a partir del coneixement especialitzat



Conceptes teòrics i aplicació pràctica d’aquest conceptes :

-Introducció al jaciment

- Topografia arqueològica

- Documentació d’excavació

- Tractament i classificació de materials arqueològics.


- Desenvolupar unes primeres habilitats respecte als diferents processos que comporta l’excavació arqueològica.








- Desenvolupar unes primeres habilitats pel que fa a detectar i excavar les unitats estratigràfiques arqueològiques.


Visita a un jaciment arqueològic: Torre Llauder


- Adquirir coneixements sobre les possibilitats de la difusió arqueològica a partir d’un exemple de jaciment significatiu







Exercicis i treball de recerca bibliogràfica

48 h

- Posar en pràctica diferents estratègies de recerca bibliogràfica i  aprofitar els recursos de la UAB (com les bases de dades).


- Saber presentar una recerca ben estructurada (introducció, diverses seccions, conclusions) i tractar correctament els aspectes formals (com les citacions bibliogràfiques i les notes).


- Desenvolupar esperit crític i capacitat de síntesi.




Pràctiques de camp d’excavació: sortida a Torre Llauder i anàlisis de secció

4h 30’

Conèixer el funcionament del procés


Estudi i lectura sobre la matèria impartida a classe

22 h 30’

Consolidar coneixements

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Classroom activities 34.5 1.38 3
Field trips 20.5 0.82 3
Type: Supervised      
Identification and differentiation of an archaeological stratigraphy 5 0.2 6, 3, 8
Visit to an archaeological site 5 0.2 3
Type: Autonomous      
Exercises and bibliographical research work 38 1.52 6, 2, 3, 8
Study and reading about the matter taught in class 22 0.88 6, 2, 3, 8


Evaluation indicators:
1. Theoretical test (60%).
 There will be two partial examinations to evaluate the theory
Evaluation system:
The concepts taught in class will be evaluated based on a topic-based question - of analysis and synthesis and, optionally, also of critical reflection - to choose between two options.
Competencies to demonstrate to obtain optimal evaluation results:
A correct assimilation of the knowledge taught in class and its deepening, as a minimum, from one of the bibliographical citations of the basic bibliography for each teaching unit. In case you have not used bibliography to deepen the concepts you will have the option to approve but not to the qualifications of remarkable or excellent.
- Analyze and synthesize information, distinguishing the importance of high school.
- Develop a critical thinking and reasoning.
- Be able to communicate appropriately the acquired knowledge. Write with grammar correction and use appropriate vocabulary and academic style, as well as a specific technical vocabulary and interpretation.
- Master the necessary languages to be able to deepen the class contents with the appropriate bibliography.
- Have developed autonomous learning abilities to deepen the classroom content with the appropriate bibliography.
2. Exercises and bibliographical research work (20%).
Competencies to demonstrate to obtain optimal evaluation results:
- Be able to develop a formally correct research work both in terms of structure and references and bibliographical citations.
- Demonstrate a correct assimilation of the exposed contents.
- Analyze and synthesize information, distinguishing the importance of high school.
- Develop a critical thinking and reasoning.
- Write with grammar correction and use appropriate vocabulary and academic style, as well as a specific technical vocabulary and interpretation.
- Search, select and manage information independently, both in structural sources (databases, bibliographies, specialized journals) and in information distributed on the network.
- Use basic computer tools (such as word processors or databases).
- Skills for team work: commitment with the team, collaboration habit and ability to incorporate in the resolution of problems.
- Have developed autonomous learning abilities. 
3. Case studies and corresponding oral presentations (20%).
Competencies to be demonstrated for the obtaining of optimal evaluation results:
- Respond to all questions raised in the reference scripts of the activities.
- Demonstrate a correct assimilation of the exposed contents.
- Ability to connect theoretical contents with archaeological practice.
- Make clear oral presentations, structured, didactic, and use appropriate vocabulary and academic style.
- Analyze and synthesize information, distinguishing the importance of high school.
- Develop a critical thinking and reasoning.
- Search, select and manage information independently, both in structural sources (databases, bibliographies, specialized journals) and in information distributed on the network.
- Use basic computer tools (such as the Power Point).
- Skills for team work: commitment with the team, collaboration habit and ability to incorporate in the resolution of problems.
- Ability to debate based on specialized knowledge acquired.
- Master the necessary languages to be able to carry out the relevant readings.
- Have developed autonomous learning abilities. 
Competencies to demonstrate to obtain optimal evaluation results:
-Demonstrate that they have been gaining knowledge of archaeological stratigraphy, excavation documentation, and treatment and classification of materials.
- Skills for team work: commitment with the team, collaboration habit and ability to incorporate in the resolution of problems.
- Dynamism.
- Responsibility.
- Constance. 
Evaluation conditions:
- There will be a single call.
- Not performing 10% or more of the evaluation activities will involve a non-presented.
- If the mark of 50% or more of the assessment activities is less than 4 out of 10, there will be no average between the different activities and the subject will not be approved.
- The delayed delivery of the assessment activities without having previously agreed with the teaching staff will be reduced by 10% of the mark for each day of delay.
Conditions for re-evaluation
• They must have been submitted to all the tests that appear in the teaching guide of the subject of the current year.
Revaluation calendar
The dates of the reassessment exams are determined by the faculty. It is the responsibility of each one to know the date that corresponds to do the re-evaluation of the your subject

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Case studies and corresponding oral presentations 20 1 0.04 6, 1, 3, 8, 9
Exercises and bibliographical research work 20 20 0.8 6, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9
Theoric exam 60 4 0.16 7, 6, 5, 1, 2, 4, 3, 8


General bibliography 
Álvarez Pérez, A .; Rodà, I. eds. (1992): Sciences, methodologies and techniques applied to archeology. Barcelona etc .: Caja de Pensiones Foundation, etc. 
Domingo, I .; Burke, H .; Smith, C. (2007): Field Manual of the archaeologist. Barcelona: Ariel. 
Fernandez, V. (1994): Theory and method of archeology. 1 ed. 1990. Madrid: Editorial Synthesis.
Greene, K. (2004): Archeology: an introduction. 1st and 1983. London and New York: Routledge.
Ramos, R. (1987): Archeology. Methods and techniques. 1st ed. 1977. Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra.
Renfrew, C.; Bahn, P. (2007): Archeology. Theories, Methods and practice. 1st ed. 1993. Madrid: Akal.
Topic 1. The concept of archeology and its evolution throughout history.
Bahn, P. G. (1996): The Cambridge illustrated history of archeology. Cambridge etc. Cambridge University Press.
Daniel, G. E. (1981): A Short History of Archeology. London: Thames and Hudson.
Gamble, C. (2002): Basic Archeology. Barcelona: Ariel.
Pallottino, M. (1980): Who is the archeology. Florence: Sansoni.
Schnapp, A. (1993): La Conquête du passé: aux origins of archeology. Paris: Carre.
Trigger, B. G. (1992): History of archaeological thinking. Barcelona: Criticism.
Topic 2. Archeology in Catalonia today: archeological legislation and the world of work and Theme 3. The conservation of archaeological sites and the social importance of archeology.
Queral, M.A .; Martínez, B. (1996): The management of the archaeological heritage in Spain. Madrid: Editorial Alliance.
Topic 4. The detection of archaeological sites: documentation and prospection.
Bowden, M. (1999): Unravelling the landscape. An Inquisitive Approach to Archeology. Stroud: Tempus.   
Dabas, M ... and others. (1998): The prospection.Collection "Archéologiques". Paris: Editions errance.          
García Sanjuán, L. (2005): Introducción al Reconocimiento y Análisis Arqueológico del Territorio. Barcelona: Ariel.          
Wiseman, J., El-Baz, F. (2007): Remote Sensing in Archeology (Interdisciplinary contributions to archeology). New York: Springer Sicence and Bussines Media.
Aerial acknowledgments:
Wilson, D.R. (2000): Air Photo Interpretation for Archeologists. 1st ed.1982. Stroud: Tempus.
Surface Prospection:
White, G .; King, T. (2006): The Archaeological Survey Manual. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press Inc.
Geophysical survey: 
Clark, A. (2004): Seing Beneath the Soil. Prospecting methods in archeology. 1st ed.1990. New York: Routledge.
Topic 5. The stratigraphic excavation.
Carandini, A. .. (1997): Historias en la tierra. Archaeological excavation manual. 1st ed. 1981. Barcelona: Editorial Crítica. Barcelona.
Harris, E. (1991): Principles of archaeological stratigraphy. 1st ed. 1989. Barcelona: Critical Editorial.
Roskams, S. (2003): Theory and practice of excavation. Barcelona: Criticism.
Topic 6. Scientific methods of absolute dating.
Aitken, M..J. (1990): Science-based dating in archeology. London and New York: Logman.
Aitken, M.J. Ed. (1997): Chronometric dating in archeology. Series Advances in archeology and museum science, 2. New York and London: Plenum Press.
Barrandon, J-N. ; Guibert, P.; Michel, V. Eds. (2001): Rencontres internationales d'archéologie et d'histoire d'Antibes (21st: 2000: Antibes). Datation: events from meetings, 19-20-21 October 2000. Antibes: APDCA.
Langouet, L.; Giot, P.R. (1992): The Datation du passe: the measure of time in archeology. Supérieure de la Revue d'Archéometrie. Rennes: G.M.P.C.A., 1992
Topic 7. The work of bibliographic research.
Catalan Language Office of the UAB (1995): References and bibliographical citations, notes and indexes. Bellaterra (Barcelona): Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.


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