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Idea and Project in Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation

Code: 44431 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year Semester
4317522 Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation OB 0 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


David Urbano

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
spanish (spa)


Miquel Domènech Argemí
José Luis Molina González
Luis Rodríguez Salgado
Anna Fajula Payet
Hugo Valenzuela García
Guillem Perdrix Vidal
Andreu Turró Sol


This module is only available to Master’s students in Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The main objective of this module is to give the tools that allow us to move from the generation of ideas to the realization of social entrepreneurship projects, likely to be carried out through the development of viable and socially sustainable business models. At the same time, entrepreneurial attitudes are worked from a social perspective, contextualizing them in the knowledge society and new technologies. Social entrepreneurship and “intercooperation” networks are also analyzed.


  • Develop entrepreneurial attitudes and apply innovative ideas to the solving of social problems.
  • Evaluate and design solutions for sex- and gender-based inequalities.
  • Intervene in different contexts and fields of application of social anthropology relating to inter-cooperation and, in particular, to cooperation on social transformation projects, social usage of space and intercultural relations.
  • Knowledge and understanding that provide a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and / or applying ideas, often in a research context.
  • Make changes to methods and processes in the area of knowledge in order to provide innovative responses to society's needs and demands.
  • Study where and why organisations use technology, focusing especially on its integrating role in organisations and on the ethical principles underlying information processing and the intensive and evolving use of technology.
  • Take account of social, economic and environmental impacts when engaging in academic and professional practice.
  • That students are able to integrate knowledge and handle complexity and formulate judgments based on information that was incomplete or limited, include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  • That the students can apply their knowledge and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply imagination with flexibility and produce creative sales ideas. The management of these ideas is assessed in two ways: quantitatively and qualitatively, and evaluating the realism and potential of their real implementation.
  2. Critically analyse and reflect on the relations between science, technology and society.
  3. Establish relationships and networks between people in a context of research into diversity.
  4. Identify aspects of excellence in the knowledge society with the use of ICT.
  5. Identify basic sociocultural characteristics (age, gender, class, education, etc.) from a given social sample and establish stages, generalisations and taxonomies.
  6. Identify social opportunities that can be converted into a project or social enterprise.
  7. Know how to apply instruments of gender perspective in the analysis of organisations and management of human resources (equality plans, conciliation measures, protocols against sexist violence, health and safety programmes).
  8. Know how to use and create qualitative and quantitative indicators to get to know more about gender inequalities and differences in the needs, conditions, values and aspirations of women and men.
  9. Knowledge and understanding that provide a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and / or applying ideas, often in a research context.
  10. Make changes to methods and processes in the area of knowledge in order to provide innovative responses to society's needs and demands.
  11. Systematically relate the most appropriate theoretical concepts and orientations in the discipline to the specific ethnographic context.
  12. Take account of social, economic and environmental impacts when engaging in academic and professional practice.
  13. That students are able to integrate knowledge and handle complexity and formulate judgments based on information that was incomplete or limited, include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  14. That the students can apply their knowledge and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.
  15. Understand the complexity and be able to identify the characteristics and main contextual elements (historical, economic, sociocultural, demographic, etc.) of emerging phenomena (such as social enterprise).
  16. Use social networking techniques to collect and analyse data.
  17. Use the instruments of the business model to develop a social enterprise project.


This module consists of the following submodules:

C1. Introduction: Entrepreneurial attitudes, knowledge society and new technologies.

The concept of social entrepreneurship is presented and discussed. Similarities and differences between commercial/traditional entrepreneurship are discussed. Working on entrepreneurial attitudes, students are motivated and sensitized about the entrepreneurial phenomenon in general and the generation of social business projects in particular, enhancing and developing their entrepreneurial talent. The constituent elements of the knowledge society and the relationship with the information society will be analyzed. It shows the importance of information and communication technologies in modern social organizations, emphasizing society’s digitization processes. Finally, the relationships between science, technology and society in the contemporary world are addressed.

C2. Social entrepreneurship and inter cooperation networks.

It analyzes the entrepreneurial profile of contextualized students in their social environment and explores and stimulates the potential for cooperation with other people, institutions, and organizations by analyzing their network. First, a review of the concepts of “moral economy” and “social economy” is offered to make students reflect on their situation and starting position and thus improve their efficiency in achieving the proposed objectives (self-assessment of skills, training, networks, motivation, skills and attitudes). Once the individual perspective has been analyzed, the profile of social entrepreneurship in Catalonia is studied, focusing on the attitudes and motivations of this population segment, the profile of entrepreneurs and the socioeconomic context in which social entrepreneurship arises. Finally, personal networks of social entrepreneurs are studied in Catalonia, and the most relevant characteristics of the personal network itself are identified through specialized software (Netcanvas).

C3. Generation of innovative social ideas.

It explains the concept of creativity and its dimensions, the characteristics of creative people, the stages of the creative process and the scales to measure innovative products. Basic models of creativity are worked for the generation of business ideas for social purposes. At the same time, the main limitations and barriers of creativity are presented, and techniques and instruments for the development of creativity from the social sphere are explained. Finally, intrapreneurship is worked from the perspective of creativity and the generation of innovative social ideas.

C4. Business model and social entrepreneurial project

The contents of a business plan are developed and worked, from the most traditional models to the current models such as Canvas and Lean start-up, applied to cases of social projects. Business plan limitations are also indicated as a business (social) instrument. Key concepts include entrepreneurial team, market study, strategic plan, legal-fiscal plan, human resources plan, financial and economic plan, and viability of the business project. The specificities and characteristics of cooperatives are also presented from the point of view of the business model.


The main objective of this module is to give the tools that allow us to move from the generation of ideas to the realization of social entrepreneurship projects, likely to be carried out through the development of viable and socially sustainable business models. At the same time, entrepreneurial attitudes are worked from a social perspective, contextualizing them in the knowledge society and new technologies. Social entrepreneurship and “intercooperation” networks are also analyzed.

IMPORTANT REMARK: The proposed teaching methodology may undergo some modifications according to the restrictions imposed by the health authorities on on-campus courses.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Theoretical classes C1 12 0.48 1, 12, 2, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 11, 7, 8, 9, 17, 16
Theoretical classes C2 9 0.36 1, 12, 2, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 11, 7, 8, 9, 17, 16
Theoretical classes C3 15 0.6 1, 12, 2, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 11, 7, 8, 9, 17, 16
Theoretical classes C4 27 1.08 1, 12, 2, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 11, 7, 8, 9, 17, 16
Type: Supervised      
Supervised work 66 2.64 12, 10, 7, 8
Workshops and seminars 12 0.48 1, 12, 2, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 11, 7, 8, 9, 17, 16
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous tasks 150 6 12, 10, 13, 14, 7, 8, 9


The evaluation carried out by the different submodules is counted as follows:

C1 (3% of the total): 33.3% Attendance and participation + 66.7% Practical tests

C2 (18% of the total): 22.2% Attendance and participation + 22.2% Practical tests + 55.6% Exam

C3 (18% of the total): 22.2% Attendance and participation + 22.2% Practical tests + 55.6% Exam

C4 (61% of the total): 1.6% Assistance and participation + 16.4% Exams + 65.6% Entrepreneurship project development + 16.4% Oral presentation of the entrepreneurship project

The final grade of the module shall be calculated considering the percentages of each submodule:

Final grade = 0.03*C1 + 0.18*C2 + 0.18*C3 + 0.61*C4

IMPORTANT REMARK: The proposed evaluation activities may undergo some changes according to the restrictions imposed by the health authorities on on-campus courses.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Attendance and active participation in class 10% 0 0 1, 12, 2, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 11, 7, 8, 9, 17, 16
Exams 30% 9 0.36 1, 12, 2, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 11, 7, 8, 9, 17, 16
Oral defense (entrepreneurship project) 10% 0 0 1, 12, 2, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 11, 7, 8, 9, 17, 16
Practical tests (cases and other exercises) 10% 0 0 1, 12, 2, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 11, 7, 8, 9, 17, 16
Reporting/work delivery (entrepreneurship project development) 40% 0 0 1, 12, 2, 15, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 11, 7, 8, 9, 17, 16


Basic bibliography

Adner, R. (2013). The wide lens: What successful innovators see that others miss. Ed. Penguin-Random house.

Birch, K. (2020). Technoscience Rent: Toward a Theory of Rentiership for Technoscientific Capitalism. Science Technology and Human Values, 45(1): 3-33. https://doi.org/10.1177/0162243919829567

Blank, S. (2012). The Startup Owner’s Manual (https://www.amazon.com/Startup-Owners-Manual-Step-...)

Collins, H., & Pinch, T. (1998). The Golem at Large. What You Should know about technology. Cambridge University.

Grant, A. (2017). Originales: Cómo los inconformistas mueven el mundo. Ed. Paidos Iberica.

Guerrero, M., Turro, A. & Urbano, D. (2016). El emprendimiento corporativo en España. A I. Peña, M. Guerrero & J.L. González-Pernía (Eds): Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Informe GEM España 2015. Ed. Universidad de Cantabria.

Valenzuela-Garcia, H., & Fuentes, S. (2019).  «A Crossroads for Social Entrepreneurship: ethics versus profit in Spain»Open Journal of Business and Management, 7(2), 848-860.

Kelley, T., & Littman, J. (2010). Las diez caras de la innovación. Estrategias para una creatividad excelente. Madrid: Paidos.

Kuratko, D.F., Morris, M.H., & Covin, J.G. (2011). Corporate Innovation & Entrepreneurship (International Edition). 3rd edition. Mason: South-Western/Cengage Learning. 

Lamarre, G. (2019). Storytelling como estrategia de comunicación. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Lamarre, G. (2018). La vía del creativo: Guía para reinventar nuestra práctica y nuestra mirada. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Martínez-Cuero, J., Molina, J.L. & Valenzuela-García, H. (2015). Del cooperativismo a la economía socialmente orientada. Grafo Working Papers, 4 (84-94). DOI:10.5565/rev/grafowp.18.

Maurya, A. (2012). Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works (Lean Series) (http://www.amazon.com/Running-Lean-Iterate-Works-Series/dp/1449305172)

Molina, JL., Valenzuela-García, H., Lubbers, ML., Escribano, P. & Lobato, M. (2017). “The Cowl Does Make The Monk”: Understanding the Emergence of Social Entrepreneurship in Times of Downturn. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations DOI 10.1007/s11266-017-9921-6.

Nielsen, D., & Thurber S. (2018). Conexiones creativas. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili

Osterwalder, A. (2012).  “Tools for Business Model Generation.” [en línia] [data de consulta: 1 de març de 2021] Disponible a: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GIbCg8NpBw

Ries, E. (2011). "The Lean Startup" | Talks at Google. [en línia] [data de consulta: 1 demarç de 2021] Disponible a:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEvKo90qBns

Urbano, D. & Rodriguez, L. (2010). Guía per l’elaboració d’un pla d’empresa. Departament de Treball. Generalitat de Catalunya.

Urbano, D. & Toledano, N. (2008). Invitación al emprendimiento: Una aproximación a la creación de empresas. Ed. UOC.

Valenzuela-García, H., Molina, J. L., Lubbers, M. J., Escribano, P., & Fuentes, S. (2019). Emprendimiento Social . Autoempleo y extracción del valor en la era post-crisis era. Revista de Antropologia Social, 28(2), 371–390.

Vinck, D. (2007). Ciencias y sociedad. Sociología del trabajo científico. Barcelona: Gedisa, 2015.


Websites, videos, and press

AraCoop. Programa marc de cooperació público-privada, promogut pel Departament de Treball, Afers Socials i Famílies - www.aracoop.coop

Bristol Pound Organisation: https://bristolpound.org/

Business model canvas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoAOzMTLP5s&t=15s&ab_channel=Strategyzer

Economia circular: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc4-2cVKxp0&t=6s&ab_channel=COTEC

Economía Femini(s)ta: http://economiafeminita.com/

Ecopolítica, Think Tank Ecologista https://ecopolitica.org

Emprendimiento y sistema educativo (La Vanguardia, 2017) https://www.dropbox.com/s/sdwsve22ynfzh3h/2017-02-19_DavidUrbano_LaVanguadia-ArtESP.pdf?dl=0

¿Es posible y conveniente replicar los ecosistemas emprendedores? (La Vanguardia, 2016)


La sociedad digital:  https://es.coursera.org/lecture/humanidades-digitales/la-sociedad-digital-LOPNM

OCU Oficina del Consumidor y Usuario: https://www.ocu.org

REAS Euskadi, Introducción a la Economía Solidaria: http://www.economiasolidaria.org

Rockefeller Foundation: https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/our-work/topics/inclusive-economies/

Steve Jobs (2005 Stanford Commencement Address)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHv4qLkToGg

Te atreves a soñar? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i07qz_6Mk7g

The Open Innovation Marketplace: https://www.innocentive.com/

Why Green Economy: http://whygreeneconomy.org/introduction-to-the-green-economy/


Complementary bibliography

Anderson, C. (2013). “How to give a killer presentation”. [en línia] [data de consulta: 1 de març de 2021] Disponible a: https://hbr.org/2013/06/how-to-give-a-killer-presentation

Blank, S. (2013). The Fourth Steps to Epiphany (https://www.amazon.com/Four-Steps-Epiphany-Steve-B...)

Bogusky, A.,  Winsor, J. (2009).   Baked In. Creating products and bussinesses that market themselves. Chicago: Agate, cop.

Catmull, Ed (2014). Creatividad S.A.: Cómo llevar la insipiración hasta el infinito y más allá. Barcelona: Conecta.

Chesbrough H., & Bogers, J. (2014). Explicating open innovation: Clarifying an emerging paradigm for understanding innovation. New Frontiers in Open Innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Collins, H., & Evans, R. (2017). Why Democracies Need Science. Cambridge: Polity.

GEM Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (2021). [en línia] [data de consulta: 1 de març de 2021] Disponible a: https://www.gemconsortium.org/

James, G. (2012) “Fix Your Presentations: 21 Quick Tips”. [en línia] [data de consulta: 1 de març de 2021] Disponible a:http://www.inc.com/geoffrey-james/how-to-fix-your-presentations-21-tips.html

Kirby, D. (2002): Entrepreneurship. Maidenhead. MCGraw-Hill.

Rheingold, H. (2002). Multitudes inteligentes. La próxima revolución social. Barcelona: Gedisa, 2004.

Urbano, D. (2005). La creació d’empreses a Catalunya: organismes de suport i actituds cap a l’activitat emprenedora. Col.lecció d’estudis CIDEM. Centre d’Innovació i Desenvolupament Empresarial.

Urbano, D., Aparicio, S., & Audretsch, D. (2019). Twenty-five years of research on institutions, entrepreneurship, and economic growth: What has been learned? Small Business Economics, 53 (1): 21-49.

Urbano, D., Aparicio, S., Guerrero, M., Noguera, M., & Torrent-Sellens, J. (2017). Institutional determinants of student employer entrepreneurs at Catalan universities. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 123, 271-282.

Urbano, D., Toledano, N., & Ribeiro-Soriano, D. (2010). Analyzing social entrepreneurship from an institutional perspective: evidence from Spain. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1(1), 54–69.

Further support material in digital format will be available at the virtual campus of the module.



Excel, PowerPoint, Word, NetworkCanvas, Atlas ti and Stata.