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Teaching Biology and Geology

Code: 44311 ECTS Credits: 15
Degree Type Year Semester
4310486 Teaching in Secondary Schools, Vocational Training and Language Centres OT 0 A
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Digna Maria Couso Lagaron

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)


Conxita Márquez Bargalló
Jorge Roldan Muñoz
Jordi Domenech Casal
Anna Marbà Tallada
Victor Lopez Simo


No requirements

Objectives and Contextualisation

The aim of the subject is to bring future science teachers closer to the knowledge of science teaching, and to the specific didactics of each discipline. So that they can teach the contents of the areas of knowledge of biology and geology and physics and chemistry, integrating disciplinary knowledge and those of science teaching taking into account the knowledge of other areas such as the 'epistemology, language and communication, psychology and pedagogy. 

Includes 2 blocks: Learning and teaching Biology and Geology (9cr) and Teaching innovation and Introduction to Biology and Geology Education Research (6 cr)


  • "Design and conduct formal and no-formal activities that help make the center a place of participation and culture in the environment where it is located; develop the functions of mentoring and guiding students in a collaborative and coordinated manner; participate in the evaluation, research and innovation in teaching and learning"
  • "Determine the curriculum that will be implanted in a school participating in the collective planning thereof; develop and implement both group and personalized teaching methodologies adapted to the diversity of students."
  • Acquire strategies to encourage student effort and enhance their capacity to learn by himself and others, and develop thinking skills and decision-making to facilitate autonomy, confidence and personal initiative.
  • Communicate effectively both verbally and non-verbally.
  • Design and develop learning spaces with special attention to equity, education and emotional values, equal rights and opportunities for men and women, civic education and respect for human rights that facilitate life in society, decision making and building a sustainable future.
  • Generate innovative and competitive professional activities and research.
  • Interpret the different educational needs of students in order to propose the most appropriate educational activities.
  • Know the curricular content of the matters relating to the appropriate teaching specialization and the body of didactic knowledge around the respective teaching and learning.
  • Make effective use of integrated information and communications technology.
  • Own the learning skills necessary to carry out continuous training, both in content and teaching specialty, as in the general aspects of teaching.
  • Plan, develop and evaluate the teaching and learning process enhancing educational processes that facilitate the acquisition of the competences of the respective teachings, based on the level and previous training of students as well as the orientation of the same, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and school professionals
  • Search, obtain, process and communicate information (oral, printed, audiovisual, digital or multimedia), transform it into knowledge and apply it in the teaching and learning in their own areas of specialization.
  • know the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom, mastering social skills and abilities necessary to encourage learning and coexistence in the classroom, and address problems of discipline and conflict resolution.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Communicate effectively, both verbally and non-verbally.
  2. Create a climate that facilitates interaction and values the contributions of students to promote the learning of Biology and Geology in the classroom.
  3. Demonstrate knowledge and applies resources and information strategies, tutoring and academic guidance professional.
  4. Demonstrate knowledge and knows how to apply innovative teaching proposals in the Biology and Geology fields.
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of contexts and situations in which they are used and Biology and Geology that composen the curriculum of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate apply, highlighting its functional character and analyzing his impact on the current world.
  6. Demonstrate knowledge of cultural and educational value of Biology and Geology and the contents of these disciplines taught in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, and integrate this content in the framework of science and culture.
  7. Demonstrate knowledge of the Biology and Geology curricula in the Secondary School and Baccalaureate.
  8. Demonstrate knowledge of the history and recent developments in Biology and Geology and his perspectives to convey a dynamic view of the same and make sense of the Biology and Geology School, highlighting the historical genesis of knowledge of both sciences.
  9. Demonstrate knowledge of the theoretical and practical developments in teaching and learning of Biology and Geology.
  10. Design and develop learning spaces with special attention to equity, education and emotional values, equal rights and opportunities between men and women, civic education and human rights that facilitate life in society, decisions and building a sustainable future.
  11. Generate innovative and competitive proposals for research and professional activities.
  12. Interpret the different educational needs of students in order to propose the most appropriate educational activities.
  13. Know the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom, mastering social skills and abilities necessary to encourage learning and coexistence in the classroom, addressing issues of discipline and conflict resolution.
  14. Possess learning skills necessary to carry out continuous training in both content and didactics of Health, as well as general aspects of teaching.
  15. Search, obtain, process and communicate information (oral, printed, audiovisual, digital or multimedia) to transform it into knowledge and apply it in the teaching-learning materials specific to the specialization studied.
  16. Select, use and develop materials for teaching Biology and Geology.
  17. Transform the curricula of Biology and Geology in sequences of learning activities and programes of work.
  18. Understand the evaluation as an instrument of regulation and to encourage the effort, and meet and develop strategies and techniques for the assessment of learning of Biology and Geology.
  19. Use information and communications technology and integrate them into the teaching and learning of Biology and Geology.



The block "Biology and Geology didactics" is divided into 2 parts: "Learning and teaching Biology and Geology " (9cr) and "Teaching innovation and introduction to research in Biology and Geology didactics" (6cr). 

Learning and teaching Biology and Geology (9cr) 

Introduction to Science Education (3cr) 

Purpose of teaching science at ESO 

- The teaching of science and development of scientific competence 

- What is science? Reflections on the epistemology of science 

- What science should be taught in school? 

- Didactic models and preconceptions 

- The learning cycle and activities 

- Assessment and regulation of learning 

Biology Didactics (3cr) 

Biology Didactics (3cr) 

- Models (living thing, cell, ecosystem, genetics and evolution and key concepts in school biology What and why. 

- Selection and sequencing of content to teach. 

- Learning scenarios and resources 

- Previous ideas and learning difficulties related to big ideas and proposals for overcoming them. 

- Modelling, inquiry and argument 

- Biology in context  

Geology Didactics (3cr) 

- Models and key concepts in school geologyWhat and what for. 

Selection and sequence of contents to teach. 

Learning scenarios and resources. 

Misconceptions and learning difficulties related to the great ideas and ways to overcome them. 

Modellinginquiry and argumentation in school Earth Science. 

Earth Science practical activities 

Earth Sciences relation to the other Experimental Sciences. 

Teaching innovation and introduction to research in Biology and Geology (6 cr) 

Teaching innovation 

- The curriculum. Learning objectives, programming and evaluation. 

- Diversity of types of competence teaching units according to the approach: progressions, projects, inquiry, ABP, modelling etc. 

- Contexts and knowledge transfer. 

- The development of transversal skills: critical thinking, cognitive-linguistic, digital, self-regulation, etc. 

Introduction to Biology and Geology Education Research 

- Reflective practice: reflection on practice and its relationship to educational innovation 

- The classroom observation: goals, models of observation and instruments 

- Methodological bases for innovation and educational research


The proposed teaching methodology and assessment may undergo some modification depending on the attendance restrictions imposed by the health authorities. 

The hours indicated for each of the training activities are indicative and can be modified slightly depending on the schedule or the teaching needs. 

In classroom activities, students will be proposed to work in small groups to promote the maximum participation of all students.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Assistència i participació a les classes magistrals, pràctiques de laboratori, sortides, etc, i la realització i avalaució d'activitats relacionades 97.5 3.9 15, 1, 13, 5, 6, 7, 9, 3, 4, 8, 10, 18, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19
Type: Supervised      
Revisió, realització i avaluació de treballs (informes, estudis de cas, resolució de problemes, exposicions, pràctiques de laboratori, treballs de camp, ...) 75 3 15, 1, 13, 5, 6, 7, 9, 3, 4, 8, 10, 18, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19
Type: Autonomous      
Anàlisis de lectures i propostes d'innovació didàctica, realització d'informes, disseny d'activitats, anàlisis i resolució de casos 202.5 8.1 15, 1, 13, 5, 6, 7, 9, 3, 4, 8, 10, 18, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19


Evaluation criteria 

The class attendance is mandatory. The student must attend a minimum of 80% of the full sessions of the module. Otherwise it will be considered "no show". 

To pass the module is necessary to have passed each of the blocks of content and each of the themes that shape and can still be made independently 

Summative evaluation of each of the themes of each block includes group activities and individual activities. To make media should take at least 4 of each of the planned activities to be evaluated and that teachers previously indicated. 

Throughout the module part of each teacher / a imparts, you can ask additional tasks without having to be necessarily considered assessment tasks, but delivery obligations. 

Delivery of work is primarily done via the virtual campus. They may enable other routes of delivery, in agreement with the teachers, informed via attendance in class and via virtual.o moodle campus. No work delivered by way not agreed with the teacher / a nor work with incorrect formats, which do not include the names of the authors and subject matter to which they refer or sent after the deadline will be accepted. 

Since the lingua franca of the master and secondary education is Catalan, oral and written tasks related to this module will be presented in this language. In written tasks, linguistic correction, composition skills and formal presentation aspect will be considered. Nevertheless, it is necessary to express yourself with fluency and correction in oral activities. A prominent level of comprehension of academic documents will also be required. An activity may not be assessed, not given back or failed if any of the mentioned requirements are not accomplished.  

Work and examinations will be assessed at most one month after delivery or performance. 

According to the regulations UAB, plagiarism or copying of any work will be penalized with a 0 rating, losing the ability to recover, whether it is an individual work and group (in this case, all group members will have a 0). 


Introduction to Science Education 


- Personal reflection in relation to an ideal science class.50%. Delivery date: the document is done the first day of the master and students' will reflect on it the last day of the teaching.


- Suggestion of a competency question for assessment purposes 50%. Delivery date: 29/10/2021 

Teaching innovation and introduction to research in Phisics and Chemistry didactics   

- Personal Portfolio 70%. Two entries in the whole course, digitally in a moodle forum. Each entry has to deal with an aspect chosed by the student from one of the two blocks of content of the subject, in relation with the preparation of her TLS  and her teaching practice. It will be necessary to show an adequate mastery of the content knowledge of the subject for the teaching practice. First entry:  31/01/2022   Second entry: 15/05/2022

- Design of a proposal ABP 30% (group work). Delivery date: 15/05/2022

Biology Education

Individual task: Throughout the course all students will perform a microteaching, ie a small classroom intervention where they will have to act as teachers to the rest of the group and implement a teaching activity designed for the occasion. Once the microteaching has been carried out, each student must prepare a written text that includes sufficient evidence of learning during the process of preparation (pre), implementation and reflection (post) of the microteaching: identifying own mistakes, proposing improvements, applying- to new contexts, relating it to didactic concepts learned during the course, etc. Therefore, the quality of the implementation of microteaching itself will not be qualifiable, but doing so is a prerequisite for preparing the subsequent reflection paper for the final individual qualification. Delivery: 27/04/2022. Recoverable task. 

Geology Education

Individual task: Throughout the course all students will perform a microteaching, ie a small classroom intervention where they will have to act as teachers to the rest of the group and implement a teaching activity designed for the occasion. Oncethe microteaching has been carried out, each student must prepare a written text that includes sufficient evidence of learning during the process of preparation (pre), implementation and reflection (post) of the microteaching: identifying own mistakes, proposing improvements, applying- to new contexts, relating it to didactic concepts learned during the course, etc. Therefore, the quality of the implementation of microteaching itself will not be qualifiable, but doing so is a prerequisite for preparing the subsequent reflection paper for the final individual qualification. Delivery: 27/04/2022. Recoverable task. 


Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Evaluation of Biology Education 20% 0 0 15, 1, 13, 5, 6, 7, 9, 3, 4, 8, 10, 18, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19
Evaluation of Geology Education 20% 0 0 15, 1, 13, 5, 6, 7, 9, 3, 4, 8, 10, 18, 11, 12, 16, 17, 19
Evaluation of Innovation and Research in Education 40% 0 0 15, 1, 13, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 3, 4, 8, 10, 18, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19
Evaluation of Introduction to Science Education 20% 0 0 15, 1, 7, 9, 3, 8, 18


BIBLIOGRAPHY Science Education 

COUSO, Digna; JIMÉNEZ-LISO, Rut; et al (Coord) (2020) Enseñando ciencia con ciencia. Madrid: Fundación Lilly; FECYT. Disponible online en: https://ddd.uab.cat/record/220343

DOMÈNECH, Jordi (2019). Aprenentatge basat en projectes, treballs pràctics i controvèrsies. 28 propostes i reflexions per ensenyar Ciències. Premi Marta Mata de Pedagogia 2018. Rosa Sensat.

DRIVER, Rosalin et al. (1991). Ideas científicas en la infancia y la adolescencia. Madrid: Ed. Morata/MEC.

HARLEN, Winnie. (2010). Principios y grandes ideas de la educación en ciencias. Ed. Rosa Devés (www.innovec.org.mx)

IZQUIERDO, Mercè., ALIBERAS, Joan., (2004). Pensar, actuar i escriure a la classe de ciències. Per un ensenyament de les ciències racional i raonable. Cerdanyola. Publicacionsde la UAB.

JIMENEZ- ALEIXANDRE, Maria Pilar (coord). (2003) Enseñar ciencias. Graó.

SANMARTÍ, Neus. (2002) Didàctica de las ciencias en la educación secundaria obligatoria. Sintesis Educacion.

GRAU, Ramon. (2010.) Altres formes de fer ciència. Alternatives a l’aula de secundària. Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat.

CAÑAL, Pedro (coord.). (2011). Biología y Geología. Complementos de formación disciplinar. Vol 1. Ed. Graó

CAÑAL Pedro (coord.). (2011). Didáctica de la Biología y la Geología. Vol 2. Ed. Graó

CAÑAL Pedro (coord.). (2011). Biología y Geología. Investigación, Innovación y Buenas Prácticas. Vol 3. Ed. Graó

CAAMAÑO, Aureli (coord.) (2011). Física y Química. Complementos de formación disciplinar. Vol 1. Ed. Graó

CAAMAÑO, Aureli (coord.) (2011). Didáctica de la Física y Química. Vol 2. Ed. Graó

CAAMAÑO, Aureli (coord.) (2011). Física y Química. Investigación, Innovación y Buenas Prácticas Vol 3. Ed. Graó

Official documents 

Curriculum secundària www.xtec.cat 

Informe PISA http://www.gencat.net/educacio/csda/publis/quaderns.htm 

Enseñanza de las Ciencias Magazine 

Ciències: Revista del Professorat de Ciències d'Infantil, Primària i Secundària. http://crecim.uab.cat/revista_ciencies/revista/index.htm 

Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Revista de Investigación y Experiencias Didácticashttp://www.raco.cat/index.php/ensenanza 

Curricular Projects 

IZQUIERDO, M. (Coord.). (1993), Ciències 12-16. CDEC. Generalitat de Catalunya 

Projecte Advancing Phisics. IOP. http://advancingphysics.iop.org/ 

<spanclass="TextRun SCXW261295037 BCX0" lang="CA-ES" xml:lang="CA-ES" data-contrast="auto">Projecte 21st Century ScienceThe University of York & Nuffield Foundation. http://www.21stcenturyscience.org/ 

Projecte Física i Química Salters i <spanclass="TextRun SCXW261295037 BCX0" lang="CA-ES" xml:lang="CA-ES" data-contrast="auto">Salters HornersThe University of York, Nuffield Foundation, Salters Institute and<spanclass="TextRun SCXW261295037 BCX0" lang="CA-ES" xml:lang="CA-ES" data-contrast="auto"> Horners Co. 

Salters Advanced Chemistry www.salters.co.uk/institute/curriculum_advanced.html 

Salters Horners Advanced Physics www.salters.co.uk/institute/curriculum_horners.html 

Disponible en català a: http://www.xtec.es/cdec/formacio/pagines/salters_f.htm 

Projecte IDEAS, Nuffield Foundation & School of EducationKings’ CollegeLondon. 

Original: www.kcl.ac.uk/schools/sspp/education/research/projects/ideas.html 

Disponible en català a: http://phobos.xtec.cat/cdec/ 

Geology didactics 

BLANCO- ANAYA, Paloma.; JUSTI, Rosaria. & DÍAZ BUSTAMANTE, Joaquin. (2017): Challenges and opportunities in analysing students modellingInternational Journal of Science Education, 39:3, 377-402. 

BOND, C.E.; PHILO, C. & SHIPTON, Z.K. (2011): When There isn't a Right AnswerInterpretation and reasoningkey skills for twentyfirst century geoscienceInternational Journal of Science Education, 33:5, 629-652. 

CORBI, Hugo. & MARTÍNEZ-MARTÍNEZ, Javier. (2015): Interpretando ambientes sedimentarios: taller de sedimentología con arenas como actividad didáctica de Ciencias de la TierraEnseñanza de las Ciencias de la Tierra, 2015 (23.2), 242-252. 

FRANCEK, M. (2013): A Compilation and Review of over 500 Geoscience MisconceptionsInternational Journal of Science Education, 35:1, 31-64. 

FROYLAND, M.; REMMEN, K.B.; SORVIK, G.O. (2016): Name-Dropping or Understanding?: Teaching to Observe GeologicallyScience Education, Vol. 100, No. 5, pp. 923–951. 

JEE, B. D., UTTAL, D. H., GENTNER, D., MANDUCA, C., SHIPLEY, T., SAGEMAN B., ORMAND, C. J.,TIKOFF, B. (2010). Analogical thinking in geoscience educationJournal of Geoscience Education, 58 (1), 2-13. 

MEDINA, J.; REBELO, D.; MORGADO, M.; MONTEIRO G.; BONITO, J.; MARTINS L. ; MARQUES, L. (2013): Una contribución para la educación de la ciudadanía: el tiempo geológicoEnseñanza de las Ciencias de la Tierra, (21.1), 38-47. 

PEDRINACI, Emilio. (2016):Qué debe saber todo ciudadano acerca del planeta en que habita. Alambique. Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales, núm. 83, 7-12. 

REBELO, D.; MARQUES, L., COSTA, N. (2011): Actividades en ambientes exteriores al aula en la Educación en Ciencias: Contribuciones para su operatividadEnseñanza de las Ciencias de la Tierra, (19.1), 15-25. 

Biology didactics 

ARCA, Maria (1990). Enseñar ciencia : cómo empezar : reflexiones para una <spanclass="TextRun SCXW261295037 BCX0" lang="CA-ES" xml:lang="CA-ES" data-contrast="auto">educación científica de base.Barcelona. Paidós : Rosa Sensat, 1990. 

ARCA, Maria (1987). Guardare per sistemiguardare per variabili : un approcio alla fisica e alla biologia per la scuola dell obbligo. Torino : Emme Edizioni 

ARCA, Maria  (2005). Organismi viventi : formetransformazioni e sviluppo :  itinerari di lavoro per la classe prima, seconda e terza elementare. Torino : Emme Edizione. 

ARCA, Maria (2005). Il Corpo umano. Roma : Carocci Faber 

CAÑAL, PEDRO (coord.). (2011).Biología y geología : complementos de formación disciplinar. Barcelona : Graó  

GIORDAN, Andrée (2001). El Meu cos, la primera meravella del món. Barcelona : La Campana, 2001. 

GIORDAN, Andrée (1988).  Conceptos de biologia. Barcelona : Labor; Madrid : M.E.C., 1988. 

GIORDAN, Andrée; DE VECCHI, Gerard (1988). Los Orígenes del saber : de las concepciones personales a los conceptos científicos Sevilla : Diada Editoras, 1988. 


Aplicació de recursos al currículum  

Web del departament d’Ensenyament on trobar activitats,indexades per tema i curs 


Webs d’en Jordi Domènech 

Webs amb molts recursos per treballar a l’aula 




Web del Centre de Recursos Pedagògics Específics de Suport a la Innovació i la Recerca Educativa. Hi trobareu recursos, informacions, cursos de formació, material en préstec, etc. 


Nuffield foundation 

La Nuffield Foundation és una fundació inglesa fundada el  1943 pel fundador de la Morris Motors amb l’objectiu de millorar el benestar social. Financien recerca i innovació en educació i polítiques socials. Hi trobareu molt recursos d’activitatsi projectes. 


Science web Australia 

Web amb activitats diverses. 




No specific programs needed