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Research Trends in Curriculum Development and Innovation Processes

Code: 43213 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
4313815 Research in Education OT 0 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


José Tejada Fernández

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
spanish (spa)


Antoni Navío Gámez
Carme Ruíz Bueno


This module is mandatory in Curriculum and Innovation Processes in Education

Objectives and Contextualisation

This module aims to introduce the student to research in the field of competency curriculum development and innovation processes.

The objectives are:

  • Have a conceptual framework in line with the development of curricula by competencies and innovation in education.
  • Know the different theoretical perspectives, understandings, processes, strategies and techniques linked to the constructs of curriculum development and innovation.
  • Analyze lines of research associated with curriculum development and innovation.
  • Develop curricular innovation projects.


  • Analyse data according to its nature and present results in accorance with the research proposals.
  • Collect research data coherently in accordance with the chosen method.
  • Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  • Communicate the research results, knowledge acquired and the implications for practice, and adapt the register to the public and formal protocols.
  • Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  • Develop professional values including ethics in educational research, in particular with respect to diversity of opinion and ways of being and doing.
  • Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  • Plan research according to practice-related problems, taking into account theoretical advances in the field of knowledge.
  • Propose curricular innovation projects from the research results.
  • Recognise and relate the theoretical, empirical and social aspecys of the specific field of research.
  • Solve problems in new or little-known situations within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.
  • Use ICT in the research process, information search and management, data analysis and the dissemination and communication of results.
  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.
  • Work in teams and with teams in the same or interdisciplinary fields.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse research models and strategies in innovation in education.
  2. Analyse theoretical frameworks of references to establish those that orientate research in the area of curriculum development and innovation processes.
  3. Communicate and justify conclusions clearly and unambiguously to both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
  4. Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  5. Define the information and/or subjects involved in a study in the field of curriculum development and innovation processes.
  6. Design curriculum innovation projects as a solution to educational problems and the research results obtained.
  7. Design curriculum innovation projects in existing lines of research.
  8. Develop professional values including ethics in educational research, in particular with respect to diversity of opinion and ways of being and doing.
  9. Evaluate curriculum innovation projects from the contributions of existing lines of research.
  10. Evaluate the social and theoretical relevance and pertinence of a research problem related to curricular design and innovation processes.
  11. Find and analyse theoretical references and lines of research in curricular innovation.
  12. Identify educational problems related to curriculum development and innovation processes and evaluate the methodological approaches for solving them.
  13. Identify innovation processes as professional and organisational training and development processes.
  14. Identify question, challenges, problems and need of the moment in education revising the role that research and innovation have or could have.
  15. Identify the bases and foundations of curricular design and development by competences.
  16. Identify the problems in practice related to curriculum development and innovation processes within and outside the education system.
  17. Identify theoretical references and evaluate their adaptation to be able to interpret problems that are unique to the area of curricular development and innovation.
  18. Integrate knowledge and use it to make judgements in complex situations, with incomplete information, while keeping in mind social and ethical responsibilities.
  19. Negotiate the collection of information with people and/or institutions (permission, protocols, timescale).
  20. Produce conclusions taking into reference the research objectives and questions and the theoretical references.
  21. Relate results in accordance with their origin (sources and instruments).
  22. Solve problems in new or little-known situations within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to the field of study.
  23. Use ICT in the research process, information search and management, data analysis and the dissemination and communication of results.
  24. Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.
  25. Work in teams and with teams in the same or interdisciplinary fields.
  26. Write scientific summaries to be presented to different audiences.


  • Theoretical perspectives of curriculum innovation in the education system by competencies. Theories, models and strategies
  • Innovation processes as processes of curriculum development
  • Models and innovation strategies and curriculum development
  • Research on curriculum innovation (associated content, resources, strategies, the evaluation system, the actors, the different educational levels ...).


The training activity will be developed from the following dynamics:
  • Reading of articles and documentary collections
  • Master classes / lectures by the teacher
  • Analysis and collective discussion of articles and documentary collections
  • Practices of classroom: resolution of problems / cases / exercises.
  • Presentation / oral presentation of works.
  • Tutorials

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Debates on readings / exhibitions 6 0.24 2, 1, 9, 11, 8, 5, 6, 20, 14, 13, 15, 16, 12, 17, 23, 21, 25, 10
Exhibition in plenary 4 0.16 2, 1, 9, 8, 5, 6, 20, 14, 13, 15, 16, 12, 17, 23, 21, 25, 10
Magisterial explanations 20 0.8 2, 1, 9, 7, 8, 5, 6, 14, 13, 15, 16, 12, 17, 19, 21, 10
Workshops / classroom exercises 6 0.24 2, 1, 9, 11, 8, 5, 6, 20, 14, 13, 15, 16, 12, 17, 23, 19, 18, 22, 3, 4, 26, 21, 24, 25, 10
Type: Supervised      
Elaboration in group and delivery in the virtual platform of the different activities (readings, reviews, team work, work / final report) 24 0.96 2, 1, 9, 7, 8, 5, 6, 20, 14, 13, 15, 16, 12, 17, 23, 18, 22, 3, 4, 26, 21, 24, 25, 10
Individual and collective tutorials 12 0.48 2, 1, 9, 7, 8, 5, 6, 20, 14, 13, 15, 16, 12, 17, 23, 26, 21, 25, 10
Type: Autonomous      
Personal study, complementary readings, analysis of evaluative cases, search of information, elaboration of portfolios 78 3.12 2, 1, 9, 11, 7, 8, 5, 6, 20, 14, 13, 15, 16, 12, 17, 23, 19, 18, 22, 3, 4, 26, 21, 24, 10


  • The evaluation of the module will be carried out through the activities that they specify.
  • The final grade will be the weighted average of the planned activities. To apply this criterion it will be necessary to obtain a minimum of 4 in all activities, those carried out during the development of the module and in the memory / final work of the module.
  • Class attendance is mandatory. In order to obtain a positive final evaluation, the student will have to attend 80% of the face-to-face sessions.
  • The procedure for reviewing the evaluation will be carried out individually.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Attendance and participation in the sessions (workshops, debates, .plenary, ..) 20% 0 0 2, 1, 9, 11, 8, 5, 6, 20, 14, 13, 15, 16, 12, 17, 23, 18, 22, 3, 4, 26, 21, 24, 25, 10
Activities during the development of the module (recensiones, deliveries in the platform of the activities, ...) 30% 0 0 2, 1, 9, 11, 7, 8, 5, 6, 20, 14, 13, 15, 16, 12, 17, 23, 18, 22, 3, 4, 26, 21, 24, 25, 10
Memory / individual work of the module 50% 0 0 2, 1, 9, 11, 7, 8, 5, 6, 20, 14, 13, 15, 16, 12, 17, 23, 19, 18, 22, 3, 4, 26, 21, 24, 10


Canton, I. y Pino-Juste, M. (2011). Diseño y desarrollo del currículum. Alianza Editorial.

Carballo, R. (2009). Manifiestos para la innovación educativa. Proyecto innovador a partir de experiencias de alumnos universitarios. Ediciones Diaz de Santos.

Del Rio, J.L. (Coord.). (2019). Investigar para conocer, innovar para mejorar. Universidad Nacional de Educación.OEI.

Díaz-Barriga Arceo, F. (2010). Los profesores ante las innovaciones curriculares. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Superior (RIES). 1(1), 37-57. http://ries.universia.net

González, M.T. (Coord.) (2011). Innovaciones en el gobierno y la gestión de los centros escolares (pp. 117-142). Síntesis.

Gairín, J. y Rodríguez-Gómez, D. (2011) Cambio y mejora en las organizaciones educativas. Educar, 47/1,32-50

Gros, B. y LARA, P. (2009). Estrategias de innovación en la educación superior: el caso de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, 49, 223-245.

Hargreaves, A. y Fullan, M. (2014). Capital profesional. Transformar la enseñanza en cada escuela. Madrid: Ediciones Morata.

Hargreaves, A. y Shirley, D. (2012). The global fourth way. The quest for educational excellent. Corwin Press.

IFIIE-MEC (2011). Estudio sobre la innovación educativa en España. Secretaria General Técnicas-MEC.

León, M.J. y López López, M.C. (2014). Criterios para la evaluación de los proyectos de innovación docente universitaria. Estudios sobre Educación, 26, 79-101

López-Yáñez, J. (2010). Sostenibilidad de la innovación en los centros escolares: sus bases institucionales. Profesorado. Revista de currículum y formación del profesorado, 14 (1), 9-28

López-Yáñez, J.; Sánchez, M. Y Altopedi, M. (2011). Comunidades profesionales de práctica que logran sostener procesos de mejora institucional en las escuelas. Revista de Educación, 356, 109-131.

Murillo, F.J. y Krichesky, G.J. (2015). Mejora de la escuela: medio siglo de lecciones aprendidas. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 13 (1), 69-102. https://revistas.uam.es/reice/article/view/2800

Navarro, E (Coord); Jiménez, E.; Rappoport, S. Y Thoilliez, B. (2017). Fundamentos de la ivnestigación  la innovación educativa. UNIR Editorial.

Pech, S.; Prieto, M; García, J. y Orozco, E. (2019). Innovation and Practice in Education (2019). Innovación y Práctica Educativa. Editorial CIATA.

Rodríguez-Gómez, D. Y Gairín, J. (2015). Innovación, aprendizaje organizativo y gestión del conocimiento en las instituciones educativas. Educación, 24 (46), 73-90. http://revistas.pucp.edu.pe/index.php/educacion/article/view/12245

Tejada, J. (2005). Didáctica-Currículum: Diseño, desarrollo y evaluación curricular, Davinci Continental

Tejada, J. (2007). La innovación formativa. En: Tejada, J. y Giménez, V. (Coord). Formación de Formadores. Escenario institucional. Thomson; 631-712.

Tejada, J. (2008). Innovación didáctica y formación del profesorado, en Herrán, A. y Paredes, J. (Coords.) Didáctica General. La práctica de la enseñanza en Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria, McGraw Hill, 311-332.

Tejada, J. (2013). Investigación e innovación educatives: dos caras de la misma moneda. Desde las aules normalistes.

Tejada, J. y Ruiz Bueno, C. (2016). Evaluación de competencias profesionales en Educación Superior: Retos e implicaciones. Educación XX1, 19(1), 17-38. https://dx.doi.org/10.5944/educXX1.12175

Villa Sánchez, A. (2019). Liderazgo: una clave para la innovación y el cambio educativo. Revista de Investigación Educativa, 37(2), 301-326. https://dx.doi.org/10.6018/rie.37.2.365461


This subject does not need special programming.