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Current Research Perspectives: from Action to Creation

Code: 43206 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
4313815 Research in Education OT 0 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Lurdes Martínez Mínguez

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)

Other comments on languages



Mar Morón Velasco


Those who are set to enter the Master of Research in Education.

Objectives and Contextualisation

This module is compulsory for the specialty of Art, Body and Movement, and the rest is optional specialty.

The configuration of the proposal arises through the interaction between psychomotricity and visual arts. It aims to expose, analyze, compare and reflect on different conceptual approaches and research in which the basis of the action, play, experimentation and movement, thought is reached, representation and creation.

Blocks content of this module is formed from the following approaches:

 The body, play and psychomotricity build and processes provide comprehensive and global creation through various forms of expression and communication of multiple artistic languages.

 The processes of comprehensive and global creation are enriched when performed through studies and projects innovative and inclusive educational interventions from interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach.

This module will cover the following topics:

 Body, play and psychomotricity

 Artistic languages

 Creation Process

 interdisciplinary, innovative and inclusive Projects


  • Analyse data according to its nature and present results in accorance with the research proposals.
  • Apply the perspectives and creative strategies in educational research for innovation in physics, artistic and psychomotor learning.
  • Plan research according to practice-related problems, taking into account theoretical advances in the field of knowledge.
  • Recognise and relate the theoretical, empirical and social aspecys of the specific field of research.
  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.
  • Work in teams and with teams in the same or interdisciplinary fields.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse the theoretical frameworks of reference for physical, artistic and psychomotor education to establish those that orientate research and analysis in interdisciplinary, innovative and inclusive projects.
  2. Decide on the appropriate tools for analysis according to the nature of the data.
  3. Demonstrate applied learning in the area of educational research into physical, artistic and psycho motor education.
  4. Establish strategies for the analysis of relevant data.
  5. Find and analyse theoretical references for the study of social problems.
  6. Identify and interpret knowledge and strategies necessary for research into innovation in physical, artistic and psycho motor education.
  7. Identify education problems and evaluate the methodological approaches for their solution.
  8. Identify problems in current research tendencies in physical, artistic and psychomotor education.
  9. Identify theoretical references and evaluate their appropriateness for interpreting problems specific to research into the body, play and psycho motor skills.
  10. Judge the importance and theoretical and social pertinence of a research problem or problems in physical, artistic and psycho motor education.
  11. Understand the main aspects of research into the body, play and psycho motor skills and analyse them as objects of research.
  12. Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.
  13. Work in teams and with teams in the same or interdisciplinary fields.


Theoretical perspectives and research strategies in the following areas:

1.-Body, play and psychomotricity

1.1 The importance of the body

1.2.- The game as a source of pleasure and learning

1.3.- The Psychomotor Education

2. Artistic languages

2.1.- The artistic languages: music, corporal, visual and plastic, ...

2.2 Skills to develop

2.3.- Importance in the formation of the person

3. Creation Process

3.1 Structure and Methodology

3.2 The role of the adult or educator

4. interdisciplinary, innovative and inclusive Projects

4.1 Design and features

4.2 Analysis of projects in formal and non-formal environment


The training activity will be developed based on the following dynamics:
 Master classes / exhibitions by the teacher
 Reading articles and document collections
 Analysis and collective discussion of articles and documentary sources
 Classroom practices: problem solving / cases / exercises.
 Presentation / oral presentation of works.
 Tutorials.

In session 3 there will be a trip around Barcelona and the schedule will be from 4pm to 8pm. And session 7 will take place on a Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm visiting a museum in Barcelona.


Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Tutoring and accompaniment 36 1.44
Type: Supervised      
Independent student work 36 1.44
Type: Autonomous      
Face-to-face sessions: magistrales and seminars with the whole group 78 3.12


The evaluation of the module will be carried out through the activities that are indicated.
Assessment activities will take place in sessions 4, 9 and 10.
The final grade will be the weighted average of the activities planned. In order to apply this criterion, it will be necessary to obtain at least a 4 in all the activities, those carried out during the development of the module and the final memory / work of the module.
Class attendance is mandatory. In order to obtain a positive final evaluation the student must have attended at least 80% of the classes.
The procedure for recovery-review of the tests will be carried out individually during the four week of January.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Attendance and participation in the sessions 15%-20% 0 0 4, 8, 9, 10, 13
Individual and group activities to support the theoretical and research framework 30%-35% 0 0 5, 2, 8, 7, 9, 12, 13
Memory / individual module work 45%-50% 0 0 1, 11, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12


In the following bibliography, more than 50% of the authors are women:

Abad, J. (2008).El placer y el displacer en el juego espontáneo infantil. Arteterapia. Papeles de arteterapia y educación artística para la inclusión social, 3: 167-188.

Acaso, M. (2009). La educación artística no son manualidades. Nuevas prácticas en la enseñanza de las artes y la cultura visual. Madrid: Catarata.

Aguirre, I. (2005). Teorías y prácticas en educación artística. Navarra. Universidad Pública de Navarra.

Alvarado, M. (2016). #JugarEnPsicomotricidad. Estudios, anàlisis, reflexión y pràctica. Buenos Aires: Revista de Psicomotricidad.

Anguera, M. T. (1988). Observació a l’escola. Barcelona: Graó.

Arnáiz , P.; Rabadán, M.; Vives, I. (2008): La psicomotricidad en la escuela. Una pràctica preventiva y educativa, Barcelona: Teide.

Bamford, A. (2009). El factor ¡wuau!. El papel de las artes en la educación. Barcelona: Octaedro.

Bancroft, S., Fawcett, M. y Hay, P. (2007). 5x5x5 researching children researching the world. England: Bath Spa University and Arts Council.

Barone, T. i Eisner, E. (2006) «Arts-Based Educational Research». En Green, J., Grego, C. y Belmore P. (eds.) Handbook of Complementary Methods in Educacional Research.  (pp. 95-109). Mahwah, New Jersey: AERA.

Bru, E. & Sarri, E. (2019). El cos i el moviment, presents a l’escola, Guix d’Infantil, 98, 17-19.

Bru, E. & Sarri, E. (2020). Què aporta la psicomotricitat a l’escola? Guix d’Infantil, 104, 28-32.

Bonàs, M.; Vives, I. (2003). El cuerpo tiene sus razones. Propuestas de la escuela para atender a estas razones. Aula,122: 85-96.

Buxarrais, Mª R., i Burguet, M. (2017). Aprender a ser. Por una pedagogía de la interioridad. Barcelona: Graó.

Calmels, D. (2013). Fugas. El fin del cuerpo en los comienzos del milenio. Buenos Aires, Biblos, 18-21.

Camps, C., Mila, J., García, L., Peceli, M., i Tomás, I. (2011).El psicomotricista en sucuerpo. De lo sensoriomotor a la transformaciónpsíquica.Buenos Aires: Miño Dávila.

Cañabate, D. i Soler, A. (Coord.) (2017). Movimiento y lenguajes. De la experiència sensorperceptiva a la conciencia y el pensamiento. Barcelona: Graó.

Edo, M., Blanch, S. i Antón, M. (2016). El joc en la primera infància. Barcelona: Octaedro.

Eisner, E. W.  (2004). El arte y la creación de la mente. Barcelona: Paidós

                   ― (2005). Educar la visión artística. Barcelona: Paidós.1ª edición, 1972

Efland, A. (2004). Arte y cognición. La integración de las artes visuales en el currículum. Barcelona: Octoedro.

Garaigordobil, M. (2010). Juego y Desarrollo Infantil:Revisión Teòrica y Propuestas de Intervención. Resum conferencia a les V Jornades de Reflexió: Psicomotricitat i escola. Bellaterra: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

Garaigordobil, M. y Berrueco, L. (2011). Effects of a Play Program on Creative Thinking of Preschool Children. The Spanish journal of psychology, 14, pp 608-618. doi:10.5209/rev_SJOP.2011.v14.n2.9.

García, L. (2000). La observación psicomotriz: transformar la experiencia compartida en comprensión. Propuestas para un análisi interactivo. Entre Líneas, 7, 10-14.

Grasso, A. (2013). Artey corporeidad. Buenos Aires: Magisterio del Rio de La Plata.

Imbernón, F. (coord.) (2002). La investigación educativa como herramienta de formación del profesorado. Reflexión y experiencias de investigación educativa. Barcelona: Graó.

Lapierre, A., Llorca, M. i Sánchez, J. (2015). Psicomotricidad relacional.Reflexiones desde la práctica, Málaga: Aljibe.

Latorre, A. (2003). La investigación-acción. Conocer y cambiar la práctica educativa. Barcelona: Graó.

Lorente, E., Matos, D. (2018). Educación Física y Pedagogía Crñitica. Propuestas para la transformación personal y social. Lleida: Publicaciones Universitat dde Lleida

Mannay, D. (2017). Métodos visuales, narrativos y creativos. En investigación cualitativa. Madrid: Narcea.

Martínez-Mínguez, L. (coord.) (2008). Educación física, transversalidad y valores. Madrid: Wolters Kluwer

Martínez, L., Rota, J., Anton, M. (2017). Psicomotricitat, escola i currículum. Barcelona: Octaedro.

Marín, R. (2005). Investigación en Educación Artística. Universidad de Granada. Universidad de Sevilla.

Morón, Mar (2011). La creación artística en la educación de las personas con discapacidad intelectual. La autodeterminación. Directores: Isabel Gómez Alemany i Marián López-Fernández Cao. Facultat de Formació del Professorat. UB (tesis doctoral)


Pateti, Y. (2014). Educación y Corporeidad: la despedagogización del cuerpo. Armenia (Colombia): Editorial Kinesis.

Pérez Serrano, G. (1990). Investigación-acción: aplicaciones al campo social y educativo. Madrid: Dykinson

Rodríguez, M.A. (2016). Cuerpos del inconsciente: Sus paradigmes y escrituras. Málaga: Miguel Gómez.

Rogers, C. (1978).Libertad y creatividad en la educación. Barcelona: Paidós Educador Contemporáneo.

Roldán, J.; Marín, R. (2012). Metodologías artísticas de investigación en educación. Archidona (Málaga): Aljibe.

Rota, J. (2015): La intervención psicomotriz. De la práctica al concepto, Barcelona: Octaedro.

Sanchez, J.; Llorca, M. (2008). El rol del psicomotricista. Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 62 (22,2), 35-60.

Saura, A. (2011). Innovación educativa con TIC en educación artística, plástica y visual: líneas de investigación y estudios de casos. Sevilla: MAD.

Vaca, M.; Varela, M.S. (2006). ¡Estoy dentro de mi cuerpo! Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 353: 26-28.

Wild, R. (2002). Educar para ser. Vivencias de una escuela activa. Barcelona: Herder.


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