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Latin Historiography and Oratory

Code: 104200 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2503702 Ancient Studies OB 2 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Francisco Carbajo Molina

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


In order to approach the subject with guarantees of success, it is advisable to master Latin grammar and vocabulary at a level equivalent to that worked in the courses Elements de llengua llatina and Textos narratius llatins (it is a medium-high level).

Objectives and Contextualisation

This subject is part of the Latin Philology Subject and seeks the following educational objectives:
  1. To apply the previous knowledge acquired in the subjects Elements of Latin Language and Latin Narrative Texts to the global understanding of a Latin text in prose.
  2. To understand the content of representative texts of the studied genres at their linguistic, philological and historical levels.
  3. To prepare a philological commentary on a prose text from the classical period.
  4. To answer adequately to various questions about the context of the studied works and authors.
  5. To relate the content of the texts, globally, with linguistic, literary and rhetorical aspects before and after the genres studied (Historiography and Oratory).
  6. To read the original version, to understand, comment on and translate a selection of representative texts of Roman Oratory and Historiography extracted from reference works and authors.
  7. To progressively acquire a wide vocabulary that helps translate texts without a dictionary.
  8. To relate these texts and authors with their sociopolitical and literary contexts.


  • Apply grammatical knowledge acquired in the analysis and comprehension of Latin and Greek texts.
  • Be able to express oneself orally and in writing in the specific language of history, archaeology and philology, both in one’s own languages and a third language.
  • Interpret texts written in Latin and Greek to understand the history and Classical civilisations.
  • Interrelate linguistic, historical and archaeological knowledge of the ancient world with knowledge of other areas of the humanities, mainly ancient literature, philosophy and art.
  • Make a commentary on a literary texts applying knowledge of genres, metrics and stylistics.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze the morphosyntactic components of a Latin text identifying those are specific of a literary genre or a particular linguistic variant.
  2. Explain the context of the literary works whose characters, topics and clichés were passed down to the following tradition.
  3. Explain the gist of a text without any need for a prior morpho-syntactic analysis or the use of a dictionary.
  4. Identify in the Latin texts the characteristics of a particular literary genre.
  5. Preparing an oral and written discourse in the corresponding language in a proper and organized way.
  6. Recognise the themes and clichés contained in the Latin works being studied in the European literary and artistic traditions.
  7. Translate fragments of the Latin works proposed.
  8. Use rapid text-comprehension techniques based on the semantic resources provided by the knowledge of Catalan, Spanish and, where necessary, other Romance languages.
  9. Write a stylistic commentary on a Latin text.


A. Roman Oratory.
  1. Rethoric and Oratory.
  2. Characteristics of the genre.
  3. Cicero.
  4. Historical context.
  5. Translation and philological commentary of a selection of In Catilinam and  Pro Archia poeta.
B. Roman Historiography.
  1. Characteristics of the genre.
  2. Sallustius, Titus Livius.
  3. Historic context.
  4. Translation and philological commentary of a selection of Bellum Iugurthinum and Ab urbe condita.

C. Linguistic aspects.

  1. Consolidation of the structures studied in the previous year and study of new advanced level structures.


  1. Latin paraphrase, written and oral, of the proposed texts, as a key to access the original one.
  2. Reading, comprehension, explanation, comment and translation of texts, previously prepared by the students with the help of the paraphrases, activities (virtual or not) proposed by the teacher and related to the lexicon and grammar.
  3. Work on the grammatical, lexical and semantic aspects contained in the texts.
  4. Contextualization of the texts in their work, author, genre and time, as well as the historical phenomena contained in them.
  5. Theoretical explanations on aspects related to genres, works and authors studied, as well as their time.
  6. Theoretical explanations on some advanced aspects of Latin grammar, and practical work based on specific activities.
  7. Commentary in class on oratorical and historiographic texts read in translation by the students, as well as on the bibliography eventually proposed by the teacher.
Gender perspective: it will be taken into account at all times, both in the use of inclusive language and in the selection of content (as far as possible).

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
TUTORIALS 5 0.2 1, 2, 3, 8
Type: Supervised      
CORRECTIVE OF EXERCISES 12 0.48 1, 9, 2, 6, 8
Type: Autonomous      
PERSONAL STUDY 30 1.2 1, 3, 7, 8


The evaluation is continuous. The student will be evaluated based on the following parameters:
  1. Attendance, active participation and realization of virtual activities. 15%. Daily.
  2. Oratory: examination of text, grammar, vocabulary and philological and historical aspects. 35%. Week 7.
  3. Historiography: examination of text, grammar, vocabulary and philological and historical aspects. 35%. September 16.
  4. Individual work of a philological nature on a fragment, not seen in class, of the authors and works worked on. fifteen%. Week 15.


  1. To pass the course, a minimum grade of 5 points must be accredited, which is obtained from the sum of the previous sections, as long as a minimum of 4 has been obtained in each section. In the event that this note is not reached, the student may take the recovery exam convened by the University. This exam will give the right to a maximum of 5 points (Approved). If the student presents one or more singular evidence, it can no longer be classified as "not assessable". In this regard, the mere performance of virtual activities does not count as evidence by itself in this sense (that is, it does not by itself deprive of the condition of Not assessable).
  2. VERY IMPORTANT NOTES Plagiarism In the event that the student carries out any type of irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the rating of a certain evaluation act, this will be rated 0, regardless of the disciplinary process that may arise from it. In the event that several irregularities are verified in the evaluation acts of the same subject, the final grade for this subject will be0. Virtual or hybrid teaching In the event that the tests cannot be done in person, their format will be adapted(without altering their weighting) to the possibilities offered by the UAB virtual tools. Homework, activities and class participation will be done through forums, wikis and / or exercise discussions through Teams, etc. The professor will ensure that the students have access to such resources or will offer them other alternatives that are within their reach.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Assistance, active participation and on line exercices. 15% 0 0 1, 5, 3, 6, 7, 8
Historiography: text, grammar, vocabulary and philological and historical aspects exam. 35% 2 0.08 1, 9, 5, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8
Individual piece of work of philological type 15% 0 0 1, 9, 5, 2, 4, 6, 7
Oratory: text, grammar, vocabulary and philological and historical aspects exam. 35% 2 0.08 1, 9, 5, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8


Latin Grammar

Bassols de Climent, M., Sintaxis latina, Madrid, 1956 (2 vols.).

Panhuis, D., Latin Grammar, Ann Arbor (Michigan), 2006.


AAVV., Lo spazio letterario di Roma Antica, vol. II, 1989, pp. 215-267.

Alberte González, A., Historia de la Retórica latina: evolución de los criterios estético-literarios desde Cicerón hasta Agustín, Amsterdam, 1992.

Cantó Llorca, Ma.J., Codoñer Merino, C., Ramos Guerreira, A., «Oratoria», en Codoñer, C.(ed), Generos literarios latinos, Salamanca, 1987, pp. 216-222.

Clarke, M. L., Rhetoric at Rome. Historical Survey, Londres, 1966.

Holgado Redondo, A., «La oratoria romana», Estudios Clásicos, vol. 22 (1978), pp. 341-360.


EdIn Catilinam Orationes IV:

Curtis Clark, A., M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes, vol.1, Oxford, Oxford Classical Texts, 1965.


Les Catilinàries,trad. Joan Carbonell, Barcelona, Edicions de la Magrana, 1997. 

Las Catilinarias, trad. Antonio Ramírez de Verger, Madrid, Ed. Cátedra, 2013. 

Ed.  Pro Archia poeta

Curtis Clark, A., M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes, vol.6, Oxford, Oxford Classical Texts, 1965.


Defensa del poeta Àrquias, trad. Gerard González Germain, Barcelona, La Magrana, 2013. 

Discurso en defensa del poeta Arquías, trad. Antonio Espigares Pinilla, Madrid, Palas Atenea, 2000.


Alberte González, A., Cicerón ante la retórica: la Auctoritas platónica en los criterios retóricos de Cicerón, Valladolid, 1987.

Corbeill, A., «Cicero and the intellectual milieu of the late Republic», The Cambridge Companion to Cicero, Cambridge, 2013, pp. 9-24.

Dugan, J., «Cicero’s rethorical theory», The Cambridge Companion to Cicero, Cambridge, 2013, pp. 25-40.

Steel, C., «Cicero, oratory and public life», The Cambridge Companion to Cicero, Cambridge, 2013, pp. 160-170.

Vasaly, A., «The political impact of Cicero’s speeches», The Cambridge Companion to Cicero, Cambridge, 2013, pp. 141-159.



AAVV., Lo spazio letterario di Roma Antica, vol. I, 1989, pp. 177-241.

Cizek, E., «Les genres de l’historiographie latine», Fauentia, vol. 7, t. II, (1985), pp. 15-33.

Codoñer, C., Evolución del concepto de historiografía en Roma, Bellaterra, 1986.

Codoñer, C., Historia de la literatura latina, Madrid, 1997, pp. 257-260.

Dinter, Martin T. (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Roman Historians, Cambridge University Press, 2019.

Marincola,John, (ed.), A Companion to Greek and Roman historiography, Oxford, 2007

Wiseman, T.P., Historiography and Imagination. Eight Essays on Roman Culture, Exeter, 1994.


Ed. Bellum Iugurthinum

Reynolds, L.D., C. Sallustius Crispi: Catilina; Iugurtha; Historiarum Fragmenta Selecta; Appendix Sallustiana, Oxford, Oxford Classical Texts, 1991.


Gayo Salustio Crispo, Obras, trad. Juan Martos Fernández, Madrid, Ed. Cátedra, 2018. 

Conjuración de Catilina; Guerra de Jugurta; Fragmentos de las "Historias", trad. Bartolomé Segura, Madrid, Gredos, 1997.


AAVV., Lo spazio letterario di Roma Antica, vol. I, 1989, pp. 208-217.

Codoñer, C., Historia de la literatura latina, Madrid, 1997, pp. 280-291.

Earl, D., The Political thought of Sallust, Cambridge, 1961.

Tiffou, E., Essai sur la pensée morale de Salluste à la lumière de ses prologues,París, 1974.

Albrecht, M. v., Historia de la literatura romana, Barcelona, 1997, vol. 1, pp. 413-440.

Titus Livy

Ed. Ab Vrbe condita:

Ab Vrbe condita,Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1919-1974 (5 vols.).

Ab urbe condita, Teubner, 1966- (Lib.21-22).


Història de Roma; introducció d'Antonio Fontán ; text revisat, traducció i notes d'Antoni Cobos, Barcelona, Fundació Bernat Metge, 2002.

Els Orígens de Roma : Ab urbe condita liber I; introducció, traducció i notes de Bàrbara Matas i Bellés,Barcelona : Edicions de la Magrana, 1999.

Historia de Roma desde su fundación, (Vol. 1, Lib. I-II) ed. y trad. Antonio Fontán, Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1997. 


André, J.M.  – A. Hus, La historia en Roma, Siglo XXI, Madrid 2005, pp. 85-118. 

Codoñer, C., “Livio”, en Evolución del concepto de historiografía en Roma, Barcelona 1986 (Monografies Faventia 4) (pp. 79-104). 

Fontán, A., “Tito Livio: estado de la cuestión”, Minerva restituta1986, pp. 83-107.

Dangel, R.J., Les structures de la phrase oratoire chez Tite-Live, París 1982. 

Fontán, A.,“Tradición historiográfica y arte retórica en la obra de Tito Livio”, Faventia 5/2 (1983), pp. 5-22 

Jiménez Delgado, J., El latín de Tito Livio, Madrid 1961.

Labruna, L., Tito Livio e le istituzioni giuridiche e politiche dei romani.Testi interpretati da Luigi Labruna, Napoli : Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1984.

Riemann, O., Études sur la langue et la grammaire de Tite-Live, Hildesheim 1974. 

Mazza, M. Storia e ideologia in Livio, Catània 1966. 

Mineo, B., Tite-Live et l’histoire de Rome, Klincsieck, París, 2006, pp. 137-210. 




The theoretical and practical materials will be posted in the CV of the subject. Other URLs of interest will also be provided there.