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Qualitative Research Methodology in Health Sciences

Code: 104114 ECTS Credits: 3
Degree Type Year Semester
2500891 Nursing OT 4 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Maria Feijoo Cid

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Sergio Martinez Morato



Objectives and Contextualisation

The purpose of the subject is to provide adequate knowledge and skills to evaluate critically the scientific literature of nursing care, from a constructivist and/or an interpretative point of view


  • Acquire and use the necessary instruments for developing a critical and reflective attitude.
  • Base nursing interventions on scientific evidence and the available media.
  • Express in a fluent, coherent and appropriate manner the established rules, both orally and in writing.
  • Find, evaluate, organise and maintain information systems.
  • Identify, analyse and choose the most suitable option to respond efficiently and effectively to problems in the professional context.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Acquire and use the necessary instruments for developing a critical and reflective attitude.
  2. Analyse the most commonly used qualitative research methods in nursing research.
  3. Describe the evidence provided by the qualitative research in nursing practice.
  4. Express in a fluent, coherent and appropriate manner the established rules, both orally and in writing.
  5. Find, evaluate, organise and maintain information systems.
  6. Identify, analyze and make the right choice paragraphs to address problems professionally, efficiently and effectively.


Paradigms of research: positivist vs. phenomenological-interpretative.

Introduction to interpretative methodologies: ethnography, phenomenology. Introduction to critical methodologies: investigation-action-participation. Sampling techniques and information saturation. Qualitative techniques of data collection applied to the health-illness-care process. Analysis and coding qualitative data. Criteria of rigor for qualitative research. Critical reading of scientific literature with qualitative methodology.



The different learning methodologies make up both of the theoretical content and of the skills related to critical thinking in the decision-making process in health-illness process. In the classroom practices, the critical analysis of original articles with qualitative methodology will be carried out in groups. Students, if they wish and are committed, may substitute the critical reading of original articles for Service Learning (SL) projects. These projects of social commitment allow the student to be trained through participation in a project aimed at solving a real need in a community and thus improve the living conditions of people or the quality of the environment (for more information http://pagines.uab.cat/aps).

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
CLASSROOM PRACTICES (CPRAC) 13 0.52 1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 6
THEORY (T) 12 0.48 2, 3
Type: Supervised      
TUTORIALS 7.5 0.3 1, 3, 4
Type: Autonomous      
SELF-STUDY 41.95 1.68 1, 5, 4, 6


Evaluation criteria: the final grade of the subject is the weighted average of each one of the students evaluative activities: written and oral.

All written and oral evaluation activities are compulsory, in case of non-presentation, they will be classified as non-evaluable (NE) and quantified as zero (0).

The final grade of the subject is the weighted average of the assessment activities, provided when, the mark of each of them is equal to or greater than 4. In the cases that any of the activities of evaluation is less than 4, the resultant numerical mark will be the weighted average according to the previous criteria provided it is less than 5, or will be set to 4.8 provided that the weighted average is greater than 5.

Definition of NOT EVALUABLE: it will be understood by Non-Evaluable (NE) that situation in which the student is NOT Present 50% or more of the evaluation activities.

Review of tests: all students have the right to review the evaluation tests with a previous appointment with the teacher. The review will consist of an individual tutoring where the student will be given the feedback in relation to his assessment.

The eventual treatment of particular cases: It will be carried out from a teaching committee (formed by the coordinator of the subject, and 2 departmental professors who are experts in the subject). This committee will evaluate the situation particular of the student and the most appropriate decisions will be taken.

Students who have not passed the subject by means of the continuous evaluation may submit to one retake exam as much as the student has been assessed for two thirds of the total grade of the subject. This retake exam will include all the subject matter of the subject.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Objective tests: multiple choice questions 50% 0.33 0.01 1, 2, 3
Objective tests: multiple choice questions 5% 0.05 0 1, 2, 3
Oral defense of written work 45% 0.17 0.01 1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 6


Selected References
  1. Maria L. Vázquez Navarrete; M. Rejane Ferreira da Silva; Amparo Mogollon Pérez; Maria J. Fernández de Sanmamed Santos ;M. Eugenia Delgado Gallego; Ingrid Vargas Lorenzo. Introducción a las técnicas cualitativas de investigación aplicadas en salud. Cursos GRAAL 5. Materials 168. 2006.
  2. Susan K. Grove., Jennifer R. Gray, Nancy Burns. Investigación en enfermería. Desarrollo de la práctica enfermera basada en la evidencia. Madrid. Elsevier. 6a ed. 2019
  3. Ana Berenguera, Maria J. Fernández de Sanmamed, Mariona Pons, Enriqueta Pujol, Dolors Rodríguez, Silvia Saura. Escuchar, observar y comprender. Recuperando la narrativa en las Ciencias de la Salud. Aportaciones de la investigacióncualitativa. Barcelona: Institut Universitari d’Investigació en Atenció Primària Jordi Gol (IDIAP J. Gol), 2014
  4. David Silverman. Interpreting qualitative data : methods for analysing talk, text and interaction. London. Sage, 2014.
  5. John W. Creswell. Research design : qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches. California. Sage Publications; <spanid="searchResultEditionInsertComponent" class="itemEdition">3rd ed; 2009. Disponible en http://fe.unj.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Research-Design_Qualitative-Quantitative-and-Mixed-Methods-Approaches.pdf
  6. Amanda Coffey; Paul Atkinson. Encontrar el sentido a los datos cualitativos: estrategias complementarias de investigación. Universidad de Alicante. 2005.
  7. Fernández de Sanmamed MJ, Calderón C. Investigación Cualitativa en Atención Primaria. En: Martín Zurro A, Cano Pérez JF. Atención Primaria. 5ª ed. Barcelona: Hancourt Internacional;2014.
Referral References:
  1. Oriol Romaní (ed.) (2013). Etnografía, técnicas cualitativas e investigación en salud: un debate abierto. Publicacions URV, Tarragona. Available in https://www.academia.edu/7065196/Etnograf%C3%ADa_metodolog%C3%ADas_cualitativas_e_investigaci%C3%B3n_en_salud_un_debate_abierto
  2. Rodríguez del Águila M.M, Pérez S., Sordo L., Fernández M. A. Cómo elaborar un protocolo de investigación en salud Med Clin (Barc).2007;129(8): p. 299-302.
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