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Cell Cultures in Biomedical Research

Code: 103977 ECTS Credits: 3
Degree Type Year Semester
2502445 Veterinary Medicine OT 5 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Marta Martín Flix

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Since the content of this subject is eminently practical, there is no indispensable requirement. However, it is advisable to have completed the subject of Cell Biology (or equivalent) in previous years. The knowledge of the English language is also recommended.

Objectives and Contextualisation


Cell Culture in Biomedical Research is taught in the 2nd semester of the 5th year of the Veterinary degree in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. This is a subject with a certain degree of specialization. It is intended that the student acquires basic notions
regarding cell culture methodologies used for the manipulation and culture of mammalian eukaryotic cells. For this reason, the subject has a strong practical component.

This subject aims to provide the Veterinary student with the basic knowledge regarding the basic theoretical and practical knowledge to perform cell culture techniques of animal cells. The students will also learn techniques used for the characterization of
the cells and for the detection of cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of various compounds (medications, additives, etc.). These are techniques that are very useful in research labs and frequently used in derivative industries, such as pharmaceuticals.


1) To learn about the equipment and basic material of a cell culture laboratory
2) To learn the basic methodologies and protocols used to characterize mammal cells to start, mantain and characterize an animal cell culture.


  • Comunicar la informació obtinguda durant l'exercici professional de manera fluïda, oralment i per escrit, amb altres col·legues, autoritats i la societat en general.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the physical, chemical and molecular bases of the main processes in the animal organism.
  • Work effectively in single or multidisciplinary teams and show respect, appreciation and sensitivity for the work of others.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Communicate information obtained during professional exercise in a fluid manner, orally and in writing, with other colleagues, authorities and society in general.
  2. Use techniques for obtaining and maintaining cell cultures and characterising cells in cultures.
  3. Work effectively in single or multidisciplinary teams and show respect, appreciation and sensitivity for the work of others.


*Unless restrictions imposed by health authorities impose prioritization or reduction of this contents.


1. Introduction to cell culture: Basic review of cell biology: organelles and functions of the cell. History of cell culture. Applications of cell culture. Advantages / disadvantages of cell culture.

2. Equipment and aseptic environement: Cell culture room or laboratory, laboratory equipment, cell culture equipment, flow hoods, biological security cabinets, aseptic technique.

3. Establishment of a cell culture: Types of cell culture: monolayer, suspension, 3D. Tissue isolation, explant cell culture, primary cell culture, cell separation: centrifugation, cytometry, matrix, magnetism. Cellular requirements: environment,
media components, pH control, cell growth, cell count, viability assessment, cell proliferation, cryopreservation: freezing media, cryoprotectors and cooling rate. Establishment of a cell line.

4. Mortal and immortal cell lines: primary cell culture, cell transformation, cell immortalization, stem cells: types, culture, differentiation and applications. Hybridomas: immortal cells and antibodies synthesis.

5. Transfection: transfection, transduction and transformation. Viral transfection. Chemical and physical transfections. Advantages and disadvantages.

6. Cell characterization: cellular morphology, microscope types, fluorescence microscopy. DNA characterization: fluorescence in situ hybridization (DNA and RNA), DNA extraction, PCR, sequencing.
Protein characterization: fluorescence immunodetection of protein markers, western blot.


1. Maintenance and subculture of cell lines. Growth control of in vitr cultured cells. Morphology assessment.

2. Fixing and targeting of cells by immunofluorescence. Cellular characterization through antibodies.

3. Cytotoxicity tests: Control of cell viability and proliferation and toxicity testing: apoptosis and DNA damage.

4. Freezing and thawing of cell lines.

5. Discussion of results.


*The proposed methodology can change if face-to-face restrictions are imposed by health authorities.
Description Cell Culture in Biomedical Research consists of theoretical and practical lessons.
  • For theoretical lessons, audiovisual material prepared by the teacher will be used. The students can access this material through the Virtual Campus of the UAB before the classes.
  • The practical lessons will have two parts and are designed for the student to learn how to use the cell culture laboratory tools and equipment and to familiarize with the basic protocols of cell culture, as well as to complement the theoretical lessons.
1- Practical lessons in the cell culture laboratory: The students will complete a total of 4 practical sessions of 4 hours each. These sessions will be held during the same week. During these lessons they will culture, subculture, characterize, freeze and thaw cells and evaluate the effects of cytotoxic components. The students will work in groups of 2 and, at the end of each lesson, they will have to complete a lab report with the results obtained that day. Later they will have to present a report gathering the results obtained during the week and briefly discussing the results obtained.
2- Presentation and discussion of a scientific paper related with cell culture: Students will choose one of the articles related to cell culture (offered by the teacher) and will have to present it briefly (4-5 minutes) in class, contextualizing it within the contents of the subject. The students will work in groups of 2 or 3 people to prepare their presentation. During the presentations, the students will ask questions and evaluate each other (30% note of this part) and the teacher will evaluate them all (70% note of this part)

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Practical lessons 16 0.64 3, 2
Theory lessons 10 0.4 2
Type: Autonomous      
Individual study 42.5 1.7 1, 2
Practical lessons report elaboration and presentation 3 0.12 1, 3
Scientific paper presentation 2 0.08 1, 3


*The proposed evaluation can change if face-to-face restrictions are imposed by health authorities.
In order to pass the subject of Cell Culture in Biomedical Research, a minimum score of 5 out of 10 points is required. The theoretical part holds for 50% of the mark and the practical part for the 50% of the remaining mark. A miminum of 4 must be
obtained in each part in order to average both the theoretical and the practical marks.

The scheduled evaluation activities are:
THEORETICAL BLOCK: brief test type exam, which will represent 50% of the mark.
PRACTICAL BLOCK: 2 practical activities that will represent 50% of the mark.

1. Practical activities in the laboratory: Attendance at the practical lessons is mandatory. Non-attendance at one or two sessions reduces the practice mark by 25% and 50% respectively. Non-attendance to 3 or more practice sessions implies a NO ATTENDANCE mark of this part. The mark of the practical lessons will be obtained after the presentation of a short report/exercices and will represent 35% of the mark (8% CT02 + 9% CT04 + 8% CE04.26). The report/exercices will be done jointly by the two members
of the group who have worked together during the practical lessons, and the mark will be the same for both components of the group. The report/exercices will be presented using the Virtual Campus one week after finishing the practical lessons.The purpose of this report/exercices is to present a summary of:

-The work done in the laboratory (methodologies used, techniques, etc.).
-The results of cell characterization, toxicity effects, cell growth, etc. obtained during the practical sessions.
In order to attend the practical lessons, students must have done and passed the biosafety and safety tests of the Campus Virtual and guarantee knowledge of the Bioscineces Faculty laboratory rules. 

2. Presentation and discussion of an article related to cell cultures in biomedical research: The presentation will take place the last day of class and the attendance of all studentsis compulsory. Non-attendance reduces the practice mark by 25%.
An article related to cell culture in biomedical research will be presented and discussed in pairs. This will represent 15% of the mark (9% CT02 + 8% CT04 + 8% CE04.26). The students will be evaluated by their own colleagues (30% of the mark) and by the professor (70% of the mark). The purpose of this presentation is to:

-Make an understandable summary of the objectives and results presented in the research article chosen.
-Develop a brief discussion and draw conclusions contextualizing the article within the syllabus of the subject.
-Be able to evaluate the presentations of classmates and ask questions about their presentations within the syllabus of the subject.

3. FINAL EXAM: In the event that a student does not pass one or both parts (theory and/or practice), or does not attend the theory exam for a justified reason, they can attend a final exam. This exam will be written and may consist of the theoretical part, of the practice or of both. In order to average the theoretical and practical marks, the mark of each part must be greater than or equal to 4. To pass the subject, students must obtain an average mark equal to or greater than 5.
Students who do not attend 3 or more practical lessons or at the theory exam will be considered as non-evaluable.

Students who do not attend to a test fora justified cause (such as a health problem, death of a second-degree relative, accident, forced attendance competition as an elite sportswoman, etc.) and provide the corresponding official documentation (official medical certificate that explicitly certify the inability to carry out an examination, police attestation, justification of the competent sports body , etc.) to the degree coordinator, will have the right to perform the test on another date.
The degree coordinator will ensure the specification of the new date after consulting with the teacher of the affected subject.


Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Practical evaluation 50% 0.5 0.02 1, 3, 2
Theory evaluation 50% 1 0.04 1, 2



R.I. Freshney. Culture of Animal Cells: A manual of basic technique 6th Edition. John Wiley & Sons, 2010.






There are no specific program/software requirments for this subject.