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History of Veterinary Medicine

Code: 102619 ECTS Credits: 3
Degree Type Year Semester
2502445 Veterinary Medicine OT 5 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Martí Pumarola Batlle

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Maria Saña Seguí


Ther are not any pre-requisites

Objectives and Contextualisation

After completing the course, the students are expected to know:

-        The concept health-disease along history

-        The historical basics of veterinary science

-        The evolution of ethics along human history

The expected results will be:

-        To know the evolution of Veterinary science

To know the historical basics and evolution of veterinary profession


  • Comunicar la informació obtinguda durant l'exercici professional de manera fluïda, oralment i per escrit, amb altres col·legues, autoritats i la societat en general.
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the aspects of organisation, finance and management in all fields of the veterinary profession.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the history and evolution of veterinary science through its professional activities.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the rights and duties of the veterinarian, with a special focus on ethical principles
  • Have basic knowledge of the profession, and in particular of the organisation and functions of professional practice.
  • Work effectively in single or multidisciplinary teams and show respect, appreciation and sensitivity for the work of others.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse and describe in general terms the role and status of veterinary science and its present-day social relations.
  2. Communicate information obtained during professional exercise in a fluid manner, orally and in writing, with other colleagues, authorities and society in general.
  3. Describe the bioethical principles applied to the scientific method and to veterinary activity.
  4. Globally analyse and describe the role and situation of veterinary science and its social relationships throughout history and in the modern era.
  5. Have basic knowledge of the profession, and in particular of the organisation and functions of professional practice.
  6. Identify and characterise the different stages in the history of healthcare and veterinary science.
  7. Identify the role of the veterinarian in all scientific and professional activities as well as their interaction with other healthcare professions.
  8. Recognise scientific method and its application and development in the field of health and life sciences.
  9. Work effectively in single or multidisciplinary teams and show respect, appreciation and sensitivity for the work of others.



Block I. The history of health science based in all common elements between sanitary professions (with priority to veterinary elements)


Chapter 1: Animals archaeology. Chronologic dating methods. Paleopathology.


Chapter 2: Disease, history and society. The disease as a social product. The diffusion of diseases. The role of the disease along history.


Chapter 3: Religious concepts of the disease. The disease in the archaic cultures. Common traits. Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Hebrew.


Chapter 4: Health and disease at the classic Greek-Roman societies. Origins of classical Greek medicine. Corpus Hippocraticum and humoral doctrine. The post Hippocratic period: alexandrine and roman Hellenism.


Chapter 5: Zoology and Agronomy at the classic period. Prearistotelian Zoology. Aristotle and the scale of the nature. The Peripatetic school: Teofrastus. Roman agronomic literature: veterinary knowledge.


Chapter 6: Nature and disease at the classical societies of Orient. Indian classical medicine. Chinese classical medicine.


Chapter 7: Science and Christianity at High Middle Ages. Monastic culture at western Europe: medieval medicine, botanic and bestiaries.


Chapter 8: Validity and dissemination of classical science. The Hellenistic heritage at Byzantium. The origin of veterinary literature. The compilations: Geoponica and Hippiatrica. The transmission of classical knowledge towards Latin Europe: Nestorians, Arabians and translation Schools. The creation of universities.


Chapter 9: Nature sciences at Renaissance (14th century). New concepts of renaissance world. The Anatomy: Vesalius movement and consequences. The botanic revolution.


Chapter 10: Origins of modern medical sciences (17th and 18th centuries). Paracelsus. The scientific method. The first attempts of systematization: Iatromechanics and Iatrochemistry. The microscope.


Chapter 11: Scientific expeditions at 18th and 19th centuries: Malaspina, Humboldt, Darwin. La constitution of the evolutionist thinking. Social Darwinism and eugenics.


Chapter 12: Pathology and Clinics at the contemporarily period (19th and 20th centuries). Pathology and the anatomoclinical mentality. The laboratory and the physiopathological mentality. The microbe revolution and the etiopathological mentality.


Chapter 13: Biological base of diseases in the actual world. Microscopic Anatomy (Histology and cell theory). Biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology.



Block II. Veterinary as a profession  


Chapter 14: Albeiteria. Systems of control of exercise: exam courts, teaching, books and evaluation. The figure of albéitar/manescal.


Chapter 15: Veterinary schools. Origen and reason of their creation. European diffusion. The origin of Veterinary schools in Spain.


Chapter 16: Coexistence of veterinarians and albéitares. Inclusion and exclusion dynamics. Albéitar vs veterinarian: the client perception. The role of public administration. The supremacy of nineteenth veterinary.


Chapter 17: The veterinary food inspection. The hygiene at prebacteriological period and the role of veterinarians as sanitary agents. The trichinosis. The widening process of veterinary food inspection: main decisive factors. 


Chapter 18: The arrival of experimental veterinary. Impact of bacteriologic laboratoryin the renovation of Spanish veterinary. The configuration of “modern” veterinarian. Ravetllat.


Chapter 19: Zootechnics. The dispute between agronomists and veterinarians for the control of zootechnics.


The "Veterinary History" course uses different methodologies to reach the above-mentioned objectives. Mainly:


  1. Traditional lectures to provide basic information on the different chapters

This course 2020-21, due to the situation COVID19 and to the restrictions that imposes us our University, the theoretical sessions will be asynchronous except three sessions that will do by means of TEAMS and where we will control the assistance. They will be the following: presentation of the subject (16-09-20), discussion of the film "The Doctor" (14-10-20) and discussion of the work on Trichinosis (25-11-20). Before each theoretical class and each synchronous session, the material to be worked on and discussed via Virtual Campus will be provided.

  1. Workshops to discuss additional or specific subjects and discuss historical events related with veterinary activities.

This 2020-21 academic year will all be face-to-face.

  1. Self-learning work: Reading and analysis of relevant scientific books or papers about veterinary activities, to understand how professional activities have developed along other health professions. Groups of 4-5 students have to write a report and present in public their work.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures 20 0.8 4, 7, 6, 8
Workshops 6 0.24 4, 2, 7, 6, 8, 5, 9
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials 3 0.12
Type: Autonomous      
Self-learning work development 18 0.72 4, 2, 7, 6, 8, 5, 9
Study 28 1.12 4, 7, 6, 8


- Evaluation of participation and performance at the lectures and workshops. OPTIONAL. 

Attendance at the three synchronous sessions scheduled via TEAMS and seminars will be monitored this 2020-21 academic year.

- Correction of written work. MANDATORY.

- Oral presentation and discussion of written work. MANDATORY.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Participation and performance at the lectures and workshops 30% 0 0 2, 7, 6, 5, 9
Self-learning work 70% (50% Correction of written work + 20% Oral presentation and discussion of written work) 0 0 1, 4, 2, 3, 7, 6, 8, 5, 9


Basic bibliography

ALLABY, Michael (ed.) The Concise Oxford dictionary of Zoology. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1992.

AMERICAN VETERINARY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. The AVMA: 150 years of education, science, and service. Schamburg, American Veterinary Medical Association, 2012.

BALDACH, Ububchasym. Theatrum sanitatis: liber magistri: códice 4182 de la Biblioteca Casanatense de Roma. Milano, Franco Maria Ricci, 1997.

BARONA, Josep Lluís. Història del pensament biològic. 2ª Ed., València, Universitat de València, 2003.

BEAUJOUAN, Guy. Médecine humaine et vétérinaire à la fin du Moyen Âge. Genève, Droz, 1966.

BENITO HERNÁNDEZ, Milagros. Del amanecer de las escuelas de veterinaria en España: aportaciones al estudio de la historia de la veterinaria. Moncada, Universidad Cardenal Herrera – CEU, 2003.

BERNABEU-MESTRE, Josep; BARONA, Josep Lluís (ed.) Nutrición, salud y sociedad: España y Europa en los siglos XIX y XX. València, Universitat de València, 2011.

BILLINGS, Frank Seaver. The relation of animal diseases to the public health and their prevention. Charleston, BiblioLife, 2009.

BLOOD, D.C. Diccionario de veterinaria. Madrid, Interamericana, 1993.

CHIODI, Valentino. Storia della veterinaria. Milano, Farmitalia, 1957.

CID DÍAZ, José Manuel. Chapters de historia de la veterinaria. Vols. 1&2. Murcia, Universidad de Murcia, 2000.

COGLIATI ARANO, Luisa. The Medieval health handbook: Tacuinum sanitatis. New York, Braziller, 1992.

COL·LOQUI D’HISTÒRIA AGRÀRIA. Contribució a una bibliografia per a la història de la ramaderia i la veterinària als Països Catalans. Barcelona, UB-UAB, 1996.

COL·LOQUI D’HISTÒRIA AGRÀRIA. Història de la ramaderia i la veterinària als Països Catalans. Barcelona, CEHI, 1999.

CORDERO DEL CAMPILLO, M.; RUIZ MARTINEZ, C.; MADARIAGA DE LA CAMPA B (ed.) Semblanzas veterinarias. Vols. 1&2. León, Laboratorios Syva, 1973.

DEHESA SANTISTEBAN, Francisco Luis (ed.) Semblanzas veterinarias. Vol. 3. Madrid, Consejo General de Colegios Veterinarios, 2011.

DRIESCH, Angela von den. Geschichte der Tiermedizin: 5000 Jahre Tierheilkunde. Stuttgart, Schattauer, 2003.

DUALDE, Vicente. Historia de la Albeyteria Valenciana. Valencia, Ajuntament de València, 1997.

DUALDE, Vicente. La Carne: su abastecimiento y control higio-sanitario en la Valencia foral / discurso de recepción del académico electo D. Vicente Dualde Pérez; discurso de contestación del académico numerario D. Vicente Serrano Tomé. Madrid, Real Academia de Ciencias Veterinarias, 1995.

DUNLOP, Robert H.; WILLIAMS, David J. Veterinary Medicine: an illustrated history.St. Louis, Mosby, 1996.

FEDERICO II, Emperador del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico. El Arte de cetrería: De arte venandi cum avibus / por el muy noble y sabio emperador Federico II de Hohenstaufen. Vols. 1&2. Madrid, Cairel Ediciones, 2004.

FERRAGUD, Carmel. La cura dels animals: menescals i menescalia a la València medieval. Catarroja, Afers, 2009.

GENER GALBIS, Carlos. Lecciones de historia de la veterinaria española. Valencia, Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU, 1999.

GIORDAN, André (ed.) Conceptos de Biología.Vols. 1&2. Madrid, Labor, 1988.

HARTING, James Edmund. A Catalogue of books ancient and modern relating to falconry: with notes, glossary, and vocabulary. London, Adamant Media, 2004.

HYLAND, Ann. Equus: the horse in the Roman world. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1990.

JAHN, Ilse; LÖTHER, Rolf; SENGLAUB, Konrad. Historia de la biología. Barcelona, Labor, 1990.

KARASSZON, D. A concise history of Veterinary Medicine. Budapest, Akadémiai Kiadó, 1988.

KIKKULI. L'art de soigner et d'entraîner les chevaux / texte hittite du maître écuyer Kikkuli ; trad. et présenté par Emilia Masson. Lausanne, Favre, 1998.

LAFUENTE GONZÁLEZ, Javier. La veterinaria a través de los tiempos. Zaragoza, Servet, 2011.

LONCKE, Jeremy. La Practica canum - le De Cane d'Albert le Grand: l'art de soigner les chiens de chasse au Moyen Age. Nogent-le-Roi, Librairie des Arts et Métiers, 2007.

LÓPEZ PIÑERO, José María. La Medicina en la Historia. Madrid, La Esfera de los libros, 2002.

McNEILL, William H. Plagas y pueblos. Madrid, Siglo XXI, 1984.

PIÉTREMENT, Charles Alexandre. Les Origines du cheval domestique d'après la paléontologie, la zoologie, l'histoire et la philologie. Charleston, Bibliolife, 2010.

PRÉVOT, Brigitte. La Science du cheval au Moyen Age: Le Traité d'hippiatrie de Jordanus Rufus. Paris, Klincksieck, 1991.

PRÉVOT, Brigitte. Le Cheval en France au Moyen Age: sa place dans le monde médiéval; sa médecine: l'exemple d'un traité vétérinaire du XIVe siècle, la Cirugie des chevaux. Orléans, Paradigme, 1994.

SANZ EGAÑA, C. Historia de la veterinaria española: albeitería, mariscalería, veterinaria. Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 1941.

SANZ EGAÑA, C. Enciclopedia de la carne; edición revisada y ampliada por César Agenjo Cecilia. 2ª Ed., Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 1967.

SASSON, Aharon. Animal husbandry in ancient Israel: a zooarchaeological perspective on livestock exploitation, herd management and economic strategies. London, Equinox, 2010.

SPINAGE, Clive A. Cattle plague: a history. New York, Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, 2003.

STAVROS, Lazaris. Art et science vétérinaire à Byzance: formes et fonctions de l'image hippiatrique. Turnhout, Brepols, 2010.

WALKER, Robin E. Ars veterinaria: the veterinary art from antiquity to the end of the XIXth century: historical essay. Kenilworth, Schering-Plough Animal Health, 199?

Interesting websites

Associació Catalana d’Història de la Veterinària (ACHV)



Asociación Española de Historia de la Veterinaria (AEHV)



World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine (WAHVM)



Digital found of Veterinary History



American Veterinary Medical History Society



Australian Veterinary History Society



The Veterinary History Society (UK)



Asociación Argentina de Historia de la Veterinaria



Web de la Associazione Italiana di Storia della Medicina Veterinaria e della Mascalcia (A.I.S.Me.Ve.M)



Sociedad Mexicana de Historia de la Medicina Veterinaria y




Museo de Veterinaria Militar, el museo de las ciencias veterinarias



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