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University-Enterprise Programme Internship II

Code: 102347 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year Semester
2501572 Business Administration and Management OT 4 0
2501573 Economics OT 4 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Carlos Guallarte Nuez

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


102347 External Internship Program University Business II is a subject taught within the framework of the Cooperativa Educativa en alternancia PROGRAMA UNIVERSIDAD EMPRESA (PUE) program that lasts two academic years. It corresponds to an Optional subject of 12 ECTS that collects the development and valuation of the second period of practices in companies and / or institutions of the PUE.
											As a prerequisite, it will be necessary to have passed the subject 102348 External Internship Program University Business I of this Program.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The University-Business Program (PUE) is a program of Educational Cooperation that incorporates supervised external practices by tutor in companies and institutions for the students of the Degrees of ADE and ECO in the last two academic years.
											See detail at www.eco.uab.es/ue and especially in the activities report of the last course
											The PUE is a training program in alternation that corresponds to two courses, it is structured in five sections two of them of full time internships in companies and institutions. The program was born in the 1989/1990 academic year in order to meet the need to combine studies of Business Administration and Management and practices in companies and institutions.
											The company participating in the PUE hosts students previously
											 selected according to academic record and with the appropriate profile to carry out the tasks planned in the training project without involving a labor relationship (Royal Decree 1707/2011).
											Two are the fundamental objectives of the PUE:
											Facilitate the professionalization of the student through their practical training in the company.
											Approach the University to the company in order to efficiently cover common needs.
											The practices in companies outside Spain allow, in addition, an improvement of their third language
											This second period of practices included in the subject 102347 External Practices Program University Business II offers the student the possibility of applying and complementing the knowledge derived from his first period of practices and receivers in the University favoring refurbishing the acquisition of competences to prepare him for professional practice, facilitating his insertion into the labor market and fostering his entrepreneurial capacity.
											This subject is part of the PUE Mention (30ECTS) comprising: two periods of practice that students carry out in companies of a duration of four months each (102348 External Internship Program University Company I, 102347 External Internship Program University Business II) These practices are supervised by a company tutor;
											Complete the specific training of the PUE at the Seminar PUE 6 ECTS and the PUE activities, mainly include conferences and seminars given by professors and experts of the companies of the Program.
											The allocation of the training project in the second period is determined by the result of the first period. At the indication of the tutors the second period of internships may coincide, be in a different section (country) or be carried out in another entity.


    Business Administration and Management
  • Capacity for oral and written communication in Catalan, Spanish and English, which enables synthesis and oral and written presentation of the work carried out.
  • Demonstrate a capacity for integration within a work environment and apply the skills and competencies acquired during the degree course.
  • Demonstrate initiative and work individually when the situation requires it.
  • Organise the work in terms of good time management, organisation and planning.
  • Select and generate the information necessary for each problem, analyse it and take decisions based on that information.
  • Work well in a team, being able to argue proposals and validate or reject the arguments of others in a reasoned manner.

Learning Outcomes

  1. A capacity of oral and written communication in Catalan, Spanish and English, which allows them to summarise and present the work conducted both orally and in writing.
  2. Demonstrate initiative and work independently when required.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to integrate into a work setting, and to apply the skills and competencies acquired in the degree.
  4. Organise work, in terms of good time management and organisation and planning.
  5. Select and generate the information needed for each problem, analyse it and make decisions based on this information.
  6. Work as part of a team and be able to argue own proposals and validate or refuse the arguments of others in a reasonable manner.


This second period of practices included in the subject 102347 External Practices Program University Business II offers the student the possibility of applying and complementing the knowledge derived from his first period of practices and receivers in the University favoring refurbishing the acquisition of competences to prepare for professional practice, facilitating insertion in the labor market and encouraging entrepreneurship.
											The allocation of the training project in the second period is determined by the result of the first period. At the indication of the tutors the second period of internships may coincide, be in a different section (country) or be carried out in another entity.
											This subject is part of the PUE Mention (30ECTS)
											These practices are supervised by a company tutor; Together with the academic tutor, they take care of the deployment of the planned profile of practices previously.
											Complete the specific training of the PUE at the Seminar PUE 6 ECTS and the PUE activities, mainly include conferences and seminars given by professors and experts of the companies of the Program.


The number of hours is interpreted in term of minimum of the period of practices of four months of full time dedication within the framework of the program of training in alternation.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Supervised      
Practices in the company 296.5 11.86 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6


The evaluation of the subject will be determined by 60% based on the report of the company tutor contrasted and homogenized according to the follow-up done by the academic tutor (40%), according to the self-report made by the student.

A qualification below five implies the impossibility of repeating the subject in subsequent courses.

This subject is not object of comparison with other subjects and / or experiences of a work type.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Evaluation period of internships: external 60% 1 0.04 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Evaluation period of internships: internal 40% 2.5 0.1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6




Microsoft Office, advanced Excel, power BI, tableau.