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Mathematical Practice in the Early Childhood Education Classrooms

Code: 101987 ECTS Credits: 4
Degree Type Year Semester
2500797 Early Childhood Education OB 4 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Judit Chico Gutierrez

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:

Other comments on languages



Maria Mercè Edo Basté


It is recommended that the student has studied the subject:
-  Mathematics at the childhood education curriculum.

Objectives and Contextualisation

"Mathematical practice in the childhood classroom" is the natural continuation of the subject "Mathematics at the childhood education curriculum" done the previous year. The new course develops practical knowledge and the application of childhood mathematical curriculum. It focuses on knowledge, analysis and design of educational situations for teaching and learning mathematics in early childhood education, with special emphasis on kindergarten and recovering what had been learned from the stage 0-3.

That is why from the subject: Mathematical practice in the childhood classroom, it is very important to stress in the ability to link and integrate the knowledge the students are acquiring in different subjects to obtain a global and interdisciplinary vision of teaching in the early ages.

Educational objectives:.

  1. Knowing the curricular mathematical content from 0 to 6 years: geometry, measurement and data analysis.
  2. Know and be able to analyze interdisciplinary teaching situations, identifying the mathematical content and the content of other areas that work.
  3. Design didactic teaching situations and mathematical learning for children 3 to 8 years.




  • Consider classroom practical work to innovate and improve teaching.
  • Make changes to methods and processes in the area of knowledge in order to provide innovative responses to society's needs and demands.
  • Promote and facilitate early infant learning, from a global and integrative perspective of different cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and developmental dimensions.
  • Understand mathematics as sociocultural knowledge.
  • Understand teaching strategies to develop numerical representations and spatial geometric and logical development notions,.
  • Understand the scientific, mathematical and technological bases of the curriculum at this stage as well as theories on the acquisition and development of the corresponding learning.
  • Work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary).

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse a situation and identify its points for improvement.
  2. Be able to analyse a learning situation, assess its relevance and make innovative alternative proposals.
  3. Be able to design personal teaching situations based on the curriculum and theoretical guidelines and examples shown in the subject for the teaching and learning of mathematics in infant education.
  4. Be able to draw on best mathematical practices to create new and personal ones.
  5. Be able to identify mathematical aspects in everyday life and be able to potentiate them and share them with children to facilitate their learning.
  6. Be able to organize both personal and group work to design and implement a joint project.
  7. Know about didactic situations and experiences that are created with a global and inclusive perspective of different cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and volitional dimensions.
  8. Propose new methods or well-founded alternative solutions.
  9. Understand learning and teaching theory as governed by the mathematics curriculum.
  10. Understand the diversity of educational situations designed around the mathematics curriculum.
  11. Understand the diversity of interdisciplinary teaching situations for teaching and learning of mathematics in kindergarten.


This course consists of five teaching units.
1. Educational and professional analysis of cases and classroom situations.
1.1 General Aspects: Psychological Theoretical Framework. Mathematics in interdisciplinary and globalizing situations
2. Geometry.
       2.1 Forms 3D and 2D.
       2.2. Location and orientation in space. Location and relative positions.
3. Measure.
      3.1. Magnitudes and measurement. Compare and sort items. Identify magnitudes. Measurement units. Length, volume and mass. Measuring instruments.
      3.2. The measurement of time. Temporal sequences. Using the calendar.
4. Data Analysis,
     4.1. Data Collect. Representation of information and simple graphics.
     4.2. Analysis and interpretation of data.


Considering that the protagonist in the process of teaching and learning is the student. The methodology of the course has been planned as shown in the table below:





seminars autonomus


Workspaces in small groups, guided by the teacher.



Workspaces in small groups (group 1/2), supervised by the teacher. The purpose is by analyzing documents, case solving or various activities get deep into the contents and thematic worked in the large group.

Supervised and assessment 



Spaces reserved for presenting the results of team work. The presentations of the results will be done in front of the other students. There will be a co-assessment among students, in addition to teacher evaluation.

Autonomous student work



Preparing of the recommended readings, that complement  the work that has to be done. Writing up the texts that will be discuss and consensus  on the seminars. Preparing presentations, and examination. 

Students will have 15 minutes of some session to answer the surveys of evaluation of the teaching performance and evaluation of the subject. 

Our teaching approach and assessment procedures may be altered if public Health authorities impose new restrictions on public gatherings for COVED-19

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Presencial seminars 20 0.8
Type: Supervised      
Supervised 30 1.2
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous student work 50 2


The evaluation of the course will take place throughout the academic course through the activities shown in the table below. The attendance at the classes is compulsory .


Evaluation activities   

% of the mark

Apprenticeship results


Handing over and presentation of the team work.


EI.2; EI.3; DDIC.2; DDIC.3; TF.3 


Individual writing test (Units from 1 to 5. Readings. Seminars. Team work)



DDIC.1; DDIC.3; EI.5; EI.20 

Individual tests + participation


EI.2; EI.3; DDIC.2; DDIC.3; TF.3 


The evaluation will be done partly in groups and partly individually. 

Evaluation in groups.

For the evaluation in groups we have the following instruments:

a) The documents submitted by the groups of students fruit of their theoretical or practical work. Folder work and classroom practices.

b) The oral defenses of group work.

c) The technology supports use in their presentations (power point, video, etc.) and also delivered to teachers.

The mark obtained in this group assessment represents 50% of the final grade for the course. To obtain a pass in the final mark is essential to pass (minimum mark of 5 out of 10)  of the assessment of the group work.

Individual evaluation. In this part is individually evaluated the scientific and technical knowledge achieved by the students.
The individual assessment is carried out through a written individual evaluation session test.
In the individual assessment can be evaluated everything that has been done during the course: teaching units, group work, seminars and / or lectures.
The mark obtained in the individual assessment represents 50% of the final grade for the course. To obtain a pass in the final mark is essential to pass (minimum mark of 5 out of 10)  of the assessment of the group work. Date of exam: 25/01/2022 (G61) ; 12/01/2022 (G62) 
In case of failure of the individual evaluation, student will have second-change of individual examination. Date of resit exam: 01/02/2022(G51) ; 26/01/2022G(62) 
Class attendance is mandatory: the student must attend all classes in order to be evaluated (a maximum of 20% of incidences is contemplated)
In accordance with UAB regulations, plagiarism or copying of any individual or group paperwill be penalised with a mark of 0 for that paper, without any possibility of a re-sit. During thecompletion of a paper or the individual exam in class, if the teacher has reason to believethat a student is trying to copy or s/he discovers any kind of non-authorised document or device,the student involved will obtain a mark of 0, without any possibility to re-sit.
To obtain a pass in the final mark for this module it is essential to pass (minimum mark of 5 out of 10) each ofthe assessment blocks: group work, written exam and individual work.

In order to pass this course, the student must show a good communicative competence (oral and written) anda good knowledge of the language or languages listed in the teaching guide. In all activities (individual and group)linguistic correctness, writing and formal aspects of presentation will be taken into account. Students must be able to express themselves fluently and correctly and must show a high degree of comprehension of academic texts. An activity may be returned (not evaluated) or failed if the teacher considers that it does not meet these requirements.


Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Examination 50% 0 0 1, 2, 5, 10, 11, 9, 7, 8
Team work 30% 0 0 1, 4, 6, 3, 10, 9, 7, 8
Tests & participation 20% 0 0 1, 2, 5, 3, 10, 11, 7


Alsina, A. (2012). La estadística y la probabilidad en educación infantil: conocimientos disciplinares, didácticos y experienciales. Revista de Didácticas Específicas, 7, 4-22.

Alsina, A. (2014). Procesos matemáticos en Educación Infantil: 50 ideas clave. Números86, 5-28.

Alsina, Á. y Salgado, M. (2018). Prácticas de medida en Educación Infantil desde la perspectiva de la Educación Matemática Realista. Edma 0-6: Educación Matemática en la Infancia, 7(2), 24-37.

Castelnouvo, E. (1981). La Geometria. Barcelona: Ketres.

Edo, M., Revelles, S. (2004). Situaciones matemáticas potencialmente significativas. Dins M. Antón, B. Moll, (eds.), Educación infantil. Orientación y Recursos (0-6 años), (pp.103-179). Barcelona: Praxis.

Edo, M. (2005). Educación matemática versus Instrucción matemática en Infantil. En P. Pequito, A. Pinheiro (eds.), Proceedings of the First International Congress on Learning in Childhood Education, (pp.125-137). Porto, Portugal: Gailivro. 

Edo, M., Revelles, S. (2006). Taller de geometria, recorrido geométrico, y duda que nos conduce a la medida en el ciclo inicial. En C. Tomás, M. Casas (eds.) Educación Primaria. Orientaciones y Recursos. Desarrollo Curricular, Experiencias, (pp.1-22). Barcelona: Praxis.

Febrer, M., Casas, E. (2001). Una balena pesa més que 100 persones "¡Y yo que me lo creo!". Biaix, 1950-56.

Masoliver, C., Edo, M. (2009). Todos nuestros zapatos tienen números. En N. Planas, A. Alsina (eds.) Educación matemática y buenas prácticas, (pp. 81-92). Barcelona: Graó.

Reggio Emilia (2005). Sabata i metre. Barcelona: Associació de Mestres Rosa Sensat.


There will be specific literature for each topic on the virtual campus.


No specific software beyond is required. Students will use the usual ones (text editor, excel or similar, video editor,...).