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Curricular Design and Adaptation

Code: 101685 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500893 Speech therapy OT 4 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Cristina Laborda Molla

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:



It is recommended that students take the 4thyear optional subject “communication and oral language in inclusive schools” concurrently. 

Objectives and Contextualisation

The methodological objectives of this course are developed within strategies based on directed, supervised and autonomous work.

The main objectives are to:

  1. Adapt teaching-learning processes to respond tochildren’s special educational needs (SEN) in contexts of diversity.
  2. Know the educational system and the current curriculum to be able to carry out actions to fulfil specific learning needs.
  3. Explore different methodological strategies to respond to the SEN of pre-school and primary education students, from the speech therapist point of view. 


  • Advise on the development and implementation of care and education policies on issues relating to speech therapy in school, welfare and medical teams.
  • Design and carry out speech-therapy treatment, whether individual or at group level, establishing objectives and phases, with more efficient and suitable methods, techniques and resources, attending to the distinct developmental phases of human beings.
  • Ethically commit oneself to quality of performance.
  • Have a strategic and flexible attitude to learning.
  • Integrate the foundations of biology (anatomy and physiology), psychology (evolutionary processes and development), language and teaching as these relate to speech-therapy intervention in communication, language, speech, hearing, voice and non-verbal oral functions.
  • Understand, integrate and relate new knowledge deriving from autonomous learning.
  • Use the exploratory techniques and instruments pertaining to the profession, and register, synthesise and interpret the data provided by integrating this into an overall information set.
  • Working in intra- and interdisciplinary teams.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse the influence of shared schooling on the development of children who require curricular adaptations.
  2. Collaborate in the curricular adaptation and/or curricular access program, according to the difficulties of hearing and/or language of the school.
  3. Critically explain the impact of different models of educational-integration policy on the use of public resources in the education system.
  4. Describe the influence of context and of social interaction and dynamics when assessing special-educational needs and in designing and planning an intervention.
  5. Detect the communicative problems that generate difficulties in the school learning.
  6. Establish and list appropriate criteria for the development of an individualised educational programme.
  7. Ethically commit oneself to quality of performance.
  8. Evaluate and to value the communicative competences and the development of the linguistic abilities of the students.
  9. Explain in a contextualised manner speech-therapy intervention in school settings taking into account school-based management and the common curriculum for all students.
  10. Explain methods to promote the integral development of people with special needs to whom this would be addressed.
  11. Explain the role of the common curriculum in schools.
  12. Explain the special educational needs associated with hearing and speech impairment.
  13. Have a strategic and flexible attitude to learning.
  14. Understand, integrate and relate new knowledge deriving from autonomous learning.
  15. Working in intra- and interdisciplinary teams.


  1. The Catalan educational context
    1. Educational System
    2. Different educational stages
    3. The 150 decree
  2. The curriculum
    1. Foundations and characteristics
  3. Design and organization of teaching-learning contexts in schools
    1. Educational school project
    2. Linguistic project
    3. Annual programmes
    4. Class programme (teaching unit)
  4. Curricular adaptations and production of individualized plans
    1. Special educational needs: concept, kinds and causes
    2. Learning difficulties related to audition and speech
    3. How to develop an individualized plan
    4. Special resources: SIEI, SIAL, AIS
  5. Methodological and organizational resources to achieve equity 
    1. School as an inclusive setting
    2. The role of the speech therapist


The course will be structured as a team project (an active methodology, very useful to take into account educational diversity), where involvement and participation of all students will be very important since the very first moment. There will be lectures open to students’ participation and in-class activities (study case, simulations and discussions), highlighting  students’  presentations.

Activities in this course are directed, supervised and autonomous. 

  • Directed activities are led by the teachers, and are carried out in the classrooms. These sessions take place in a large group and they include presentations, thinking and debate of the main contents of the blocks.
  • Supervised activities take place outside the classroom and include individual as well as in group tutoring, which aims is to ovecome difficulties, guide tasks and ensure the comprehension of the learning outcomes.
  • Autonomous activities are carried out by students independently, and include reading preparation, studying cases and some tasks to ensure the best academic achievement of the student.

The proposed teaching and assessment methodologies may experience some modifications as a result of the restrictions on face-to-face learning imposed by the health authorities. The teaching staff will use the Moodle classroom or the usual communication channel to specify whether the different directed and assessment activities are to be carried out on site or online, as instructed by the Faculty.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
- Lectures: 26 hours 24 0.96 1, 14, 7, 4, 6, 9, 3, 11, 12, 10, 13, 15
- Seminars 12 0.48 1, 2, 14, 7, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15
Type: Supervised      
Individual study and team work 28 1.12 1, 14, 7, 4, 6, 9, 3, 11, 12, 10, 13, 15
Type: Autonomous      
Lectures, and in-class activitites 84 3.36 1, 8, 2, 14, 7, 4, 5, 6, 9, 3, 11, 12, 10, 13, 15


 This course follows a continuous assessment process.

Evidence code



 Format       (oral, written or both)

Authorship (individual, group or both)

Mode (in-class, on line or both)




Question research project presentation







Case  study







Instructional material adaptation







Legislative context presentation














Results obtained for each of the evaluation activites will be given to the students 15 days after their submission as maximum grades, and will be posted on the Campus Virtual. Students have the right to carry out a review of the assessment of their activities in a individual tutorial session with the professor, in the 10 days following the publication of the grades.

Students who have given 40% evaluation activities do not have the right to a "not present" in the acts of the course.

Students who have successfully followed the course during the course, and still have some aspect not achieved, will be given the opportunity to overcome the results.

The final grade will be an average of the four activities with a minimum of a 5 for each of them. The course will be passed with a minimum of a 5. All the activities must be done to pass the course. The maximum grade for a repeated activity is 5.

 Material which is copied, in any activity, means a 0 as a final grade. 

There is no chance for 2nd o further enrollments to do a synthesis test.

The Faculty assessment rules are in  https://www.uab.cat/web/estudiar/graus/graus/avaluacions-1345722525858.html


Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
EV1:Question research project (face to face) 35% 1 0.04 1, 14, 7, 4, 6, 9, 3, 11, 12, 10, 13
EV2: Legislative context presentation (face to face) 10% 1 0.04 14, 3, 13, 15
EV3: Case study (virtual) 20% 0 0 1, 8, 2, 14, 7, 4, 5, 6, 9, 3, 11, 12, 10, 13, 15
EV4: Educational material adaptation (virtual) 35% 0 0 1, 14, 7, 4, 6, 9, 3, 11, 12, 10, 13


Basic bibliography 

GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA (2008): Currículum. Educació Infantil. Barcelona: Departament d’Ensenyament.

GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA (2008): Currículum. Educació Primària. Barcelona: Departament d’Ensenyament.

GISTAL(Grup d’Investigació sobre Sordeses i Trastorns en l’Adquisició del      llenguatge)(2002)L’ alumnat sord a les etapes infantil i primària.  Criteris i exemples d’intervenció educativa.Bellaterra, Servei de Publicacions de la UAB.

ECHEITA, G. (2006) Educación para la inclusión o educación sin exclusiones. Madrid: Narcea.

GINÉ, C. (coord.) (1996). Trastorns del desenvolupament i Necessitats Educatives Especials. Barcelona: UOC./Intervenció psicopedagògica en els transtorns del desenvolupament. Edició del 2000.

PUIGDELLÍVOL, I. (1992): Programació d’aula i adequació curricularEl tractament de la diversitat. Barcelona: Graó.

MACARULLA, I. SAIZ, M. (Coord)(2009) Bones pràctiques d'escola inclusiva. La inclusió d'alumnat amb discapacitat: un repte, una necessitat.Barcelona: GRAO (166)

MARCHESI, A. . [et al.] (1999): Desarrollo psicológico y educación. 3. Trastornos del desarrollo y necesidades especiales. Madrid:Alianza editorial.

Additional bibliography 

ALDÁMIZ M. i altres(2000) Com ens ho fem? Propostes per educaren la diversitat Barcelona: Grao nº 119.

A.A.V.V. (1993): Necesidades educativas especiales. Málaga: ediciones Aljibe.

ALVAREZ, L. SOLER, E. (1996): La diversitat en la pràctica educativa: modelos de orientación y tutoría. Madrid: Editorial CCS. Col·lecció Campus 3.

AINSCOW, M. (1994): Necesidades especiales en el aula. Madrid: UNESCO-Narcea.

ARNAIZ, P.. i LOZANO, J. (1996) Proyecto curricular para la diversidad. Psicomotricidad y lectoescritura. Madrid: Ed. CCS

CELA, J. [et al.] (1997): El tractament de la diversitat en l’etapa d’infantil i primària. Barcelona: Dossiers Rosa Sensat.

COLL, C. (1987): Psicología y currículum. Barcelona: Cuadernos de Pedagogía-Laia.

EISNER, E.W. (1987): Procesos cognitivos y currículum. Una base para decidir lo que hay   que enseñar. Barcelona: Martínez Roca.

FERRÁNDEZ,A. (Coord.) (1997):  Didàctica general. Barcelona, UOC.

GARCIA PASTOR, C. (1995): Una escuela común para niños diferentes: la integración escolar.   Barcelona: EUB.

GARCIA VIDAL, J. i GONZÁLEZ MANJÓN, D. (1998 3a edició): Evaluación e informe psicopedagógico. Una perspectiva curricular. Vol. I. Madrid: EOS.

GALLARDO, J.R. (1995,2a edició): Manual de logopedia escolar. Un enfoque pràctico. Málaga: Ediciones Aljibe.

GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA (1996): Atenció a la diversitat a l’ESO: 50 idees per a   l’acció. Barcelona: Departament d’Ensenyament.

GENERALITAT DE CATALUNYA (2003): L’ús del  llenguatge a l’escola. Propostes d’intervenció per a l’alumnat amb dificultats

GIMENO, J. (1988): El currículum, una reflexión sobre la práctica. Madrid: Morata.

GIMENO, J. i PÉREZ, A. (1988): Comprender y transformar. Madrid: Morata.

GIROUX, H. A. i FLECHA, R. (1992): Igualdad educativa y diferencia cultural. Barcelona: Roure.

HANKO, G. (1993): Las necesidades educativas especiales en las aulas ordinarias. Barcelona: Paidós.

HEGARTY y otros(1998) Aprender juntos.  La integración escolar. Madrid: Morata

GONZÁLEZ, D. (1993): Adaptaciones Curriculares: guia para su elaboración. Málaga: Aljibe.

LOPEZ MELERO,M.(1993) Lecturas sobre integración escolar y social .Barcelona: Paidos

LOUGHLIN,C.E.; SUINA,J.H.(1982):El ambiente de aprendizaje: diseño y organización.Madrid:MEC/Morata,1987

LLUCH, X i SALINAS, J. (1996): La diversidad cultural en la práctica educativa. Madrid: M.E.C.

MARTÍN, E; MAURI, T., (COORDS) (2011): Orientación educativa. Atención a la diversidad y educación inclusiva. Bacelona: Graó.

MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN Y CIENCIA (1992): Adaptaciones curriculares. Madrid: MEC “Cajas rojas”

Monogràfic (1993b): Educar en la diversidad. Cuadernos de Pedagogía212.

Monogràfic (1998): Comprendre la diversitat en educació. Educar22 i 23.

MUÑOZ, E. (1992): Desenvolupament curricular i educació en la diversitat. Barcelona: ICE-UAB.

MUÑOZ, E. i RUÉ, J. (Coords.) (1993): Educació en la diversitat i escola democràtica. Bellaterra: ICE-UAB.

PALACIOS, J. (1996): La adaptación en Andalucía. Sevilla. Junta de Andalucía.

PARDO, A.Mª.I BARLET, X. (1990) Reflexiones sobre el trabajo con padres. Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría, Audiología, vol. 10, nº 1.

PÉREZ-CAMPANERO, Mª. P. (1991): Cómo detectar las necesidades de intervención socioeducativa. Madrid: Narcea.

PUIGDELLÍVOL, I. (1998): <spanstyle="text-decoration: underline;">La educación especial en la escuela integrada. Barcelona: Graó.

RUÉ, J. (1992): Què farem de la diversitat? Crònica d’Ensenyament43, pp. 4-6.

RUÉ, J. i TEIXIDOR, M. (1991): Diversitat i agrupament d’alumnes. Bellaterra: ICE-UAB.

RUIZ I BEL, R. (1989): Adapataciones curriculares individualitzades per als nens amb necessitats educatives especials.  Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunyna.

SANZ DEL RÍO, S. (1995): Integración de alumnos con Necesidades Educativas Especiales. Panorama Internacional. Madrid, Real Patronato.

STAINBACK, S. (1999): Aulas inclusivas. Madrid: Narcea.

UNESCO (1994): Declaración de Salamanca y Marco de Acción sobre Necesidades Educativas Especiales. París, UNESCO-MEC

UNESCO (1995): Las Necesidades Especiales en el Aula. Materiales para la formación de profesores. París: UNESCO.

WANG C.M. (1998): Atención a la diversidad del alumnado. Madrid: Narcea.


Not use in this course.