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Socio-Political Bases of Education

Code: 101657 ECTS Credits: 15
Degree Type Year Semester
2500260 Social Education FB 2 A
2500261 Education Studies FB 2 A
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Helena Troiano Gomà

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Mireia Foradada Villar
Alba Castejón Company
Marta Comas Sabat
Ricard Benito Perez


It is particularly recommended to have passed the subject "Education and Educational Contexts" in first grade.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The subject gives a sound overview of the concepts, the approaches and the sociopolitical reality of education, in formal settings as well as non-formal settings. Furthermore this final aim, the subject gives a ground for contents to be taught in higher courses. The main goal of the subject is to understand and to analyse a territory, in multilevel approach (local, regional, national...), as well a concret reality, in a global socioeducatioal framework.

Other focused aims are:

  • To know the theoretical background of Sociology of Education and Educational Policy.
  • To enlarge the knowledge about the educational reality, in a sintetical way coming from a sociopolitical perspective.
  • To develop the critical thinking about the current issues in education.
  • To understand the origin and the consequences of social, legal and political boundaries shaping the pedagogical activity.



    Social Education
  • Develop processes to obtain, record, analyse and make decisions for educational action.
  • Develop strategies for autonomous learning.
  • Generate innovative and competitive proposals in research and professional activity.
  • Master the theoretical and applied knowledge of Educational Sciences to develop the capacity for analysis and observation of the social and educational reality.
  • Work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary).
    Education Studies
  • Analyse and understand the theoretical, historical, cultural, political, environmental and legal references and situations involved in education and training proposals.
  • Develop strategies for autonomous learning.
  • Identify educational approaches and problems, inquire about them: obtain, record, process and interpret relevant information to issue supported judgments that enhance education and training.
  • Manage information related to the professional environment for decision-making and reporting.
  • Work in teams and with teams (in the same field or interdisciplinary).

Learning Outcomes

  1. Assessing the value of correction, adaptation and acceptability in oral and written productions.
  2. Be coordinated and organised when producing work.
  3. Coordinate with other people to study a territory.
  4. Describe, analyse and present ideas and proposals in the field of education policy and sociology of education, based on scientific pedagogical literature existing today.
  5. Drawing up a map of an area's socio-educational institutions.
  6. Writing reports about the socio-educational context in an area based on the data obtained from this area.


The subject has three modules: Sociology (module A), Education Policy (module B), Socioeducational analysis of one territory (module C)


A) Sociology

A.1) Socialization: agencies and processes

Social rols adquisition, deviance, resocialisation and total institutions

School as a secondary socialisation

A.2) Social structure in advanced societies and Catalonia

From industrial to informational capitalism

Social stratification and schooling

Evolution of poverty, margination and social exclusion

A.3) Welfare state and social policies

Market, state, third sector and new forms of governance

Ideology frameworks and social and educational policies

A.4) Social inequalities and territory

Urgan segregation and social and educational impact

Social indicators at local level

B) Education Policy

 B.1) Theoretical concepts of education policy

State, policy, politics and educational system

Education policy: goals and key concepts

Educational reforms and decision-making


B.2) Education policy in the Catalan and Spanish contexts

Education policies: Spanish context

Education policies: Catalan context


B.3) Education policy and International Organisms

Education policy and globalization

Education policies: International Organisms and their contributions


B.4) Education policies and their influence on a territory

Education policies in the local context

Local Government Education Policy in Catalonia and other Autonomous Communities



 C) Socioeducational analysisof one territory

C.1) Statistics analysis at local level

C.2) Fields and users tipologies in socioeducational intervention

C.3) Socioeducational network at local level




Students are the protagonists in the teaching-learning process and on this basis a variety of methodologies will be used in this course:

Lectures with a large group:  Talks by lecturers about basic agenda items. During these sessions the entire group will be together in the class. It allows the explanation of the main contents through an open and active students' participation.

Seminars sections A and B: Workspaces in smaller groups supervised by lecturers. In order to go deeper into the contents previously addressed within the entire group; documents analysis and case resolution activities are developed in these smaller groups. 

Seminars section C: Workspaces in small groups supervised by lecturers. In these seminars, students are offered tools and methodologies to develop their collaborative projects.

Our teaching approach and assessment procedures may be altered if public health authorities impose new restrictions on public gatherings for COVID-19.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
1. Distance lectures enlarged grup module A 30 1.2 4
2. Seminars module A 15 0.6 4
3. Lectures enlarged group module B 30 1.2 4
4. Seminars module B 15 0.6 4
5. Distance lectures enlarged group module C 7 0.28 5, 1
6. Seminars module C 15 0.6 3, 2, 5, 6, 1
Type: Supervised      
Supervision and guidelines for assignments 75 3 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 1
Type: Autonomous      
Individual assignments and working groups 188 7.52 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 1


El bloc A i el bloc B tenen com a activitats avaluatives un control del temari i un recull de pràctiques de seminari, que cada professor/a especificarà al programa que entrega a principi de curs.  Per presentar-se al control del bloc A i del bloc B, cal haver presentat les pràctiques de seminari de cada bloc respectiu. El control de cada bloc ha de tenir un 5 per poder fer mitjana amb la nota de les pràctiques de seminari. El conjunt de les pràctiques de seminari ha de tenir un mínim de 5 per poder fer mitjana. Es farà la mitjana del bloc A i del Bloc B per calcular el 80% de la nota final de l'assignatura. Hi haurà una prova de recuperació per als alumnes que hagin suspès un o els dos controls, i hi haurà la possibilitat de recuperar la nota corresponent a les pràctiques de seminari.

The module A and the module B have two assessment tasks: an examination and a portfolio of seminar assignments, according to the teacher explanations at the begining ot the course. To be allowed to do the examinations, it is necessary to give all seminar assignments in each module. The minimum mark of the examination is 5(out of 10) to calculate the average with the seminar assignments marks. The global seminar assignments must have a mínimum of 5 (out of 10). The average of module A and module B marks counts the 80% of the subject.In case of failing one exam, a re-sit exam will be made available. The seminar assignments could be done in second chance.

The exam date for module A will be within two academic weeks after having completed module A, the exam date for module B will be within two academic weeks after having completed module B. The retake date will be three acadmic weeks after the module B exam.

The assessment task of module C is a report about one local setting. The report will have two parts, one in each term. The first part could be improved, not the second one.

To pass the subject, it is necessary to have a minimum of 5 in the average of module A and module B, and a minimum of 5 in the module C.

The marks for each paper or exam will be available within 25 academic days after their sumission.

Attendance to lectures is compulsory. Students must attend a minimum of 80% of sessions, otherwise they will be deemed as "non evaluable". In accordance with UAB regulations, plagiarism or copying of any seminar exercices will be penalised, the exercice will be not valid and must be repeated. The examination of the affected module awill be only possible in the re-sit date.  If plagiarism is detected in the assignment of module C, it will be suspended and will have to be done again. An extended definition of plagiarism is avalaible in:  http://wuster.uab.es/web_argumenta_obert/unit_20/sot_2_01.html

All activities (individual and group) will take into account linguistic correctness, editing and formal aspects of presentation. Students must be able to express themselves fluently and correctly and have a high degree of
understanding of academic texts. An activity may be returned (not assessed) or suspended if the teacher considers that it does not meet these requirements.

Our teaching approach and assessment procedures may be altered if public health authorities impose new restrictions on public gatherings for COVID-19.


Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
1. Exam module A contents 30% 0 0 4, 1
2. Seminar exercices module A 10% 0 0 2, 4, 1
3. Exam module B contents 30% 0 0 4, 1
4. Seminar exercices module B 10% 0 0 2, 4, 1
5. Report module C 20% 0 0 3, 2, 5, 6, 1


References for modules A and B:

Anyon, Jean (1999) “Clase social y conocimiento escolar”, a Fernández Enguita, M. (ed.) Sociología de la educación. Barcelona: Ariel. 

Benito, Ricard & Gonzàlez, Isaac (2007) Processos de segregació escolar a Catalunya. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill. 

Bonal, Xavier (2018) “Més enllà de l’accés: més educabilitat (i menys educació) per  sortir de la pobresa”, a Perspectiva Escolar, 399, 6-9. 

Bonal, Xavier & Cuevas, Joan (2019) Combatre la segregació escolar: de l’amenaça a l’oportunitat. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill. 

Bonal, Xavier & Tarabini, Aina (2016) “La LOMCE com a projecte de modernització conservadora i els seus efectes a Catalunya”, a Hom, O. (ed.) Societat Catalana 2014-2015. Associació Catalana de Sociologia: Barcelona.

Fernández Mellizo-Soto, Maria (2005) “Política educativa, igualdad de oportunidades y pensamiento político”. En de Puelles, Manuel (coord.) Educación, igualdad y diversidad cultural. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva (pp. 53-67)

Harris, Judith R. (2003) El mito de la educación. Barcelona: DeBolsillo. 

Martínez García, José S. (2013) Estructura social y desigualdad en España. Madrid: Catarata. 

Martínez García, José S. (2016) “Crisis, fracaso escolar, abandono educativo y desigualdad. Una relación paradójica”, aOrganización y gestión educativa: Revista del Fórum Europeo de Administradores de la Educación, 24 (5), 9-13. 

Martínez García, José S. (2020) La educación y la desigualdad de oportunidades educativas en tiempo de crisis. Madrid: Fundación Foessa. 

Merino, Rafael & De la Fuente, Gloria (2007) Sociología para la intervención social y educativa, Editorial Complutense y UAB.

Rotger, Josep Maria (2012) Sociologia de l'educació per a professorat d'educació secundària. Barcelona: El Roure.  

Sánchez, Jordi, et al. (1996) Aproximació a les reformes dels Estats del Benestar. Barcelona: Fundació Jaume Bofill (pp. 7-19)

Subirats, Joan & Alegre, Miquel Àngel (2006) “Convivencia social y convivencia escolar”, a Cuadernos de pedagogia, 359, 12-16. 

Subirats, Marina (2007) “Ser hombre”, a Castells, M. i Subirats, M. Mujeres y hombres ¿Un amor imposible?. Madrid: Alianza Editorial. 

Tarabini, Aina & Verger, Antoni (2007) "La agenda educativa global: mecanismos y agentes". En Verger, Antoni y Polo, Pere (coords.). Globalización y Desigualdades Educativas. Palma: Escola de Formació en Mitjans Didàctics

Valdés, Manuel Tomás (2019) “Diferencias autonómicas en la composición de la desigualdad en la expectativa de matriculación universitaria: efectos primarios y efectos secundarios”, a Revista de Sociología de la Educación-RASE, 12 (2), 209-227.  


For the seminars in modules A and B, there will be compulsory readings which will be specified on the starting day of each module.


References for module C:

Blasco, Jaume, & Casado, David (2011) AVALUACIÓ DELS PLANS EDUCATIUS D’ENTORN. Barcelona. Retrieved from http://www.ivalua.cat/documents/1/17_05_2011_10_04_09_informe_PEE_def.pdf

Coller, Xavier (2005) Estudio de casos (Cuadernos). Madrid: Centro de investigacions sociológicas.

Diputació de Barcelona (2005) Els projectes educatius de ciutat (PEC): Anàlisi de l'experiència acumulada. Nova proposta metodològica. Col·lecció Guies Metodològiques, n. 7. https://www.diba.cat/web/educacio/recursos/publica/guies/guia_m7


No especific software is neeeded for this course.