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Work Placement

Code: 101265 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500256 Social and Cultural Anthropology OT 3 0
2500256 Social and Cultural Anthropology OT 4 2
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Pepi Soto Marata

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Course not recommended for third-year students.

This is an optional course that has to be studied together with the 101254 Seminar on External Internship, also optional, recommended in the fourth year and also taught in the second semester. These are two complementary courses that must be registered at the same time and be attended simultaneously.

Although it is an optional subject is mandatory for people who attend the Anthropological Applications Mention in Culture, Environment and Society.

It is essential to have an accident and civil liability insurance - it can be done by enrolling the course for a minimum additional cost of approximately 5 euros marking that you want "additional insurance" -. If you do not have the insurance you will not be able to sign the Specific Agreement of Practices with the corresponding entity and therefore you will not be able to carry out the practices.

It is imperative to have been admitted in the pre-enrollment process to External Practices 21-22.

Only those students who have completed the pre-enrollment application in the Internship within the term established by the Faculty of Arts and have received their consent will be able to formalize the enrollment in the course of External Internships.

It is necessary to have a digital signature for the signing of internship agreements.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The course of External Internships is optional and is taught in the second semester of the, preferably programmed for students of the fourth year of the Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology. Students must study 101254 Seminar on External Internships because they are conceived jointly. It has a dedication of 6ECTS and for those students who attend the Anthropological Applications Mention in Culture, Environment and Society, has mandatory character. The course of External Practices aims that the student:

Have the possibility of joining projects and / or teams of entities or institutions of different types and experiencing the challenges of acting as an anthropologist or professional anthropologist in real situations with people and real problems.

You can discern, in practice, the technical characteristics of the job and the possibility of applying them in accordance with the teams in which the student is incorporated and within the projects and populations with which it participates.

Develop critical thinking and participate, insofar as the characteristics of the place of practice offers, in the proposals and work and / or intervention projects, in order to identify problems that can be derived from them and common interests regarding the implication of anthropology

Openly develop interdisciplinary and interprofessional relationships, insofar as the situations in which the student participates allow it.

Facing the ethical dilemmas that raises all professional and / or intervention collaboration, both in relation to the inequality between entities, services and population, such as those thatarise from the population itself or those that emerge from the role itself as a professional of the anthropology

Facing a perspective on the professional development and on the application of the anthropological knowledge, which prepares for future labour insertion.

The student must have previously been trained in the general theoretical fields of Anthropology and in the ethnographic field, both at field level and documental analysis, so that during the course of the practices, the possibility of applying the knowledge acquired and the challenges of teamwork and understanding of specific professional realities and learn to value their own learning process and adaptation to the work contexts where they participate.

The parameters of focus of professional specialization are always structured, from honesty towards each and every one of the parties involved in a process, project or action, towards their own critical function and awareness of their own limitations and capacities and on the value of human relationships as a participant and as a professional.


    Social and Cultural Anthropology
  • Designing a project adapted to the petitioner's request and to the characteristics and needs of the targeted populations.
  • Generating innovative and competitive proposals in research and professional activity.
  • Intervening in different contexts and areas of implementation of Anthropology (intercultural relations, development and cooperation, kinship, health, education, social use of space and other intervention areas).
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Students must develop the necessary learning skills to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Ability to maintain an appropriate conversation.
  2. Acquiring experience in an ethnographic professional involvement by knowing the factors involved in a planned change of a population.
  3. Being capable of carrying out ethnographic designs corresponding to planned changes, and intermediate and final evaluation designs.
  4. Carrying out a planning for the development of a subject-related work.
  5. Carrying out an individual work that specifies the work plan and timing of activities.
  6. Carrying out oral presentations using appropriate academic vocabulary and style.
  7. Effectively expressing themselves and applying the argumentative and textual processes of formal and scientific texts.
  8. Identifying the possible effects of the sociocultural interventions in several different groups.
  9. Intervening in different contexts and areas of implementation of Anthropology in the field of relationships between culture and society.
  10. Knowing and implementing the professional involvement in interventions into different contexts and areas of implementation of Anthropology within the field between culture and society.
  11. Participating in sociocultural intervention and cooperation and development programs, evaluating its cultural adequacy.
  12. Reconciling the Administration demands and those from the affected populations in the intervention projects.
  13. Reconciling the targeted population's demands and needs.
  14. Solving problems autonomously.
  15. Using specific techniques that allow ethnological immersion and relationship in order to study the marginalized and hidden populations.


This is a subject where the learning is organized around the experience with human teams that work in real life, with real populations and real problems. The subject is considered as the possibility of entering into relationships with entities and institutions that carry out activities of a diverse nature, format and content, in order to know the professional practice of anthropology and to discover their possibilities in different fields and orientations.

The students must understand the meaning of the actions of both the entity and the people with whom they works and the people with whom they intervene; they will have to deal with the incidents, the effects, the impacts, the resistance, the confluences, the adjustments and the synergies of the processes in which they will participate; they will have to develop a formal knowledge of both the entity and other professional groups that are located and must be receptive and predisposed to the recognition of the different voices, criteria and interests of the groups involved in the project or program where they are inserted

The organizations that have so far established educational collaboration agreements to carry out unpaid professional practices with the Degree of Social and Cultural Anthropology are: ACNUR Comitè Català, Ajuntament de Sant Cugat del Vallès - Àrea de Cultura i Patrimoni; Ajuntament de Palafolls - Àrea de Cooperació; Ajuntament de Terrassa - Servei de Polítiques de Gènere, Ajuntament de Viladecavalls - Regidoria de Cultura, Associació AlterNativa Intercanvi amb Pobles Indígenes, Associació Catalana de Professionals de l'Antropologia (ACPA), Associació del Barri Sud de Sabadell, Associació Intercultural Nakeramos, Associació Puntde Referència, Carrutxa centre de documentació del patrimoni i la memòria, Casa Àsia, Casal Lambda, Col.legi d'Educadores i Educadors Socials de Catalunya (CEESC), Consorci d'Educació de Barcelona, Consorci de Biblioteques de Barcelona, Diàlegs de Dona Associació Intercultural, Espai Ermengol-Museu de la Ciutat de la Seu d'Urgell, Fundació Akwaba, Fundació Autònoma Solidària (FAS), Fundació Bayt-Al-Taqhafa, Fundació i2CAT; Fundació Jaume Bofill, Fundació Phonos - UPF, Fundació Secretariado Gitano, Fundació WASSU - UAB, Generalitat de Catalunya - Departament de Cultura, Grup SURAL Consultors, S.L., Institut Català d'Antropologia (ICA), Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA), Institut d'Infància i Adolescència de Barcelona, Institut de Cultura de Barcelona (ICUB) - Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món, L'Arc Taller de Música Fundació Privada, La Clara Comunicació, Lliberia Altaïr, Mans Unides, Museu de la Pesca de Palamós, Museu de Solsona, Orixà Viatges, Observatori de Video No Identificat (OVNI), Progess, S.L. - Centre Cívic Guinardó - Centre Cívic Barceloneta, Qadar Art i Viatges, Qadar Produccions Culturals, Secretariat d'Entitats deSants, Hostafrancs i la Bordeta, Sostre Cívic, Spora Sinèrgies consultoria social, Torra, S.A. Serveis funeraris i Xarxa d'Interès del Patrimoni Etnològic (XIPE). 

Each course expands the offer of entities and places. During the 21-22 year the defining entities will be announced in November.


The course offers the possibility of incorporating in its own knowledge, based on an experience in the field with all its implications, what throughout the previous training has been learned. It is therefore an open agenda because each student will experience external practices in different entities and projects, and the contents focus on consolidating what has been learned previously and incorporating the new learning that comes out of the collaboration, participation and involvement in sociocultural projects.



The teaching methodology and the evaluation proposed in the guide may undergo some modification subject to the onsite teaching restrictions imposed by health authorities. 

Students, regardless of what they have recorded in the pre-enrolment application, will request, within the term established by the coordination of Practices - which will be announced in advance, but is usually the month of November -, their preferences of entities and projects to carry out the practices, among the set of proposals that the Department has programmed for the 21-22 course, prior agreement with the entities involved.

A process will be established for the allocation of placements to students by the teaching team of the Degree's Teaching Committee. Once accepted by the student the commitment to make them, there will be a Single Agreement with each student, which will show the hours of dedication, duration and tasks or the project in which they will collaborate and will participate, taking into account that the total hours of internships at the institution is 130h. These hours are supervised by the entity and linked to the specific project in which the practice is included and include an initial time for familiarization with the entity and the people that work there as well as for the design of the project, interviews, critical reflections and contributions to the group and the entity. The other 20h. will be used to carry out reports. The specific dedication will be established in the Convention.

Each institution will have a tutor -or two- in charge of each student's follow-up and, jointly, a proposal for a stay will be formulated that will be specified in the Individual Training Project of each student, which includes the Convention.

Therefore the student will have to make a project for his stay of practices, will have to carry out the stay of practices under the guidance of the tutors, one of the University and the other - or others- of the Entity that welcomes it in practice; It will have to adapt to the specific proposals of the agreement that will regulate the stay, will have to carry out the tasks that correspond to him and they will be assigned to him and will have to solve the evaluation of the subject by means of the elaboration of an intermediate report of the final report.

The quality assurance system associated with the period of external internships is fundamentally related to the appropriate and previous training in student anthropology, in the well-chosen choice of the promoter entity and the project to be solved, in the fluid relationship Among tutors, in the follow-up throughout the process of the tutors and, to the extent possible, of the intellectual, ethical, or even personal, support to the student.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Project of stay in the entity and concretion of the Formative Plan. 5 0.2 5, 4, 1, 14
Type: Supervised      
Analysis of documents and proposals of the entity. Meetings with the tutors. Stay at the entity under supervision. Participation in specific tasks of the project where the student is inserted. Doing a field diary, interviews or other techniques. 125 5 2, 12, 13, 10, 8, 9, 1, 11, 14, 3, 15


In the event that tests or exams cannot be taken onsite, they will be adapted to an online format made available through the UAB’s virtual tools (original weighting will be maintained). Homework, activities and class participation will be carried out through forums, wikis and/or discussion on Teams, etc. Lecturers will ensure that students are able to access these virtual tools or will offer them feasible alternatives. 

The evaluation of the subject is organized as follows:

1. Follow-up by the coordinator of external internship (10%)

2. Intermediate report and final report of the student (30%)

3. Final report of the person in charge of the internship organization (60%)

Not evaluable. When the student has not reached 10% of the hours prescribed in the agreement.

Suspended. When the student has exceeded 10% attendance, but has not completed the hours in the agreement or is assessed negatively.


Honours. Given the heterogeneity of the evaluation of External Practices and the optional nature of this qualification, Honours will not be granted -Faculty Agreement of 04/2019-.

Re evaluation. External Practices can not be re evaluated.

Plagiarism. In the event of astudent committing any irregularity that may lead to a significant variation in the grade awarded to an assessment activity, the student will be given a zero for this activity, regardless of any disciplinary process that may take place. In the event of several irregularities in assessment activities of the same subject, the student will be given a zero as the final grade for this subject.


Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Intermediate report and final report of the student 30% 20 0.8 2, 12, 13, 10, 5, 4, 7, 6, 8, 9, 1, 11, 14, 3, 15


The bibliography related to this subject comes from the different entities that make specific contributions to each student in practices. Not all entities include bibliographic work in their internship stays. In any case, the theoretical reflections related to the professional practice are developed within the framework of the subject that is attended simultaneously, the Seminar of Practices External, code 101254. 



It is necessary to guarantee access to the Teams platform that is established by the UAB to carry out online activities.