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Areas of Psychosocial Intervention. Inclusion and Diversity: Culture, Minorities and Genre

Code: 42586 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
4313402 Psychosocial Research and Intervention OT 0 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Beatriz San Román Sobrino

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
spanish (spa)


José Luis Lalueza Sazatornil
Vicent Borrás Catalŕ
Jenny Cubells Serra
Marisela Montenegro Montenegro Martinez
R. Lucas Platero Méndez


There are no prerequisites.

Objectives and Contextualisation

1- To know the fundamental concepts that characterize the fields of study: "Cultural and Minority Studies" and "Gender Studies in the Psychosocial Field".

2- To analyse the current legal frameworks governing these areas.

3- To identify the most appropriate intervention policies and programmes in these areas.

4- To know the tools of diagnosis, implementation and evaluation in intervention projects in these areas.


  • Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  • Defend and justify arguments with clarity and precision, so appropriate to the context, valuing the contributions of others.
  • Identify, relate and apply concepts, theories and perspectives in the theoretical and practical approach to psychological reality.
  • Selecting and applying necessary for collection, analysis and presentation of empirical material qualitative techniques.
  • Teamwork, creating synergies in working environments that involve different people working in a coordinated and collaborative.
  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyze specific research areas studied: Cultural Studies and minorities and gender relations and social intervention
  2. Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously.
  3. Defend and justify arguments with clarity and precision, so appropriate to the context, valuing the contributions of others.
  4. Describe different theoretical and practical frameworks in the fields of psychosocial intervention: Cultural Studies and minorities and gender relations and social intervention
  5. Teamwork, creating synergies in working environments that involve different people working in a coordinated and collaborative.
  6. Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.


  • Cultural differences and identity construction
  • Citizenship and immigration. Issues on "otherness"
  • Intersectionality and analysis of social intervention
  • Racialization, ethnicity, origins. Transnational adoption
  • LGBTI families
  • LGTBI policies and activisms
  • The gender perspective in psychosocial intervention


The methodology consists of 5 types of activity:

- Lectures: Sessions with the whole group where the teacher develops theoretical perspectives and concepts;

- Workshops: Seminar sessions with the whole group, in which teacher and students work together to analyse psychosocial intervention cases;

- Tutorials: Personalized attention to deal with students’ doubts or questions, whether in relation to lectures, readings or the work they undertake throughout the course;

- Assignment preparation: Supervision of the process of completing assignments in each of the areas;

- Self-learning activities: Reading articles and reports of interest, and personal study.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures 20 0.8 4, 6
Workshops 17.5 0.7 3, 2, 5
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials 10 0.4 3, 5
Work production 27.5 1.1 1
Type: Autonomous      
Personal study 35 1.4 2
Reading of articles and reports 40 1.6 1, 2


In order to pass the module, the student needs to obtain an overall grade greater than 5 in the entire evaluation tests.

Evaluable: The student who has submitted learning evidences with a weigh 40% of the total module will be considered "Evaluable".

Non-evaluable: When the total weight of the learning evidences submitted is less than 40% of the module as a whole, the student will be considered "non-evaluable".

Reassessment: There is no reassessment.

Evaluation Guidelines of the Faculty of Psychology: http://www.uab.cat/doc/DOC_avaluaciotitulacions1819


Evaluation activities

The module will be evaluated through 2 pieces of evidence of learning (carried out by groups of 3-4 people) and an individual learning report for the module:

-EV1: An essay based on concepts worked on in class and readings on the themes of coexistence and/or social inclusion of ethnic minorities and/or immigration (2500-3000 words). (40%)

-Ev2: Design of an audiovisual piece for the prevention and/or intervention against gender violence. (40%)

-Ev3: Learning Report for the module: report on the application of the module in the process of the master's degree dissertation (TFM). (20%)

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
EV2. Delivery of work #1 40% 0 0 1, 3, 4, 2, 6, 5
EV2. Delivery of work #2 40% 0 0 1, 3, 2, 6, 5
EV3. Learning report for TFM 20% 0 0 2, 6


1- Cultural and minorities studies:

Agrela, B. (2004). La acción social y las mujeres inmigrantes: ¿Hacia unos modelos de intervención? Portuaria, 4: 31-42.

Blanch, A. (2004). La inmigración como problema: un análisis de las prácticas discursivas de la población autóctona. Papers, 74: 175-201.

Berry, J.W. (2001). A Psychology of Immigration. Journal of Social Issues, 57(3): 615–631.

Bruner, J.S. (1991). Actos de significado. Más allá de la revolución cognitiva. Madrid: Alianza.

Bruner, J. (2008). Culture and Mind: Their Fruitful Inconmensurability. Ethos, 36(1): 29-45.

Cole, M. (1999). Psicología Cultural. Madrid: Morata.

Crespo, I.; Rubio, R.; López C. & Padrós, M. (2012). Lenguaje social, identidad e inclusión escolar en el discurso de los maestros. Cultura & Educación, 24(2): 163-175.

De la Mata, M. L. & Cubero, M. (2003). Cultural Psychology: Approaches to the study of the relationship between mind and culture. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 26(2): 181-199

Greenfield, P.M. & Cocking, R.R. (Eds.) (1994): Cross-cultural Roots of Minority Child Development. Hillsdale: LEA.

Hedegaard, M. (2009). Children’s development from a cultural-historical approach: children’s activity in everyday local settings as foundation for their development. Mind Culture and Activity, 16(1): 149-168.

Institut Diversitas (2009). MANUAL [ANTI]RUMORS. Material pedagògic per a combatre rumors i estereotips fonamentats en la diversitat cultural. Barcelona: Institut Diversitas.

Lalueza, J. L. (2012). Modelos psicológicos para la explicación de la diversidad cultural. Cultura & Educación, 24(2): 149-162.

Lalueza, J. L. & Crespo, I. (2009). Voices inthe “Gipsy Developmental Project”. Mind, Culture & Activity,16(3): 263-280.

Lurbe, K. & Santamaría, E. (2007). Entre (nos)otros… o la necesidad de re-pensar la construcción de las alteridades en contextos migratorios. Papers, 85: 57-69.

Mora, B. y Montenegro, M. (2009). Fronteras internas, cuerpos marcados y experiencia de fuera de lugar. Las migraciones internacionales bajo las actuales lógicas de explotación y exclusión del capitalismo global. Athenea Digital, 15:1-19.

Nilsson, M. & Nocon, H. (Eds.) (2005). School of Tomorrow. Developing Expansive Learning Environments. Berna: Peter Lang.

Ogbu, J.U. (1994). From Cultural Differences to Differences in Cultural frame of Reference. In P.M. Greenfield & R.R. Cocking (Eds.), Cross-cultural Roots of Minority Child Development (pp. 365-391). Hillsdale: LEA.

Rogoff, B. (2003). The Cultural Nature of Human Development. Oxford University Press.

San Román, B. (2015). De la dificultad de pensar la construcción de la identidad sin anclajes: la adopción transnacional en España. Scripta Nova, Revista electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales (Número extraordinario: "Nuevos enfoques sobre nomadismo, desplazamiento y transitoriedad"), XIX(510-5). http://www.ub.es/geocrit/sn/sn-510-5-pdf

Valsiner, J. (2009). Cultural Psychology Today: Innovations and Oversights. Culture & Psychology, 15(1): 5-39.

Verkuyten & de Wolf (2002). Being, feeling and doing: Discourses and ethnic self-definitions among minority group members. Culture & Psychology, 8(4): 371-399.

Wenger, E. (2001). Comunidades de práctica. Aprendizaje, significado e identidad. Barcelona: Paidós.

Wertsch, J.V. (1991). Voices of the mind: a sociocultural approach to mediated action. London: Harvester Whetsheaf.

Wertsch, J.V. (2002). Voices of collective remembering. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


2. Gender relations and social intervention:

Friedan, B. (1965). Cap. 1: El problema que no tiene nombre. En B. Friedan, La mística de la feminidad (pp. 29-46). Barcelona: Sagitario.

Friedan, B. (1965). Cap. XII: La deshumanización progresiva. Los confortables campos de concentración». En B. Friedan, La mística de la feminidad (pp. 315-344). Barcelona: Sagitario.

Millet, K. (1973 [1969]). Cap. 2.: Teoría de la política sexual. En K. Millet, Política sexual (pp. 31-77). México: Aguilar.

Rubin, G. (1986 [1975]). El tráfico de mujeres: Notas sobre la “economía política” del sexo. Nueva Antropología, VIII(30): 95-145.

Scott, Joan W. (1996 [1986]). El género: Una categoría útil para el análisis histórico. En Marta Lamas (Comp.), El género: La construcción cultural de la diferencia sexual (pp. 265-302) México: PUEG.

Stolcke, V. (2004). La mujer es puro cuento. La cultura del género. Estudios Feministas, Florianópolis, 12(2): 264.

Pujal i Llombart, M. & Mora, E. (2013) Trabajo, dolor y su diagnóstico psicosocial de género. Un ejemplo. Universitas Psychologica, 12(4), 1181-1193.

Mora, E.; Pujal i Llombart, M. & Albertín, P. (2017). Los contextos de vulnerabilidad de género del dolor cronificado. Revista Internacional de Sociología, 75(2): .

Pujal, M. & Garcia Dauder, S. (2010). Hacia una psicología más igualitaria i transdisciplinar. Quaderns de Psicología, 12(2).

Velasco, S. (2009). Sexos, Género y Salud. Madrid: Minerva Ediciones.


Supplementary bibliography on Gender Theory:

Butler, J. (2001). El género en disputa. El feminismo y la subversión de la identidad. Madrid: Cátedra. 1990.

Butler, J. (2001 [1997]). Mecanismos psíquicos del poder: teorías sobre la sujeción. Madrid: Cátedra.

Butler, J. (2001). La cuestión de la transformación social. En Elisabeth Beck-Gensheeim, Judith Butler y Lidia Puigvert, Mujeres y transformaciones sociales. Barcelona: El Roure.

Foucault, M. (1976). Histoire de la sexualité I: La volonté de savoir. Paris: Gallimard.

Foucault, M. (1979). Microfísica del poder. Madrid: La Piquet.

McRobbie, A. (2007). Top Girls. Cultural Studies, 21(4-5): 718-737.

Miqueo, C. et al. (Eds.) (2001). Perspectivas de género en salud. Fundamentos científicos y socioprofesionales de diferencias sexuales no previstas. Madrid: Minerva Ediciones.

Rose, N. (2001). The politics of life itself. Theory, culture and society, 18: 1-30.

Wittig, M.(2004 [1980]). El pensamiento heterosexual. En Monique Wittig, El pensamiento heterosexual y otros ensayos (pp. 45-57). Barcelona: Egalés.


Supplementary bibliography on Gender Violence:

Cubells, J. & Calsamiglia, P. (2013). La construcción de subjetividades por parte del sistema jurídico en el abordaje de la violencia de género. Prisma Social: Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 11: 205-259.

Cubells, J.; Calsamiglia, A. & Albertín, P. (2010). El ejercicio profesional en el abordaje de la violencia de género en el ámbito jurídico-penal: un análisis psicosocial. Anales de Psicología, 26(2): 369-377.

Cubells,J.; Calsamiglia,A. & Albertín, P. (2010). Sistema y subjetividad: la invisibilización de las diferencias entre las mujeres víctimas de violencia machista. Quaderns de Psicologia, 12(2): 195-207.

Cubells, J; Calsamiglia, A; Albertín, P. (2010). Una aproximación psicosocial a la valoración sobre la Ley Orgánica 1/2004, de 28 de diciembre, de medidas de protección integral contra la violencia de género.

Larrauri, E. (2007). Criminología crítica y violencia de género. Editorial Trotta. Madrid.

Bodelón, E. (2012). Violencia de género y las respuestas de los sistemas penales. Barcelona: Ediciones Didot, Universidad de Barcelona.