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Ecologia Industrial

Codi: 42405 Crèdits: 9
Titulació Tipus Curs Semestre
4313784 Estudis Interdisciplinaris en Sostenibilitat Ambiental, Econòmica i Social OT 0 1
La metodologia docent i l'avaluació proposades a la guia poden experimentar alguna modificació en funció de les restriccions a la presencialitat que imposin les autoritats sanitàries.

Professor/a de contacte

Gara Villalba Mendez
Correu electrònic:

Utilització d'idiomes a l'assignatura

Llengua vehicular majoritària:
anglès (eng)

Equip docent

Cristina Madrid López




This course is an introduction to the field of Industrial Ecology (IE) as a multidisciplinary effort to evaluate anthropogenic systems, minimizing their negative effect on our planet. The students are taught the methods, tools, and strategies within IE, aimed to recreate our industrial system in such a way that it can be sustainable and in harmony with the rest of the natural ecosystem. 


  • Analitzar, sintetitzar, organitzar i planificar projectes relacionats amb la millora ambiental de productes, processos i serveis.
  • Aplicar la metodologia de recerca, les tècniques i els recursos específics per a investigar i produir resultats innovadors en l'àmbit dels estudis ambientals.
  • Que els estudiants sàpiguen aplicar els coneixements adquirits i la seva capacitat de resolució de problemes en entorns nous o poc coneguts dins de contextos més amplis (o multidisciplinaris) relacionats amb la seva àrea d'estudi.
  • Tenir coneixements que aportin la base o l'oportunitat de ser originals en el desenvolupament o l'aplicació d'idees, sovint en un context de recerca.
  • Treballar en un context internacional i multidisciplinari.

Resultats d'aprenentatge

  1. Analitzar els resultats de recerca per obtenir nous productes o processos i valorar-ne la viabilitat industrial i comercial per a transferir-los a la societat.
  2. Aplicar els coneixements de les diferents eines d'ecologia industrial a sistemes independentment de l'escala.
  3. Aplicar la metodologia de recerca, les tècniques i els recursos específics per a investigar i produir resultats innovadors en l'àmbit dels estudis ambientals.
  4. Conèixer els principals elements de l'ecologia industrial: teoria de sistemes, termodinàmica, anàlisi de flux de materials i consum de recursos.
  5. Conèixer els sistemes urbans i els seus indicadors per avaluar-los.
  6. Conèixer les eines d'ecoinnovació aplicables a entorns urbans.
  7. Interpretar i desenvolupar anàlisis de cicle de vida per a productes i processos.
  8. Ser capaç d'aplicar els conceptes de la classe, avaluar i prendre decisions basades en els resultats.
  9. Treballar en un context internacional i multidisciplinari.


This course is an introduction to the field of Industrial Ecology (IE) as a multidisciplinary effort to evaluate anthropogenic systems, minimizing their negative effect on our planet. The students are taught the methods, tools, and strategies within IE, aimed to recreate our industrial system in such a way that it can be sustainable and in harmony with the rest of the natural ecosystem. To achieve this general goal, the module contains the following objectives:

  • Understand the concepts of IE, its framework as a multidisciplinary area of research based on system theory; resources: environmental goods and services, externalities.
  • Understand Material Flow Analysis (MFA), and be able to apply this tool to different systems, such as a product, process, or region.
  • Understand Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and how to implement methodology: goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact assessment and interpretation, to different real-life cases, such as products or services. Learn how to evaluate and interpret the results, assumptions and uncertainties in case studies
  • Understand the concepts of urban metabolism, carbon footprint, including differences in scope, results, and policy implications.
  • Understand both process-based approach, MFA-LCA (or Material Flow Analysis coupled with Life-Cycle Assessment) and EIO-LCA (or Economic Input-Output coupled with Life-Cycle Assessment).
  • Learn how to use Open-LCA software with LCA databases such as  Ecoinvent, SimaPro by means of a project or case study. 



 The key concepts of this class will be transferred through theory classes (33 hours), hands-on exercises in lab classes (21 hours), and a hefty load of autonomous and group work (120 hours).

Activitats formatives

Títol Hores ECTS Resultats d'aprenentatge
Tipus: Dirigides      
Industrial Ecology- Theory Classes 12 0,48
LCA-IOTables Theory Classes 9 0,36
MFA - Theory Classes 12 0,48
Tipus: Supervisades      
OpenLCA Computer Lab 21 0,84
Tipus: Autònomes      
Input-Output tables and LCA 16 0,64
LCA projects - Readings, study, work in groups and preparation for presentations 30 1,2
MFA project - Readings, study, work in groups and preparation for presentations 37 1,48
OpenLCA project 38 1,52
OpenLCA project- Readings, study, work in groups and preparation for presentations 35 1,4


The daily quiz will be given at the beginning of class, and will serve to count assistance and timely arrival to the class. They will only last 10 minutes. There will also be peer evaluation that will be taken into account for the presentations. 

Activitats d'avaluació

Títol Pes Hores ECTS Resultats d'aprenentatge
Individual daily quiz 15% 1,5 0,06 2, 3, 4, 8, 9
Final Exam 50% 11,5 0,46 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
OpenLCA project presentation 20% 2 0,08 2, 4, 7, 8
input output exercise 15% 0 0 2, 3


Reference articles for Industrial Ecology course:


Industrial Ecology General




Saavedra, Y.M.B., Iritani, D.R., Pavan, A.L.R., Ometto, A.R., 2018. Theoretical contribution of industrial ecology to circular economy. J. Clean. Prod. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.09.260


Dayeen, F.R., Sharma, A.S., Derrible, S., 2020. A text mining analysis of the climate change literature in industrial ecology . J. Ind. Ecol. 24, 276–284. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12998


Kennedy, C., 2020. The energy embodied in the first and second industrial revolutions. J. Ind. Ecol. 24, 887–898. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12994


Goldstein, B., Newell, J.P., 2019. Why academics should study the supply chains of individual corporations. J. Ind. Ecol. 23, 1316–1327. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12932


Lindgreen, E.R., Salomone, R., Reyes, T., 2020. A critical review of academic approaches, methods and tools to assess circular economy at the micro level. Sustain. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12124973


Mallawaarachchi, H., Sandanayake, Y., Karunasena, G., Liu, C., 2020. Unveiling the conceptual development of industrial symbiosis: Bibliometric analysis. J. Clean. Prod. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120618


Cordella, M., Alfieri, F., Sanfelix, J., Donatello, S., Kaps, R., Wolf, O., 2020. Improving material efficiency in the life cycle of products: a review of EU Ecolabel criteria. Int. J. Life Cycle Assess. 25, 921–935. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-019-01608-8


Ayres, R., and Ayres, L. Accounting for Resources, volumes I and II, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 1998.


Ayres, R. Industrial Ecology: Towards Closing the Material Cycle. London: Edward Elgar, 1996.


Bringezu, S. And Y. Moriguchi, Material flow analysis, in A handbook of Industrial Ecology, RU Ayres, and LW Ayres, eds, Cheltenham, UK: Ewards Elgar, pp79-90, 2002.


Chertow, M.R., Esty, d.C. Thinking Ecologically. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997.








Classics in systems theory:


Bertalanffy, L. Von: General Systems Theory, New York, George Braziller, 1968 and 1980.


Forrester, Jay W. Industrial Dynamics, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1961.


Boulding, K. General Systems Theory, the Skeleton of a Science, in Buckley W. (Ed) Modern Systems Research for the Behavioral Scientist, Chicago: Alaine, 1968.




Smith and Van Ness. Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics. New York: McGraw Hill, 1996.


Szargut, Jan. Exergy analysis of thermal, chemical, and metallurgical processes. Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, 1988.


Ayres Robert U., and Leslie W. Ayres. 1999. Accounting for resources 2: The life cycle of materials. Cheltenham, UK and Lyme MA: Edward Elgar.


Baumgärtner Stefan. 2002. Thermodynamics of waste generation. In Waste in Ecological Economics, edited by K. P. Bisson, J. Cheltenham, UK and Nothampton, MA,USA: Edward Elgar.


Szargut, J.;,D.R.; Morris, and F. R.; Steward. 1988. Exergy analysis of thermal, chemical, and metallurgical processes. New York: Hemisphere Publishing Corporation.


Conelly, Ll. and C.; Koshland. 2001. Exergy and industrial ecology. Part 2: A nondimensional analysis of means to reduce resource depletion. Exergy, an International Journal 1 (4):234-255.


Ayres Robert U., Katalin Martinás, and Leslie W. Ayres. 1998. Exergy, waste accounting and life cycle analysis. Energy 23 (5):355-363.


Ayres, Robert U., Andrea Masini, and Leslie W. Ayres. 2001. An Application of Exergy Accounting to Five Basic Metal Industries. Fontainebleau, France: INSEAD.


Van Gool, W. 1992. Exergy analysis of industrial processes. Energy 17 (8):791-803.


Szargut, J.;, A.; Ziebik, and W. Stanek. 2002. Depletion of the non-renewable natural exergy resources as a measure of the ecological cost Energy conversion and management 43:1149-1163.






Matthews, E., Amann, C., Bringezu, S., Hüttler, W., Ottke, C., Rodenburg, E., Rogich, D., Schandl, H., Van, E., Voet, D., Weisz, H., Billings, H., 2000. The Weight of Nations - Material Outflows from Industrial Economies. WORLD RESOURCES INSTITUTE.


Eurostat, 2013. Economy-wide Material Flow Accounts (EW-MFA) Compilation Guide. European Commission, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg. 


Graedel, T.E., 2019. Material Flow Analysis from Origin to Evolution. Environ. Sci. Technol. 53, 12188–12196. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.9b03413


Persson, L., Arvidsson, R., Berglund, M., Cederberg, C., Finnveden, G., Palm, V., Sörme, L., Schmidt, S., Wood, R., 2019. Indicators for national consumption-based accounting of chemicals. J. Clean. Prod. 215,1–12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.12.294


Calvo, G., Valero, Alicia, Valero, Antonio, 2018. Thermodynamic Approach to Evaluate the Criticality of Raw Materials and Its Application through a Material Flow Analysis in Europe. J. Ind. Ecol. 22, 839–852. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12624




Klöpffer, W., Grahl, B. 2014. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): A Guide to Best Practice | Wiley. 


Finkbeiner, M., Ackermann, R., Bach, V., Berger, M., Brankatschk, G., Chang, Y.-J., Grinberg, M., Lehmann, A., Martínez-Blanco, J., Minkov, N., Neugebauer, S., Scheumann, R., Schneider, L., Wolf, K., 2014. Challenges in Life Cycle Assessment: An Overview of Current Gaps and Research Needs. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 207–258. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-8697-3_7


Guinée, J. B., Heijungs, R., Huppes, G., Zamagni, A., Masoni, P., Buonamici, R., Ekvall, T., & Rydberg, T. (2011). Life Cycle Assessment: Past, Present, and Future. Environmental Science & Technology, 45(1), 90–96. https://doi.org/10.1021/es101316v 


Visentin, C., Trentin, A.W. da S., Braun, A.B., Thomé, A., 2020. Life cycle sustainability assessment: A systematic literature review through the application perspective, indicators, and methodologies. J. Clean. Prod. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122509


Palazzo, J., Geyer, R., Suh, S., 2020. A review of methods for characterizing the environmental consequences of actions in life cycle assessment. J. Ind. Ecol. 24, 815–829. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12983


Beloin-Saint-Pierre, D., Albers, A., Hélias, A., Tiruta-Barna, L., Fantke, P., Levasseur, A., Benetto, E., Benoist, A., Collet, P., 2020. Addressing temporal considerations in life cycle assessment. Sci. Total Environ. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140700


Mendoza Beltran, A., Cox, B., Mutel, C., Vuuren, D.P., Font Vivanco, D., Deetman, S., Edelenbosch, O.Y., Guinée, J., Tukker, A., 2020. When the Background Matters: Using Scenarios from Integrated Assessment Models in Prospective Life Cycle Assessment. J. Ind. Ecol. 24, 64–79. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12825


García-Pérez, S., Sierra-Pérez, J., Boschmonart-Rives, J., 2018. Environmental assessment at the urban level combining LCA-GIS methodologies: A case study of energy retrofits in the Barcelona metropolitan area. Build. Environ. 134, 191–204. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2018.01.041


Urban metabolism


Wolman, A., 1965. The metabolism of cities. Sci. Am. 213, 179–190. 


González‐García, S., Dias, A.C., 2019. Integrating lifecycle assessment and urban metabolism at city level: Comparison between Spanish cities. J. Ind. Ecol. 23, 1062–1076. https://doi.org/10.1111/jiec.12844


Jeong, S., Park, J., 2020. Evaluating urban water management using a water metabolism framework: A comparative analysis of three regions in Korea. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 155, 104597. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resconrec.2019.104597 


Hu, G., Mu, X., 2019. Analysis of urban energy metabolic system: An ecological network framework and a case study for Beijing. J. Clean. Prod. 210, 958–969. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.11.088


Chen, Q., Su, M.,Meng, F., Liu, Y., Cai, Y., Zhou, Y., Yang, Z., 2020. Analysis of urban carbon metabolism characteristics based on provincial input-output tables. J. Environ. Manage. 265, 110561. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110561


Bibliography- more specific


Adriaanse, A., S. Bringezu, A. Hammond, Y. Moriguchi, E. Rodenburg, D. Rogich, H. Schütz 1997. Resource Flows: The Material Basis of Industrial Economies. Washington DC: World Resources Institute.


Ayres, R. U. (1978): Resources, Environment and Economics. Applications of the Materials/ Energy Balance Principle. New York: John Wiley & Sons


Ayres, R. U. and Kneese, A. V. (1969): Production, Consumption and Externalities. In: American Economic Review 59(3), pp. 282-297


Ayres, R. U. and U. E. Simonis 1994. Industrial Metabolism: Restructuring for Sustainable Development. Tokyo, New York, Paris: United Nations University Press.


Ayres,R.U. and Ayres,L.W., 1999. Accounting for Resources, 2, The Life Cycle of Materials. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Lyme, US.


Baccini, Peter and Brunner, Paul H. (1991): The metabolism of the anthroposphere. Berlin: Springer. 


Barbiero, G., Camponeschi, S., Femia, A., Greca, G., Tudini, A., and Vannozzi, M. (2003): 1980-1998 Material-Input-Based Indicators Time series and 1997 Material Balances of the Italian Economy. Rome: ISTAT


Brunner, Paul H. and Rechberger, Helmut (2004): Practical Handbook of Material Flow Analysis. New York: Lewis Publishers. 


Bullard, C. and Herendeen, R. A. (1975): The Energy Costs of Goods and Services. In: Energy Policy 3(4), pp. 268-278


Dietzenbacher, E., 2005. Waste Treatment in Physical Input-Output Analysis. Ecological Economics, 55, 11-23.








Duchin, F. (1992): Industrial Input-Output Analysis. Implications for Industrial Ecology. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 89, pp. 1-5


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Hubacek, K. and Giljum, S. (2003): Applying physical input-output analysis to estimate land appropriation (ecological footprints) of international trade activities. In: Ecological Economics 44(1), pp. 137-151


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Matthews, E., C. Amann, M. Fischer-Kowalski, S. Bringezu, W. Hüttler, R. Kleijn, Y. Moriguchi, C. Ottke, E. Rodenburg, D. Rogich, H. Schandl, H. Schütz, E. van der Voet, H. Weisz 2000. The Weight of Nations: Material Outflows from Industrial Economies. Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute.


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