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Maternal-foetal Medicine

Code: 103647 ECTS Credits: 3
Degree Type Year Semester
2502442 Medicine OT 4 0
2502442 Medicine OT 5 0
2502442 Medicine OT 6 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Jorge Costa Pueyo

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


To attend the fourth year or higher of the Degree in Medicine

The student will acquire the commitment to preserve the confidentiality and professional secrecy of the data that can be accessed due to the learning of health care services.

Also by maintaining an attitude of professional ethics in all its actions

Objectives and Contextualisation

Obtain more in-depth information on the concepts of maternal-fetal medicine. It must be borne in mind that, at this time,

any negative influence on the pregnancy may have as a consequence the affectation of the fetus, but also of the newborn and subsequent adult.

Epigenetic mechanisms can explain situations in adult life that begin in fetal life.


  • Be able to work in an international context.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of action, indications, efficacy and benefit-risk ratio of therapeutic interventions based on the available scientific evidence.
  • Demonstrate understanding of basic statistical methodologies used in biomedical and clinical studies and use the analytic tools of modern computational technology.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the mechanisms of alterations to the structure and function of the systems of the organism in illness.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the organisation and functions of the genome, the mechanisms of transmission and expression of genetic information and the molecular and cellular bases of genetic analysis.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the structure and function of the human organism in illness, at different stages in life and in both sexes.
  • Demonstrate, in professional activity, a perspective that is critical, creative and research-oriented.
  • Establish a diagnostic approach and a well thought-out strategy for action, taking account of the results of the anamnesis and the physical examination, and the results of the appropriate complementary tests carried out subsequently.
  • Formulate hypotheses and compile and critically assess information for problem-solving, using the scientific method.
  • Indicate the basic diagnosis techniques and procedures and analyse and interpret the results so as to better pinpoint the nature of the problems.
  • Maintain and sharpen one's professional competence, in particular by independently learning new material and techniques and by focusing on quality.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Assess the need, indications, contraindications, chronology, risk, benefits and costs of each examination.
  2. Assess the relationship between efficacy and risk in the main therapeutic interventions.
  3. Be able to work in an international context.
  4. Demonstrate, in professional activity, a perspective that is critical, creative and research-oriented.
  5. Describe normal and pathological pregnancy and childbirth. Postpartum.
  6. Describe the diagnosis, prognosis, prevention and treatment for the most common genetic pathologies in the human population.
  7. Establish a therapeutic action plan considering the needs of patients and their family and social environment, and involving all members of the healthcare team.
  8. Explain the mechanisms by which illness affects the different systems of the human body at different stages in life and in both sexes.
  9. Formulate hypotheses and compile and critically assess information for problem-solving, using the scientific method.
  10. Indicate suitable therapeutic interventions for the main maternal and infant health problems.
  11. Maintain and sharpen one's professional competence, in particular by independently learning new material and techniques and by focusing on quality.
  12. Relate genetic dysfunction to the pathological phenotype.
  13. Understand and interpret statistical data in medical literature.


Theoretical classes (12 hours)
1. Repetition abortion
2. Assisted reproduction techniques
3. New aspects in diag. prenatal (maternal blood, arrays)
4. Fetal therapy
5. HIV infection and gestation
6. Induction of labor. Indications and techniques
7. Dystocic part: instrumented and cesarean section
8. Obesity, advanced maternal age and pregnancy.
9. Drug abuse during gestation
10. Cancer and pregnancy
11. Thrombophilia, MTVP and pregnancy
12. Autoimmune diseases and pregnancy
Seminars of clinical cases
(3 sessions of 1 hour)
Clínicas asistenciales-PCA-
(5 modules 3 hours: 15 hours)
Check Obstetrics Risk (morning)
Birth room (afternoon or weekend)


This guide describes the framework, contents, methodology and general rules of the subject, in accordance with the current curriculum.
The final organization of the subject with regard to the number and size of groups, distribution in the calendar and dates of examinations,
Specific criteria for evaluation and review of exams will be specified in each of the Hospital Teaching Units (UUDDHH),
which will be explained through its web pages and the first day of class of each subject, through the responsible professors of the subject at the UUDHH.
In the current exceptional circumstances, at the discretion of the teachers and also depending on the resources available and the public health situation, some of the theoretical classes, practicals and seminars organized by the Teaching Units may be taught either in person or virtually.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Specialized seminars (SEM) 3 0.12
THEORY (TE) 12 0.48
Type: Supervised      
Type: Autonomous      
SELF-STUDY 41.5 1.66 4, 5, 13, 7, 9, 8, 10, 11, 12, 3, 1, 2


Compulsory attendance at classes, seminars and practices
Two partial exams, type of test or short questions (one of the first 6 classes, one in the 2nd from classes 7-12) - 35% and 35% note, respectively.
The remaining 30% of the mark will be the active participation in the clinical case seminars and the PCA

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Clinical Objective assessment 30% 1.5 0.06 4, 6, 5, 13, 7, 9, 8, 10, 11, 12, 3, 1, 2
Written assessments with objective tests: multiple choice tests 70% 2 0.08 4, 6, 5, 13, 7, 9, 8, 10, 11, 12, 3, 1, 2


Bibliografía específica

-  Tratado de Ginecología, Obstetricia y Medicina de la Reproducción. 2 tomos. Luis Cabero Roura. Editorial Médica Panamericana.
-  Ginecología.
 J. González-Merlo. Editorial Masson.
 -  Ginecología Oncológica.
 J. González-Merlo. Editorial Masson.
 -  Endocrinología Ginecológica Clínica y Esterilidad.
Leon Speroff. Editorial LWW.
 Ll. Cabero y M.A. Sánchez. Ediciones Ergon. Barcelona 2009.

Bibliografía de consulta

-  Medicina materno-fetal. L Cabero (Ed Medica Panamericana)
-  Manual del residente L. Cabero y cols. SEGO. 2005 (en CD)
-  EL CONTROL DE LA MUJER L. Cabero, J. Calaf, D. Saldivar Editorial Mayo, Barcelona 2009

Recursos de Internet

-  www.sego.es
-  www.glowm.como/