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Further Ergonomics

Code: 103007 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500892 Physiotherapy OT 4 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Raul Guimet Villalba

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Students should have obtained the subject of anatomy and biomechanics and public health of 3rd.

Objectives and Contextualisation

This subject intends to establish and deepen the knowledge and evaluation bases, of the social environment and the work of the individual and giving tools for the prevention, measurement and treatment of problems related to ergonomics and its usefulness in everyday life.


  • Express ideas fluently, coherently and correctly, both orally and in writing.
  • Intervene in the areas of promotion, prevention, protection and recovery of health
  • Solve problems.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Adopt suitable preventive measures for avoiding injuries, thus promoting workplace health and comfort.
  2. Analyse workers' ergonomic risk factors using the proper tools.
  3. Express ideas fluently, coherently and correctly, both orally and in writing.
  4. Solve problems.


The human movement and its control by the central nervous system are studied.

In this matter we study the procedures necessary to identify and perform the treatment physiotherapy, more appropriate to the alterations of the locomotor system, as well as its prevention. I also know they develop procedures for the promotion of health through the movement. In addition they develop the mechanisms and tools to establish the diagnosis of physiotherapy for alterations derived from the pathology and / or processes and activities that have an impact on the good maintenance of body ergonomics. Approaching the ergonomic and anthropometric principles and guidelines for good clinical practice. Ergonomics and occupational health. Prevention of injuries derived from the postural alterations inherent to the work areas, domestic, material, etc.


Master classes with practical sessions in the laboratory and ICT support with specialized seminars.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
THEORY (TE) 33 1.32 1, 2, 3, 4
Type: Autonomous      
PERSONAL STUDY 24 0.96 1, 2


Test type 60 'duration with a global weight of 50% of the final grade.

40 multiple choice questions. 4 options, only 1 correct. Each correct answer will evaluate 1 point.

Errors remain 0.25. The unanswered answers do not discount. Minimum grade of 5 out of 10 to approve.

There will be 2 partials that release note if they exceed a minimum of 5.

Practical test:

Evaluation of the seminars: 15% of the final grade.

Resolution of clinical cases: 35% of the final grade.

Students will be able to present themselves to a recovery test (of knowledge, abilities and attitudes that have been obtained during the course) if any of the parts of the assessment have been suspended.

Art 116.8. When it is considered that the student has not been able to provide sufficient evidences of evaluation in the act it is will assign this subject as not evaluable Erasmus students contact the teacher in charge of the subject.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Evaluation of the seminars 15% 12 0.48 1, 2, 4
Resolution of clinical cases 35% 12 0.48 4
Students will be able to present themselves to a recovery test 50% 35 1.4 3



- Gras P., Casillas Jm., Dulieu V., Didier JP., La marxa, Enciclopedia Médico Quirúrgica Elsevier, Paris, 1996.

- Barette G., Decourcele O., Triadou P., Ergonomía, kinesitherapie et santé au travail, EMC, Paris, 2007.

-(9) NOGAREDA, C. La carga mental de trabajo: definición y evaluación Nota técnica de prevención 179, C. N. C. T, Barcelona, 1986 Carga mental en el trabajo hospitalario. Guía para su valoración Nota técnica de prevención 275, C. N. C. T, Barcelona, 1991

-U.G.T. de España: Informe. 


 Consultation bibliography:     


- Blum B., Los estiramientos: métodos actuales de stretching, desarrollan la flexibilidad y elasticidad,

mejoran la salud y el rendimiento, alivian los dolores articulares y evitan las lesiones., Ed. Hispano Europea, Barcelona, 1998.

- Esnault M., Estiramientos analíticos en fisioteràpia activa, Ed. Masson, Barcelona,1996.

- Sharman S., Diagnóstico y tratamiento de las alteracions del movimiento, Ed. Paidotribo, Barcelona, 2005.

- M. Hall C., Thein Brody L., Ejercicio terapéutico recuperación funcional, Ed. Paidotribo, 2006.

- Liehmon W., Exercice prescription and the back, Ed. McGraw Hill, New York, 2001.

- Gotlob A., Entrenamiento muscular diferenciado: Tronco y columna vertebral, Ed. Paidotribo.

- Kaltenborn FM.,  Fisioterapia manual columna, Ed. McGraw Hill Interamericana,

- Wilmore JH., Costill DL., Fisiologia del esfuerzo y el deporte, Ed. Paidotribo, 5ª edición,

- Bienfait M., Bases fisiológicas de la teràpia manual y la osteopatia, Ed. Paidotribo, 2ª edición, Barcelona, 2001.

-UNE-EN ISO 10075-2001 Principios ergonómicos relativos a la carga de trabajo mental. Partes 1 y 2: Términos y definiciones generales. Principios de diseño

 Internet resources

- Asociación española de ergonomía (2002). españa. www.ergonomos.es/legal.php

- Mayor Virginia. (24 noviembre 2011). Tipos de ergonomía. España. http://slideshare.net/VirginiaMB/tipos-de-ergonomia