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Clinical Otorhinolaryngology

Code: 102940 ECTS Credits: 4.5
Degree Type Year Semester
2502442 Medicine OB 4 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Miquel Quer Agustí

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Basic knowledge on the basis of health and illnesses, as well as an appropriate knowledge in interpersonal communication.

It is advisable to have gained sufficient knowledge in:

1. General and specific anatomy of the different organs that constitute the ORL.

2. General and specific physiology of different organs that constitute the ORL.

3. General knowledge of histology and pathological anatomy related to the ORL

The student will acquire the commitment to preserve the confidentiality and professional secret of the data that he can have access due to the learning of health care services. The student has to maintain an ethical attitude.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The general objective is the study of the normal and pathological aspects of Otorhinolaryngology (ORL) for train the student to:

Identify the symptoms and signs of ORL diseases, and interpret the complementary tests properly (audiometry, electronystagmography, tympanometry)

Give a first diagnostic orientation, particularly of the most common diseases.

Recognize the symptoms and signs of alarm that indicate the need for urgent attention, both at the beginning, and during the evolution of the disease.

To know the key points about the etiology, clinical, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the diseases ORL, especially of most frequents both in primary medicine and in the hospital.

Become familiar to the diagnostic sequence of ORL diseases; understand the differential diagnosis process, making a rational use of the complementary explorations of the specialty.

Make adequate anamnesis and basic physical examination of the ORL patients, as well as to interpret the basic complementary tests.

Know the indications of medical and surgical treatments and obtain general information about the characteristics of an ORL patient both in the operating room, as well as in consultations


  • Accept one's role in actions to prevent or protect against diseases, injuries or accidents and to maintain and promote health, on both personal and community-wide levels.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the causal agents and the risk factors that determine states of health and the progression of illnesses.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the manifestations of the illness in the structure and function of the human body.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the structure and function of the body systems of the normal human organism at different stages in life and in both sexes.
  • Engage in professional practice with respect for patients' autonomy, beliefs and culture, and for other healthcare professionals, showing an aptitude for teamwork.
  • Establish a diagnostic approach and a well thought-out strategy for action, taking account of the results of the anamnesis and the physical examination, and the results of the appropriate complementary tests carried out subsequently.
  • Formulate hypotheses and compile and critically assess information for problem-solving, using the scientific method.
  • Indicate the basic diagnosis techniques and procedures and analyse and interpret the results so as to better pinpoint the nature of the problems.
  • Indicate the most suitable treatment for the most prevalent acute and chronic processes, and for the terminally ill.
  • Maintain and sharpen one's professional competence, in particular by independently learning new material and techniques and by focusing on quality.
  • Obtain and prepare a patient record that contains all important information and is structured and patient-centred, taking into account all age and gender groups and cultural, social and ethnic factors.
  • Perform the basic practical procedures of examination and treatment.
  • Recognise and take action in life-threatening situations and others that require an immediate response.
  • Use information and communication technologies in professional practice.
  • Write patient records and other medical documents that can be understood by third parties.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Define the causal agents of ENT pathologies.
  2. Demonstrate the basic instrumental skills required to treat ENT pathologies.
  3. Describe the basics of the anatomy of the organs and systems in ENT.
  4. Diagnose the commonest pathologies in laryngology and cervicofacial pathology.
  5. Diagnose the commonest pathologies in otology.
  6. Diagnose the commonest pathologies in rhinology.
  7. Enumerate the public health regulations to prevent pathologies in the field of otorhinolaryngology (ENT).
  8. Formulate hypotheses and compile and critically assess information for problem-solving, using the scientific method.
  9. Identify pathological alterations in the organs and systems in ENT.
  10. Identify the ENT pathologies that require an immediate response.
  11. Identify the ENT pathologies that should be prioritised or referred to specialist care.
  12. Identify the basic physiology of these organs and systems and describe their functions.
  13. Indicate the medical treatment for each ENT pathology.
  14. Interact with other specialists in treating patients with a complex or multiorganic pathology.
  15. Maintain and sharpen one's professional competence, in particular by independently learning new material and techniques and by focusing on quality.
  16. Perform a basic examination of the ear.
  17. Perform a basic examination of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses.
  18. Perform a basic examination of the oral cavity, larynx, pharynx and cervical structures.
  19. Prepare a patient record that allows a diagnostic approach to the principal pathologies in ENT.
  20. Prepare clinical reports that allow ENT pathologies and treatments to be understood by patients.
  21. Promote public health regulations in professional practice.
  22. Request and interpret the complementary tests needed to diagnose the different ENT pathologies.
  23. Use information and communication technologies in professional practice.


  • To assume his role in the actions of prevention and protection against illnesses, injuries or accidents and maintenance and promotion of health, both individually and communally.

  • To understand the causative agents and risk factors that determines the health states and the development of the disease.

  • Show that he understands the structure and function of the organs and systems of the normal human organism in the different stages of life and in both sexes.

  • Show that he understands the manifestations of the disease on the structure and function of the human body.

  • To develop professional practice with respect to patient autonomy, beliefs and culture, with respect to other health professionals, demonstrating teamwork skills.

  • Prepare a diagnostic orientation and establish a reasoned action strategy, valuing the results of the anamnesis and the physical examination, as well as the subsequent results of the complementary explorations.

  • Formulate hypotheses and critically collect and value information for problem solving following the scientific method.

  • To indicate the most appropriate therapeutic approach in the most prevalent acute and chronic processes, as well as those in patients in the terminal phase.

  • Indicate the basic diagnostic techniques and procedures and analyze and interpret the results to better understanding the nature of the problems.

  • Maintain and update his professional competence, paying special attention to the autonomous learning of new knowledge and techniques and the motivation for quality.

  • To obtain and elaborate a clinical history that contains all the relevant, structured and centered information in the patient, taking into account all age groups, sex, cultural, social and ethnic factors.

  • Perform the basic practical procedures of exploration and treatment.

  • Recognize and act in situations that put life in immediate danger and those others that they require immediate attention.

  • To write medical records, medical reports and other medical records comprehensively to third parties.

  • To use information and communication technologies in professional activity.


This Guide describes the framework, contents, methodology and general norms of the subject, in accordance with the plan of current studies. The final organization with regard to the number and size of groups, distribution in the schedule and dates of examinations, specific criteria for evaluation and review of examinations, will be specified in each one of the Hospital Teaching Units (UDH), who will explain it through their web pages and on the first day class of each subject, through the teachers responsible for the subject at UDH.

For the present year, the professors appointed by the Departments as responsible for the subject at the level of Faculty and UDH are:

Responsible department (s): Surgery

Head of Faculty: Miquel Quer

Responsible UDH

UDHSP: Miquel Quer: mquer@santpau.cat

UDHVH: Juan Lorente Guerrero: jlorente@vhebron.net

UDHGTiP: Francisco Roca: francescrocaribas@gmail.com

UDHTP: Rosa Rosell: rrosell@tauli.cat


In the current exceptional circumstances, at the discretion of the teachers and also depending on the resources available and the public health situation, some of the theoretical classes, practicals and seminars organized by the Teaching Units may be taught either in person or virtually.



Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Classroom practices (PAUL) 8 0.32
Clinical care practices (PCAh) 12 0.48
Contents given as oral lectures (Theory) 21 0.84 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 16, 18, 17, 20, 8, 12, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 19, 22, 23
Practices of advanced clinical skills in humans (PHCA) 10 0.4
Type: Autonomous      
Reading articles/reports of interest 20 0.8
Self-study 36.5 1.46 3, 7, 12, 14, 21


I. Evaluation of clinical-practical knowledge: 30% of the final qualification.

The evaluation of the clinical-practical knowledge will be specified in the program of each UDH according to its particularities.  Attendance is mandatory.

The maximum number of absences allowed not justified in order to evaluate the competences acquired during the practical clinical teaching is 2. Any other absence must be justified. More than 4 absences, irrespective of the cause, it prevents the student from being evaluated (both practical and theoretical teaching).

Evaluation of the learning during this stay takes place in the following way:

1. Evaluation of the clinical examination (maximum 10 points)

The following competencies are evaluated with the presentation of 10 images on some of the following topics:

Interpreting images of otoscopy, interpretation of images of rhinoscopy, interpretation of images of laryngoscopy, interpretation of hearing aids, interpretation of tympanometry, interpretation of nystagmographies,

Interpretation of rhinomanometries, interpretation of specialty image studies, assessment of situations of emergency (epistaxis, high obstructive dyspnea, facial paralysis).

2. Evaluation of skills (maximum 10 points)

Perform otoscopy.  Performing and interpreting an acumetry. Performing a laryngoscopy

(dummy). Performing a cricotirotomy (coniotomy) in dummy.

The final qualification of clinical-practical learning is the average of the clinical examination and the evaluation of the abilities.

The student who does not attend the clinical practices will be non-evaluable.

II. First evaluation of theoretical knowledge on clinical cases: 35% of the total grade

This first theoretical evaluation will consist of four clinical cases on which short questions will be asked. It fundamentally evaluates the knowledge about the most important diseases of the specialty and the clinical judgment of the student.

III. Second evaluation of theoretical knowledge with multiple choice questions: 35% of the total grade.

This second evaluation will have 50 questions type multiple choice with 5 possible answers and one of certain. The wrong answers are 0.25 negative points.

IV. Final grade

The final grade is the weighted average of the two theoretical knowledge assessments (35% each) of the clinical evaluation (30%).

Expression: Numeric note with a decimal, from 0 to 10.

Qualification: Insufficient, approved, remarkable, excellent, MH

You cannot make the average between the evaluations if you do not get a minimum score of 4/10 in the three tests.

In the case of not being able to do the average, the final grade will correspond to the lowest quantitative value among the obtained.

The student, who has not approved the partials and / or has not passed the practices, may submit the EVALUATION OF RECOVERY that contains a theoretical part and a practical part.

IV. Exams review system

The review of the exams will be done individually with the student, upon written request in the deadlines established.


There will be a recovery evaluation for the students who have suspended. It will be an overall evaluation of the whole subject matter.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
First theoretical evaluation; Clinical cases 35% 2 0.08 1, 2, 3, 5, 4, 6, 20, 7, 8, 12, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 21, 19, 22, 23
Second theoretical evaluation; Multiple choice questions 35% 1 0.04 1, 3, 4, 6, 12, 9, 10, 11, 13, 21
Simulations 30% 2 0.08 2, 3, 16, 18, 17, 20, 8, 9, 14, 19, 22, 23


Specific bibliography

1. Abelló P, Quer M .: Manual de Otorrinolaringología. UAB publications Bellaterra, 1992.

2. Cobeta I .: Otolaryngology and Cervical Pathology. Medicine STM Publishers. Barcelona, 2003

3. Basterra J .: Otolaryngology and Cervical Pathology. Editorial Elsevier-Masson. Barcelona, 2004.

Consultation bibliography

1. Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery (2nd Edition). Edited by C. Suárez, LM. Gil-Carcedo, J. Marco, J.E. Medina, P. Ortega, and J. Trinidad. Pan American Medical Publisher. Madrid, 2009 (ISBN 978-84-9835-079-1).

2. Color Atlas of ENT Diagnosis. 4th edition, revised and expanded. Tony R. Bull. Thieme Editorial. Stuttgart-New York. 2004

Internet resources

There are a variety of Internet sites that are useful for learning from ORL, such as



