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Operating Systems

Code: 102747 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2502441 Computer Engineering OB 2 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Antonio Espinosa Morales

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
spanish (spa)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Porfidio Hernández Bude
Xiaoyuan Yang
Carles Carrillo Jordan
Santiago Marco Sola
Vicente José Ivars Camáñez
Antonio Ricardo Manresa Robledo
Montse Serra Vizern


Previous content:

  • Students should be familiar with Fundamentals of Computers, Fundamentals of Computing and Programming Methodology

Objectives and Contextualisation

Students will become familiar with the services provided by the Operating System attending its functional description. We will cover management policies applied to system basic modules. Important concepts include: process and thread model, communication between processes and threads, Operating System design filosophies, file servers, Input/Output modules, security of input /output operations, security of Operating and Distributed sytjems



  • Acquire personal work habits.
  • Capacity to design, develop, select and evaluate computer applications and systems, ensuring reliability, security and quality, in accordance with ethical principles, and applicable standards and legislation.
  • Have the capacity to define, evaluate and select hardware and software platforms for the development and execution of computer systems, services and applications.
  • Know and apply the basic and main techniques of parallel, concurrent, distributed and real time programming.
  • Know and apply the functional and structural characteristics of distributed systems and computer and Internet networks, and design and implement applications based on these.
  • Know the characteristics, functionalities and structure of operating systems and design and implement applications based on their services.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Create thread and socket based applications, including mutex primitives and condition-type variables.
  2. Desenvolupar estratègies d'aprenentatge autònom.
  3. Design, develop, select and evaluate computer systems, ensuring their reliability, security and quality.
  4. Determine the influence of the operating system on the run performance of applications.
  5. Evaluate an operating system on different work levels: user, advanced user, programmer, advanced programmer, etc.
  6. Know and apply the basic and main techniques of concurrent and distributed programming.
  7. Know and apply the characteristics, functionalities and structure of distributed hardware systems and computer networks to design and implement applications based on the same.
  8. Know and understand the concepts related with computer networks, knowing how to situate them in a hierarchical system of protocols.
  9. Prevent and solve problems.
  10. Work with commands and command sequences (Shell Scripts), and with the programming interface (API) of the operating system.


1-Subject presentation

Description of contents and subject metholdogy

2-Introduction to Operating System

Operating system kernels and its meaning considering design filosophies. Virtualization. Tuning of of the operating system. System performance measures.

3. Process management

Processes, threads and Containes. Concurrency, Deadlock, CPU Scheduling in real time systems

4. Memory management.

Mono/multiprogramming models. MFT, MVT systems. Paging and segmentation. Virtual memory. Paging and Segmentation on demand

5. I/O Management

I/O Interface arquitecture. Device management. Device driver design. Device controllers

6. File Systems

Logical and physical visions of the module. Process of adress translation. Request prediction. Advanced storage systems

7. Advanced topics

Operating Systems security. Distributed Systems



Theory classes will be based on lectures, although students will be encouraged to actively participate in the resolution of examples and practical questions. Theory classes will be scheduled in the official subject planning published in the Engineering school degree web site. The syllabus is detailed in the session list that will be available the first day of class. Lectures and labs will be done remotely with the use of three Teams workspaces. The links to these virtual classrooms will be published in the Virtual Campus and will be active during the course.

Problem sessions are defined in the timetable published in the Engineering school degree web site. Problem sessions are organized in small groups of students following alphabetical order of surnames. The list of problems to be solved during sessions will be published the first day of class. This list will be the guide of the practical work during the course.

Laboratory sessions will be distributed in different sessions during the course following the timetable published in the Virtual Campus of the subject. Lab teachers will generate the list of students and sessions to attend. All laboratory work will be done in groups of two students

Tranversal competences

In this subject we will avaluate transversal competences T02.02 - Develop strategies of autonomous learning and T02.04 - prevent and provide solutions to problems that will be avaluated mainly in problems and laboratory sessions.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lab sessions 10 0.4 5, 6, 7, 1, 2, 10
Theory lectures 22 0.88 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 4, 3, 9
problem classes 10.5 0.42 5, 6, 7, 1, 4, 9, 10
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous 100 4 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 4, 3


a)Assessment process and activities  
The subject is composed of the following activities:
Theory: 60% of the final grades. It is divided into two written examinations where each of the tests corresponds to 30% of the final grades.
Problems: 10% of the final grades
Laboratory: 30% of the final grades. 20% belongs to the evaluation of the work done in the sessions and 10% of the reports of the practical labs

Students must have a minimum grade of 5 in theory and problems and a final global mark of 5.0 to pass the subject. In case of not obtaining this minimum, the numerical value in the student record will be the lower value between 4,5 and the average of the grades.

Theory evaluation will be done in the form of two written partial examinations. The test scheduling and the topics to be evaluated in each of the tests will be described in the subject planning sheet. Only students with a grade greater than 3,0 will be able to attend the second partial examination. Theory final grade will be the average of the theory tests when each of the tests grades is higher than 5. It is important to state here that second test will not cover the first part of the theory of the subject. If it is not possible to organise a test in a physical classroom of the Engineering school they will become remote assessment tests. For these tests it will be necessary to apply a mechanism of identity check using a webcam and a procedure to send the anwers to the questions during a specific time interval.

There will be specific sessions for practical questions assessment. Students will have to deliver a solved question before the session using the virtual campus. These exercices will be done individually and the final grades will account all delivered tasks by averaging delivered tasks by the total number of sessions.

Laboratory work: Last year students can compensate last year marks by request to the theory coordinator. Lab group teams will be managed using the virtual campus.Activation date to register in a specific lab will be public in the news part of the subject in the virtual campus. Remember that attendance is compulsory for all the sessions for all the group members.

Laboratory sessions are of compulsory attendance. Students must show the adequate work of lab deliveries that will be verified by the lab teachers. Each student in the lab also must answer correctly the questions of the teachers and must deliver in due time a written report of the lab sessions. Contents of the report will be:

  • Objective of the lab
  • Description and proposed work: pseudo code, block design
  • Descriptions of the reasons of the answers to the questions in the report
  • Description of the procedures used and their functionality
  • Description of the problems found during the lab sessions and solutions proposed for the problems.
  • Conclusions of the work done in the lab
  • Source code of the work
  • Procedure steps of building an application from provided source code

The final lab grade will be calculated using the average of each of the labs.

b) evaluation activities calendar

The actual calendar of the evaluation activities will be published the first day of class in the virtual campus and in the Engineering school website. These dates could be modified, so any modification on calendar will be published in the virtual campus that will be the main channel of official documentation and notifications between students and teachers.

c)final examination process

Theoretical content of the subject will be evaluated in two different exams during the course. The second test will not cover the topics of the first part of the subject and students need a grade that is equal or greater that 3.0 to attend the second test of the subject.

Those students that have not reached the minimum grade to pass the subject will have a final examination of the subject theory at the end of the semester. Labs and problems are not re-examined. Students will have to take a final exam of each part of the subject previously evaluated with a grade smaller than a 5.0. Students must get a grade above 5.0 in each of the two parts of the subject to pass the theoretical part and calculate the average with problems and labs for the final subject evaluation grade.

After the final examination of theory, there will be a lab exam for those students with a grade greater or equal than 4.5. The date of this test will be published in the virtual campus in the general planning of the subtect. Students that have not passed any of the labs during the semester will have to pass a specific practical test. This test will be scheduled the same day of the final theory exam.

d)Qualification revision
For each evaluated activity, there will be a place, date and hour for the students to review the activity with the teacher. If the student does not attend the revision date the activity will not be revised again.

A student can get the maximum qualification when the final grade is above 9. In order to provide a selection of this qualification we will consider the maximum amount of honor qualifications that can be given following the general UAB regulations.

Given the continous evaluation methodology used in this subject, if a student delivers any evaluable proof of work like problem test, lab report or theory test it will interpreted as the student will to be evaluated and to get a different evaluation than Non-Evaluable (NA). A NA qualification can only be obtained when absolutely no delivery is made during the semester.

Last, it is important to consider the importance of correct formal expression in any delivery provided by students. The quality of the text of the deliveries will be evaluated. All errors found related to grammar, spelling or low quality text expressions will account up to 20% of the final grade.

f)Irregular behavior and plagiarism
According to the current UAB norms, and apart from any other disciplinary measures, any plagiarism activity detected in an evaluated activity will be qualified as zero (0). Activities qualified in this way will not be reexamined during the course. If plagiarism is detected in a compulsory activity, the subject will be considered not passed and there will be no further opportunities to get a new evaluation during the course. These activities include, among others:

  • Total or parcial copy of a lab, report or any other evaluation activity
  • encourage any plagiarism activity
  • deliver a group work not done by all the components of the group
  • deliver material of others as it was done by the components of the group, being those translations or adaptations.
  • Have communication devices during the individual evaluation tests: smartphones, smart watches, cameras installed in pens, etc.
  • Speak with students during evaluation tests or exams
  • Copy or try to copy from other students during the evaluation tests or exams
  • Use or try to use written material during the evaluation tests or exams when these have not been explicitly permitted

In summary, any plagiarism activity in any of the evaluation activity will be equivalent to the impossibility of passing the subject, without any opportunity of re-examine in the same course and without any compensation of any part of the subject in the next courses.

h)Last year students evaluation
Students taking their third evaluation of the subject can compensate the labs done in the last course. Also, their final grades will be calculated using the average of the exams of both parts of the subject. Students that meet this requirements must request this special evaluation to the teacher during the first two weeks of class

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
2 theory test evaluations 60% 4 0.16 5, 7, 8, 2, 4, 3
Lab evaluation 30% 2 0.08 5, 6, 1, 10
Problem assessment 10% 1.5 0.06 5, 6, 7, 8, 2, 4, 3, 9



  • "Sistemas Operativos", Pedro de Miguel Anasagasti, Fernando Pérez Costoya. D. Arquitectura y Tecnología de Sistemas Informáticos, ETSE, UPM. 2016. Under license Creative Commons NoComercial CompartirIgual 4.0.
  • "Sistemas Operativos: una visión aplicada". Segunda edición. Jesús Carretero, Félix García, Pedro de Miguel y Fernando Pérez. McGraw-Hill, 2007.
  • "Operating System Concepts", Avi Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne, Tenth Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, April 2018, ISBN: 978-1-119-32091-3 (e-book)
  • "Sistemas Operativos". Silberschatz, Galvin y Cagne. 7a, Ed. McGrawHill, Edición. 2006.
  • "Sistemas Operativos". William Stallings, 5a Edición Prentice Hall 2005

Lab sessions:

  • "Unix Programming Environment", R. Pike & Brian Kernighan, Ed. Mc. Graw-Hill
  • "Advanced Unix programming", Rockind M. Ed. Prentice-Hall
  • "Administración avanzada del sistema operativo GNU/Linux". Remo Suppi, Josep Jorba. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, setiembre 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10609/61266