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Foreign language and translation C4 (German)

Code: 101385 ECTS Credits: 9
Degree Type Year Semester
2500249 Translation and Interpreting OB 3 2
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Paula Igareda Gonzalez

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:

Other comments on languages

All classes and tutorials for this language C subject are entirely in German language (Level B1); for translation classes it is necessary to have a knowledge of Spanish and Catalan language equivalent to Level C1 (C1.4) [Proficiency level C1, first languag


Gabriele Grauwinkel


Attention: All classes and tutorials for this language C subject are entirely in German language (Level B1); for translation classes it is necessary to have a knowledge of Spanish and Catalan language equivalent to Level C1 (C1.4) [Proficiency level C1, first language of the baccalaureate].


Prerequisites on German language and Translation


- Understand written texts with some complexity on personal and general topics of well-known fields (CFRL/MECR-FTI B1.1.)

- Produce written texts on personal and general topics of known fields (CFRL/MECR-FTI B1.1).         

- Understand clear oral texts on personal topics and general topics of known fields (CFRL/MECR-FTI B1.1).        

- Produce oral texts on personal and general topics of known fields (CFRL/MECR-FTI B1.1).


- Solve basic problems of contrastivity in the language combination

- Can apply these skills to solve problems of translation of written texts with certain complexity on personal subjects and general subjects of well-known fields, and non-specialized texts of different types in standard language (narrative, descriptive, expository, basic instructive).


Illustrative descriptor CFRL/MECR Intermediate level Breakthrough B1.1 Can-do-item

Illustrative Beschreibung des Sprachniveaus (GeR B1) Kontaktsschwelle Deutsch [Limitierung B1.1] Item:

Der/die Studierende:

Kann die Hauptpunkte verstehen, wenn klare Standardsprache verwendet wird und wenn es um vertraute Dinge aus Arbeit, Schule, Freizeit usw. geht. Kann die meisten Situationen bewältigen, denen man auf Reisen im Sprachgebiet begegnet. Kann sich einfach und [hinreichend] zusammenhängend über vertraute Themenund persönliche Interessengebiete äußern. Kann einfach und klar über Erfahrungen und Ereignisse berichten, Träume, Hoffnungen und Ziele beschreiben und zu Plänen und Ansichten kurze Begründungen oder Erklärungen geben.


Goethe Institut, Test Deutsch-Leseverstehen B1.2 | (Minimum: 60 Punkte) http://www.goethe.de/lrn/pro/ZD-online/data/LV_frame.htm 

Objectives and Contextualisation

Contextualization and formative objectives of the subject


The function of this subject is to develop the ability to handle translation problems arising from the linguistic combination of texts written with a certain complexity on personal subjects and general topics of known fields and the presence of cultural references, as well as the ability to solve problems of very simple specialized texts from various fields.


4.5 credits and ECTS-workloads will be dedicated to translation and 4.5 credits ECTS-workloads to German language.


German as Foreign Language

At the end of the course the student will have to be able to :

- Understand written texts with some complexity, on personal topics and general topics of known fields (CFRL/MECR-FTI B1.2) / strong level B2.1.1

- Produce written texts (with some complexity) on personal and general topics of known fields (CFRL/MECR-FTI B1.2.1).       

- Understand oral texts (with some complexity) on personal topics and general topics of known fields (CFRL/MECR-FTI B1.2.1).

- Produce oral texts on personal and general topics of known fields (CFRL/MECR-FTI B1.1).


Illustrative descriptor CFRL/MECR Intermediate level B1.2 Can-do-item

Illustrative Beschreibung des Sprachniveaus (GeR B1) Deutsch B1.2, Item:

Globale Sprachkompetenzen in Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF):

Kann die Hauptpunkte verstehen, wenn klare Standardsprache verwendet wird und wenn es um vertraute Dinge aus Arbeit, Schule, Freizeit usw. geht. Kann in Studiensituationen aus mündlichen Texten die Hauptinformation entnehmen, wenn relativ langsam und deutlich gesprochen wird. Kann sich einfach und zusammenhängend über vertraute Themen und persönliche Interessengebiete äußern. Kann über Erfahrungen und Ereignisse berichten, Erwartungen und Ziele beschreiben und zu Plänen und Ansichten kurze Begründungen oder Erklärungen abgeben.

Kann die Hauptinhalte einfacher oder nicht zu komplexer Texte zu konkreten und abstrakten Themen aus eigenen Interessensgebieten verstehen, wenn klare Standardsprache verwendet wird. Versteht im eigenen Spezialgebiet auch einfachere Fachdiskussionen des Studiums.

Kann sich so verständigen, dass ein normales Gespräch oder ein Unterrichtsgespräch mit Muttersprachlern bei mittlerer Anstrengung auf beiden Seiten gut möglich ist. Kann sich zu einem vorbereiteten Themenspektrum verständlich und detailliert ausdrücken, einen Standpunkt zu einer aktuellen Frage erläutern und die Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Möglichkeiten angeben.

Fachspezifische Kompetenzen in der Arbeitssprache (Profil Deutsch für Übersetzung)

Kann beim Rezipieren von Texten bereits grundlegende Strategien einsetzen, um das Verstehen zu sichern. Kann relevante Inhalte von Sachtexten und, nach entsprechender Vorbereitung, auch die Hauptstränge literarischer Prosatexte wie z.B. kurze Novellen oder Erzählungen hinreichend zusammenfassen.

Kann die grundlegenden sprachlichen und außersprachlichen Bedingungen sachlich-informativer (deskriptiver, einfacher instruktiver, sowie ergebnisberichtender) Textsorten erkennen, deren Textintentionen erfassen und ihre Wirkungen auf Textadressaten in groben Zügen beurteilen.

Kennt die elementarsten Unterschiede in Kohärenz, Kohäsion und Textorganisation zwischen seiner Muttersprache und dem Deutschen und achtet bei eigenen Texten auf die üblichen sprachlichen und außersprachlichen Konventionen der Gestaltung und der Gliederung Im Deutschen. Kann ortho(typo)graphische Kenntnisse so korrekt anwenden, dass er/sie kaum Fehler macht, die zu Missverständnissen führen. 

Kann eine kürzere Studienarbeit in einem üblichen Standardformat oder einen kurzen Bericht schreiben, in dem etwas erörtert wird, wobei einige wichtige Punkte hervorgehoben werden. Kann dazu kurze Informationen aus mehreren Quellen zusammenführen und zusammenfassen.



At the end of the course the student will have to be able to:

- Demonstrate that they possess and understand knowledge of the fundamental contrasting aspects of the language combination and the methodological principles of translation.

- Apply this knowledge to solve problems of translation of non-specialized texts in standard language of different types (narrative, descriptive, expository, instructive) as well as on written texts with a certain complexity on personal and general subjects from known fields & domains.


Breakdown of learning hours:
9 ECTS, 225 ECTS hours (workloads)
Hours for each field (language, translation): 112.5 hours ECTS
39.37 face-to-face hours (35%) incl. 10 evaluation hours
29.37 hours of classroom instruction
73.12 hours (65%) self-employed activities


  • Applying cultural knowledge in order to translate. 
  • Mastering the main methodological principles of translation. 
  • Producing written texts in language A in order to translate.
  • Solving translation problems from different specialisation fields (legal, financial, scientific, technical, literary, audiovisual texts, localization).
  • Solving translation problems of non-specialised texts.
  • Understanding written texts in a foreign language in order to translate.
  • Using documentation resources in order to translate.
  • Using technological resources in order to translate.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Applying lexical, morphosyntactic, textual, rhetorical and linguistic variation related knowledge: Applying graphic, lexical, morphosyntactic, textual and linguistic variation-related basic knowledge.
  2. Applying lexical, morphosyntactic, textual, rhetorical and linguistic variation related knowledge: Applying graphical, lexical, morphosyntactic, textual, rhetorical and linguistic variation related knowledge.
  3. Applying technological resources in order to solve translation problems: Applying technical resources in order to solve translation problems of different types of non-specialised written texts with problems of linguistic variation and cultural references, and basic specialised texts from different fields.
  4. Applying the documentation resources in order to solve translation problems: Applying the documentation resources in order to translate different kinds of non-specialised written texts with problems of linguistic variation and cultural references, and simple specialised texts from several fields.
  5. Appropriately following the different phases for the creation of a translation and carrying out the assigned tasks: Appropriately following the different phases for the translation of non-specialised written texts from different fields and from different functions, with problems of linguistic variation and cultural references.
  6. Assessing the obtained results in the information retrieval process in order to translate: Assessing the obtained results in the information retrieval process in order to translate different types of non-specialised written texts with problems of linguistic variation and cultural references, and basic specialised texts from different fields.
  7. Comprehending the communicative purpose and sense of written texts of several fields: Comprehending the communicative purpose and sense of non-specialised written texts from different fields and of different functions with problems of linguistic variation and cultural references.
  8. Finding the most appropriate translation solution in each case: Finding the most appropriate translation solution in each case.
  9. Formulating the proper information needs for the translation of different kinds of non-specialised written texts with problems of linguistic variation and cultural references, and basic specialised texts of several fields.
  10. Identifying the existing (digital and analogue) information sources in order to translate: Identifying the existing (digital and analogue) information sources in order to translate different types of non-specialised written texts with problems of linguistic variation and cultural references and basic specialised texts from various fields.
  11. Identifying the need to mobilise cultural knowledge in order to translate: Identifying the need to mobilise cultural knowledge in order to translate non-specialised written texts from different fields and of different functions, with problems of linguistic variation and cultural references.
  12. Identifying the specific translation problems of each field: Identifying the specific translation problems of each field.
  13. Identifying the specific translation problems of non-specialised texts: Identifying the basic translation problems of different types of non-specialised written texts with linguistic variation and cultural references.
  14. Identifying the textual and dynamic nature of the translation equivalence: Identifying the textual and dynamic nature of the translation equivalence.
  15. Identifying the translation as an act of communication that is addressed to a recipient: Identifying the translation as an act of communication that is addressed to a recipient.
  16. Implementing strategies in order to produce written texts of different fields and with specific communicative purposes: Implementing strategies in order to produce different types of non-specialised written texts with problems of linguistic variation and cultural references, and basic specialised texts of different fields.
  17. Implementing strategies in order to understand written texts from different fields: Implementing strategies in order to comprehend different types of non-specialised written texts with problems of linguistic variation and cultural references, and basic specialised texts of different fields.
  18. Incorporating cultural knowledge in order to solve translation problems: Incorporating cultural knowledge in order to solve translation problems of different types of non-specialised written texts with problems of linguistic variation and cultural references, and basic specialised texts from different fields.
  19. Producing written texts that are appropriate to their context and possess linguistic correctness: Producing different kinds of non-specialised written texts with problems of linguistic variation and cultural references and basic specialised texts from several fields that are appropriate to their context and posses linguistic correctness.
  20. Solving interferences between the working languages: Solving interferences between the working languages.
  21. Students must demonstrate they know the technological resources needed to translate: Students must demonstrate they know the technological resources in order to edit different types of non-specialised written texts with problems of linguistic variation and cultural references, and simple specialised texts from several fields.
  22. Successfully interrogating the documentation sources in order to translate: Successfully interrogating the information sources in order to translate different kinds of non-specialised written texts with problems of linguistic variation and cultural references, and simple specialised texts from several fields.
  23. Using the appropriate strategies and techniques in order to solve translation problems: Using the appropriate strategies and techniques to solve translation problems of simple specialised written texts.
  24. Using the appropriate strategies and techniques in order to solve translation problems: Using the fundamental strategies and techniques in order to solve basic translation problems of non-specialised written texts from different fields and of different functions, with problems of linguistic variation and cultural references.


Contents of the subject


Contents for Language (summary)

- Strategies and techniques for the comprehension of written texts of diverse typology on general topics of known fields (narrative, descriptive, expository and instructive).

- Strategies and techniques for the production of texts written with some complexity on personal subjects and general topics of known fields and basic texts of study (narrative, descriptive, expository and instructive).

- Strategies and techniques for the comprehension of oral texts on general topics of known or study areas (narrative, descriptive, expository and instructive or didactic).

- Strategies and techniques for the production of oral texts on personal subjects and general topics of known or study areas (narrative, descriptive, expository and metatextuals).

- Basic linguistic and textual notions for the study of the C language and for translating.

- Morphosyntactic, lexical, textual grammar and ortho-typical knowledge to be able to translate.

- Personalized strategies and procedures for learning the language and the use of relevant consultation tools for the autonomous study of language C.


Contents on translation (summary)

- Basic methodological principles governing the practice of translation. Fundamental problems, techniques and strategies for the translation of texts in standard language.

- The resolution of contrasting difficulties: differences in writing conventions, lexicons, morphosyntactic and textual.

- Solving basic problems of translation of non-specialized expository genres in standard language: short entry of a consultation encyclopaedia, fragment of a manual (of Translation, Linguistics, Philosophy, etc.).


- Basic aspects of the labour-market and the practice of the profession of translator: areas of employability; rights and duties of the translator.

- Useof technological tools and basic documentation for the translation of non-specialized texts in standard language.



Language: Communicative, morphosyntax and grammar contents of German texts.

The course offers the student the necessary tools for the recognition and active use of lexical systems, morphosyntactic structures and basic or complex textual structures in the German language.

The training objective is the comprehension and production of written texts of a general nature (texts written with some complexity on personal subjects and general topics of known fields);

As for oral communication, the aim of the course is to understand and produce oral texts of a general and specific nature (oral texts on personal subjects and general topics of known fields), as well as to develop the ability to participate in debates on general topics with a medium level of difficulty (Level B1.2).  The development of these competences will be possible thanks to a practical work of the language from the communicative, grammatical, lexical and intercultural point of view.



Analyzing non-specialized texts

Produce non-specialized texts

Understanding information of medium difficulty (Mittelstufe 1)

Arguing in a clear and structured manner

To ask for an opinion, a wish, a piece of advice, to suggest

Describe, compare and evaluate

Disagree, justify differences, contradictions

Giving one's own points of view

Give explanations and justifications

Expressing a desire, a need

Expressing a cause, a consequence, a concessionary relationship

Express a purpose, an objective

Make specific syntheses, adaptations and summaries

Present facts, motives and opinions in a structured order

Reproduce and reformulate a text


Aspects and cultural markers in texts

Detect cultural references or markers in written texts with a certain complexity on general topics of known fields.

Avoid intercultural problems writing texts or producing oral texts on personal and everyday subjects.



1. Morphosyntax



Objektive Modalverben

Valenz der Verben und Rektion der Funktionsverben

Das Pronomen "Es" (obligatorisches vs. kataphorisches Es)

2. Textgrammatik

Kohäsionsmittel und Textkohärenz im deutschen Text

Prototypische Textabschnitte: Thema, Anlass, Problem, Lösung, Bewertung.



Translation Contents

- Solving translation problems derived from cultural references in narrative, descriptive and expository texts.

- Solving problems derived from textual tone (vulgar, informal, formal, solemn, etc.) in narrative, descriptive and expository texts.

- Solving problems derived from textual mode (written to be read aloud, written to be said, etc.) in narrative, descriptive and expository texts

- Solving translation problems arising from the style of the text (light, dark, concise, pompous, rigid and archaic, natural, etc.) in narrative, descriptive and expository texts.



Teaching methodology and training activities

Activities and workloads

Language & Translation

Directed, each 22.57 hours, sum 45.14 hours

            L Reading comprehension activities Written production 10 hours

            L Oral comprehension and production activities 3.57 hours

            L Resolution of grammar exercises 9 hours

            T Resolution of translation exercises 6 hours

            T Carrying out of translation activities 14,07 hours

            T Master classes 2.5 hours


Supervised, each 6.8 hours, sum 13.6 hours

            L Supervision and revision of grammar exercises 4.3 hours

            L Supervision and review of oral and written activities 2.5 hours

            T Supervision and revision of translations 3 hours

            T Supervision of documentation for translation 3 hours

            T Supervision of exercises 0.8 hours


Self-employed, each 73.125 hours (65%), sum 146,25 hours

            L Preparation of reading comprehension activities 35 hours

            L Preparation of written production activities 25 hours

            L Preparation of comprehension activities and some grammatical themes 13.13 hours

            T Preparation of translations and jobs 58.125 hours

            T Preparation of exercises 5 hours

            T Documentation search 5 hours

            T Extension of knowledge 5 hours


Teaching Methodology

The German language skills (DaF) will be broadened and deepened, and the specific skills required for translation will be developed: On the one hand, the global competences and communicative skills of the C language, on the other hand, the special linguistic competences in German as a Working Language for Translation, with special emphasis on those which are of pragmatic, intercultural and contrastive (C-A) relevance for translation, heuristics or instruments for language learning (kulturpaarspezifischen pragmatischen Kompetenzen, Lernfertigkeiten, instrumentale Fertigkeiten).

With regard to the specific text competencies, the following will be dealt with - following the textual progression of the subjects of German C - in ITC4 especially classes and types of texts with the so-called German macrostructures: Deskriptive Texte (Objekt- und Prozessbeschreibung), Chroniken (Ergebnisbericht, Ereignisschilderung, Erlebniserzählung) and corresponding functions.

The nature of the subject is theoretical-practical. It will deal with the basics of textual analysis (linguistic and translation), reception and textual production in German. All knowledge, skills, strategies and activities of the subject will be developed through and by working with & on texts (standard models and current examples).


Training activities

With the exception of point f, the following chronological process applies in the processing of the above-mentioned types of texts:

a. the development of strategies and methods of reading and textual comprehension;

b. the development of strategies and methods of textual analysis (linguistics and grammar of text, translation analysis),

c. the treatment of typical linguistic and intercultural (B-A) problems manifested in current texts, followed by grammar and/or performative tasks or exercises or corresponding detection tasks;

d. the systematization of textual synthesis and the bases of linguistic mediation through periphrasis, reformulation or explanation of textual contents;

e. the improvement of textual production in German (production of specific copies following text models) and the revision of defective texts;

f. the preparation of specific genres of university studies (e.g. abstract, abstract, work script, oral presentation, textual analysis, review, linguistic autobiography) on topics of a cultural, linguistic or translatological (inter-) nature in Language C.


The production of texts will be limited to personal subjects and topics or general domains of known or basic areas of study.

Following the German didactic method known as Lerner- und Handlungsorientierter Unterricht (didactics oriented to the practical activity of the student), applied to the Teaching of German as a Foreign Language (DaF) for translation and interpretation, the tasks based on the processing of authentic and current texts can be modified during the course, either according to the relevance of the texts or according to the specific didactical needs of the students, detected by means of continuous formative evaluation or diagnostic evaluation. The progressive definition and the quantity (between 6 and 10 activities) of the specific tasks will therefore depend on the specific didactic needs of the students, without exceeding the total of the stipulated hours.




The course will focus especially on:

Comprehension of written texts and some oral/audiovisual documents

The practice of oral and written expression techniques

Treatment of grammar topics at Mittelstufe B1 level


A series of activities and tasks will be proposed to the student:

Individual works (grammar exercises, written productions: summary, dissertation, reading card)

Group work (simulations, comprehension activities, writing activities, oral presentations, etc.)

Exchanges  (debates, presentation of texts, etc.)

Grammar, oral/written expression and oral/written comprehension tasks

Freelance work: exercises, test preparation, readings, book reading, essays, information research.




- Consolidate techniques for solving exercises in translation

- To deepen the tasks related to translation

- Consolidate problem-solving techniques


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Consolidating techniques for solving textual and translation problems 10 0.4 4, 16, 12, 15, 19, 20
Consolidating techniques to solve exercises 10 0.4 1, 2, 17, 16, 7, 14, 15, 10, 19, 20
Task-deepening related to writing and translation 25 1 1, 2, 4, 3, 17, 16, 6, 7, 21, 9, 14, 12, 13, 11, 15, 10, 18, 22, 19, 5, 20, 8, 23, 24
Type: Supervised      
Revision of exercises and other tasks related to translations and essays commissioned by the teacher 13 0.52 1, 2, 4, 3, 17, 16, 6, 7, 21, 9, 14, 12, 13, 11, 15, 10, 18, 22, 19, 5, 20, 8, 23, 24
Type: Autonomous      
Academic-professional work preparation (language and translation) 70 2.8 1, 2, 4, 3, 17, 16, 6, 7, 21, 9, 14, 12, 13, 11, 15, 10, 18, 22, 19, 5, 20, 8, 23, 24
Documentation enquiries 15 0.6 4, 21, 9, 11, 10, 22
Preparation of exercises and previous works 61 2.44 1, 2, 17, 16, 7, 10, 19, 20



Breakdown by tasks

Aufschlüsselung (Deglossament, Desglose) nach Aufgaben

Aufgaben (Tasques & Tareas)

Gewicht (pes, peso)

Kompetenzen und Fertigkeiten (Competències i destreses)

Sprache / Idioma



Textarbeit 5 Aufgaben (4 schriftlich, 1 mündlich)


1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14

Grammatik 6 Bewertungen (5 Aufgaben, 1 Test)


1, 2

Übersetzung / Traducció(n)



Ü/Trad. DE>CA (3 tasques de traducción, 1 encàrrec)


3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Ü/Trad. DE>ES (3 tareas de traducción, 1 encargo)


3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16


Evaluation and diagnostic system and activities used:

- Performance of textual works on subjects related to foreign languages for translators and interpreters,

- Execution tests of real and/or simulated tasks of textual and oral communication in a foreign language,

- Tests with open-ended questions of comprehension and textual production,

- Tests with closed-ended questions of comprehension and textual production.



The following aspects will be evaluated:

1. be able to correctly apply the grammar knowledge acquired during the course.

2. be able to express themselves orally and fluently on a subject within the framework of an oral presentation, a dialogue, where a specific perspective or point of view will have to be presented.

3. be able to write a coherent and cohesive text

4. be able to reflect on one's own learning and use learning strategies

5. be able to put into practice the knowledge acquired : from passive knowledge to the active use of this knowledge.


Evaluation and diagnostic techniques used

For the continuous and final evaluation, different types of evaluation, common in teaching of languages with a profile for mediation, translation and interpretatio, will be combined.(see CFRL/MECR, chapter 9.3):


To be taken into account for the assessment in Language C

Theoretical knowledge will not be evaluated but always its application in the resolution of tasks, exercises or practical tests. The evaluation will be continuous and orientative-formative.

2. The text tasks or partial DaF-grammar tests include different assessment activities (reading comprehension, written and oral production, applicated grammatical knowledge, vocabulary and autonomous reading). The grade of none of them will exceed 40% of the final grade for thelanguageassessment.

3. Each partial grammar test has a scale for assessing learning outcomes according to specific competences. These ALE (DaF) grammar tests will last between 1 and 2 hours.

4. Taking the partial tests and the evaluation tasks is compulsory and the student must have taken at least 66.6% of the tests or tasks.

5. The formative text evaluation tasks correspond to 3 written exercises and 1 paper. The evaluative weight of the tasks will be progressively staggered. The grade of no task will exceed 40% of the final grade for the language evaluation.

6. As a general rule, these supervised course tasks are part of the continuous, consecutive and progressive assessment. They will not be accepted or corrected if they are missed outside of the consecutive progression and deadlines set by the faculty. In order to recover the delivery of one of these continuous training jobs, explicit permission will be required to deliver it within a later period of no more than five working days. A calendar of tasks will be published in the Moodle Classroom of the subject (Abgabetermine).

7. On written and oral tasks for the Evaluation of the command or level of the language a weighted average mark of "pass" [5] has to be obtained to guarantee the qualification and certification of level according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CFRL/MECR) and the Royal Decree 1041/2017, Article 7,1-2.

8. During the semester, students will discuss the progression of their learning process.

9. Regular attendance and active participation in class will be highly valued.



Several individual translation exercises will be carried out, the grade of which will not exceed 40% of the final weighted grade for the translation part. The type of evaluation activities will be specified by the person in charge of translation when teaching begins.




The information on the evaluation, the type of evaluation activities and their weight on the subject is for guidance only. The teacher in charge of the subject will specify it at the beginning of teaching.

It is advisable to read carefully the special and detailed information in the Moodle Classroom of the subject, and especially the calendar of partial evaluations and tasks.


Regulations for the Assessment, Revision and Reassessment of the Faculty of Translation and Interpretation (2018)


At the time of writing the final grade prior to the report card, the teacher will communicate through Aula Moodle of the subject a date and time of review (see calendar of tasks, tests, review and recovery). This review excludes the review of homework already returned to the student during the academic semester.

Recovery of assessment (Nachprüfung)

Students who have presented themselves to activities the weight of which equals to 66.6% (two-thirds) or more of the final grade, and who have obtained a weighted median grade of between 3.5 and 4.9 may recover failed assessments. The student will be able to recover only those evaluation activities that have been suspended or for which no evaluation evidence has been presented. At the time of delivering the final grade prior to the course report, the teacher will communicate through Aula Moodle the recovery procedure. For the evaluation of the continuous, consecutive and progressive textual tasks, se. Evaluation, Article 6.

Teachers may propose a remedial activity for each suspended or not presented activity, or they may group several activities into one of the soles, provided that all learning outcomes are evaluated and the same criteria for evaluation and weighting of the final grade is maintained. In no case can recovery consist of a single final assessment activity equivalent to 100% of the grade. The teacher can establish that, in the case of students who have passedthe recovery, the maximum final grade of the subject or module is 5 (= rite – passed)

Consideration of "non-assessable".

A "non-assessable" will be assigned when the assessment evidence provided by the student equals a maximum of one quarter (25%) of the total grade of the subject or module.

Irregularities in assessment activities

In case of irregularity (plagiarism, copying, impersonation, etc.) in an evaluation activity, the rating of this evaluation activity will be 0. In case of irregularities in several evaluation activities, the final grade of the subject will be 0.

Evaluation activities where irregularities have occurred (e.g. plagiarism, copying, impersonation) are excluded from recovery.

Copying and plagiarism

A "copy" is considered to be a work that reproduces all or a large part of the work of a colleague, and "plagiarism" is the fact of presenting part or all of an author's text as one's own, that is to say, without citing the sources, whether it is published on paper or in digital form on the Internet. Copying and plagiarism are intellectual theft and, therefore, constitute a fault that will be sanctioned with the note "zero". In the case of copying between two students, if it is not possible to know who has copied whom, the sanction will be applied to both students.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Consecutive exercises and individual writing assignments (with progressive weighting) 35 7.35 0.29 1, 2, 17, 16, 6, 7, 13, 11, 19, 20
Grammatik / german grammar 15 3.15 0.13 1, 2, 16, 10, 19, 20
Tasks and translation assignment DE>CA 25 5.25 0.21 1, 2, 4, 3, 17, 16, 6, 7, 21, 9, 14, 12, 13, 11, 15, 10, 18, 22, 19, 5, 20, 8, 23, 24
Tasks and translation assignment DE>ES 25 5.25 0.21 1, 2, 4, 3, 17, 16, 6, 7, 21, 9, 14, 12, 13, 11, 15, 10, 18, 22, 19, 5, 20, 8, 23, 24


Bibliography and web-links


1. Lecture for the students’ review (essay)

Timm, Uwe (1999): „Der Mantel“. In: Nicht morgen, nicht gestern. Erzählungen. Vom Autor neu durchgesehene Ausgabe. München: Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag (dtv), 2001; S. 75-90 [ISBN 3-423-12891-7]

# Diese Erzählung aus Timm (2001: 75-90) behandelt das Erlebnis einer alten Pelznäherin mit militanten Tierschützern]


Anm.: Dieser Sammelband mit Erzählungen von Uwe Timm wird auch Teil der obligatorischen Lektüre in Deutsch C5 und Deutsch C6 sein.


2. Grammar

Braucek, Brigitte & Castell, A. (2002) Verbos alemanes. Diccionario de conjugación y de complementación. Ed. Idiomas : Madrid.

Castell, Andreu (1997) Gramática de la lengua alemana. Ed. Idiomas : Madrid.

Castell, A. & Braucek, B. (2000) Ejercicios. Gramática de la lengua alemana. Ed. Idiomas : Madrid.

Doerr, Emmanuel (2019): Grammatik Deutsch. Unterrichtsmaterialien Teil 3. Bellaterra: Facultat de Traducció i d’Interpretació UAB

Doerr, Emmanuel (2019): Textgrammatik Deutsch. Unterrichtsmaterialien Teil 1. Bellaterra: Facultat de Traducció i d’Interpretació UAB – https://ddd.uab.cat/search?ln=ca&p=Idioma+B+per+a+traductors+i+int%C3%A8rprets+(alemany)+Materials+docents

Dreyer, H & Schmitt, R. (1993) Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik. Hueber Verlag : München.

Fandrych,Ch  & Tallowitz,U.(2009) Klipp und Klar.Klett Verlag: Stuttgart.

Hoberg, R & U. (2004) Der kleine Duden. Gramática del alemán. Ed. Idiomas – Max Hueber Verlag: Madrid.

Luscher, R. (1998) DaF. Übungsgrammatik für Anfänger. Verlag für Deutsch : München.


3. Dictionaries

3.1 Bilinguals

Beinhauer, W. (1978). Stilistisch-phraseologisches Wörterbuch Deutsch-Spanisch. München: Max Hueber.

Pons Großwörterbuch für Experten und Universität. Spanisch-Deutsch. Deutsch-Spanisch. (2001). Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, Leipzig: Klett.

Slaby, R.; Grossmann, R. (1994). Wörterbuch der spanischen und deutschen Sprache. 4ª ed. revisada. Barcelona: Herder.


3.2 Monolinguals

Agricola, E. (ed.) (1988). Wörter und Wendungen: Wörterbuch zum deutschen Sprachgebrauch. Leipzig: Enzyklopädie.

Beinhauer, W. (1978). Stilistisch-phraseologisches Wörterbuch Spanisch-Deutsch. München: Max Hueber.

Bulitta, E.; Bulitta, H. (1983). Wörterbuch der Synonyme und Antonyme. Frankfurt: Athäneum.

Carstensen, B. (1986). Beim Wort genommen. Bemerkenswertes in der deutschen Gegenwartssprache. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.

Dückert, J.; Kempcke, G. (1989). Wörterbuch der Sprachschwierigkeiten. Leipzig: Bibliographisches Institut.

Duden. (1972). Der große Duden in 10 Bänden. Mannheim, Leipzig, Wien, Zürich: Bibliographisches Institut.

Duden. (1976-1981). Das große Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache in sechs Bänden. Mannheim, Leipzig, Wien, Zürich:Bibliographisches Institut.

Duden. (1989). Deutsches Universalwörterbuch. Mannheim, Leipzig, Wien, Zürich: Bibliographisches Institut.

Hermann, U. (1978). Knaurs Fremdwörter-Lexikon. München:Droemer Knaur.

Küpper, H. (1990). Pons-Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache. Stuttgart: Klett.

Röhrich, L. (1979). Lexikon der sprichwörtlichen Redensarten. Freiburg i. B.: Herder.

Wahrig, G. (1990). Deutsches Wörterbuch. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann.

Wehrle, H.; Eggers, H. (1996). Deutscher Wortschatz. Ein Wegweiser zum treffenden Ausdruck. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett.


4. Webs


. Was gibt’s Neues?

www.tagesschau.de / www.dw.de / www.heute.de

. Sueddeutsche Zeitung


. Neue Zürcher Zeitung


. German News


. Deutsche Welle

http://www.dw-world.de http://www.dw.com/de/deutsch-lernen/deutsch-xxl/s-12376

. Info zu Deutschland:Nachrichten in einfacher Sprache



.Täglicher Überblick über das deutschsprachige Feuilleton und Literaturmagazine:


. Information zu Geschichte, Politik, Gesellschaft und Kultur:



Self-assessment (language level):

Goethe Institut, Test Deutsch-Leseverstehen B1.2 | (Minimum: 60 Punkte) http://www.goethe.de/lrn/pro/ZD-online/data/LV_frame.htm 


Note: The specific bibliography and more links to websites on language, culture and society can be found in the Moodle Virtual Campus of the subject and in the subject dossiers.


Bibliografía per a la parte de traducción:

B. Diccionarios monolingües en castellano

Casares, Julio, Diccionario ideológico de la lengua española, Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 1999.

Diccionario general de la lengua española (DGLE), Barcelona, Biblograf, 1999, 1ª reimpr.

Moliner, María, Diccionario de uso del español, 2 vols., Madrid, Gredos 2007, 3ª ed.

Real Academia Española, Diccionario de la lengua española, Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 1992, 21ª ed.

Seco, Manuel, Olimpia Andrés y Gabino Ramos, Diccionario del español actual, 2 vols., Madrid, Aguilar, 1999.

5. Gramáticas, manuales, obras de referencia en castellano

Agencia Efe, Manual del español urgente, Madrid, Cátedra, 1998, 12ª ed. Existe una versión parcial en línea.

Alarcos Llorach, Emilio, Gramática de la lengua española, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1994.

Bosque, Ignacio (director), Redes. Diccionario combinatorio del español contemporáneo, Madrid, SM, 2004.

Corripio, Fernando, Diccionario de ideas afines, Barcelona, Herder, 2000, 7ª ed.

García Yebra, Valentín, Claudicaciónen el uso de las preposiciones, Madrid, Gredos, 1988.

Gili Gaya, Samuel, Curso superior de sintaxis española, Barcelona, Vox, 1993, 15ª ed.

Lázaro Carreter, Fernando, El dardo en la palabra, Barcelona, Círculo de lectores, 1997.

—, El nuevo dardo en la palabra, Madrid, Aguilar, 2003.

Lorenzo, Emilio, El español de hoy, lengua en ebullición, Madrid, Gredos, 1994, 4ª ed.

—, Anglicismos hispánicos, Madrid, Gredos, 1996.

—, El español en la encrucijada, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1999.

Martínez de Sousa, José, Diccionario de usos y dudas del español actual, Barcelona, Biblograf, 1998,2ª ed.

—, Manual de estilo de la lengua española 3 (MELE 3), Gijón, Trea, 2007, 3ª ed. rev. y amp.

—, Ortografía y ortotipografía del español actual, Gijón, Trea, 2004.

—, Diccionario de uso de las mayúsculas y minúsculas, Gijón, Trea, 2007.

Marsá, Francisco, Diccionario normativo y guía práctica de la lengua española, Barcelona, Ariel, 1994.

País, El, Libro de estilo, Madrid, Aguilar, 2002. Existe una versión electrónica.

Real Academia Española, Nueva gramática de la lengua española, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 2009.

Real Academia Española,Ortografía de la lengua española, Madrid, Espasa Calpe, 1999.

Redes, Diccionario combinatorio del español combinatorio,Madrid, SM, 2004.

Seco, Manuel, Diccionario de dudas y dificultades de la lengua española, Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, 2000, 10ª ed. 2ª reimpr.

6. Manueals de teoría y práctica de la traducción

Gamero Pérez, Silvia, Traducción alemán-español. Aprendizaje activo de destrezas básicas. Universidad Jaume I.

García Yebra, Valentín, Teoría y práctica de la traducción, Madrid, Gredos, 1982.

Rossell, Anna, Manual de traducción alemán-castellano. Barcelona, Gedisa, 1996.

7. Sobre traducción

Ayala, Francisco, «Breve teoría de la traducción» (1946), en La estructura narrativa, Barcelona, Crítica, 1984.

Borges, Jorge Luis, «Las versiones homéricas» (1932), en Obras completas, Barcelona, Emecé, 1989.

—, «Literaturas germánicas medievales», (1966) íbid.

—, «Los traductores de las 1001 noches»(1936), ibíd.

—, «Piere Menard, autor de El Quijote» (1939), ibíd.

—, «La busca de Averroes» (1947), ibíd.

Catelli, Nora, y Marietta Gargatagli, El tabaco que fumaba Plinio, Barcelona, Serbal, 1998.

Coseriu, Eugenio, «Lo erróneo y lo acertado en la teoría de la traducción», en El hombre y su lenguaje, Madrid, Gredos, 1977.

Eco, Umberto, Decir casi lo mismo, trad. Helena Lozano, Barcelona, Lumen, 2008.

Fernández González, Vicente (comp.), La traducción de la A a la Z, Córdoba, Berenice, 2008.

García Yebra, Valentín,En tornoa la traducción. Teoría, crítica, historia, Madrid, Gredos, 1983.

—, Traducción: teoría y práctica, Madrid, Gredos, 1994.

Gentzler, Edwin, Contemporary Translation Theories, Londres/Nueva York, Routledge, 1993.

Larbaud, Valéry, Sous l’invocation de Saint Jérome, París, Gallimard, 1946.

Marías, Javier, «Ausencia y memoria en la traducción poética» (1980), en Literatura y fantasma, Madrid, Siruela, 1993.

—, «La traducción como fingimiento y representación» (1982), ibíd.

Monterroso, Augusto, «Llorar a orillas del río Mapocho» (1983), en La palabra mágica, Barcelona, Anagrama, 1996.

Ortega y Gasset, José, «Miseria y esplendor de la traducción» (1937), en Obras completas, Madrid, Alianza, 1983, t. V.

Palomero, Mari Pepa (compiladora), Antología de Eltrujamán, Madrid, Instituto Cervantes, 2002. <spanstyle="color: #000099;">http://cvc.cervantes.es/trujaman

Paz, Octavio, Traducción: literatura y literalidad, Barcelona, Tusquets, 1971, 1990.

Ruiz Casanova, José Francisco, Aproximación a una historia delatraducción en España, Madrid, Cátedra, 2000.

Corpora de referencia

CREA, Corpus de referencia del español actual. Existe versión en línea.

CORDE, Corpus diacrónico del español. Existe versión en línea.

 Bibliografia de Traducció – català

Diccionaris i manuals de la llengua catalana
-Abril Español, J. (1997). Diccionari pràctic de qüestions gramaticals. Barcelona: Ed. 62.
-Alcover, A. M.; Moll, F. de B. (1950-1968). Diccionari català-valencià-balear. 2ª. ed. 10
vols. Palma de Mallorca: Moll.
-Coromines, J. (1980-1995). Diccionari etimològic i complementari de la llengua
catalana. 9 vols. Barcelona: Curial.
-Diccionari visual Duden (1994). Barcelona: Enciclopèdia catalana.
-Diccionari visual Duden (1994). Barcelona: Enciclopèdia catalana.
-Fabra, P. (1986). Diccionari general de la llengua catalana. 22ª. ed. Barcelona: Edhasa.
-Franquesa, M. (1998). Diccionari de sinònims Franquesa. 2ª. ed. Barcelona:
Enciclopèdia Catalana.
-Ginebra, J.; Montserrat, A. (1999). Diccionari d'ús dels verbs catalans. Barcelona: Ed.
-Gran diccionari de la llengua catalana (1998). Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana.
-Institut d'Estudis Catalans (2007). Diccionari de la llengua catalana. 2ª. Edició.
Barcelona; Palma de Mallorca; València: Ed. 3 i 4; Ed. 62; Ed. Moll, etc.
-López del Castillo, L. (1998). Diccionari complementari del català normatiu. Barcelona:
Ed. 62.
-Paloma, D.;Rico, A. (1998). Diccionari de dubtes del català. Barcelona: Ed. 62.
-Pey, S. (1997). Diccionari de sinònims i antònims. 17ª. ed. Barcelona: Teide.
-Raspall, J.; Martí, J. (1986). Diccionari de locucions i de frases fetes. 3ª. ed.
Barcelona: Ed. 62. [Reimpressió en 2 vols.: Diccionari de locucions (1995) i Diccionari
de frases fetes (1996). Ambdós Barcelona: Ed. 62.]
-Termcat (1997). Diccionari de neologismes. Barcelona: Ed. 62.

Diccionaris bilingües
-Batlle, L. C.; Haensch, G.; Kockers, E. (2007). Diccionari alemany-català. 3a ed.
Barcelona: Enciclopèdia Catalana.
-Guàrdia, R.; Ritter, M. (1981). Diccionari alemany-català, català-alemany. Barcelona:
C. Recursos digitals
C.1. Diccionaris, glossaris, gramàtiques
-Diccionari alemany-català: http://de.glosbe.com/
-Diccionari de la llengua alemanya: http://www.duden.de/
-Diccionari d'ús de la llengua alemanya: http://wortschatz.uni-leipzig.de
-Diccionari alemany de modismes i frases fetes:
-Diccionari normatiu de la llengua catalana: http://dlc.iec.cat/
-Diccionari català-valencià-balear: http://dcvb.iecat.net/
-Diccionari de neologismes: http://www.termcat.net/neoloteca
-Recull de diccionaris: http://yourdictionary.com
C.2. Directoris de recursos
-Schopp, J. F. Links für TranslatorInnen (http://www.uta.fi/~trjusc/translnk.htm)