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Public Policy Analysis

Code: 101113 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500259 Political Science and Public Management OT 3 2
2500259 Political Science and Public Management OT 4 0
2503778 International Relations OB 2 1
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Nicolas Barbieri

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Ricard Gomà Carmona



Regarding the bachelor’s degree in Political Science, it is expected that the students attending this course will have a general knowledge about theories and concepts developed in “Political Science” and “Public policy and administration” courses.


Objectives and Contextualisation

This course is intended to develop the most important theoretical and empirical references in public policy analysis. At the end of the course, the students should have a specific knowledge to apply in the analysis of dynamics and processes of policy formulation, implementation and change.

Specifically, the students will work on main concepts and models that currently are more significant in policy analysis studies. On the other hand, the course will introduce references to empirical cases of comparative public policies, with the analysis of cases in different social and cultural contexts.


    Political Science and Public Management
  • Analysing public policies, both in their elaboration and implementation processes.
  • Applying the discipline's main theories and different fields to real practical and professional problems.
  • Arguing from different theoretical perspectives.
  • Demonstrating the understanding of intergovernmental relationships and identifying the position of Public Administrations in the political system.
  • Describing and understanding the functioning of the Public Administration on a state, sub-state and supranational level.
  • Designing data collection techniques, coordinating the information processing and meticulously applying hypothesis verification methods.
  • Distinguishing the discipline's main theories and different fields: conceptual developments, theoretical frameworks and theoretical approaches underlying the discipline's knowledge and different areas and sub-areas, as well as their value for the professional practice through concrete cases.
  • Identifying sources of data and conducting bibliographic and documentary searches.
  • Interpreting and applying English texts in an academic way.
  • Managing the available time in order to accomplish the established objectives and fulfil the intended task.
  • Producing and planning researches or analytical reports.
  • Realising effective oral presentations that are suited to the audience.
  • Showing a good capacity for transmitting information, distinguishing key messages for their different recipients.
  • Synthesizing and critically analysing information.
  • Using different tools for the analysis and explanation of the formulation, decision, implementation and evaluation processes in public policies.
  • Using the main information and documentation techniques (ICT) as an essential tool for the analysis.
  • Working autonomously.
  • Working by using quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques in order to apply them to research processes.
  • Working in teams and networking, particularly in interdisciplinary conditions.
    International Relations
  • Analyse the behaviour of international actors, both state and non-state.
  • Analyse the production and implementation of public policies related to the international sphere, in particular foreign policy and security and defence policy.
  • Analyse the structure and operation of international institutions and organisations (political, economic, military and security, environmental, development and emergency aid) both in the universal and regional spheres, with particular emphasis on the European Union, from either real or simulated cases.
  • Apply quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques in research processes.
  • Identify data sources and carry out rigorous bibliographical and documentary searches.
  • Learn and analyse the impacts of the globalisation process on domestic political systems and on the behaviour of the political actors and the public.
  • Produce and prepare the presentation of intervention reports and/or proposals.
  • Students must be capable of applying their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and they should have building arguments and problem resolution skills within their area of study.
  • Students must be capable of collecting and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make statements that reflect social, scientific or ethical relevant issues.
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Students must develop the necessary learning skills to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.
  • Use English to receive and communicate analyses and proposals.
  • Use metatheoretical data to argue and establish plausible relation of causality and establish ways of validating or rejecting them.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse the impact of the globalisation process in the public policies of the main states of the European Union, and their interrelationship with democracy and the rule-of-law state in the world.
  2. Analyse the role of different actors in the formulation of political policies.
  3. Analysing public policies, both in their elaboration and implementation processes.
  4. Apply analytical techniques for public policies to the process of drawing up and implementing foreign, security and defence policies.
  5. Apply analytical tools for public policies to different real and simulated case studies in different areas of the home and international political spheres.
  6. Apply quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques in research processes.
  7. Appropriately using the contributions of Lindblom, Wildavsky, Marsh and Rhodes, Lowi.
  8. Arguing from different theoretical perspectives.
  9. Critically analysing the configuration process of the public agenda.
  10. Critically assessing some of the public policies carried out by an authority in the State of Autonomies.
  11. Demonstrating the understanding of intergovernmental relationships and identifying the position of Public Administrations in the political system.
  12. Describing and understanding the functioning of the Public Administration on a state, sub-state and supranational level.
  13. Designing data collection techniques, coordinating the information processing and meticulously applying hypothesis verification methods.
  14. Evaluate the impact of different actors and the rules of operation in the formulation of EU policies.
  15. For real and simulated case studies analyse the implementation of community and intergovernmental policies in the EU and their posterior application.
  16. Identify data sources and carry out rigorous bibliographical and documentary searches.
  17. Identifying sources of data and conducting bibliographic and documentary searches.
  18. Interpreting and applying English texts in an academic way.
  19. Managing the available time in order to accomplish the established objectives and fulfil the intended task.
  20. Produce and prepare the presentation of intervention reports and/or proposals.
  21. Producing and planning researches or analytical reports.
  22. Properly explaining and describing main theoretical approaches of the analysis of political sciences: cycle of politics, actor-network, institutional approaches, rational choice theory.
  23. Realising effective oral presentations that are suited to the audience.
  24. Showing a good capacity for transmitting information, distinguishing key messages for their different recipients.
  25. Students must be capable of applying their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and they should have building arguments and problem resolution skills within their area of study.
  26. Students must be capable of collecting and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make statements that reflect social, scientific or ethical relevant issues.
  27. Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  28. Students must develop the necessary learning skills to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.
  29. Suggesting and explaining a case study of a concrete public policy.
  30. Synthesizing and critically analysing information.
  31. Use English to receive and communicate analyses and proposals.
  32. Use metatheoretical data to argue and establish plausible relation of causality and establish ways of validating or rejecting them.
  33. Use techniques of analysis for the functioning of universal institutions, in particular those of the European Union, in its day-to-day operations and its task of promoting aid for development and the promotion of democracy and the rule-of-law state.
  34. Using different tools for the analysis and explanation of the formulation, decision, implementation and evaluation processes in public policies.
  35. Using the main information and documentation techniques (ICT) as an essential tool for the analysis.
  36. Working autonomously.
  37. Working by using quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques in order to apply them to research processes.
  38. Working in teams and networking, particularly in interdisciplinary conditions.


General content and principal references

Note that the course will introduce the analysis of empirical cases of public policies on each topic.

1. Public policy analysis: what for and whom for


-Thissen, W., Walker, W. (2013), Public Policy Analysis, Introduction:A Policy Sciences View on Policy Analysis, Springer.

-Morin, J.; Paquin, J. (2018), Foreign policy analysis : a toolbox, Palgrave Macmillan.

-Subirats, J.; Knoepfel, P.; Larrue, C.; Varone, F. (2008), Análisis y gestión de políticas públicas. Barcelona: Ariel, capítols 1, 2.


2. The policy cycle and policy dimensions


-Thissen, W., Walker, W. (2013), Public Policy Analysis. Chapter  Perspectives on Policy Analysis: A Framework for Understanding and Design, Springer.

-Ivàlua (2011), Guia pràctica 8. La metodologia qualitativa en l’avaluació de polítiques públiques.


3. Policy problems


-Lindblom, C. (1991), The policy making process/El proceso de elaboración de políticas públicas, New Jersey: Prentice Hall/Madrid: INAP, pp. 9-53.

-Subirats, J.; Knoepfel, P.; Larrue, C.; Varone, F. (2008). Análisis y gestión de políticas públicas. Barcelona: Ariel, capítol 7.


4. Agenda-setting in public policies


-Zahariadis, N. (1999), “Ambiguity, time and multiple streams”, a Sabatier, P. (ed.) Theories of the policy process, Oxford: Westview Press, pp. 73-96.

-Subirats, J.; Knoepfel, P.;Larrue, C.; Varone, F. (2008). Análisis y gestión de políticas públicas. Barcelona: Ariel, capítol 7.


5. Policy formulation as a policy process


-Barzelay M. y R. Gallego, (2006). "From 'New Institutionalism' to 'Institutional processualism": Advancing Knowledge about Public Management PolicyChange", Governance Vol 19 (4).

-Barbieri, N. (2015). "A narrative-interactionist approach to policy change analysis. Lessons from a case study of the cultural policy domain in Catalonia", Critical Policy Studies, ifirst.


6. Why do public policies change?


-Baumgartner, F. i Jones, B., (1993). Agendas and instability in American politics. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Part I.

-True, J., Jones, B. i Baumgartner, F. (2007). “Punctuated-equilibrium theory: Explaining stability and change in American policymaking.” a P. Sabatier, (ed.) Theories of the policy process. Oxford: Westview, pp. 155-187.

-Carter, N., & Jacobs, M. (2014). "Explaining radical policy change: the case of climate change and energy policy under the British Labour government 2006–10." Public Administration, 92(1), 125-141.


7. Are public policy decisions rational?


-Lindblom, CH. (1992), “La ciencia de salir del paso”, a AGUILAR, L., La hechura de las políticas públicas, Miguel Porrúa Edits., México, pp.201-227.

-Stone, D. (1988), Policy Paradox, New York, pp. 232-256.


8. Do public policies determine politics? Typologies of public policies


-Lowi, T. (1994) "Políticas públicas, estudios de caso y teoría política", a Aguilar, L. (comp.): La hechura de las políticas, Porrúa Grupo Editorial, México, pp. 89-117. (original Lowi, T. 1964 "American Business and Public PolicyCase Studies and Political Theory" World Politics, XVI: 677-715.)

-Majone, G. (1996), Evolución de las políticas e instituciones regulatorias de la Unión Europea. Disponible a Internet. Original en anglès.


9. Who governs? Therole of policy networks


-Klijn, E (1997) “Policy networks: An overview”, a Kickert, W. and Klijn, E. (eds.) Managing complex networks. London: Sage, pp. 14-34.

-Dente, B., Subirats, J. (2014), Decisiones Públicas. Barcelona: Ariel. Capítol 3


10. Public policies implementation: activities and quality factors


-Subirats, J.;Knoepfel, P.; Larrue, C.; Varone, F. (2008). Análisis y gestión de políticas públicas. Barcelona: Ariel, capítol 9.

-Ballart, X. i C. Ramió, (2000), Ciencia de la Administración, Valencia, Tirant lo Blanch, Capítol IX.


11. Public policies evaluation


-Ballart, X. (1996). "Modelos teóricos para la práctica de la evaluación de programas" a Q. Brugué i J. Subirats, Lecturas de Gestión Pública. Madrid, INAP-BOE.

-Ivàlua, (2009). Com iniciar una avaluació: oportunitat, viabilitat i preguntes d'avaluació. Col·lecció Ivàlua de guies pràctiques sobre avaluació de les polítiques públiques. Barcelona.

-Subirats, J.;Knoepfel, P.; Larrue, C.; Varone, F. (2008). Análisis y gestión de políticas públicas. Barcelona: Ariel, capítol 10.


IMPORTANT REMARK: the course will develop following the restriction measures stated by the authorities.

This is a 6 ECTS course on Public policy analysis, i. e. 150h of the work of the students (25h/1 ECTS). This work is divided in different types of educational activities, following different teaching methods.

Directed activities:

Lectures: oral presentations with the presence of the teacher and with ICTs support. Examples of public policies and class debates.   

Seminars: text and case discussion. Introduction, presentation, analysis and discussion. Public policies simulations. Short written exams.

Public presentation and discussion of group exercises. Individual and group presentations. Discussions and general evaluation.  


Supervised activities:

Tutorials: support in the elaboration of the group exercises and following the general aspect of the course.

Autonomous activities:

Reading: individual reading of theoretical essays and policy cases.

Studying and preparing documents.

Elaboration of the group exercises. Working on the analysis of a public policy case, following the lecturer’s instructions. The format of this kind of exercise will be specified during the course.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Lectures and debates 30 1.2 22, 9, 8, 11, 12, 24, 29
Public presentation of group exercises 8 0.32 22, 8, 11, 12, 23, 19, 17, 18, 24, 29, 30, 36, 38, 35
Reading 20 0.8 9, 17, 18, 35
Seminars and case discussions 25 1 22, 9, 8, 11, 12, 23, 19, 18, 24, 30, 36, 38, 35
Studying and preparing documents. 20 0.8 9, 8, 12, 18, 30, 36
Tutorial 7 0.28 21, 17
Written essays 20 0.8 22, 11, 12, 13, 21, 19, 24, 29, 37, 36, 38, 35


IMPORTANT REMARK: the course will develop following the restriction measures stated by the authorities.

The evaluation of this course consists of three parts:

1) Written exam. It represents 40% of the final grade.

2) Group exercise. Elaboration of a group exercise (4 students). Working on the analysis of a public policy case, following the lecturer’s instructions. The format of this kind of exercise will be specified during the course. It represents 40% of the final grade.

 3) Short written exams. Two short written exams. It represents 20% of the final grade.

Important considerations:

-To pass this course you will need to pass the written exam with a minimum grade of 5/10.

-The students that present and do not pass the written exam will have the opportunity to retake it on the date established by the Academic Office of the Faculty. If the students do not pass the retake exam (5/10), the final grade of the course will be FAIL (NO APROVAT). Clarification: the maximum grade in the retake exam is 5/10.

-Students with any kind of problem to follow the course must contact the professor before October 1 (without exceptions).

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Group exercise 40% of the final grade 13 0.52 9, 2, 3, 15, 5, 4, 6, 8, 32, 13, 21, 20, 23, 16, 17, 18, 29, 28, 27, 26, 30, 37, 36, 38, 34, 35, 33, 31, 10, 14
Short written exams 20% of the final grade 4 0.16 22, 9, 8, 11, 23, 19, 18, 24, 25, 30, 36
Written exam 40% of the final grade 3 0.12 22, 9, 2, 1, 3, 15, 5, 4, 8, 32, 11, 12, 19, 28, 25, 30, 36, 7, 33, 31, 14




-Ballart X, Riba, C. (2010) European Management Models and Performance: a Comparative Analysis of Fourteen European CountrIes. The Journal of the Institute of Public Enterprise 33, 128-140.

-Barbieri, N. (2015). "A narrative-interactionist approach to policy change analysis. Lessons from a case study of the cultural policy domain in Catalonia", Critical Policy Studies, 9, 4, 434-453.

-Barzelay M. y R. Gallego, (2006). "From 'New Institutionalism' to 'Institutional processualism": Advancing Knowledge about Public Management PolicyChange", Governance Vol 19 (4).

-Baumgartner, F. i Jones, B., (1993). Agendas and instability in American politics. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. Part I.

-Carter, N., & Jacobs, M. (2014). "Explaining radical policy change: the case of climate change and energy policy under the British Labour government 2006–10." Public Administration, 92(1), 125-141.

-Dente, B., Subirats, J. (2014), Decisiones Públicas. Barcelona: Ariel. Capítol 3

-Dery, D. (1984). Problem definition in policy analysis, Lawrence KS.

-Fletcher, A. (2009), “Clearing the air: the contribution of frame analysis to understanding climate policy in the United States”, Environmental Politics, 18: 5, pp. 800 - 816. 

-Gomà, R.; Subirats, J. (ed.) (1998), Políticas Públicas en España. Contenidos, Redes de Actores y Niveles de Gobierno. Barcelona: Ariel. Capítol 2. L’instrumental analític de les polítiques públiques.

-Ivàlua, (2009). Com iniciar una avaluació: oportunitat, viabilitat i preguntes d'avaluació. Col·lecció Ivàlua de guies pràctiques sobre avaluació de les polítiques públiques. Barcelona.

-Ivàlua (2011), Guia pràctica 8. La metodologia qualitativa en l’avaluació de polítiques públiques.

-Klijn, E (1997) “Policy networks: An overview”, a Kickert, W. and Klijn, E. (eds.) Managing complex networks. London: Sage, pp. 14-34.

-Lindblom, C. (1991), El proceso de elaboración de políticas públicas, Madrid: INAP, pp.9-53.

-Lindblom, C. (1992), “La ciencia de salir del paso”, a AGUILAR, L., La hechura de las políticas públicas, Miguel Porrúa Edits., México, pp.201-227.

-Lowi, T. (1994) "Políticas públicas, estudios de caso y teoría política", a Aguilar, L. (comp.): La hechura de las políticas, Porrúa Grupo Editorial, México, pp. 89-117. (original Lowi, T. 1964 "American Business and Public Policy Case Studies and Political Theory" World Politics, XVI: 677-715.)

-Morin, J.; Paquin, J. (2018), Foreign policy analysis : a toolbox, Palgrave Macmillan.

-Olavarria-Gambi, M. (2017). "Policy implementation: Lessons from the Chilean policy on public management modernization." Central European Journal of Public Policy, 11(1), 41-54. 

-Subirats, J.; Knoepfel, P.; Larrue, C.; Varone, F. (2008), Análisis y gestión de políticas públicas. Barcelona: Ariel.

-Stone, D. (1988), Policy Paradox, New York, pp. 232-256.

-Storch, S., & Winkel, G. (2013). "Coupling climate change and forest policy: A multiple streams analysis of two German case studies." Forest Policy and Economics, 36, 14-26. 

-True, J., Jones, B. i Baumgartner, F. (2007). “Punctuated-equilibrium theory: Explaining stability and change in American policymaking.” a P. Sabatier, (ed.) Theories of the policy process. Oxford: Westview, pp. 155-187.

-Zahariadis, N. (1999), “Ambiguity, time and multiple streams”, a Sabatier, P. (ed.) Theories of the policy process, Oxford: Westview Press, pp. 73-96.