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Local Government

Code: 101110 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500259 Political Science and Public Management OT 3 2
2500259 Political Science and Public Management OT 4 0
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Natalia Rosetti Maffioli

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


The student has to be interested in the political science approach to the local government with key issues such as local democracy, public policies analysis or public management, focused on the local perspective. We should also be interested in following the information on local government and on local political issues that appear in the media.
The student should have notions of basic computer science and should be able to understand academic articles in English.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The main objectives are to learn about the basic elements about local governments: normative principles, structures, actors, policy agenda... in order to analyse the reality of local government in Catalonia from a critical and well-founded viewpoint, in the context of Spain and the European Union. In addition,  the anlysis will also try to propose future alternatives based on current debates on municipalism.
This subject is optional. However, the fact of dealing with the first stage of the political and administrative structure and, at the same time, with a proper reality for each student, gives it a great specific weight. Local governments are also one of the most promising areas for professional practice. For this reason, the course aims to articulate theoretical reflections on local governments with the study and debate of local practices.


    Political Science and Public Management
  • Analysing public policies, both in their elaboration and implementation processes.
  • Applying the discipline's main theories and different fields to real practical and professional problems.
  • Applying the knowledge of the Public Administrations on its various levels to practical and professional concrete cases.
  • Arguing from different theoretical perspectives.
  • Demonstrating good writing skills in different contexts.
  • Demonstrating the understanding of intergovernmental relationships and identifying the position of Public Administrations in the political system.
  • Describing and understanding the functioning of the Public Administration on a state, sub-state and supranational level.
  • Distinguishing the discipline's main theories and different fields: conceptual developments, theoretical frameworks and theoretical approaches underlying the discipline's knowledge and different areas and sub-areas, as well as their value for the professional practice through concrete cases.
  • Identifying sources of data and conducting bibliographic and documentary searches.
  • Interpreting and applying English texts in an academic way.
  • Managing the available time in order to accomplish the established objectives and fulfil the intended task.
  • Realising effective oral presentations that are suited to the audience.
  • Showing a good capacity for transmitting information, distinguishing key messages for their different recipients.
  • Synthesizing and critically analysing information.
  • Using different tools for the analysis and explanation of the formulation, decision, implementation and evaluation processes in public policies.
  • Using the main information and documentation techniques (ICT) as an essential tool for the analysis.
  • Working autonomously.
  • Working in teams and networking, particularly in interdisciplinary conditions.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analysing public policies, both in their elaboration and implementation processes.
  2. Applying the knowledge of the Public Administrations on its various levels to practical and professional concrete cases.
  3. Arguing from different theoretical perspectives.
  4. Critically analysing the configuration process of the public agenda.
  5. Demonstrating good writing skills in different contexts.
  6. Demonstrating the understanding of intergovernmental relationships and identifying the position of Public Administrations in the political system.
  7. Describing and understanding the functioning of the Public Administration on a state, sub-state and supranational level.
  8. Identifying sources of data and conducting bibliographic and documentary searches.
  9. Interpreting and applying English texts in an academic way.
  10. Managing the available time in order to accomplish the established objectives and fulfil the intended task.
  11. Properly explaining and describing main theoretical approaches of the analysis of political sciences: cycle of politics, actor-network, institutional approaches, rational choice theory.
  12. Realising effective oral presentations that are suited to the audience.
  13. Showing a good capacity for transmitting information, distinguishing key messages for their different recipients.
  14. Suggesting and explaining a case study of a concrete public policy.
  15. Synthesizing and critically analysing information.
  16. Using different tools for the analysis and explanation of the formulation, decision, implementation and evaluation processes in public policies.
  17. Using the main information and documentation techniques (ICT) as an essential tool for the analysis.
  18. Working autonomously.
  19. Working in teams and networking, particularly in interdisciplinary conditions.


PART 1. The reasons for Local Government: territory, autonomy and democracy in a comparative perspective

1. Theoretical foundations of local government. The right to the city.
2. Models of local government in Europe in comparative perspective.
3. Cities and territories in a global-local and multilevel government context: challenges in the new post-pandemic scenario.
4. The rural-urban dichotomy and metropolitan governance
5. The principle of local autonomy: definition and implications
PART 2. Politics and local government

6. The rules of the game of local democracy: Electoral system and formation of government
7. The map of local political actors.
8. New municipalism and dynamics of change in the local political arena.
9. Powers, competences and financing of local governments.
10. Participatory democracy at local level. Citizen participation and co-production: spaces, instruments and processes.
PART 3. What do municipalities do?: local public policies

11. Local public policies in the context of post-pandemic crisis.
12. Local policies for social inclusion, economy, public space and territory.
13. Transversal axes of local public policy. Climate crisis and ecological transition policies. Feminisms and gender policies.
14. Emerging areas in local policies.
Cross-cutting issues:

-The case of the city of Barcelona.
-Debates and future perspectives about local governments
-Rethinking cities after the pandemic crisis


The course will combine a well-founded theoretical approach with practical exercises that allow a direct approach to the reality of local government.
The theoretical foundations will be exposed in the classes and open at all times to the participation of students, for clarification and debate.
The foundations of the theory will be based on autonomous study, from the material exposed in the classes and other material that will be indicated.
The study work will be complemented by three individual text analysis exercises and debate that will take place between the students, led by the teacher. These exercises will be given between the months of October and December.
The practical work will consist of applied research on a municipality chosen by the students. The various topics covered in the subject will be exemplified in the case of the chosen local government. The work will be carried out in teams of 2 people, with the exceptions that can be considered for work or other reasons.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Led by the lecturer 40 1.6 11, 4, 1, 6, 7, 16
Type: Supervised      
Autonomous study of the subject 35 1.4 4, 1, 2, 3, 5, 12, 10, 8, 13, 14, 15, 19, 16, 17
Supervised 12 0.48 11, 3, 5, 10, 9, 13, 15
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous 48 1.92 7, 9, 15, 18, 16


The evaluation of this course consists of the following parts:

- Two short text analysis papers, with class discussion, which together will be worth 10% of the final grade and the analysis and resolution of practical cases that will be raised and discussed in class and will be another 10% of the grade.
- A work, in teams of two students, of applied research, with presentation in class, 30%.
- A final exam, 50%.

Important considerations:

To pass the course, it is necessary to pass both the practical work and the exam. To pass the practical work (text analysis and applied research), it is necessary to have attended the corresponding presentations and debates.
The exam will be held at the end of the term, on a day to be fixed by the Faculty.
Students who have not passed all the practical work may take a new, individual examination, determined by the professor, to obtain the necessary mark. Those who have passed the course as a whole may also do this additional work, if they wish, to raise the final mark to one point (out of 10). This work must be submitted before taking the final exam.
Students who have not passed the exam will have the opportunity to take advantage of compensatory activities, that is, they will be able to retake the exams that were suspended on the day determined by the Faculty, having finished the second term.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Applied team research with oral and written presentation 30% 0 0 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15
Case analysis and class discussion 10% 5 0.2 11, 8, 9, 13, 15, 18
Exam 50% 2 0.08 11, 4, 1, 3, 6, 7, 10, 15, 18
Text analysis and debates 10% 8 0.32 1, 2, 5, 12, 10, 8, 13, 14, 19, 16, 17


The most relevant readings will be indicated throughout the course and will be the basis for preparing the course.

There are some readings that can be used as reference manuals:


  • Bonet, J. i Ubasart, G. (2010): “Guia de Govern Local”; Icaria Editorial, Biblioteca de recursos veïnals, Barcelona. Descarregable a:


  • Canal, R. (2013): “Ciudades y pueblos que puedan durar. Políticas locales para una nueva época”; Icaria Editorial, Barcelona.
  • Subirats, J. (2016) El poder de lo próximo. Las virtudes del municipalismo, Catarata, Barcelona.
  • Iglesias, M. et al. (2011): "Políticas urbanas en España. Grances ciudades, actores y gobiernos locales"; Barcelona: Icària; pp. 23-41. Descarregable.
  •  Martí-Costa, M. Tomàs, M. (coord.) (2019) Governança metropolitana; IERMB: UAB Bellaterra.
  • Mir, J. (2015): “Ajuntament fàcil més transparent”; Federació de Municipis de Catalunya


Reference readings:


PART 1. The reasons for Local Government: territory, autonomy and democracy in a comparative perspective

  • Bonet, J. i Ubasart, G. (2010):2. El marc legislatiu de l’administració local, pp. 25-29.
  • Subirats, J. i Martí-Costa, M. (eds.) (2015) Ciudades y cambio de época: discursos sobre políticas urbanas y crisis en España, Bilbao, Universidad del País Vasco (on line)
  • Page, E. (1991) “Localism and centralism in Europe”, Londres: Sage
  • Tomàs,M. i Martí-Costa, M. (2011): "La reconfiguración de la agenda urbana: El debate europeo"; a: Iglesias et al.: "Políticas urbanas en España. Grances ciudades, actores y gobiernos locales", Barcelona: Icària; pp. 23-41.
  • Wollmann, H. (2004): “Local Government Reforms in Great Britain, Sweden, Germany and France: Between Multi-Function and Single-Purpose Organisations”, Local Government Studies, Vol.30, No.4, pp. 639-665.
  • IERMB (2017) Repensar la metròpoli: noves claus per a un projecte col.lectiu [Anuari metropolità de Barcelona 2016] https://iermb.uab.cat/ca/iermb/anuari/repensar-la-metropoli-noves-claus-per-un-projecte-col-lectiu-anuari-metropolita-de-barcelona-2016
  • Pradel, M. i García, M. (coord.) (2018) El momento de la ciudadanía. Innovación social y gobernanza urbana, Barcelona: Los libros de la Catarata
  • Sorando, D. i Ardura, A. (2016) First we take manhattan: la destruccion creativa de las ciudades, Catarata, Barcelona. 
  • Habitat III (2016) Nueva Agenda Urbana; ONU, Habitat: Nairobi
  • Borja, J. et.al. (2016) Ciudades para cambiar la vida. Café de las ciudades: Buenos Aires.
  • Martí-Costa, M. Tomàs, M. (coord.) (2019) Governança metropolitana; IERMB: UAB Bellaterra.


PART 2. Politics and local government


  • Blanco, I. i Gomà, R. (2016) El municipalisme del bé comú, Barcelona, Icària.
  • Brugué, Q. i Vallès, J.M. (2005): “New-Style Councils, New-Style Councillors: From Local Government to Local Governance”, Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions, Vol. 18, No. 2 (pp. 197–226). (Versió en castellà també disponible).
  • IERMB (2018) El dret ala metròpoli. Anuari metropolità de Barcelona 2017, Bellaterra: Institut d'Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona
  • Observatorio Metropolitano (2014) “La apuesta municipalista. La democracia empieza por lo cercano”, Madrid: Traficantes de sueños. (Capítol 3)
  • Font, J. i Blanco, I. (2003) Polis, la ciutat participativa. Participar en els municipis: qui, com i perquè, Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona. Pp. 47-73.
  • Ubasart, G. (2012) “Candidatures populars i alternatives a Catalunya. Construint democràcia”, Barcelona: Icària Editorial
  • Canal, R. (2013): “Ciudades y pueblos que puedan durar. Políticas locales para una nueva época”, Icaria Editorial, Barcelona. (Bloc V)
  • Ibarra, P.  et.al. (2018) Nuevos movimientos sociales. De la calle a los ayuntamientos, Icària: BCN.
  • Martí, S. Gomà, R. et.al. (2018) Movimientos sociales y derecho a la ciudad, Icària: Barcelona


PART 3. What do municipalities do?: local public policies


  • Blanco, I. Gomà, R. (2002) Gobiernos locales y redes participativas, Barcelona: Ariel.
  • Brugué, Q. i Gomà, R. (coord.) (1998) Gobiernos Locales y Políticas Públicas. Barcelona: Ariel. pp. 15-35.
  • Canal, R. (2013): “Ciudades y pueblos que puedan durar. Políticas locales para una nueva época”, Icaria Editorial, Barcelona. (Blocs de I a IV)
  •  Iglesias,M. et.al. (2011): Políticas urbanas en España. Grandes ciudades, actores y gobiernos locales, Barcelona: Icària
  • Subirats, J. García Bernardos, A. (2015) Innovación social y políticas urbanas en España, Icària: BCN.
  • Subirats, J. i Martí-Costa, M. (eds.) (2015) Ciudades y cambio de época: discursos sobre políticas urbanas y crisis en España, Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco  
  • Blanco, I. Gomà, R. (2016) El municipalisme del bé comú, Icària: Barcelona
  • Fernández de Losada, A. i Abdullah, H. (eds.) (2020) Cities on the frontline: managing the coronavirus crisis, Barcelona: CIDOB.