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Bachelor's Degree Final Project

Code: 100950 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500253 Biotechnology OB 4 A
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Josep Vendrell Roca

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


To be admitted, students must meet the requirements established in the Regulations of the Faculty of Biosciences on Final Project (TFG) that can be found at the Faculty website.


Objectives and Contextualisation

The Degree Final Project (TFG) aims at the training objectives that are mentioned in the official memory of the degree and constitutes the culmination of the learning process where students will demonstrate the degree of maturity acquired throughout the studies.


  • Design continuation experiments for problem solving.
  • Interpret experimental results and identify consistent and inconsistent elements.
  • Lead and manage teams, and develop capacities for organisation and planning
  • Learn new knowledge and techniques autonomously.
  • Make an oral, written and visual presentation of one’s work to a professional or non-professional audience in English or in one's own language.
  • Make decisions.
  • Read specialised texts both in English and one’s own language.
  • Reason in a critical manner
  • Search for and manage information from various sources.
  • Think in an integrated manner and approach problems from different perspectives.
  • Use ICT for communication, information searching, data processing and calculations.
  • Work individually and in teams

Learning Outcomes

  1. Design continuation experiments for problem solving.
  2. Interpret experimental results and identify consistent and inconsistent elements.
  3. Lead and manage teams, and develop capacities for organisation and planning
  4. Learn new knowledge and techniques autonomously.
  5. Make an oral, written and visual presentation of one’s work to a professional or non-professional audience in English or in one's own language.
  6. Make decisions.
  7. Read specialised texts both in English and one’s own language.
  8. Reason in a critical manner
  9. Search for and manage information from various sources.
  10. Think in an integrated manner and approach problems from different perspectives.
  11. Use ICT for communication, information searching, data processing and calculations.
  12. Work individually and in teams


The TFG is an autonomous and individual work based on topics related to any of the subjects within the field of Biotechnology.

The content of the TFG varies with and depends on the anually renewed offer that is made public during the month of July for each Degree. The public offer contains a summary description of the subject under each heading, whose content will be developed and defined by the student under the supervision of a tutor throughout the period of execution of the TFG.



The management of the TFG is in charge of the following figures:

  • The professor responsible for the subject
  • The faculty committee of the TFG, formed by those responsible for the all the Faculty's TFG
  • The professors acting as tutors
  • The TFG evaluation committee

The schedule of the administrative and academic steps to be followed is outlined in the website of the Faculty of Biosciences. As for the latter:

  • Each student will be assigned an instructor (tutor), who will maintain a follow-up of the student's work through four tutorials; the first one, aimed at giving the appropriate instructions to carry out the work and to define the follow-up schedule throughout the course. The other three sessions will be scheduled at the beginning, at the middle and at the end of the period; in those occassions, the students will explain their progress via a personal interview and the presentation of a portfolio.
  • Students enrolled in the TFG that belong to a mobility program will be offered the possibility to attend online tutorials.
  • During the TFG term, the student will prepare and update a portfolio that will contain all the materials collected and elaborated in an orderly manner.
  • Depending on the TFG typology chosen, the student will prepare the appropriate materials on written, graphic or digital media
  • A poster will be the common format for the public presentation of the TFG in the Faculty of Biosciences

The proposed methodology may experience some modifications depending on the restrictions to face-to-face activities enforced by health authorities.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Tutorials 7.5 0.3 9, 1, 2
Type: Autonomous      
Preparation of the work 37.5 1.5 4, 11, 5, 10, 8, 12
Study and elaboration of the scientific information 50 2 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 12
Text reading and information search 50 2 11, 9, 7, 8


The evaluation of the TFG consists of two parts:

1. Evaluation by the Evaluation Committee of the TFG (weight: 60% of the global score). The common format for the public presentation of the TFG in the Faculty of Biosciences is that of a poster that will be evaluated by the Degree's Evaluation Committee; three members of this committee will be present during poster presentations. The delivery will be made according to the TFG normative. In exceptional and justified situations, not contemplated in the evaluation regulations of the Faculty, the delay in the delivery of up to one week will entail the reduction of 2 points in the final grade. No deliveries will be accepted later than this deadline. The presentation and schedule of presentations will be called on a specific date for each degree, when students must be present at the exhibition hall to defend their posters.

The Evaluation Committee will meet with the student in front of his/her poster in order to discuss it. During the time set for the debate, the student must have all the generated documentation available for revision by the committee, such as the portfolio, the written memory, videos, opuscles or computer programs which may be considered necessary, following an agreement with the tutor, in some of the typologies.

2. Assessment by the tutor (weight: 40% of the global score). The tutor will evaluate the written memory and the materials that have been generated throughout the work, paying special attention to the evolution of the student's work and the fulfillment of the objectives set.

Both the Evaluation Committee and the Academic Tutor will deliver their assessments to the person in charge of the subject, who will calculate the final grade based on the weight of each part.

The qualifications of the tutor and the Evaluation Committee are required to obtain a final, global qualification; otherwise the final grade will be "non-evaluable".

The Evaluation Committee may select a number of works, normally not greater than the double of the maximum grade marks that can be awarded, among the students with higher qualifications. The selected students who wish to opt for the maximum grade will be required to make an oral and public presentation of their work on a specific date before the Evaluation Committee that will finally award the magna cum laude grades.

If a TFG student enrolled in any of the mobility programs cannot attend the public exhibition and defence of the posters for reasons related to his/her mobility programme, the Evaluation Committee will articulate the appropriate mechanisms for the evaluation. To qualify for this non-standard measure it will be necessary to documentarily justify in due time and before the person responsible for the subject the reasons that prevent him/her from attending the public defence. In addition, the work will have to be deposited following the instructions made public on the website of the Faculty, and the student will send all the documentation referred to his/her TFG before the date of the public presentation to the president of the Evaluation Committee.


Student’s assessment may experience some modifications depending on the restrictions to face-to-face activities enforced by health authorities.





Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Evaluation by the Academic Tutor 40 4 0.16 4, 11, 9, 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 6, 8, 12
Evaluation by the Evaluation Commitee 60 1 0.04 11, 9, 1, 5, 2, 10, 8


There is no specific bibliography for the TFG Final Project