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Master's Dissertation

Code: 43969 ECTS Credits: 9
Degree Type Year Semester
4316493 Journalism and Digital Content Innovation OB 0 2


Pepe Rodriguez Bonfill

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
spanish (spa)


There are no prerequisites to take the course.

(*) The English translation of this Teaching Guide has been carried out automatically by Google Translator. If there is any doubt or discrepancy, the valid norm is that established in the Teaching Guide in Spanish or in Catalan.

Objectives and Contextualisation

In the development of this module, the student must conduct a directed and supervised investigation (by a doctor) that answers a question or questions on a specific topic of one of the areas contemplated in the Master's Program and that framed within the lines of work of one of the research groups of the Department. At the same time, the module intends that the student can present and defend their work before an evaluating court. The research work should result in a non-trivial contribution to the knowledge applied in the Master in relation to the field of communication sciences.

The objective of the module is to initiate the students in the realization of investigations and offer them the opportunity to acquire the necessary experience so that, if they are interested, they can carry out a future doctoral research.

(*) The English translation of this Teaching Guide has been carried out automatically by Google Translator. If there is any doubt or discrepancy, the valid norm is that established in the Teaching Guide in Spanish or in Catalan.


  • Apply tools of management, analysis, organisation and planning of information in accordance with objectives and specific information projects.
  • Design, create and carry out projects of innovation and research in the area of journalism and digital communication.
  • Generate innovate and competitive proposals for applied research.
  • Know and evaluate the management and production processes for digital information content, proposing innovative solutions which involve the use of ICT.
  • Knowledge and understanding that provide a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and / or applying ideas, often in a research context.
  • Students can communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously.
  • That students are able to integrate knowledge and handle complexity and formulate judgments based on information that was incomplete or limited, include reflecting on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  • That students have the learning skills that enable them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
  • Understand and analyse the trends and dynamics of change in the communicative, informative and regulatory ecosystem of the media company in the twenty-first century.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply methodologies and technologies for producing and managing news content in order to develop innovative journalism projects.
  2. Evaluate news projects and products on the basis of Spanish, European and international regulations and legislation.
  3. Explain dynamics of change in the use of technology for producing and managing communicative phenomena from within a research project.
  4. Integrate new languages and innovative tools into workplace dynamics and reflect on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to their use in communicative environments.
  5. Integrate theoretical and practical knowledge into daily workplace tasks of digital news production.
  6. Know and experiment with trends in mobile journalism, data journalism and artificial intelligence applied to everyday practice in journalism production.
  7. Know and use scientific methodologies and procedures applied to the standpoint of a research project.
  8. Know how news companies and the media ecosystem have evolved and adopt a critical stance based on the communication policies and regulations being studied.
  9. Know the structural dynamics of journalistic content positioning on news sharing and search platforms.
  10. Manage the processes for managing, analysing, organising and planning news content, introducing innovative and creative elements into each process.
  11. Propose critical scientific studies to analyse the viability and effectiveness of new digital narrative models in a specific application context.
  12. Propose innovative, creative alternatives that integrate the new participatory, collaborative trends in the narration of digital news content.
  13. Recognise the evolution of the media environment and professional profiles in order to propose leadership roles within a news company.
  14. Recognise the methodologies and technical tools needed to formulate a research project on the dynamics of change in technology for producing and managing communicative phenomena.
  15. Understand the basic features of the dynamics of news production in the 21st century and apply them in a simulated work-experience environment.
  16. Understand the different forms of digital narration and the models for organising and presenting news.
  17. Use audience-measurement systems to design tailor-made strategies for positioning news content.
  18. Use the knowledge acquired to formulate original ideas for developing an applied research project.


The subject consists of the design and completion of a Master's Final Project (TFM) by the students, under the supervision of a doctor professor linked to the Department of Journalism of the UAB. In exceptional cases, under the authorization of the Master's Coordination, the TFM may be allowed to be supervised by a doctor external to the Journalism Department of the UAB.
(*) The English translation of this Teaching Guide has been carried out automatically by Google Translator. If there is any doubt or discrepancy, the valid norm is that established in the Teaching Guide in Spanish or in Catalan.


The subject includes supervised activities by the assigned director of the Master's Thesis, as well as a set of autonomous activities to achieve the final objective of designing, preparing and presenting a research project.

As a guide, it is considered that an approximate length of 10,000 words is adequate for a TFM of 9 credits. The recommended format will follow the APA standards (https://ddd.uab.cat/record/113512) and will adopt the structure of a scientific work designed for an academic publication (scientific journal).


The suggested structure of the TFM is the following:

A. Cover: the Faculty will make available on its Web page a specific cover format for the development of the TFM with all the data that the document must contain.

B. Body of the text:

Introduction: Thematic presentation of the TFM; Objectives and research questions, and justification

Methodological presentation of the TFM: Definition of the type of research; Methodological design (Sample or research corpus)

Theoretical background / State of the matter

Presentation of TFM results

Discussion of the main results



Annexes (if necessary)
(*) The English translation of this Teaching Guide has been carried out automatically by Google Translator. If there is any doubt or discrepancy, the valid norm is that established in the Teaching Guide in Spanish or in Catalan.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Academic Tutories 5 0.2 1, 3, 7, 11, 14, 18
Type: Supervised      
Preparation of works/reports 20 0.8 1, 3, 2, 15, 16, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 4, 5, 12, 11, 13, 14, 18, 17
Type: Autonomous      
Elaboration of the Master's Final Treball 200 8 1, 3, 2, 15, 16, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 4, 5, 12, 11, 13, 14, 18, 17


The works will be delivered on the date that is established in each course, and as a basic rule is the last working day of the fourth week of June, in electronic version and in PDF format, according to the instructions of the Web page of the Faculty, to the following recipients:

    To the tutor (email)
    To the members of the court, if their composition has been made public (email)
    To the Coordination of the master (email)
    To the e-mail address: Masters.oficials.comunicacio@uab.cat (email)
    In the virtual campus of the TFM (in the task created by the coordination of the subject)

The TFM qualification will be granted by the evaluation court composed of three doctors. The tutor of the TFM must make a report making an assessment of the TFM that will direct the members of the court. If the submitted TFM does not have the tutor's report, the TFM can not be defended by the student before the evaluating court. The court will deliver the minutes of the defenses of the TFM with the final note to the coordination and this will introduce the notes to Sigma. Once the grades are introduced, the grades will be public for the students. Finally, the custody of the defense minutes of the TFM corresponds to the academic management.

The defense before the court will be done during the month of July, on the date that is assigned for each year. The defense of work is one of the conditions established by the state regulations on the TFM, the failure to present the student or the defense in court will imply a rating of "Not Evaluable".

In none of the calls of the TFM there is re-evaluation. It is an agreement of the Faculty Board of February 28, 2014.

The public defense of the work will be carried out during the second week of July, on a date determined by the Master's Commission and announced to the students in the welcome meeting to the corresponding course. The works qualified with 10 will be examined by a three-member commission chosen by the Master's Commission, who will award the corresponding honor plates, if applicable.

The final Master's work must be original and must specifically reference all sources, direct and indirect, on which it has been inspired and / or based. Appointments will be made within the text following the APA system (https://ddd.uab.cat/record/113512).

The evaluation of the TFM will be governed by the evaluation criteria established by the AQU (available at http://www.aqu.cat/doc/doc_18533565_1.pdf) to guarantee a homogeneous process of identifying the competences acquired.

In case of disagreement with the final grade of the TFM, an extraordinary review may be requested, which will be done by teachers who have not participated in the correction of the TFM. Once the minutes have been closed, the application must be presented in the Academic Management of the Faculty, arguing about those specific aspects of the TFM that, in the opinion of the person claiming, have not been adequately assessed by the court. Incoherent, unjustified or poorly argued petitions will be directly dismissed.

Plagiarism: According to article 116.10 of the academic regulations of the UAB, "In the event that the student performs any irregularity that could lead to a significant variation in the grade of an evaluation act, this evaluation act will be scored with 0, independence of the disciplinary process that can be instructed ".
(*) The English translation of this Teaching Guide has been carried out automatically by Google Translator. If there is any doubt or discrepancy, the valid norm is that established in the Teaching Guide in Spanish or in Catalan.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Oral presentation of the Final Master's Project 10 0 0 7, 11, 18
Realization and delivery of the Final Master's Project 90 0 0 1, 3, 2, 15, 16, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 4, 5, 12, 11, 13, 14, 18, 17


The bibliography will be recommended for each supervisor to the student, depending on the selected research topic.
(*) The English translation of this Teaching Guide has been carried out automatically by Google Translator. If there is any doubt or discrepancy, the valid norm is that established in the Teaching Guide in Spanish or in Catalan.