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Creation and Development of Research Projects Applied to Journalism

Code: 43965 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
4316493 Journalism and Digital Content Innovation OB 0 1


Anna Tous Rovirosa

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
spanish (spa)


Anna Tous Rovirosa
Núria Simelio Solà


Students must have previous training in techniques and processes of journalistic production, as well as in the basic language of information for media and research methodology in the field of social sciences.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The Unit aims to bring the student to the design, creation and development of basic and applied research projects in the area of journalism and innovation in digital content. The student will learn to apply the planning of scientific work for media research, as well as to use quantitative and qualitative research techniques for research in the area of media and digital communication. Within the development of the Unit, the student will participate in the development of a research project in which must apply the design of the scientific method properly, raise hypotheses and questions related to communication, validate, classify and verify ideas and concepts and review correctly the bibliographical sources


  • Apply tools of management, analysis, organisation and planning of information in accordance with objectives and specific information projects.
  • Design, create and carry out projects of innovation and research in the area of journalism and digital communication.
  • Generate innovate and competitive proposals for applied research.
  • Know and evaluate the management and production processes for digital information content, proposing innovative solutions which involve the use of ICT.
  • Knowledge and understanding that provide a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and / or applying ideas, often in a research context.
  • That students have the learning skills that enable them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
  • Understand and analyse the trends and dynamics of change in the communicative, informative and regulatory ecosystem of the media company in the twenty-first century.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply interactive digital-narration formats to the analysis and study of different news-production systems.
  2. Apply technologies for producing and managing digital content in order to solve particular problems in the journalism profession.
  3. Conduct and present an applied research project.
  4. Implement and evaluate a research project whose results propose solutions applied to the management and production of digital news content.
  5. Integrate the tools and processes acquired within a simulated production environment, shouldering new responsibilities.
  6. Integrate working groups within the news company by offering new solutions to specific problems and situations.
  7. Know the formats of digital content and narrative, and the types of cooperation in building news stories.
  8. Know the new consumer environments for journalistic content so as to propose alternatives for producing and positioning content.
  9. Propose alternative news-telling strategies that integrate the use of innovation in the management and production of digital content that targets a specific audience.
  10. Propose alternatives for using narrative cooperation in the production of news content.
  11. Recognise the evolution of digital narratives to propose creative solutions on the basis of technological possibilities and narrative cooperation.
  12. Use digital narration structures to communicate news stories effectively.
  13. Use knowledge, methods and different analyses to extract information, organise it, analyse it and use to solve a research problem.
  14. Use news-content positioning and digital-marketing tools to gather information for taking strategic decisions in a specific journalism environment.


Theoretical and institutional context of research in media communication

The foundations of the scientific method

Research trends in journalism and digital content

Design and presentation of a research and innovation project

The research and innovation project

The presentation of the research project

Master's Thesis

Objectives of the research and choice of techniques

Conceptualization of research

Selection of technical research methodologies in digital journalism. The quantitative methodologies.

Selection of research methodologies and techniques in digital journalism. Qualitative techniques

Obtaining and presenting results


The calendar detailed with the content of the different sessions will be presented on the day of presentation of the subject. It will be uploaded to the Virtual Campus, where students will also be able to access the detailed description of the exercises and practices, the various teaching materials, and any necessary information for the proper follow-up of the subject.


Training Activities









% presence


20 %


Teaching methodologies

Teaching Expositions

Classroom Activities

Tutor sessions

Elaboració de treballs / informes

Reading (papers and reports)

Participation in exhibitions and debates

Gender Perspective

The Unit promotes sensitivity to the gender perspective in a transversal manner. It does so specifically in the following specific aspects:

Knowledge about the inclusion of the gender perspective in all processes of the design and application of research, including methodologies and research techniques with a gender perspective or feminists.

Reflection on the role of information and communication technologies in the transmission of gender stereotypes and in social transformation.

-Knowledge of the digital divide and the adequacy of ICTs to gender differences: barriers and opportunities.

-Recognition of the contributions of the scientists in the discipline.

Knowledge of the role of gender inequalities in science, both in scientific production and in its professional-academic side.

Knowledge of gender equity values in professional practice.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Classroom activities 15 0.6 1, 2, 7, 4, 3, 13, 9
Participation in exhibitions and debates 10 0.4 7, 8, 4, 3, 13
Teachings' expositions 15 0.6 7, 8, 3
Type: Supervised      
Realization of the research project 20 0.8 1, 2, 4, 3, 13
Tutor sessions 5 0.2 4, 3, 13
Type: Autonomous      
Reading 14 0.56 7, 8, 11
Realization of the research project 25 1 1, 2, 7, 8, 4, 3, 13
Search for information 15 0.6 7, 8, 4, 3, 13, 10, 9


The subject consists of the following evaluation activities:

-Activity A, Realization of an individual research project supervised and guided by the teaching staff: 50% % on the final grade

-Activity B, Group practices in the classroom related to quantitative and qualitative research techniques 25 % on the final grade

-Activity C, Participation in exhibitions and face-to-face debates 25%on the final grade

To be able to pass the subject, it is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 5 in each one of the activities A, B and C.



The student who performs any irregularity (copy, plagiarism, identity theft...) that can lead to a significant variation of the qualification of an evaluation act, will be qualified with 0 this act of evaluation. In case there are several irregularities, the final grade of the subject will be 0.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Classroom activities 25% 10 0.4 1, 2, 7, 8, 13, 6, 5, 14, 12
Participation in expositions and debates 25% 6 0.24 1, 2, 7, 8, 4, 3, 13
Research project 50% 15 0.6 1, 2, 7, 8, 4, 3, 13, 6, 10, 9, 11


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Paterson, Chris, Domingo, David (2008). Making Online News: The Ethnography of New Media Production. Peter Lang.

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