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Teaching and Learning of the Natural, Social and Cultural Environment

Code: 102046 ECTS Credits: 10
Degree Type Year Semester
2500798 Primary Education OB 2 A


Merce Junyent Pubill

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Laura Valdés Sánchez
Jordi Domenech Casal
Maria Roser Canals Cabau
Maria Isabel Hernandez Rodriguez
Carles Anguera Cerarols
Francisco Gil Carmona


Non prerequisites

Objectives and Contextualisation

  • To analyse the Primary Education curriculum related to Natural, Social and Cultural Environment Education.
  • To interpret the curriculum in terms of several criteria to select, organise or order school contents related to natural and social education.
  • To identify and value the contributions of experimental sciences to teaching and learning, for a definition of a school science.
  • To identify and value the contributions of social sciences, geography and history to teaching and learning, for the building of a geographical space, historical time and social studies in the school
  • To value equality between all human beings. 


  • Develop and evaluate contents of the curriculum by means of appropriate didactic resources and promote the corresponding skills in pupils.
  • Developing and evaluating content of the curriculum using appropriate teaching resources and promoting the acquisition of basic skills by students.
  • Know the basic curriculum of the social sciences.
  • Know the curricular areas of Primary Education, the interdisciplinary relation between them, the evaluation criteria and the body of didactic knowledge regarding the respective procedures of education and learning.
  • Know the school curriculum for these sciences.
  • Maintain a respectful attitude to the natural, social and cultural environment to foster values, behaviours and practices that attend to gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.
  • Respect the diversity and the plurality of ideas, people and situations.
  • Understanding the basic principles and fundamental laws of the experimental sciences (physics, chemistry, biology and geology).
  • Understanding the basic principles of the social sciences.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Apply models for teaching social sciences in developing the curriculum on knowledge of the Environment.
  2. Apply models of experimental sciences to the development of the curriculum on knowledge of the pec.
  3. Being able to apply scientific knowledge in order to interpret and act on the phenomena in everyday life.
  4. Being able to defend one’s own convictions while accepting and appreciating the existence of differing opinions or judgments.
  5. Being able to develop basic skills from the Environmental Studies curriculum in the students.
  6. Being able to use basic models of the experimental sciences in order to interpret and act on the phenomena in everyday life.
  7. Correctly relating the contents of Environmental Studies with the possible contributions in the corresponding skills.
  8. Demonstrate that attitudes regarding gender equality are identified, practiced and defended.
  9. Demonstrate that attitudes regarding human rights as knowledge and tools for coexistence are identified, practiced and defended.
  10. Demonstrate that attitudes regarding sustainability of the natural environment are identified, practiced and defended.
  11. Identifying and analysing aspects of interdisciplinarity present in the curriculum, taking into account aspects of the content, of the methodology of teaching and of the processes for learning the social and experimental sciences.
  12. Identifying the purposes, content and structure of the experimental sciences in the nature studies curriculum in primary education.
  13. Identifying the purposes, content and structure of the social sciences in the social environment curriculum in primary education.
  14. Knowing how to design didactic sequences and evaluate them, based on consistent teaching resources.
  15. Knowing how to interpret the contents of Environmental Studies and assess the learning using curriculum materials and relevant resources.



  • The goals of teaching and learning natural and social sciences through the environment in primary education
  • The evolution, structure, and characteristics of the “Environmental Knowledge” area within the Primary Education Curriculum 
  • The competencies approach to the curriculum in primary education: The competencies in the area of natural and social science
  • Content typology and selection criteria within natural science education
  • Content typology and selection criteria within social science education
  • Introduction to models on the teaching of historical time
  • The sequence of activities: The learning cycle
  • Assessment in the “Environmental Knowledge” area of primary education curriculum
  • Teaching and learning science in primary education: School Science
  • Modelling teaching approach in school science
  • Introduction to teaching models of geographic space
  • Globalization, interdisciplinariety, and transdisciplinariety in the teaching of natural and social sciences through the environment. Outdoor activities and field work
  • Promoting Scientific inquiry in primary education
  • The contributions of social sciences to the teaching and learning: School Social Studies


  • Whole group sessions:

Presentations about basic content knowledge carried out by the professor. These sessions are offered to the whole group and allow discussing main contents promoting students' active participation. These sessions include activities that can be performed in small groups of students, and then, the results of their reflections and discussions are shared with the rest of the group.


  • Seminars:

Work spaces in reduced groups (1/3 out of the whole group) supervised by the professor. These sessions are devoted to deepen the contents tackled in whole group sessions. In these seminars, students work in groups to analyse and elaborate reports, discuss case studies, perform experimental tasks, etc.


  • 2-days field trip: The attendance is compulsory.


  • Tutorials:

Tutorials to discuss doubts and questions about the topics tackled during the course in order to prepare the written exam or the papers to be submitted. Exam review.


  • Students' work:

Students' elaboration of papers, seminar reports, and tasks related to the whole group sessions. Students' search for information and materials, study and preparation of exams, readings.



Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
(Seminars) Work spaces in reduced groups (1/3 out of the whole group) supervised by the professor. These sessions are devoted to deepen the contents tackled in whole group sessions. In these seminars, students work in groups to analyse and elaborate report 25 1
(Whole group sessions) Presentations about basic content knowledge carried out by the professor. These sessions are offered to the whole group and allow discussing main contents promoting students' active participation. 43 1.72 2, 14
(Whole group) Field trip – Outdoor activity 15 0.6
Type: Supervised      
Tutorials and assessment of students' reports and papers (case studies, posters, oral presentations, lab reports, field trip...) 42 1.68
Type: Autonomous      
Students' elaboration of papers, seminar reports, and tasks related to the whole group sessions. Students' search for information and materials, study and preparation of exams, readings. 125 5


  • To obtain a positive final grade in this subject it is necessary to pass (minimum 5 out of 10) each of the assessment blocks: Block 1 (individual work), Block 2 (group work), Block 3 (group work)
  • Assesment Block 1: 1 First Semester 29-01-2019.  Second Semester: 18-06-2019.  Assesment Block 2: 02-06-2020. Assesment Block 3: 09-06-2020.  
  • Just in the case of failing the 1rst semester exam, students will have the chance to sit a make-up test on the date: 28-04-2019 . The maximum grade in this exam will be 5.
  • The attendance to class is compulsory. Students must attend a minimum of 80% of lessons. Otherwise, the grade will be considered as "not taken".
  • In accordance with UAB regulations, plagiarism or copy of any paper will be punished with a grade of 0 on that paper, losing any possibility of remedial task. During the elaboration of a paper or the individual exam in class, if the professor considers that a student is trying to copy or s/he discovers any kind of non-authorised document or device, the students will get a grade of 0, without any chance to take a remedial exam.
  • To pass this subject, students need to perform the proposed activities with a good communicative competence, both orally and in written papers in the languages specified in this teaching guide.


Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Group reports and tasks about contents tackled (Block 3, group) 25% 0 0 1, 2, 8, 10, 9, 11, 12, 13, 7, 14, 15, 3, 6, 4, 5
Group work about the field trip, outdoor visits and interdisciplinariety (Block 2, group) 25% 0 0 1, 2, 8, 10, 9, 11, 12, 13, 7, 14, 15, 3, 6, 4, 5
Individual assessment about knowledge developed (Written exam about content knowledge. Block 1, individual) 50% 0 0 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 7, 14, 15, 3, 6, 5


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Bell, B.(2005).  Learning in Science. London: Routledge Press


Benejam, P. (1997). Las finalidades de la educación social. Benejam, P. y Pagès, J. (coord.) (1997). Enseñar y aprender Ciencias Sociales, Geografía e Historia. Barcelona, ICE / Universidad de Barcelona / Horsori, 33-51.


Benlloch, M. et al. (2005) Curs per a l'actualització de l'ensenyament/aprenentatge de les ciències naturals. Barcelona: Departament d'educació


Canals, R. (2009). La evaluación de la competencia social y ciudadana. Aula de Innovación Educativa, 187:16-21.


Català, M. et al (2002) Las ciencias en la escuela. Teorías y prácticas. Barcelona: Graó


Cooper, H. (2002). Didáctica de la historia en la educación infantil y primaria. Madrid: Morata.


Driver, R. I alt (1989) Ideas científicas de la infancia y la adolescencia. Madrid. Morata.


Fien, J. (1993). Geografía, sociedad y vida cotidiana. Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 21: 73-90.


Izquierdo, M.; Aliberas, J. (2004) Pensar, actuar i parlar a la classe de ciències. Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions UAB


Harlen, W. & Qualter, A. (2004). The teaching of Science in Primary Schools. London: David Fulton Press.


Jorba, J.; Sanmartí, N. (1994) Enseñar, aprender y evaluar: un proceso de regulación continua. Madrid: Centro de Investigación y Documentación Educativa


Novak, J.D. i Gowing, D.B. (1988) Aprendiendo a aprender. Barcelona. Martínez Roca.


Pagès, J. (2009). Competència social y ciudadana. Aula de Innovación Educativa, 187. Pàg. 7-11. 12-15.


Pujol, R.M. (2001). Les ciències, més que mai, poden ser una eina per formar ciutadans i ciutadanes. Perspectiva escolar, 257, 2-8.


Pujol, R.M. (2003) Didáctica de les Ciencias en la educación primaria. Madrid: Síntesis


Sanmartí, N. (2007) 10 ideas clave. Evaluar para aprender. Barcelona: Graó


Santisteban, A. (2009). Cómo trabajar en clase la competencia social y ciudadana. Aula de Innovación Educativa, 187.


Santisteban, A. ; Pagès, J. (2006). La enseñanza de la historia en la educación primaria. Casas, M. - Tomàs, C. (coord.) Educación Primaria. Orientaciones y Recursos, pàg. 468/129-468/160. Barcelona: Wolters Kluwer Educación.


Currículum de l'àrea del medi natural, social i cultural. Decret 142/2007, de 26 de juny. DOGC núm.4915 http://www.xtec.es/estudis/primaria/06_curriculum_2007/coneixement_medi_pri.pdf

Ensenyament i aprenentatge del coneixement del medi natural, social i cultural 2013 - 2014


Annex I. Competències bàsiques .Currículum educació primària - Decret 142/2007 DOGC núm. 4915 http://www.xtec.es/estudis/primaria/06_curriculum_2007/competencies_pri.pdf

Ensenyament i aprenentatge del coneixement del medi natural, social i cultural 2013 - 2014