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Spanish Language in America

Code: 100610 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500248 Spanish Language and Literature OT 3 0
2500248 Spanish Language and Literature OT 4 0


Josep Maria Brucart Marraco

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
spanish (spa)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


The students that course this matter have previously approved the credits corresponding to basic and obligatory matters, which guarantee that basic competences have been adequately adquired. Consequently, the students have to be able to speak and write with formal property. Orthographic and expression mistakes will imply the lowering in the final qualification.

The student who performs any irregularity (copy, plagiarism, identity theft...) that can lead to a significant variation of the qualification of an evaluation act, will be qualified with 0 this act of evaluation. In case there are several irregularities, the final grade of the subject will be 0.







Objectives and Contextualisation

The course "American Spanish" takes part of the general matter Variation and diachrony in Spanish Language and can be coursed as an optional matter in the 3rd or 4th year of the degree of Spanish Language and Literature.

The goal of the course is to describe and analyze the linguistic traits of American Spanish in the general context of Spanish Language. Students have be able to identify the main American variants of Spanish, to describe their main characteristics and to recognize concrete instances of them, both textual and oral. The course will present a characterization of the linguistic situation corresponding to the different American countries and the contacts between Spanish and other languages. The course perspective is basically synchronic, but some historical aspects that are at the base of the different varieties will also be studied, as well as the theories that have been proposed to explain its process of formation. 



    Spanish Language and Literature
  • Analyze the main phenomena of Spanish linguistic variation (historical, geographical, social and pragmatic variation).
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the history and development of the Spanish language, and identify the main periods of evolution and fundamental linguistic characteristics of each.
  • Students must be capable of applying their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and they should have building arguments and problem resolution skills within their area of study.
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Students must develop the necessary learning skills to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Carrying out oral presentations using appropriate academic vocabulary and style.
  2. Describe the history of the formation of the Spanish in America.
  3. Distinguish the general features of American Spanish.
  4. Identify oral texts of different varieties of American Spanish.
  5. Solving problems autonomously.
  6. Submitting works in accordance with both individual and small group demands and personal styles.
  7. Summarising acquired knowledge about the origin and transformations experienced in its several fields of study.


1.- A brief history of the expansion of Spanish language in America. Hypothesis on the formation of American Spanish. The current situation of Spanish in America. The main varieties of American Spanish. The linguistic maps. Linguistic legislation in the different countries. The name of the language: Spanish, Castilian and National Language.

2.- General traits of American Spanish. Phonetic and phonological aspects: vowel system, seseo, yeísmo, rehilamiento, aspiration and other consonantic phenomena. Morphosyntax: possessive and personal pronouns, prepositions, verbal tenses and verbal complexes. Address systems: voseo. Syntactic phenomena. The lexicon: indigenisms and dialectalisms. The influence of other European languages (Italian, Portuguese, English and French).

3.- American Spanish and the Hispanic norm. The NGLE and the DPD. Linguistic atlases and other research projects on the variation of the American Spanish. The dictionaries of americanisms. 

4.-The sociolinguistic situation in Latin America. The contacts between Spanish and American Languages. The linguistic policy of American countries. Pidgins and creoles with an Hispanic component.

5.- The American heritage in the history of Spanish grammar. Bello, Sarmiento, Cuervo, Henríquez Ureña, Lenz. The Buenos Aires school. The Caro and Cuervo Institute. The Mexican anthropology school. The Nord-American hispanism. 



The students activities are distributed as follows:

  • Teacher-directed activities (35%): they include classroom classes, practical classes and seminars, with a combination of theretical presentations and discussion of all kind of texts.
  • Tutorials (10%): devoted to the comment and correction of problems and exercises.
  • Autonomous and cooperative activities, which include individual study, the elaboration of reports and exercises and the resolution of problems, as well as the preparation of an oral presentation. 
  • Evaluation activities (5%)





Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Theoretical and practical classes 60 2.4 2, 3, 1, 4, 6, 7
Tutorials 15 0.6 2, 3, 1, 4, 6, 7
Type: Autonomous      
Class and proofs preparation 45 1.8 2, 3, 1, 4, 6, 7


The final assessment of the course includes three components: a written examination in the classroom (50%), a classroom presentation (20%) and an individual or small-group coursework (30%). All three activities are compulsory to pass the course. In exceptional circumstances, the oral presentation can be replaced by a synthesis essay. Any student lacking any assessment component will be qualified as "No evaluable". In order to pass the course it is necessary to obtain (a) as a minmum 5/10 in the weighted average of the three activities, and (b) as a minimum 4/10 i the written examination. In the event that this qualification is not reached, the student can do the reassessment. 

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Classroom presentation 20% 5 0.2 3, 1, 4, 5, 7
Individual or small group coursework 30% 15 0.6 2, 3, 1, 4, 6, 7
Written examination in the classroom 50% 10 0.4 2, 3, 4, 5, 7


  • Albrecht, David, Virginie Baby-Collin,  Delphine Desmulier, Marie-Carmen Macias, Clarissa Moreira Albercht, Alexis Sierra, Hervé Théry, Sébastien Velut (coords.) 2005. l’Amérique latine, Paris, Editions SEDES/CNED.
  • Aleza Izquierdo, Milagros y José Mª Enguita Utrilla (coords.) 2010. La lengua española en América. Normas y usos actuales. Valencia: Universitat de València.
  • Alonso, Amado 1953. Estudios lingüísticos. Temas hispanoamericanos, Madrid, Gredos.
  • Alvar, Manuel (ed.) 1996. Manual de dialectología hispánica. El español de América, Barcelona, Ariel
  • Alvar, Manuel 2000. América. La lengua, Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid.
  • Alvar, Manuel y Antonio Quilis 1981. Atlas lingüístico de Hispanoamérica, Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
  • ASALE 2010. Diccionario de americanismos, Madrid, Santillana.
  • Bethell, Leslie (ed.) 1991 [1986]. Historia de América latina, 12 volms., Barcelona, Crítica.
  • Canfield, Delos Lincoln 1988. El español de América: fonética. Barcelona, Crítica.
  • Centro Virtual Cervantes.  Congresos de la lengua: http://congresosdelalengua.es/  o  http://cvc.cervantes.es/obref/congresos
  • Cestero Mancera, Ana Mª, Isabel Molina Martos y Florentino Paredes García 2006. Estudios sociolingüísticos del español de España y América. Madrid, Arco Libros.
  • Cuervo, Rufino José 201212. Apuntaciones críticas sobre el lenguaje bogotano, Bogotá, Instituto Caro y Cuervo.
  • del Valle, José 2005. “La lengua, patria común: política lingüística, política exterior y post-nacionalismo hispánico”, en: Studies on Ibero-Romance Linguistics Dedicated to Ralph Penny, Roger Wright and Peter Ricketts. Newark (Del): Juan de la Cuesta, 391-416.
  • Fontanella de Weinberg, María Beatriz 1976. La lengua española fuera de España. América, Canarias, judeo-español, Buenos Aires, Paidós.
  • Fontanella de Weinberg, María Beatriz 1992. El español de América, Madrid, Mapfre.
  • Fontanella de Weinberg, María Beatriz 1999. "Sistemas pronominales de tratamiento usados en el mundo hispánico", en: I. Bosque & V. Demonte (eds.), Gramática descriptiva de la lengua española, Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, cap. 22: 1399-1425.
  • Frago, Juan Antonio 1999. Historia del español de América. Textos y contextos, Madrid, Gredos.
  • Frago, Juan Antonio 2010. El español de América en la Independencia, Santiago de Chile, Taurus.
  • Frago, Juan Antonio & Franco, Mariano 2001. El español de América, Cádiz, Universidad de Cádiz.
  • García Mouton, Pilar 2003. El español de América, 1992, Madrid, CSIC.
  • Granda, Germán de 1994. Español de América, español de África y hablas criollas hispánicas. Cambios, contactos y contextos, Madrid, Gredos.
  • Gutiérrez-Rexach, Javier (ed.) 2016. Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica, vol. 2. Nueva York/Londres, Routledge.
  • Haensch, Günther 2001. “Español de América y español de Europa (1ª parte)” Panace@ Vol. 2, nº 6, diciembre, pp. 63-72. 


  •  Haensch, Günther 2001. Español de América y español de Europa (2ª parte)” Panace@ Vol. 2, nº 7, diciembre, pp. 37-64.


  •  Hernández Alonso, César (ed.) 2009. Estudios lingüísticos del español hablado en América, 4 volms., Madrid, Visor.
  •  Hualde, José Ignacio, Antxon Olarrea & Erin O'Rourke (eds.) 2012. The Handbook of Hispanic Linguistics, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell.
  •  Kany, Charles E. 1969 [1950]. Sintaxis hispanoamericana, Madrid, Gredos.
  •  Kany, Charles E. 1962. Semántica hispanoamericana, Madrid, Aguilar.
  •  Lapesa, Rafael 1942. <spanstyle="font-size: medium;">Historia de la lengua española, Madrid, Gredos, 19819.
  •  Lipski, John M. 1994. El español de América, Madrid, Cátedra.
  •  López, Luis Enrique - Wolfgang Küper 2000. La educación intercultural bilingüe en América Latina: balance y perspectivas. Eschborn, GTZ.
  •  Malmberg, Bertil 1992. La América hispanohablante: unidad y diferenciación del castellano, Madrid, Istmo.
  •  Mato, Daniel (coord.) 2012. Educación Superior y Pueblos Indígenas y Afrodescendientes en América Latina Normas, Políticas y Prácticas, Caracas, IESALC-UNESCO. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0021/002164/216433s.pdf
  •  Moreno de Alba, José G. 1988. El español en América, México, FCE.
  •  Moreno de Alba, José G. 2007. Introducción al español americano, Madrid, Arco Libros.
  •  Moreno Fernández, Francisco y Jaime Otero Roth 2007. Atlas de la lengua española en el mundo, Barcelona, Ariel, 20082.
  •  Noll, Volver, Klaus Zimmermann e Ingrid Neumann-Holzschuh (eds.) 2005. El español en América. Aspectos teóricos, particularidades, contactos, Madrid, Vervuert.
  • Oesterreicher, Wulf 2002. “El español, lengua pluricéntrica: perspectivas y límites de una autoafirmación lingüística nacional en Hispanoamérica”, Lexis  (Lima), 26/2, 275-304.
  • Palacios, Azucena (coord.) 2008. El español en América. Contactos lingüísticos en Hispanoamérica, Barcelona, Ariel.
  • Quesada Pacheco, Miguel Ángel 2000. El español de América, Cartago [Costa Rica]: Editorial Tecnológica.
  • Quesada Pacheco, Miguel Ángel 2008. De la norma monocéntrica a la norma policéntrica en español. Algunas reflexiones históricas según testimonios y actitudes lingüísticas. ANPE. II Congreso nacional: Multiculturalidad y norma policéntrica: Aplicaciones en el aula de ELE, 26-27/09-2008. http://www.doredin.mec.es/documentos/00820092000287.pdf
  • Quilis, Antonio 1992. La lengua española en cuatro mundos, Madrid, Mapfre.
  • RAE & ASALE 2009. Nueva gramática de la lengua española. Morfología y sintaxis, Madrid, Espasa.
  • RAE & ASALE 2011. Nueva gramática de la lengua española. Fonética y fonología, Madrid, Espasa (incluye el DVD Las voces del español. Tiempo y espacio).
  • Ramírez Luengo, José Luis 2007. Breve historiadel español de América, Madrid, Arcolibros.
  • Rivarola, José Luis 1990. La formación lingüística de Hispanoamérica. Diez estudios, Lima. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú.
  • Rivarola, José Luis 2001. El español de América en su historia. Valladolid, Universidad de Valladolid.
  • Rivarola, José Luis 2005. “El español en el siglo XXI: los desafíos del pluricentrismo” en Boletín Hispánico Helvético, volumen 8 (otoño 2006), pp-97-109.
  • Rosenblat, Ángel 1984. Estudios sobre el español de América. Venezuela, Monte Ávila Editores.
  • Sánchez Méndez, J. 2002. Historia de la lengua española enAmérica, Valencia, Tirant Lo Blanch.
  • Vaquero, María 1996.El español de América I. Pronunciación, Madrid, Arco Libros.
  • Vaquero, María 1996. El español de América II. Morfosintaxis y léxico, Madrid, Arco Libros.
  • Zamora Munné, Juan Clemente & Jorge M. Guitart 1982. Dialectología hispanoamericana. Teoría, descripción, historia, Salamanca, El Colegio de España.
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