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Bachelor's Degree Final Project

Code: 103957 ECTS Credits: 12
Degree Type Year Semester
2500786 Law OB 4 A


José Antonio Fernández Amor

Use of languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


The UAB establishes two requirements for registering a student for the TFG:


1. The student must have completed at least all first-year courses.


2. To register for the TFG, the student must have completed at least two-thirds of the total number of ECTS of the curriculum (ie 160 credits).

Objectives and Contextualisation

In accordance with article 12.7 RD 1393/2007, October 29th, which establishes the official university education, the Degree Project must be oriented to the evaluation of the competences associated with the degree.

The Degree Project has its own elements based on the evaluation of the competences in which the Law Degree is framed. The main formative objective of the subject is that the student relates in a transversal way the diverse subjects of the degree. On the other hand, it is a subject that evaluates in a very substantial part the ability of autonomous work by the student. 

The bulk of the different training activities of the Degree Project are grouped under 4 more specific: directed, supervised, autonomous activities and, finally, evaluation activities. The weight of autonomous activity, as described above, is decisive. 

The recommended Degree Project’s extension is 14,000 words. 

The Faculty of Law grants the maximum academic importance to the Degree Project and considers that it is an adequate means to increase the quality and the requirement in the grades assigned to it by the Faculty.


  • Acquiring the basic knowledge from the several legal dogmas and presenting them in public.
  • Arguing and laying the foundation for the implementation of legal standards.
  • Demonstrating a sensible and critical reasoning: analysis, synthesis, conclusions.
  • Drawing up and formalising works, reports, documents, rulings.
  • Drawing up legal texts (contracts, judgements, sentences, writs, rulings, wills, legislation...).
  • Efficiently managing information, being capable of assimilating a considerable volume of data in a limited amount of time.
  • Identifying and solving problems.
  • Identifying, knowing and applying the basic and general principles of the legal system.
  • Orally and clearly defending ideas, works, reports, documents and rulings in a structured way.
  • Presenting in front of an audience the problems of a concrete law suit, the applicable legal regulations, and the most consistent solutions.
  • Respecting the professional confidentiality.
  • Searching, interpreting and applying legal standards, arguing every case.
  • Students must be capable of demonstrating a critical awareness of the analysis of the legal system and development of legal dialectics.
  • Students must be capable of demonstrating the unitary nature of the legal system and of the necessary interdisciplinary view of legal problems.
  • Students must be capable of learning autonomously and having an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Students must be capable of making decisions.
  • Students must be effective in a changing environment and when facing new tasks, responsibilities or people.

Learning outcomes

  1. Analysing, in a critical way, the several branches of the legal system.
  2. Demonstrating a sensible and critical reasoning: analysis, synthesis, conclusions.
  3. Developing appropriate legal dialectics.
  4. Drawing up and formalising works, reports, documents, rulings.
  5. Efficiently managing information, being capable of assimilating a considerable volume of data in a limited amount of time.
  6. Formulating the Final Degree Project according to the legal knowledge acquired in the degree.
  7. Identifying and solving problems.
  8. Identifying, analysing, and solving complex problems and situations from an interdisciplinary perspective.
  9. Identifying, interpreting and solving the legal problems, arguing the different options.
  10. Orally and clearly defending ideas, works, reports, documents and rulings in a structured way.
  11. Preparing the Final Degree Project in the field of Law.
  12. Presenting in front of an audience the problems of a concrete law suit, the applicable legal regulations, and the most consistent solutions.
  13. Producing in a practical way the theoretical concepts apprehended in the degree's subjects.
  14. Producing the Final Degree Project according to the legal issues studied in the degree's theoretical training.
  15. Proposing an idea or concept from the theoretical foundations of the several branches of the legal system to be used as a basis for the Final Degree Project.
  16. Publicly presenting the Final Degree Project.
  17. Respecting the professional confidentiality.
  18. Students must be capable of learning autonomously and having an entrepreneurial spirit.
  19. Students must be capable of making decisions.
  20. Students must be effective in a changing environment and when facing new tasks, responsibilities or people.


In the Degree Project students have to do research on a relevant topic in the field of Law, agreed with their director.   

The Degree Project has to start with some basic questions on the agreed subject with which the hypothesis is fixed, propose a suitable methodology to analyze it, synthesize the results of the research carried out and conclude with some conclusions. 

The Degree Project allocation system is specified in 1) the information meeting that takes place at the beginning of the course from the academic coordination of the subject and 2) the document with the indications for the realization of the Degree Project, which is published through the web page of the Faculty and in the corresponding moodle classroom.


The director of the TFG will carry out 4 obligatory tutorials. In the initial tutorial the director will fix the topic with the student and suggest a minimum of bibliography to start working. The other two follow-up tutorials will serve to guide the student's work. Finally, in the last tutoring, the director will suggest the final modifications. 

The tutorials must follow the following schedule: 

1st tutoring: october

2nd tutoring: december

3rd tutorial: march

4th tutorial: in may, before the final delivery 

The completion of these tutorials on these dates will be mandatory to pass the subject. 

To ensure compliance, the follow-up sheet must be filled out, available to the tutors in the Moodle classroom and on the Faculty of Law website.

The tracking sheet will collect the contents and commitments assumed by the student. At the end of each of the sessions, the director and the student must sign the follow-up sheet. 

To ensure compliance, the follow-up sheet must be filled out. This is available to the tutors in the Moodle classroom and on the Faculty of Law website. 

The tracking sheet will collect the contents and commitments assumed by the student. At the end of each of the sessions, the director and the student must sign the follow-up sheet.


Title Hours ECTS Learning outcomes
Type: Directed      
Tutorials 12 0.48 1, 2, 3, 13, 11, 14, 6, 8, 9, 15, 7, 19
Type: Supervised      
Degree project oral defense 3 0.12 10, 2, 16, 12
Type: Autonomous      
Development of Degree Project 285 11.4 1, 20, 2, 3, 13, 11, 14, 6, 8, 9, 15, 7, 4, 17, 18, 19


Within the deadline, students must submit their Degree Project. Also within the expected deadline, the director must present an evaluation report. This report has to include a qualitative assessment of the work done by the student. The report will be included in the follow-up sheet.  

The Degree Project is a continuous assessment subject, which means that once the process begins that begins with the first tutoring in October with the tutor. In the event that the student choose to leave the Degree Project, the final grade will be suspended. The final grade will also be suspended if the tutoring schedule set out in the methodology section is not met.

The student who has not made the choice of the director in the period established for this purpose will be considered not presented.

On the scheduled dates, those students who have to defend orally the Degree Project before the Court will have a maximum time of 20 minutes. The Court will decide the final grade on the basis of: the report of the director, the report of the Court's speaker and the evaluation of the oral presentation made.

Evaluation activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning outcomes
Oral defense with a mark higher than 8'5 points 15% 0 0 1, 10, 20, 2, 3, 13, 11, 14, 16, 6, 5, 8, 9, 12, 15, 7, 4, 17, 18, 19
TFG development 80% 0 0 1, 2, 3, 13, 11, 14, 6, 5, 8, 9, 7, 4
Tutorials 5% 0 0 15, 17, 18, 19


The literature of the Degree Project is the specific recommended by the director.