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Psychopedagogic Intervention in Populations with Social Difficulties

Code: 42977 ECTS Credits: 10
Degree Type Year Semester
4313754 Psychopedagogy OT 0 A
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Nair Elizabeth Zárate Alva

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
spanish (spa)

Other comments on languages

A part of the block will be given in Catalan.


Nair Elizabeth Zárate Alva
Angelina Sánchez Martí


Once you have accessed the master no prerequisites are required for this module.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The subject of "Psychoeducational intervention in people with social difficulties" is aimed at students acquiring the necessary competencies to comprehensively attend to students in a socially disadvantaged situation from the school context.

In this context, the subject's general objectives are:

  • Train educational professionals to ensure the school' social integration of all students, with special attention to students with the highest risk of social exclusion.
  • Train professionals so that they can deploy the necessary tools and show positive expectations regarding increasing the possibilities of integration and learning of the school population in contexts of social and educational inequality.

And as specific objectives, the following:

  • Analyze the unique characteristics of students in contexts of social and educational inequality, as well as their families.
  • Identify the different psychoeducational intervention strategies with the school population in a socially disadvantaged situation.


  • Assess the educational psychology needs of pupils, groups and organisations by applying different methodologies, instruments and techniques.
  • Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously
  • Develop skills and techniques for guiding and counselling families.
  • Generate proposals that are innovative and competitive.
  • Manage and engage educational teams to provide an appropriate response to the educational psychology needs of pupils, groups and organisations.
  • Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.
  • Work in and with unidisciplinary or multidisciplinary teams and participate actively as a member of the community.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Continue the learning process, to a large extent autonomously
  2. Draw up an action plan to involve families in the educational processes, in order to minimise social difficulties.
  3. Draw up an engagement plan for educational psychology teams in the different social and educational institutions.
  4. Generate proposals that are innovative and competitive.
  5. Identify the key elements that help to lead and engage the educational teams working with pupils who have social difficulties.
  6. Identify the personal, social and educational needs of persons with social difficulties.
  7. Implement community-wide prevention programmes that involve children's families.
  8. Use acquired knowledge as a basis for originality in the application of ideas, often in a research context.
  9. Work in and with unidisciplinary or multidisciplinary teams and participate actively as a member of the community.


1. Plans and services for an inclusive socio-community intervention 

  • Local plans for social inclusion
  • Community development plans
  • Comprehensive community action programs
  • Specialized singular services

2. School population in socially disadvantaged situation

  • Social justice and equity in education 
  • Social and educational inequalities
  • Intersectional theory as an answer to the problem of fragmentation
  • Childhood and youth on the margins
  • Inclusive educational projects

3. Welcome and inclusion of children and young people from migrant families

  • Reception and inclusion of the children of migrant families. Figure and role of the educational pshychologist
  • Migration and refuge. Unaccompanied minors 
  • Devices of reception, inclusion and school segregation. The "reception classroom" and its evolution
  • Transition processes and academic and social bonding. School trajectories, continuity and ELET
  • Racism. Concept, dimensions and psycho-educational intervention

4. Psycho-educational intervention of students with SNES

  • Educational attention to students within the framework of an inclusive educational system
  • Specific Needs for Educational Support (SNES)
  • Individualized support plans
  • Schooling and school environments
  • Measures, supports and networks for inclusive education
  • SNES derived from illness situation

5. Indicators of social vulnerability.

  • Child abuse: Sources, biological bases, and consequences
  • Clarification of concepts
  • Protection and risk factors
  • Strategies and actions
  • From abuse to care
  • Family care, comprehensive health, emotional support, basic material resources...
  • Sexist violence
  • Peer violence

6. Family and centers

  • Counselling, Guidance and Family Intervention
  • Participation and plurality of experiences of families
  • Intervention in the cases of parental problems in relation to the children

7. Coordinated multidisciplinary intervention.

  • Multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity
  • Networking model and educational coresponsablity 
  • Coordination between primary and secondary school; transfer of cycles; formal and non-formal centers and services
  • Prevention and guidance. Strategies 

8. Resources, equipment and services within the community and referral:

  • External and specific educational services
  • Health services
  • Services of the Department of Social Rights
  • Other singular resources and services


The methodology of the subject is based on cooperative learning and the case study method. The working sessions will be theoretical, practical or mixed, in coherence with the teaching of the master's degree in psychopedagogy which has a face-to-face nature.

The theoretical sessions are organized based on lectures by the teaching staff, complemented with audiovisual resources (slide presentations, videos, etc.) as well as recommended basic bibliography. Different activities of personal training work and group work will be carried out.

Briefly, the subject makes use of the following learning methods

  • Lectures Exhibitions
  • Document Analysis and reflection
  • Case studies and simulations of professional situations
  • Work in cooperative groups
  • Tutoring
  • Group dynamics and interpersonal work

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Exhibitions by teachers of content and basic issues on the agenda. It is done with the whole group class and allows exposure of the main content through an open and active participation by students. 65 2.6 7, 4, 5, 6, 9
Type: Supervised      
Individual Treball i / or grups SuperViSAT pel professorat on mitjançant anàlisi of documents, resolució case or activitats diverses s'aprofundeix in continguts els i temàtiques treballades 119 4.76 2, 3
Type: Autonomous      
Individual activities adressed to achieve the necessary skills to pass the module. 60 2.4 7, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 8


The subject adopts the criterion based on continuous assessment, which makes classroom attendance mandatory, in order to ensure the acquisition and development of specific competencies of the program. 

The following elements shall be taken into account:

  • Class attendance (sharing and expressing opinions and reflections) (10%). It includes class attendance, participation and the individual delivery of a review on one of the topics addressed in the module and chosen by the student.
  • Theoretical-practical activities (85%). They will consist of 3 activities (two individual activities and one in group) proposed by the two professors of the module based on the analysis of cases and the personal training work carried out. One of them will refer to topics 1, 2, 3 and 4, another will refer to topics 5, 6, and 7. The third activity will cover and integrate all the topics. Each will be specified at the beginning of each topic.
    The dates of the activities are:
    • During February 2022, the group evidence will be prepared
    • All of the individual pieces of evidence will be developed in April 2022
    • At the end of April 2022, the other individual evidence will be delivered
    • In May of 2022 will be the recovery of the previous pieces of evidence (if applicable)

  • Student Self-assessment (5%). It consists of an individual final written reflection of the learnings from the module. By self-assessment it means the student's own participation, their involvement in their learning process, the transfer of learning to their professional role, etc.). This self-assessment is integrated into the work of the third piece of evidence. Its delivery takes place at the end of April 2022.

 The results of the evaluation of each activity submitted will be published on the virtual campus within a maximum period of one month after its completion.

To pass the module, students must have passed all the activities. If the student fails a module, he or she must re-enrol in the module in the next edition of the Master. In this case, no mark will be kept.

Throughout the evaluation process, the student will be guided on the evidence to be presented.

According to UAB regulations, plagiarism, or a copy of a work or written test will be penalized with a 0, losing the possibility of resubmitting it, whether it is made individually or in group (in this last case, all members of the group will be marked with a 0).

Attendance at face-to-face sessions is mandatory, the student must attend a minimum of 80%. Otherwise, the evaluation will correspond to a Not Presented.

The proposed teaching methodology and evaluation may undergo some modification depending on the attendance restrictions imposed by the health authorities due to the Covid-19 pandemics.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Class attendance 10% 0 0 7, 2, 4, 5, 6, 1, 8, 9
Student self assessment 5% 0 0 7, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 8
Theoretical-practical tests 85% 6 0.24 7, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 8


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