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Bachelor’s Degree Final Project

Code: 101699 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500893 Speech therapy OB 4 A
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Olga Soler Vilageliu

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


This subject does not have prerequisites, although it is recommended to complete it after 3rd year of the Degree, when the student enrolls in the last 60 credits or less to finish the Degree.

Objectives and Contextualisation

The main objective of the Final Degree Project (TFG) is for the student to demonstrate that he/she has the capacity to establish relationships between different subjects of the degree, and it has an eminently professional character. This implies that it must be an original work in which the student develops his capacity to address current problems with appropriate methodologies to the discipline.
The TFG is carried out through a largely autonomous activity, based on a theme agreed upon with the professor who will oversee its implementation.


  • Advise on the development and implementation of care and education policies on issues relating to speech therapy in school, welfare and medical teams.
  • Carry out patient-centered management in health economics and ensure the efficient use of health resources in addition to the effective management of clinical documentation, with particular attention to confidentiality.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how the profession works, and the legal status of the speech therapist.
  • Design, implement and evaluate actions aimed at preventing communication and language disorders.
  • Develop independent-learning strategies
  • Ethically commit oneself to quality of performance.
  • Express oneself fluently, coherently and suitably following established norms, both orally and in writing.
  • Find, evaluate, organise and maintain information systems.
  • Generate innovative and competitive proposals in research and professional activity.
  • Identify, analyze and solve ethical problems in complex situations.
  • Organise and plan with the aim of establishing a plan for development within a set period.
  • Practise the profession, respecting patients’ autonomy, their genetic, demographic, cultural and economic determinants, applying the principles of social justice and comprehending the ethical implications of health in a changing global context.
  • Present adequate speech production, language structure and voice quality.
  • Project design and management.
  • Reflect on and research into language and its treatment so as to help develop the profession.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Analyse original elements of reflection and/or research on language and other communicative aspects.
  2. Demonstrate a good knowledge of diagnosis and care resources in the public and private health systems.
  3. Develop independent-learning strategies
  4. During the oral presentation of a project, show good diction and correct syntactic and discourse structuring.
  5. Ethically commit oneself to quality of performance.
  6. Express oneself fluently, coherently and suitably following established norms, both orally and in writing.
  7. Generate innovative and competitive proposals in research and professional activity.
  8. Identify, analyze and solve ethical problems in complex situations.
  9. In the Degree-Final Project, include an element likely to result in the design or implementation of preventive actions in communication and language disorders.
  10. Include elements capable of influencing the care and education policies for issues related to speech therapy in school, welfare, health and/or social health areas.
  11. Justify issues, taking into account the regulatory aspects governing profession praxis.
  12. Organise and plan with the aim of establishing a plan for development within a set period.
  13. Project design and management.
  14. Project the knowledge and skills and acquired throughout undergraduate study to promote a society based on the values ??of freedom, justice, equality and pluralism.
  15. Search, evaluate, organise and maintain information systems.


There are three types of TFG: (a) theoretical review, (b) research, (c) professional or intervention project.
Theoretical or revision work is understood as any work that provides an update on the state of the matter around an applied topic proposed by the teaching staff, following the guidelines of a systematic search.
Research work is understood as any work that presents an empirical investigation to answer some current and applied research question in Speech Therapy proposed by the teaching staff.
It is understood by professional work or project of intervention all that work that poses a project that contributes improvements or solutions to some problematic of any scope of application of the Speech Therapy, being based on the theoretical and empirical knowledge of the discipline.


The subject of the TFG does not have directed teaching activities. That is why the virtual classroom is the space for the exchange of information between the coordination team and the students, as well as the space where the different evidences requested throughout the course must be submitted. It is essential, thus, that the student visits the virtual classroom periodically, as well as the e-mail address associated with it, to ensure that it receives all the necessary information to make a good follow-up.
To perform the TFG, the student will submit a request for their preferences in relation to the lines proposed by different professors of the faculty, who will act as supervisors. The proposed lines are representative of the different subjects of the Degree. The faculty, through public criteria, will award the final place of the TFG to each student.
The methodology of the degree work is divided into supervisory sessions, autonomous work, and evaluation activities.
The supervised activity contains two different formats: on the one hand, 7.5 hours of supervision sessions programmed from the beginning are established (divided into 4 moments), and that every student who is developing the TFG must do; on the other hand, the student can request up to 7.5 additional hours of follow-up tutoring, which will be agreed between the student and each supervisor. The scheduled supervisory sessions are formative and in some cases also evaluative, since they should serve to evaluate the competences corresponding to the work developed up to that moment.
Three distinct phases can be distinguished in the realization of the TFG in Speech Therapy: a start phase during which the work is specified and proposed (with an approximate workload by the student of 25 hours), a phase of work development ( with approximately 75 hours of work), and a phase of completion and closure that culminateswith the presentationof a report and the public defense of the final work (with approximately 50 hours of work).
The six scheduled face-to-face sessions will be divided between these three phases. In the first session (S1, week 2 of the first semester) the coordinating team of the subject will present to all the enrolled students detailed information about the specific functioning of the TFG, as well as the calendar of the main goals to be achieved, and providing the student with a global vision of the way to go during the course. The second session (S2, approximately weeks 5 and 7 of the first semester), already corresponds to the supervisor, and should serve to establish the specific objective of the work, and agree on the monitoring methodology. The third supervisory point (S3, approximately weeks 11 and 13 of the first semester) should serve to evaluate the status of the project that is to be carried out, and will therefore have an evaluative as well as a formative character. In the fourth point of supervision (S4, approximately between weeks 2 and 3 of the second semester), also of an evaluative-formative nature, the state of development in which the TFG is located will be assessed in order to help the student in the last stage of preparation of the final evidences to present.
The final evidence will include a fifth session of final supervision of the work carried out (S5, approximately between weeks 10 and 11 of the second semester), the autonomous completion of an executive summary aimed at non-experts and a press release to make diffusion. In addition, it will be necessary for the student to make an oral presentation in joint session with other students who have worked related topics (S6, during week 15 of the second semester).
Each type of work will require the student to develop and apply a series of specific and transversal competences of the same, among all those that are part of the subject, which will be reflected inthe learning outcomes to be evaluated throughout its realization, and that will be made known to the student at the beginning of the course.

N.B. The proposed teaching and assessment methodologies may experience some modifications as a result of the restrictions on face-to-face learning imposed by the health authorities. The teaching staff will use the Moodle classroom or the usual communication channel to specify whether the different formation and assessment activities are to be carried out on site or online, as instructed by the Faculty.

Annotation: Within the schedule set by the centre or degree programme, 15 minutes of one class will be reserved for students to evaluate their lecturers and their courses or modules through questionnaires.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Supervised      
Scheduled supervision 7.5 0.3 1, 11, 15, 5, 2, 3, 13, 6, 7, 10, 9, 4, 12, 14
Unscheduled supervision 7.5 0.3 1, 11, 15, 5, 2, 3, 13, 6, 7, 10, 9, 4, 12, 14
Type: Autonomous      
Autonomous work 133.5 5.34 1, 11, 15, 5, 2, 3, 13, 6, 7, 8, 10, 9, 4, 12, 14


Five evaluative stages are programmed: the first evaluative moment will be carried out during the session 3 of the programmed follow-up; the second will take place during session 4 of the scheduled follow-up; the third evaluative moment is the delivery of the final report; the fourth moment is the delivery of the two evidences of dissemination (Executive summary and press release) and the last evaluative moment occurs at the time of the oral presentation of the report.
All evidence documents will be delivered in the virtual classroom.
Evidence 1a (Project) and S3: The student must present written evidence of the project he wants to carry out, and answer the questions of the supervisor. The resulting score of these evidences has a weight in the final evaluation of 15%.
Evidence 1b (Development) and S4: The student must present written evidence of the introduction and methodology of the work, and answer the questions of the supervisor in relation to the development of the work and planning of the results thereof. The qualification resulting from these evidences has a weight in the final evaluation of 20%.
Evidence 1c (Final report) and S5: The student must present the written report (which will be evaluated by the supervisor). The qualification resulting from this evidence has a weight in the final evaluation of 30%.
Evidence 2a and 2b (Executive summary and press release): The student must present the executive report and the press release (which will be evaluated by an evaluating professor, in the framework of the oral presentation of the work). Overall, these evidences have a weight in the final rating of 15% (10% of the executive report, and 5% of the press release).
Evidence 2c and 2d (S6: Oral presentation and evaluation from the classmates): The student must make an oral presentation of the work, 15 minutes long, using support in audiovisual presentation format or other formats agreed with the supervisor and / or coordination. This evidence will be evaluated by the same evaluating professor as evidences 2a and 2b, and will weight 20% in the final grade. In this presentation, students will also have to evaluate the peers who make the presentation in the same session as them, following the same rubrics as the evaluating professors. They must deliver this evidence after the session, and although this evidence does not have a direct score to add to the final grade, the non-presentation of the same according to the indications that are provided will subtract half a point in the final grade of the TFG .
In order to consider that a student has passed the TFG it is necessary that:
a) Carry out the four follow-up sessions with the supervisor, one in each of the four programmed moments (S2, S3, S4 and S5)
b) Obtain at least 25.03 points (of the 6.5 possible) in the report part (evidences 1a, 1b and 1c)
c) Carry out the presentation session corresponding to evidence 2c (S6), and deliver, within the deadlines and through the virtual classroom, the documents corresponding to evidences 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a and 2b.
d) Obtain a final grade of 5 points or more in the set of all evidences.
e) In case of non-compliance with any of these requirements, the overall score will be a maximum of 4 points.
The evaluation is designed to check if the student demonstrates certain competences at different moments of the process, understanding that it is important to determine the state of these competences in those specific moments in which they are evaluated. The final grade is obtained by the sum of the scores achieved over time and is representative of the achievements of each moment, understanding that it is not indifferent the moment of the TFG in which each achievement is demonstrated, but that they have a time.
The reevaluation is continuous and included within the development of the course. It is not contemplated to do reevaluation at the end of the course.
A student who has given evidence of learning with a weight equal to or greater than 4 points (40%) can not be qualified as "not evaluable".








Who qualifies


(S2) Goal setting


Individual or Couple

(to be decided with  supervisor)

(no delivery)

QD1, weeks 5-7



(S3) Project 


Individual or Couple



QD1, weeks 11-13



(S4) Development


Individual or Couple



QD2, weeks 2-3 



(S5) Final report


Individual or Couple



QD2, weeks 10-11




Executive summary


Individual *


 Virtual QD2, week 13 

Evaluator (not supervisor)


Press release


Individual *


 Virtual QD2, week 13 Evaluator (not supervisor)

(S6) Oral presentation


Individual or Couple


 Presencial QD2, week 15  Evaluator (not supervisor)



Peer evaluation

-5% (no presentación)

Individual **


 Virtual QD2, week 16


Link to the guidelines of assessment of the Faculty of Psychology 2019-20 (approved in Permanent Board of 06.05.2019): https://www.uab.cat/web/estudiar/graus/graus/avaluacions-1345722525858.html

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Evidence 1a: Project 15% 0 0 1, 15, 3, 13, 7, 8
Evidence 1b: Development 20% 0 0 1, 15, 3, 13, 7, 8
Evidence 1c: Final report 30% 0 0 1, 11, 5, 2, 8, 10, 9, 14
Evidences 2a and 2d: Diffusion 15% 0 0 1, 11, 6, 4, 12
Evidences 2c and 2d: Oral presentation 20% 1.5 0.06 1, 11, 6, 4, 12



Equip coordinador del TFG de la Facultat de Psicologia (2019). Manual del Treball de Fi de Grau (TFG) de la Facultat de Psicologia. Grau de Psicologia i de Logopèdia (UAB). Document accessible a l'aula virtual de l'assignatura i al web de la facultat. 


General readings:

APA (American Psychological Association). (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) [4ª reimpressió]. Washington, DC: Autor.

Bassi Follari, Javier Ernesto (2016). La escritura académica: 30 errores habituales y cómo abordarlos. Quaderns de Psicologia, 18(1), 119-142. http://dx.doi.org/10.5565/rev/qpsicologia.1342 

Bassi Follari, Javier Ernesto (2017). La escritura académica: 14 recomendaciones prácticas. Athenea Digital 17(2): 95-147. http://dx.doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenea.1986 

Clanchy, John i Ballard, Brigid (1992). Cómo se hace un trabajo académico. Guía práctica para estudiantes universitarios. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.

Creme, Phyllis i Lea, Mary (2003). Writing at University: A Guide for Students. Maidenhead, Berks: Open University Press.

Dintel, Felipe (2003). Cómo se elabora un texto. Todos los pasos para expresarse por escrito con claridad y precisión. Barcelona: Alba Editorial, 2ª ed.

Ferrer, Virginia, Carmona, Moisés i Soria, Vanessa (Eds.) (2013). El Trabajo de Fin de Grado. Guía para estudiantes, docentes y agentes colaboradores. Madrid: McGraw Hill.

Golanó, Conxita i Flores-Guerrero, Rordrigo (2002). Aprender a redactar documentos empresariales. Barcelona: Paidos.

Román, Arquimedes (1992). Informes para tomar decisiones. Madrid: Deusto.

Sancho, Jordi (2014). Com escriure i presentar el millor treball acadèmic. Barcelona: Eumo.

Sarafini, María Teresa (2007). Cómo se escribe. Barcelona: Piadós.

Walker, Melissa (2000). Cómo escribir trabajos de investigación. Barcelona: Gedisa.


Links to develop linguistic, communicative and writing competences:








The software to be used depends on the project's subject.