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Archaeology of Architecture and Planning

Code: 100737 ECTS Credits: 6
Degree Type Year Semester
2500241 Archaeology OB 3 2
The proposed teaching and assessment methodology that appear in the guide may be subject to changes as a result of the restrictions to face-to-face class attendance imposed by the health authorities.


Jose Maria Vila Carabasa

Use of Languages

Principal working language:
catalan (cat)
Some groups entirely in English:
Some groups entirely in Catalan:
Some groups entirely in Spanish:


Pedro Vicente Castro Martínez
Josep Maria Puche Fontanilles
Jose Maria Vila Carabasa


There are no special prerequisites, beyond having attended the first and second degree courses of the Archeology Degree, which are essential to understand the historical and technical projection of this knowledge.

Objectives and Contextualisation

This subject is theoretical and practical and enables students to successfully face archaeological reading related to architectural structures and social spaces

Classroom Practice Group 11 (Prehistory) will review the social keys of the architectural structuring and the economic and political-ideological configuration of the social spaces in settlements. Theoretical-methodological bases are aimed at the development of Social Archaeology. Special attention will be paid to the material expression of social practices, from architectural production (land, materials, technologies and work) to activities carried out by social groups, and its articulation in architectural units, as well as the organization of spaces in settlements (urbanism).

Classroom Practice Group 12 (Ancient and Medieval History) will emphasize the archaeological reading of the stratigraphic of the built heritage. The main objective is to define buildings as repositories of archaeological information and to train them to be able to register and interpret it, as is done in sites where only the remains deposited below level 0 are studied. In this way, it is intended, firstly, to teach techniques of representation of architectural structures and, secondly, to apply the method of recording the walls stratigraphic units and the chronological horizons of which they form part. Thirdly, the clues for his interpretation are given, in such a way that it can be translated into archaeological information relating to the dating and formal evolution of the elements, buildings, groups or urban structures and place them in their historical context.


  • Carrying out and managing archaeology fieldwork: excavation and survey.
  • Generating innovative and competitive proposals in research and professional activity.
  • Managing the main methods, techniques and analytic tools in archaeology.
  • Students must be capable of applying their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way and they should have building arguments and problem resolution skills within their area of study.
  • Students must be capable of collecting and interpreting relevant data (usually within their area of study) in order to make statements that reflect social, scientific or ethic relevant issues.
  • Students must be capable of communicating information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  • Students must develop the necessary learning skills to undertake further training with a high degree of autonomy.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Applying both knowledge and analytical skills to the resolution of problems related to their area of study.
  2. Applying implementing protocols of fieldwork and sample collection.
  3. Applying proper techniques and analytical tools in case studies.
  4. Autonomously searching, selecting and processing information both from structured sources (databases, bibliographies, specialized magazines) and from across the network.
  5. Drawing up conventional graphic documents: planimetry, topography, cartography, explanatory drawing.
  6. Mastering specific techniques and instrumental resources of archaeological laboratory analysis.
  7. Reflecting on their own work and the immediate environment's in order to continuously improve it.
  8. Transmitting the results of archaeological research and clearly communicating conclusions in oral and written form to both specialised and non-specialised audiences.
  9. Using the specific interpretational and technical vocabulary of the discipline.


The subject is configured in its contents from two groups of Classroom Practices, aimed especially at Prehistoric Archaeology (Group 11) and Classical and Medieval Archaeology (Group 12).




-Archaeology of Settlements as Social Archaeology.

-Theories of Social Space.

-Landscapes, Scenarios, Ruins and Monuments.

-Functionality and Efficiency: Systemic of Space.

-Fenomenologies and Social Construction of Space.

-Social Materiality of Space.

-The Social Practices and the Social Space

-Areas of Activity and Social Structures

-Social Spaces vs Settlements

-Temporality: Provisionality, Precariousness, Mobility and Sedentarization.

-Discontinuities of Settlements: Settlement Pattern.



-Archaeological Sites and Settlements.

-Formation of Archaeological Sites: Phases (Temporary Sequence) and Conservation Problems.

-Theories of Archaeological Excavation: Record Methodologies. Levels, Strata, Stratigraphic Units and Sets.

-Records: Descriptive Units.



-Architecture: Monuments, Art and Popular Architecture.

-Labour and Architecture

-Terrains and Material

-Basic Matter and Architectural Techniques.

-Architectural Typology of Structures.

-Production of Architectural Maintenance.


-The Social Places: Reality of the Social Life.

-Social PLaces: Form, Function, and Use.

-Domestic Units: Domestic Groups, Families and Kinship Groups.

-Singular Places.

-Specialized Places (Economic, Political and Ideological).

-Necropolis: Funerary Places.

-Places of Circulation, and Places of Meeting.

-Demography and Social Groups.

-Use, Possession and Property of the Space

-The Fallacy of the Private and the Public

-Politics and Coercion in Social Spaces   

-Dailyness and Excepcionallity in Social Places.



-Campaments, Villages and Cities

-Spaciality and Specialization

-Centralization vs Segmentation

-Jerquization vs. Horizontalization.

-Urbanism, City and State.












Theoretical Teachings-Part One

I. Precedents. Origin and evolution of the Archaeology of Architecture. From the stratigraphy of the subsoil to the study of the formation of the constructed archaeological record.

II. Basic concepts of stratigraphy applied to the archaeological reading of walls. The murarian stratigraphic units, the fases, the chronological horizons

III. The stratigraphic reading of the walls. Dating and registration systems

IV. Introduction to historical building and construction. Historical building materials and techniques

V. Integral research on historical buildings: subsoil archaeology, study of the walls, documentary research. Analysis of cases


Theoretical Teachings. Part Two

I. Historical metrology. Principles, proportional relations and metric values

II. The constructive process. From the idea to the actual fact. The building and the city as living organisms in continuous evolution

III. The mechanics of construction. How and why a building is supported. Applied solutions

IV. Construction materials. The paraments and the opera.

V. Introduction to urbanism. The morphology of cities and their evolution

VI. How to document architecture. Principles of graphic documentation. Drawing as a tool for understanding

VII. Digital photogrammetry applied to historical architecture


Practical lessons

Individual fieldwork in an ancient archaeological site: e.g., Iberian fortress of Montgròs (el Brull) or Roman baths of Sant Boi de Llobregat.

Fieldwork by groups in a medieval and modern archaeological site: e.g. Castelldefels castle or church of Santa Maria de Matadars (Pont de Vilomara i Rocafort).

Practical work of mapping of archaeological buildings of ancient Barcino


• Lectures and debate sessions.

• Group 11 of Classroom Practice (Prehistoric Archaeology): Course work on cases of architectural structuring and social spaces in settlements. 

• Group 12 of Classroom Practices (Classical and Medieval Archaeology): Analysis of cases in class. Field work, both individual and group, of several historical buildings and archaeological sites.

• Presentation and debate of the results of course work.


Title Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Type: Directed      
Classroom Practices 75 3
Lectures 10 0.4
Visits to Archaeological Sites 15 0.6
Type: Supervised      
Completion of guided learning exercises 5 0.2
Tutorials 15 0.6
Type: Autonomous      
Research of documentation and comprehensive reading of texts 20 0.8
Writing papers and study 10 0.4


The final grade will be obtained from the evaluation carried out within the framework of the Classroom Practice Groups.


Group 11 (Prehistoric Archaeology)

-Participation in discussions, relevant issues, attendance at field activity and design in tutorials of the contents and script of the Course Work (25%)

-Class presentation of the Analysis of Social Spaces in a Settlement, self-evaluated by the students (25%).

-Written presentation of the Critical Analysis of the Publication of the Studies of Social Spaces in a Settlement (50%). Reassessable.


Group 12 (Classical and Medieval Archaeology)

Two practical works, one individual and one group, and a written test.

Not Presented: The student not presented will be the one who does not deliver anything or who delivers only half of the evaluable ones.

Reevaluation: According to the "Reevaluation Protocol" of the Faculty of Letters, a reevaluation will be made at the end of the semester. Students who have presented all the evaluable evidence will have the right to a reevaluation. In no case will the reevaluation be used as a second call. The minimum grade to have the right to reevaluate will be 3.

Assessment Activities

Title Weighting Hours ECTS Learning Outcomes
Follow-up and participation 50% 0 0
Presentation and discussion of course 50% 0 0 3, 2, 1, 4, 6, 5, 7, 8, 9




Keys and Concepts of the Subject.


CASTRO-MARTINEZ, PV; GONZALEZ MARCEN, P (1989), “El Concepto de Frontera. Impliaciones Teóricas de la Noción de Territorio Político”, Arqueología Espacial, 13: 7-18.


CASTRO-MARTÍNEZ, PV; LULL,V; MICO, R. (1993), “Arqueología algo más que Tafonomía”, Arqueología Espacial, 16-17. Teruel.


CASTRO-MARTÍNEZ, PV et al. (1996), “Teoría de los Conjuntos Arqueológicos”, en Proyecto Gatas (1). Sociedad y Economía en el Sudeste de España, c. 2500-900 cal ANE, Consejería de Cultura, Sevilla, “Serie Arqueología-Monografías”.


CASTRO-MARTÍNEZ, PV et al (1996), “Teoría de las prácticas sociales”, Complutum, extra 6, Homenaje a M. Fernández-Miranda, vol. II, pp. 35-48.


CASTRO-MARTÍNEZ, PV et al (1998), “Teoría de las producción de la vida social. Mecanismos de explotación en el SE Ibérico”, Boletín de Antropología Americana, vol. 33, pp. 35-77.


CASTRO-MARTÍNEZ, PV; ESCORIZA MATEU, T; SANAHUJA YLL, ME (2002), “Trabajo y Espacios Sociales en el Ambito Doméstico”, Geocrítica-Scripta Nova, VI, 119 (10).


CASTRO-MARTINEZ, PV et al (2002), “¿Qué es una ciudad?”, Geocrítica-Scripta Nova, VII.


CASTRO-MARTÍNEZ, PV; ESCORIZA MATEU, T; SANAHUJA YLL, ME (2003), “Trabajo, Reciprocidad y Explotación”, en I. Terradas, J.L. Molina y C. Larrea, eds (2003), El Recurso a la Reciprocidad- IX Congreso de Antropología, Barcelona.


CASTRO-MARTÍNEZ, PV, ESCORIZA MATEU, T; SANAHUJA YLL, ME (2004), “A la búsqueda de las mujeres y a los hombres: Sujetos Sociales, Espacios Estructurados y Análisis de Materiales”, Avances en Arqueometría 2003, Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz.


CASTRO-MARTÍNEZ, PV; ESCORIZA MATEU, T (2005), “Trabajo y Sociedad en Arqueología”, Revista Atlántica-Mediterránea de Arqueología Social, 7: 131-147.


CASTRO-MARTÍNEZ, PV et al (2005), “Trabajo, Producción y Neolítico”, III Congreso del Neolítico en la Península Ibérica, Santander.


CASTRO-MARTÍNEZ, PV et al (2006), Contra la Falsificación del Pasado Prehistórico, Institutode la Mujer, Madrid.


CASTRO-MARTINEZ, PV et al (2009), “Unlike Communities. Domestic Architectural Duality in Late Prehistory of the Western Mediterranean”, BAR int. Series, Oxford, 143-152.


CASTRO-MARTINEZ, PV; ESCORIZA MATEU, T (2009), “Lugares Reales y Lugares Ideales. Realidad y Construcción de Ficciones en Arqueología”, Cuadernos de Prehistoria de la Universidad de Granada, 19.



Archaeology of Settlements


BRÜCK, J; GOODMAN, M (1999), Making places in the prehistoric world: themes in settlement archaeology, UCL Press, London.


BURILLO MOZOTA, F (ed) (1984-93), Arqueologia Espacial. Coloquio sobre distribución y relaciones entre los asentamientos, 1-12. Seminario de Arqueologia y Etnologia Turolense-Colegio Universitario de Teruel, Teruel.


BURNHAM, BC; KINGSBURY, J (eds) (1979), Space, hierarchy and society: interdisciplinary studies in social area analysis, BAR Int. Series, 59, Oxford.


CLARKE, DL (1978), Analitycal Archaeology, 2ª ed (Arqueología analítica, 2ª ed., Ed. Bellaterra, Barcelona, 1984).


CRIBB, R. (1991), Nomads in archaeology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,


GUIDONI, E (1989), Arquitectura Primitiva. “Historia Universal de la Arquitectura”, Ed. Aguilar. Madrid.


HASSAN, FA (ed) (1981): Demographic Archaeology, Academic Press, London


KENT, S. (1990), Domestic Architecture an the Use of Space. An Interdisciplinary crosscultural study. Cambridge University Press


LUMBRERAS, L. G. (2005), Arqueologia y Sociedad, Instituto Estudios Peruanos, Lima


MANZANILLA, L (ed) (1988), Coloquio Childe. Estudios sobre las revoluciones neolítica y urbana, Universidad Autonoma de México, Mexico DF.


RENFREW, C; BAHN, P (1991), Archaeology. Theories, Methods and Practice, Thames and Hudson, Londres. (Arqueología. Teoría, Métodos y Práctica, Akal, Madrid, 1993).


SPRIGGS, M (ed) (1978), Social organisation and settlement, BAR Int. Series, 47, Oxford.


UCKO, PJ; TRINGHAM, R; DIMBLEDY, GW (eds) (1972), Man, Settlement and Urbanism, Duckwort, London.


TRIGGER, BG (1967), “Settlement Archaeology-Its Goals and Promise”, American Antiquity, 32-149-160.


AA.VV. (2002), Arqueología de la Arquitectura. Actas del Seminario Internacional de Arqueología de la Arquitectura: Vitoria-Gasteiz, 18-21 de febrero de 2002, 1.  



Sociology of Social Space Production


AUGE, M. (1992) Los No Lugares. Espacios del Anonimato. Una Antropología de la Sobremodernidad, Gedisa, Barcelona.


 BOURDIEU, P (2003), Las Estructuras Sociales de la Economía, Anagrama, Barcelona.


CHILDE, VG (1954), Los orígenes de la civilización, F.C.E., México.


FOUCAULT, M (1975), Vigilar y Castigar, Siglo XXI, Madrid.


KENT, S (ed) (1990), Domestic architecture and the use of space. An interdiscipinary crosscultural study, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, “New directions in Archaeology”.


LEFEBVRE, H (1962), Critique de la vie quotidienne, Arché Editeur, Paris, “Le Sens de la Marche” (Crítica de la vida cotidiana, México, FCE, 1979)


LEFEBVRE, H (1976), “La producción del espacio” en Espacio y política, el derecho a la ciudad ll Península, Barcelona.


SAMSON, R (ed) (1990), The Social Archaeology of Houses, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.


SANCHEZ, JE (1992), Geografía Política, Ed. Síntesis, Madrid.



Archaeological Records.


BATE, LF (1993), Del registro estático al pasado dinámico: entre un salto mortal y un milagro dialéctico, Arqueología Espacial, 18: 1-21.


BINFORD, LR (1981), “Behavioral archaeology and the Pompeii premise", Journal of Anthropological Research, 37:3: 195-208


CARANDINI, A (1997), Historias en la Tierra. Manual de excavación arqueológica. Crítica, Barcelona..


HARRIS, EC (1991), Principios de estratigrafía arquológica. Crítica, Barcelona.


ROSKAMS, S. (2001), Excavation, Press Syndicate of the Univeristy Press (Teoría y Práctica de la excavación, Crítica, Barcelona, 2003).


WHEELER, M. (1956), Archaeology from the Earth (Arqueología de Campo, FCE, México, 1961).




Spatial Analysis" in Archaeology


CLARKE, DL (ed) (1977), Spatial archaeology, Academic Press, Londres.


CONOLLY, J; LAKE, M (2009), Sistemas de Información Geográfica aplicados a la Arqueología, Bellaterra, Barcelona “Arqueología”.


HIETALA, H (ed) (1984): Intrasite Spatial Archaeology. Cambridge Univ. Press.


HODDER, I; ORTON, C (1990), Análisis espacial en arqueología. Crítica, Barcelona.


KINTIGH, KW; AMMERMAN, A (1982): "Heuristic Approaches to spatial analysis in archaeology". American Antiquity, 47, 1: 31-63.


WHALLON, R (1973), "Spatial analysis of ocupation floors I: application of dimensional analysis of variance". American Antiquity, 38,3: 266-278.


WHALLON, R (1974), "Spatial analysis of ocupation floors II: the aplication of nearest neighbor analysis". American Antiquity, 39,1: 16-34.


WÜNSCH, G. (1989), "La organización interna de los asentamientos de comunidades cazadoras-recolectoras". Trabajos de Prehistoria, 46: 13-33.






Printed Bibliography


AADD (1995), Leer el documento construido = Informes de la Construcción (Madrid), 46, n. 435, enero-febrero.


Brogiolo, P. (1988), Archeologia de l’edilizia storica, Como.


Caballero, L. ; Fernández Mier, M. (1997), “Análisis arqueológico de construcciones históricas en España. Estado de la cuestión”, Arqueología de la Arquitectura (Vitoria),2, 147-158.


Doglioni, F. (1997), Stratigrafia e restuaro. Tra conoscenza e conservazione dell’architettura, Trieste.


Francovich, R., Parenti, R. (ed.) (1988), Archeologia e Restauro dei monumenti. I° ciclo di lezioni sulla ricerca applicata in archeologia. Certosa di Pontignano (Siena), 28 settembre-10 ottobre 1987, Firenze.


Journot, F. (1999), “Archéologie du Bâti”, La construction en pierre, Paris, 133-163.


López Mullor, A. (2002), “Veinte años después”, Arqueología de la Arquitectura (Vitoria), 1, 2002, 159-174.


López Mullor, A.; Estany, I.; Lacuesta, R. [coords.] (2005), Castell de Castelldefels. Arqueologia, història, art, Monografies, 7, Diputació de Barcelona, Servei de Patrimoni Arquitectònic Local, Barcelona.


Magalhaes Ramalho, M. M. B. (1996), “A archeologia na intervençao dos edificios históricos ou a Arqueologia da arquitectura”, Al-Madan (Setúbal), 5, 50-56


Maldonado, L., Vela, F. (1998), De Arquitectura y Arqueología, Ed. Munilla-Lería, Madrid.


Paron-Kontis, I. ; Reveyron, N. (2005), Archeólogie du bâti, Archéologie Aujourd’hui, Errance, Paris.


Quirós, J. A. (2006), “Arqueología de la Arquitectura. Objetivos y propuestas para la conservación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico”, arqueologiamedieval.com.


Sánchez Zufiaurre, L. (2007), Técnicas constructivas medievales. Nuevos documentos arqueológicos para el estudio de la Alta Edad Media en Álava, EKOB, Colección de Patrimonio Cultural Vasco, 2, Gobierno Vasco, Departamento de Cultura,Vitoria-Gasteiz.


Tabales, M.A. (1998), Arqueología en edificios históricos de Sevilla. Una propuesta de intervención, Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Universidad de Sevilla, 2 vols., tesi doctoral inèdita.



Digital Resources 


Arqueología de la Arquitecturahttp://arqarqt.revistas.csic.es/index.php/arqarqt


Arqueología aplicada al estudio e interpretación de edificios históricos, actes de les jornades celebrades l’octubre de 2009 a l’Insituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España (Ministerio de Cultura):





Biblioteca arqueològica on-line. Universitat de Siena: http://www.bibar.unisi.it


Archeólogie du bâti :



Asociación Española de Arqueología Medieval: http://www.aeam.es/inicio.htm


Associació Catalana per a la Recerca en Arqueologia Medieval:



Bibliografia Arqueología Medieval http://www.biblioarqueologia.com


Derieux. D. L’archéologie du bâti en Europe , comparaison entre la France et la Suisse:



Grupo de Investigación Arqueología de la Arquitectura: http://www.ehu.es/arqueologiadelaarquitectura


Institut de Patrimoni Cultural. Universitat de Girona:



Publicacions del Servei de Patrimoni Arquitectònic Local. Diputació de Barcelona: http://www.diba.es/spal/publicacions