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Estàndards en Salut Digital i Interoperabilitat

Codi: 44020 Crèdits: 6
Titulació Tipus Curs Semestre
4316624 Internet dels Objectes per a Salut Digital / Internet of Things for e-Health OB 0 1

Professor/a de contacte

Miguel Hernández Cabronero
Correu electrònic:

Utilització d'idiomes a l'assignatura

Llengua vehicular majoritària:
anglès (eng)

Altres indicacions sobre les llengües

English-only course

Equip docent

Carlos Borrego Iglesias


There are no formal prerequisites.


The goal of this course is to provide an introduction to standards and protocols in the context of Internet of Things and E-Health (IoT-eH).


Successful students will learn about the advantages of standards and become acquainted with some of the most important communication formats and protocols for privacy, secury and safety. They will be able to conduct autonomous, rigorous literature research to identify and analyze new standards. Furthermore, they will be able to report, present and defend the results of that analysis in different situations.


As a result, successful students will aquire the skills required to make informed decisions regarding the use of standards in the infrastructure of IoT-eH systems in professional environments.


  • Aplicar el funcionament i organització d’internet, les tecnologies i protocols de comunicacions i de xarxes de nova generació a l’àmbit de la salut i la sanitat.
  • Aplicar la normativa i regulació local, autonòmica, nacional i internacional a l’àmbit de l’internet de les coses en salut.
  • Aplicar les eines bàsiques d’investigació a l’àmbit de l’internet de les coses en salut.
  • Aplicar les regles ètiques aplicables al sector de la salut.
  • Identificar els procediments assistencials del sistema sanitari i els factors per a la seva transformació digital cap a un model més eficient per a professionals i pacients.
  • Que els estudiants sàpiguen aplicar els coneixements adquirits i la seva capacitat de resolució de problemes en entorns nous o poc coneguts dins de contextos més amplis (o multidisciplinaris) relacionats amb la seva àrea d'estudi.
  • Que els estudiants sàpiguen comunicar les seves conclusions, així com els coneixements i les raons últimes que les fonamenten, a públics especialitzats i no especialitzats d'una manera clara i sense ambigüitats.

Resultats d'aprenentatge

  1. Analitzar i avaluar els requisits de les tecnologies i dels protocols de comunicacions.
  2. Aplicar la normativa i regulació local, autonòmica, nacional i internacional a l’àmbit de l’internet de les coses en salut.
  3. Aplicar les eines bàsiques d’investigació a l’àmbit de l’internet de les coses en salut.
  4. Comprendre els procediments assistencials protocolaritzats mitjançant procediments estàndard del sistema sanitari i de salut.
  5. Comprendre els processos d'estandardització i de certificació de productes.
  6. Identificar els estàndards que permeten accelerar la transformació digital cap a un model de relació més eficient per a professionals i pacients.
  7. Que els estudiants sàpiguen aplicar els coneixements adquirits i la seva capacitat de resolució de problemes en entorns nous o poc coneguts dins de contextos més amplis (o multidisciplinaris) relacionats amb la seva àrea d'estudi.
  8. Que els estudiants sàpiguen comunicar les seves conclusions, així com els coneixements i les raons últimes que les fonamenten, a públics especialitzats i no especialitzats d'una manera clara i sense ambigüitats.
  9. Utilitzar els comitès d'ètica corresponents del sector sanitari per a l'aprovació d'estudis, procediments i desenvolupaments.


  1. Emerging Trends in Electronic Health Care

  2. E-health Standards Institutions

  3. HL7: Electronic Health Information Systems

  4. DICOM: Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine

  5. Communication standards: JPEG

  6. Communication standards: JPEG-LS

  7. Communication standards: JPEG2000

  8. Digital Video Compression Standards

  9. Communications standards: H.264

  10. Standards for Privacy, Security and Safety

  11. Building blocks for Information Security

  12. Communication systems for IoT

  13. Wireless networks

  14. Opportunistic Networking



The methodology of this course is designed to expose the students to some of the most important concepts in the area of IoT-eH.


Different learning formats will be used in the presential lectures, including:

  • Analysis of the literature

  • Discussion of practical cases

  • Presentation and defense of decissions related to standards in IoT


Autonomous student work will be required before each session, including independent literature research and preparation of written submissions and oral presentations. Active participation in class will be required for all formats to enhance learning outcomes for all course participants. Positive interactions and contributions in class will be rewarded in the final course grades.

Activitats formatives

Títol Hores ECTS Resultats d'aprenentatge
Tipus: Dirigides      
Presential sessions 30 1,2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Tipus: Supervisades      
Presential supervised sessions 15 0,6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Tipus: Autònomes      
Homework: resolution of exercises, reading of journal papers or technical reports, preparation of sessions 35 1,4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Preparation of oral assignments 25 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Preparation of written assignments 25 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Study for synthesis test 15 0,6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


Final course marks will be based on each student portfolio, and computed as follows:


  • Active preparation and participation in sessions: 2 points.

    Students must be able to provide evidence of participation in presential lectures, e.g., by sharing aquired knowledge and participating in group discussions. Failure to provide such evidence (e.g., by not engaging in lecture activities) will result in a 0% score in this part and automatic failure of the course. A minimum of 50% in this part will be required to pass the course.


  • Assignments: 6 points.

    Students will be given written and oral assignments that must be submitted/delivered before specific deadlines that will be made public in class. Scoring of this partwill be as follows:

    • Written documents: 3 points

    • Oral presentations: 3 points.

    Failure to submit/deliver them will result in a 0% score in this part and automatic failure of the course. A minimum of 2 points is required for the written and for the oral parts separately. Correct usage of the English language is mandatory for both parts.


  • Synthesis written test: 2 points.

    A final synthesis test will be given based on the contents discussed during the course sessions. A minimum score of 50% in this part is required to pass the course.


The minimum score for each part must be met in order to pass the course. Otherwise, a final score of 3 out of 10 will be assigned.


Notwithstanding other disciplinary measures deemed appropriate, and in accordance with the academic regulations in force, assessment activities will receive a zero whenever a student commits academic irregularities that may alter such assessment. Assessment activities graded in this way and by this procedure will not be re-assessable. If passing the assessment activity or activities in question is required to pass the subject, the awarding of a zero for disciplinary measures will also entail a direct fail for the subject, with no opportunity to re-assess this in the same academic year. Irregularities contemplated in this procedure include, among others:


  • the total or partial copying of a practical exercise, report, or any other evaluation activity;

  • allowing others to copy;

  • presenting group work that has not been done entirely by the members of the group, if applicable

  • presenting any materials prepared by a third party as one’s own work, even if these materials are translations or adaptations, including work that is not original or exclusively that of the student;

  • having communication devices (such as mobile phones, smart watches, etc.) accessible during theoretical-practical assessment tests (individual exams), when prohibited


An overall grade of 5 or higher is required to pass the subject. A "non-assessable" grade cannot be assigned to students who have participated in any of the individual partial tests or the final exam. No special treatment will be given to students who have completed the course in previous academic years. The grade in the Transcript of Records (ToR) will be the lowest value between 3.0 and the weighted average grade, in the event of irregularities having been committed for any assessment activity (and therefore re-assessment will not be possible).


It is important to bear in mind that no assessment activities will be permitted for any student at a different date or time to that established, unless for justified causes duly advised before the activity and with the lecturer’s previous consent. In all other cases, if an activity has not been carried out, this cannot be re-assessed.


To consult the academic regulations approved by the Governing Council of the UAB, please follow this link: http://webs2002.uab.es/afers_academics/info_ac/0041.htm

Activitats d'avaluació

Títol Pes Hores ECTS Resultats d'aprenentatge
Oral presentations 30% 1 0,04 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Participation in class: preparation, contributions and discussion 20% 2 0,08 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Synthesis test 20% 1 0,04 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Writen deliverables 30% 1 0,04 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9


  1. Robert S. H. Istepanian and Swamy Laxminarayan and Constantinis S. Pattichis (2006). M-health: Emerging Mobile Health Systems, Springer Publisher. ISBN 978-0-387-26558-2.
  2. David A. Clunie (2000). DICOM Structured Reporting. ISBN 097-0-13690-0
  3. Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas (1991). Elements of Information Theory, John Wiley & Sons, Inc Mark Nelson (1991). The Data Compression Book, Prentice Hall.
  4. David S. Taubman and Michael W. Marcellin (2002). JPEG 2000, Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISBN 0-7923-7519-X.
  5. David Salomon (2006, 4th Edition). Data Compression: The Complete Reference (Hardcover), Springer. ISBN 1-84628-602-5.
  6. David Salomon, Giovanni Motta (2010, 5th Edition). Handbook of Data Compression (Hardcover), Springer. ISBN 978-1-84882-902-2.
  7. Khalid Sayood (2012, 4th Edition). Introduction to Data Compression (Hardcover), Morgan Kaufmann. ISBN 978-0-12-415796-5.
  8. Höller, Jan, David Boyle, Stamatis Karnouskos, Stefan Avesand, Catherine Mulligan, and Vlasios Tsiatsis. From machine-to-machine to the internet of things. Cambridge: Academic Press, 2014.
  9. Denko MK, editor. Mobile Opportunistic Networks: Architectures, Protocols and Applications. CRC Press; 2016 Apr 19.
  10. Pahlavan K, Krishnamurthy P. Principles of wireless networks: A unified approach. Prentice Hall PTR; 2011 Aug 30.